Photo of Colin I am a researcher at Apple where I work on applied machine learning research to improve the accessibility of Apple devices. My primary focus over the past few years has been on understanding the needs of individuals with speech or motor-speech disabilities and developing new ML systems that improve their ability to interact with technology. Most recently I led development on Vocal Shortcuts for iOS18, which is an always-on personalized speech recognition system designed for people with dysarthria or other speech disabilities. In the past, I led development of Sound Actions, an iOS15 feature that enables you to use nonverbal sounds like "pop" or "click" to interact with an iPhone or iPad (video), and contributed to various efforts including Siri Pause Time, to improve speech recognition for people with speech differences and Double Tap on Apple Watch. These days my work tends to be a mix of time-series ML, data collection/curation, and HCI.

From 2017 through 2019 I worked at Facebook Reality Labs on multimodal avatar animation and multimodal fusion for VR-based telepresence using audio, video, and other sensors as input. See this page for a cool look at the group's work on photorealistic modeling of virtual humans. A more product-oriented version of this work went into Oculus Lipsync.

In late 2016, I defended my PhD in Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University where I developed multimodal models for fine-grained action segmentation with my primary advisor Greg Hager and co-advisors Rene Vidal and Austin Reiter. The lasting impact was on the introduction of Temporal Convolutional Networks as a de-facto approach for time-series detection and segmentation problems. Much of this work was on finding solutions for applications in surgical robotics, ICU/healthcare monitoring, industrial manufacturing, and beyond.

During undergrad, I worked on various robotics projects on unmanned ground vehicles and haptics and led our robotics club at Univerity at Buffalo.



Hypernetworks for Personalizing ASR to Atypical Speech
Max Müller-Eberstein*, Dianna Yee*, Karren Yang, Gautam Varma Mantena, Colin Lea
Accepted to TACL 2024

Community-Supported Shared Infrastructure in Support of Speech Accessibility
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson et. al
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 2024

Latent Phrase Matching for Dysarthric Speech
Colin Lea*, Dianna Yee*, Jaya Narain, Zifang Huang, Lauren Tooley, Jeffrey P. Bigham, Leah Findlater
Interspeech 2023

From User Perceptions to Technical Improvement: Enabling People Who Stutter to Better Use Speech Recognition
Colin Lea, Zifang Huang, Jaya Narain, Lauren Tooley, Dianna Yee, Tien Dung Tran, Panayiotis Georgiou, Jeffrey P. Bigham, Leah Findlater
CHI 2023

Nonverbal Sound Detection for Disordered Speech
Colin Lea, Zifang Huang, Dhruv Jain, Lauren Tooley, Zeinab Liaghat, Shrinath Thelapurath, Leah Findlater, Jeffrey P. Bigham
ICASSP 2022 [Video1][Video2]

Analysis and Tuning of a Voice Assistant System for Dysfluent Speech
Vikramjit Mitra*, Zifang Huang*, Colin Lea, Lauren Tooley, Sarah Wu, Darren Botten, Ashwini Palekar, Shrinath Thelapurath, Panayiotis Georgiou, Sachin Kajarekar, Jefferey Bigham
Interspeech 2021

SEP-28k: A Dataset for Stuttering Event Detection From Podcasts with People Who Stutter
Colin Lea*, Vikram Mitra*, Aparna Joshi, Sachin Kajarekar, Jeffrey Bigham
ICASSP 2021 [Dataset]

Facebook Reality Labs

Codec avatar face Audio- and Gaze-driven Facial Animation of Codec Avatars [Video]
Alex Richard*, Colin Lea*, Shugao Ma, Juergen Gall, Fernando de la Torre, Yaser Sheikh
arxiv 2020

Deep Learning Architecture Tech Note: Enhancing Oculus Lipsync with Deep Learning
Sam Johnson*, Colin Lea*, and Ronit Kassis
Oculus Developers Blog 2018

Action Segmentation Papers

TCN Architecture Temporal Convolutional Networks for Action Segmentation and Detection
Colin Lea, Michael Flynn, Rene Vidal, Austin Reiter, Greg Hager
CVPR 2017 [code]

An abbreviated version was presented at the BNMW Workshop at ECCV 2016

Image from 50 Salads dataset with spatiotemporal overlay Segmental Spatiotemporal CNNs for Fine-grained Action Segmentation
Colin Lea, Austin Reiter, Rene Vidal, Greg Hager
ECCV 2016

Suturing images with virtual sensor overlays Sensor Substitution for Video-based Action Recognition
Christian Rupprecht*, Colin Lea*, Federico Tombari, Nassir Navab, Greg Hager
IROS 2016

Suturing and Salads with overlay of features and action timelines Learning Convolutional Action Primitives for Fine-grained Action Recognition
Colin Lea, Rene Vidal, Greg Hager
ICRA 2016

Surgical Data Modeling, Healthcare, & Related Applications

Grid of images with steps from surigical procedure. Surgical Phase Recognition: from Instrumented ORs to Hospitals Around the World
Colin Lea, Joon Hyuck Choi, Austin Reiter, Greg Hager
MICCAI 2016: M2CAI Workshop
*Best Workshop Paper Award*

Timeline of action events Recognizing Surgical Activities with Recurrent Neural Networks
Robert DiPietro, Colin Lea, Anand Malpani, Narges Ahmidi, S. Swaroop Vedula, Gyusung I. Lee, Mija R. Lee, and Gregory D. Hager
Connectomics image with colorized neurons from segmentation map overlayed SANTIAGO: Spine Association for Neuron Topology Improvement and Graph Optimization
William Gray Roncal, Colin Lea, Akira Baruah, Greg Hager
arXiv 2016
System Events: Readily Accessible Features for Surgical Phase Detection
Anand Malpani, Colin Lea, Grace Chen, Greg Hager
IPCAI 2016

Timeline of system events from one procedure An Improved Model for Segmentation and Recognition of Fine Grained Activities with Application to Surgical Training Tasks
Colin Lea, Greg Hager, Rene Vidal
WACV 2015

Knot tying surgical task with overlay of object location model. Transition State Clustering: Unsupervised Surgical Trajectory Segmentation For Robot Learning
Sanjay Krishnan, Animesh Garg, Sachin Patil, Colin Lea, Greg Hager, Pieter Abbeel, Ken Goldberg
ISRR 2015

Model Architecture 3D Sensing Algorithms Towards Building an Intelligent Intensive Care Unit
Colin Lea, James Fackler, Greg Hager, Russell Taylor and Suchi Saria
AMIA Clinical Research Informatics 2013

Overview of steps from sensing algorithm Towards Automated Activity Recognition in an Intensive Care Unit
Colin Lea, James Fackler, Greg Hager and Russell Taylor
MICCAI 2012: Workshop on Modeling and Monitoring of Computer Assisted Interventions (M2CAI)


A robot arm in a factory A Framework for End-User Instruction of a Robot Assistant for Manufacturing
Kelleher Guerin, Colin Lea, Chris Paxton, Greg Hager
ICRA 2015
Video CoSTAR: Collaborative System for Task Automation and Recognition

Robot with vision sensors in a mine Comparative evaluation of range sensing technologies for underground void modeling
Uland Wong, Aaron Morris, Colin Lea, James Lee, Chuck Whittaker, Ben Garney, and Red Whittaker
IROS 2011
Poster CMU Summer Scholars presentation

Journal Club Presentations

Summer 2014

Hidden Part Models for Human Action Recognition: Probabilistic vs. Max-Margin.
Y Wang, G Mori. PAMI 2011.

From Stochastic Grammar to Bayes Network: Probabilistic Parsing of Complex Activity.
N Vo, A Bobick. CVPR 2014.

Hidden Semi-Markov Models
K Murphy. 2002.

Spring 2013

Mining Actonlet Ensemble for Acton Recogniton with Depth Cameras.
J Wang, Z Liu, Y Wu, J Yuan. CVPR 2012.

Nonparametric Discovery of Activity Patterns from Video Collections.
M Hughes, E Sudderth. CVPR 2012.

Learning Human Actvites and Object Affordances from RGB-D Videos.
H Koppula, R Gupta, A Saxena. IJRR 2013.

Hallucinating Humans as the Hidden Context for Labeling 3D Scenes.
Y Jian, H Koppula, A Saxena. CVPR 2013.

Fall 2012

A User-Centered and Workflow-Aware Unified Display for the Operating Room.
R Stauder, V Belagiannis, L Schwarz, A Bigdelou, E Sohngen, S Ilic, N Navav. MICCAI: M2CAI Workshop 2012.

Spring 2012

Real-time Identification and Localization of Body Parts from Depth Images.
C Plagemann, V Ganapathi, D Koller, S Thrun. ICRA 2010.

Undergraduate Projects

Images from the robot course with semantic segmentation outlines beneath Efficient Hierarchical Markov Random Fields for Object Detection on a Mobile Robot (2011)
Colin Lea and Jason Corso

Object recognition pipeline RGBD-based Object Recognition and Pose Estimation
IROS Solutions In Perception Challenge 2011
Colin Lea, Kevin Yam, Dan Molik, Lai Lee, Julian Ryde, Nick Hillier, Jason Corso
Challenge Poster
Senior Design Project Report

Our robot entry in a field Big Blue: An Entry into the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition [2011] [2010] [2009]
UB Robotics Club
Poster UB Undergraduate Research Symposium

GUI used for haptic experiments Haptics-Augmented User Interaction (Spring 2010)
Colin Lea, Venkat Krovi
University at Buffalo Celebration of Academic Excellence
H3D Tutorials

GUI showing robot localization Teleoperation and Interaction With a Mobile Robot (Winter 2009)
Colin Lea and Venkat Krovi

Looking for older projects? Go here.