The 100 most frequent words in each paper are listed below each entry. Color is based on an LDA topic model with k = 7.
Toggle the topics below to sort by (rough) category:
(0) dictionary learning (1) camera/geometric models (2) optimization
(3) object detection (4) activity recognition (5) photometry
(6) scene understanding/human poses
Notes: For a clustering of only the activity recognition papers go here.
For an overview of activity recognition at CVPR13 see my blog post
(0) dictionary learning (1) camera/geometric models (2) optimization
(3) object detection (4) activity recognition (5) photometry
(6) scene understanding/human poses
Notes: For a clustering of only the activity recognition papers go here.
For an overview of activity recognition at CVPR13 see my blog post
Efficient Color Boundary Detection with Color-Opponent Mechanisms
Kaifu Yang, Shaobing Gao, Chaoyi Li, Yongjie Li
Keywords: boundary detection, natural image, color opponent, biological mechanism, visual system
Kaifu Yang, Shaobing Gao, Chaoyi Li, Yongjie Li
Keywords: boundary detection, natural image, color opponent, biological mechanism, visual system

[method, china, table] [system, vision, computer, computed, martin, equation, opposite] [boundary, computational, contour, proposed, edge, optimal, primary, based, lgn, field, segmentation, order, chromatic, higher, respond, three] [color, detection, visual, opponent, performance, achromatic, receptive, local, detect, oriented, object, layer, cortex, biologically, framework, luminance, texture, perception, response, geniculate, detector, ganglion] [multiple, ability, complex, role, presented, individual, channel, plausible] [figure, natural, image, cone, journal, gaussian, brightness, map, orientation, processing, spatially] [model, human, set, work, type, specific, max, training, vertical, left]
Event Retrieval in Large Video Collections with Circulant Temporal Encoding
Jrme Revaud, Matthijs Douze, Cordelia Schmid, Herv Jgou
Keywords: large-scale, video retrieval, event retrieval
Jrme Revaud, Matthijs Douze, Cordelia Schmid, Herv Jgou
Keywords: large-scale, video retrieval, event retrieval

[database, query, retrieval, vector, table, large, product, web, method, memory, domain, similarity, quantization, applied, comparison, encoding, pca, representation, metric, compressed, mapped] [paper, alignment, requires, compute, small, length, averaging, case, compression] [search, number, complexity, proposed] [detection, descriptor, dataset, matching, performance, approach, average, compare, well, partial, hough, visual, size] [video, event, temporal, frame, cte, mmv, copy, complex, evve, time, recvid, circulant, evaluation, concert, performed, state, sequence, william, ndcr, wedding, described, kate, presented, distractors] [fourier, image, frequency, technique, regularization, single, figure, inverse, assumption, shift] [set, task, description, independent]
Prostate Segmentation in CT Images via Spatial-Constrained Transductive Lasso
Yinghuan Shi, Shu Liao, Yaozong Gao, Daoqiang Zhang, Yang Gao, Dinggang Shen
Yinghuan Shi, Shu Liao, Yaozong Gao, Daoqiang Zhang, Yang Gao, Dinggang Shen

[method, testing, large, fusion, better, vector, learning, block, denoted, listed, national, china] [estimation, aligned, solution, small, ith] [segmentation, proposed, current, dice, based, label, three, term, median, optimization, segmented, include, weight, cancer, step, problem, denote, program] [feature, selection, local, ratio, size, dataset, guided, framework, best, transductive] [likelihood, roi, motion, individual, extracted, extract, experimental] [prostate, treatment, image, voxels, planning, previous, patient, manual, scoto, slice, corresponding, lasso, figure, map, physician, voxel, tpf, result, prostatelikelihood, calculated, respective, noteworthy] [training, typical, set, novel, selected, predicted, work, predict]
Analyzing Semantic Segmentation Using Hybrid Human-Machine CRFs
Roozbeh Mottaghi, Sanja Fidler, Jian Yao, Raquel Urtasun, Devi Parikh
Roozbeh Mottaghi, Sanja Fidler, Jian Yao, Raquel Urtasun, Devi Parikh

[msrc, binary, large, analyze] [shape, small, water, hybrid] [segmentation, segment, crf, label, random, truth, variable, crfs, labeling, pairwise] [object, performance, detection, dataset, average, contextual, bounding, improve, complementary, boat, well, interested, car, box, improving, local, candidate, improvement] [recognition, performed, analysis, identify, recognize] [image, figure, ground, corresponding, note] [human, scene, machine, potential, model, class, semantic, accuracy, holistic, understanding, category, training, provide, unaries, unary, making, boost, joint, set, textonboost, task, hierarchical, generated, bird, jointly, work, relative, grass, resultant, variety]
Unsupervised Joint Object Discovery and Segmentation in Internet Images
Michael Rubinstein, Armand Joulin, Johannes Kopf, Ce Liu
Michael Rubinstein, Armand Joulin, Johannes Kopf, Ce Liu

[datasets, method, comparison, neighbor, msrc, table, labeled, similarity, large, standard, gist, source, nearest, weighted, face, binary, original, better, good] [common, small, dense, equation, estimate] [foreground, algorithm, saliency, segmentation, background, based, cosegmentation, horse, wij, term, salient, three, jaccard, contrast, global, search, pair, segment, proposed, segmenting] [object, internet, dataset, visual, car, matching, precision, sift, color, well, airplane, icoseg, joulin, kim, unsupervised, downloaded, performance, improvement] [multiple, performed, interest, evaluation] [image, figure, pixel, noise, previous, supplementary, row, user, function, assumption] [discovery, discover, work, model, set, jointly]
Occlusion Patterns for Object Class Detection
Bojan Pepikj, Michael Stark, Peter Gehler, Bernt Schiele
Keywords: object detection, occlusion, DPM
Bojan Pepikj, Michael Stark, Peter Gehler, Bernt Schiele
Keywords: object detection, occlusion, DPM

[data, loss, outperforms, standard] [case, consider, common, observe] [based, problem, form, number, pairwise, three, proposed] [occlusion, object, detection, dpm, pattern, occluded, bounding, occluder, root, dataset, detector, recall, performance, partial, precision, box, car, annotation, occludee, baseline, challenging, well, deformable, visual, explicit, detecting, distinctive, notion, approach, evaluate, occluders] [evaluation, recognition, people, multiple, individual] [kitti, single, figure, mixture, corresponding, image, note, occluding] [class, model, level, training, joint, set, latent, modelling, evidence, scene, appearance, human, pose, full, trained, max, structured, hierarchical]
Template-Based Isometric Deformable 3D Reconstruction with Sampling-Based Focal Length Self-Calibration
Adrien Bartoli, Toby Collins
Adrien Bartoli, Toby Collins

[method, nonlinear, matrix, existing, data, embedding, large] [focal, length, equation, camera, solution, general, isometric, template, projection, error, def, paper, shape, perspective, variational, simulated, real, constraint, deformation, computer, observe, solve, cap, warp, unknown, accurate, reprojection, pde, international, monocular, reconstructed, solving, differential, computes, registration, calibration, intrinsics, imaging, system, written] [three, algorithm, proposed, heuristic, problem, solved, groundtruth, step, second, increasing] [deformable, local, scale, framework, maximum, average, positive, propose, keypoint, true, ratio] [static, experimental] [surface, reconstruction, normal, function, depth, image, estimated, input, figure, single, journal, free, visible, extremely] [level, model, set]
CLAM: Coupled Localization and Mapping with Efficient Outlier Handling
Jonathan Balzer, Stefano Soatto
Jonathan Balzer, Stefano Soatto

[method, data, minimizing, coupled, test, linear, distance, comparison] [system, point, small, robust, camera, ptam, mapping, correspondence, sfm, error, outlier, dense, synthetic, geometry, bundle, residual, parallel, reprojection, numerical, real, initial, live, estimation, adjustment] [based, combinatorial, optimization, global, second, number, neighborhood, simple, initialization, computational, algorithm] [localization, object, feature, approach, performance, local, matching, well, remains, visual, best, pattern, contribution, dataset] [motion, time, tracking, tracked, video, track, frame, recognition, forward] [image, reconstruction, map, figure, surface, photometric, simpler, support] [model, structure, set, relative, pose, scene, provide, help, building]
Discriminative Brain Effective Connectivity Analysis for Alzheimer's Disease: A Kernel Learning Approach upon Sparse Gaussian Bayesian Network
Luping Zhou, Lei Wang, Lingqiao Liu, Philip Ogunbona, Dinggang Shen
Keywords: Discriminative learning, sparse Bayesian Network, Brain connectivity analysis, Alzheimer's Disease
Luping Zhou, Lei Wang, Lingqiao Liu, Philip Ogunbona, Dinggang Shen
Keywords: Discriminative learning, sparse Bayesian Network, Brain connectivity analysis, Alzheimer's Disease

[discriminative, fisher, learning, data, sgbn, kernel, svm, mri, test, effective, table, method, mci, bayesian, vector, matrix, learned, sample, learn, lobe, sparse, occipital, better, min, compared, simultaneously, process, comparison] [brain, power, squared, parent] [network, connectivity, node, proposed, bias, matter, three, graph, dag, connection, optimization, simple, edge, conventional, column, directed] [approach, feature, gray, improve, well, improvement] [analysis, pet, temporal, roi, morphology] [gaussian, function, corresponding, additional, row] [generative, model, class, training, structure, prediction, pij, study, accuracy, set, parameter, distribution, selected]
A Minimum Error Vanishing Point Detection Approach for Uncalibrated Monocular Images of Man-Made Environments
Yiliang Xu, Sangmin Oh, Anthony Hoogs
Yiliang Xu, Sangmin Oh, Anthony Hoogs

[cluster, existing, matrix, uncertainty, weighting, outperforms, compared, method, distance] [error, vanishing, point, vps, estimation, hypothesized, manhattan, horizon, camera, covariance, trace, parallel, minimal, measurement, solution, yud, york, accurate, monocular, length, computed, approximation, outlier, eurasian, ecd, focal, assuming, compute, small, degree, ransac, endpoint, derive] [segment, consistency, algorithm, measure, pair, problem, extraction, optimal, illustrated, number, satisfy, probabilistic, based, formulation, sorted, truth] [detection, approach, maximum, dataset, propose, true] [impact, indicates, likelihood] [image, minimum, figure, corresponding, gaussian, horizontal, uncalibrated, intrinsic] [set, novel, urban, work, geometric, model, correlation, scene]
Designing Category-Level Attributes for Discriminative Visual Recognition
Felix X. Yu, Liangliang Cao, Rogerio S. Feris, John R. Smith, Shih-Fu Chang
Keywords: attribute, object recognition, attribute design, discriminative attribute, automatic attribute design, cross-category knowledge transfer, zero-shot learning
Felix X. Yu, Liangliang Cao, Rogerio S. Feris, John R. Smith, Shih-Fu Chang
Keywords: attribute, object recognition, attribute design, discriminative attribute, automatic attribute design, cross-category knowledge transfer, zero-shot learning

[matrix, discriminative, learning, distance, table, similarity, linear, svm, method, binary, representation, retrieval, encoding, demonstrate, learned, awa, report, kernel, test, large, standard, published, better, space] [equation, error, computer, solve, vision] [based, algorithm, random, proximity, proposed, order, technical, number, objective] [visual, design, performance, propose, framework, object, approach, outperform] [recognition, recognizing, automatically, perform] [image, figure, row, separation, manual, additional] [attribute, designed, novel, category, semantic, training, designing, set, manually, human, knowledge, amount, accuracy, task, concise, animal, parameter, discriminating, classemes, building, leveraging, build]
Learning Discriminative Illumination and Filters for Raw Material Classification with Optimal Projections of Bidirectional Texture Functions
Chao Liu, Geifei Yang, Jinwei Gu
Chao Liu, Geifei Yang, Jinwei Gu

[method, discriminative, spectral, learned, linear, sample, database, rotated, vector, table, matrix, learning, compared, distance, dimensionality, better, dictionary] [projection, computer, vision, conference, paper, basis, imaging, incident, rotation, international, directly, deal, wavelength] [optimal, proposed, number, texton] [texture, pattern, scale, performance, feature, approach, color, descriptor, response, rate, visual, compare] [recognition, multiple, analysis, gabor, bidirectional] [illumination, material, brdf, btf, aluminum, stainless, orientation, image, plastic, granite, prior, btfs, light, carpet, figure, change, pixel, surface, captured, coded, led, textured, lighting, wood, journal, single, angular, multispectral] [training, work, set, trained, machine, classify]
Learning and Calibrating Per-Location Classifiers for Visual Place Recognition
Petr Gront, Guillaume Obozinski, Josef Sivic, Tom Pajdla
Keywords: Visual place recognition, classifier calibration
Petr Gront, Guillaume Obozinski, Josef Sivic, Tom Pajdla
Keywords: Visual place recognition, classifier calibration

[svm, query, database, data, large, learning, method, retrieval, cdf, learnt, geotagged, test, vector, linear, retrieved, standard, depict, comparable, google, learn, confuser, geotags, empirical] [calibration, calibrated, perspective, calibrating, calibrate, small, estimate, case] [proposed, number, problem, density, based, form, bias] [negative, score, positive, location, visual, object, approach, logistic, localized, baseline, feature, propose, correct, correctly, hypothesis, subset, false, performance, implementation, procedure] [recognition, target] [image, place, corresponding, function, figure, additional, fact, measured, ground, cast] [training, set, work, probability, typically, distribution, regression, cumulative, building, geometric, output, example, top, task]
Articulated and Restricted Motion Subspaces and Their Signatures
Bastien Jacquet, Roland Angst, Marc Pollefeys
Keywords: Motion subspaces, Factorization, Signature
Bastien Jacquet, Roland Angst, Marc Pollefeys
Keywords: Motion subspaces, Factorization, Signature

[subspace, matrix, linear, method, data, dimensionality, representation] [rotation, restricted, axis, signature, translation, rigid, span, planar, orthogonal, wheel, entirely, point, case, nullspace, vec, sin, contained, sfm, camera, system, blackboard, entry, transformation, spanned, translational, computed, general, rolling, pure, computer, ttf, corresponds, translates, algebraic, translating] [based, three, extraction, rotational, order, column, second, formulation, segmentation] [location, framework, approach, feature, object] [motion, dynamic, extracted, analysis, static, extract, observed, moving, tracked, capture] [note, image, single, recovered] [articulated, relative, type, work, joint, model, structure, example, novel]
Modeling Actions through State Changes
Alireza Fathi, James M. Rehg
Keywords: Action Recognition, State, Object, Smi-Supervised Learning, Egocentric
Alireza Fathi, James M. Rehg
Keywords: Action Recognition, State, Object, Smi-Supervised Learning, Egocentric

[method, svm, linear, test, cluster, vector, learn] [close, initial, water] [based, region, segmentation, order, introduce, consistently, objective, segment, second] [object, final, compare, response, feature, detector, detection] [action, state, activity, coffee, open, frame, recognition, bread, recognizing, spoon, pour, interval, video, fig, cup, represent, daily, jelly, recognize, performed, classifier, cheese, sugar, bag, hand, spread, iien, iist, peanut, changed, scoop, ffe, identifies, motion, sequence, jar, jam] [change, previous, environment, material, corresponding, figure, consistent, apply, result] [set, model, correspond, training, accuracy, appearance, describe, train, instance, build, trained, class]
Human Pose Estimation Using a Joint Pixel-wise and Part-wise Formulation
ubor Ladick, Philip H.S. Torr, Andrew Zisserman
Keywords: Pose Estimation, Pictorial Structures, Conditional Random Fields
ubor Ladick, Philip H.S. Torr, Andrew Zisserman
Keywords: Pose Estimation, Pictorial Structures, Conditional Random Fields

[data, method, standard, table, vector, large] [estimation, solution, intersection, deal] [segmentation, background, energy, label, number, formulation, foreground, inference, bias, algorithm, search, col, second, cost, term, problem] [hog, mask, texture, color, location, best, performance, object, candidate, occluded, root, final, union, response] [person, classifier, people, find, evaluation] [pixel, image, figure, estimated, single] [model, set, body, pose, component, human, labelling, instance, joint, pictorial, buffy, type, top, semantic, layout, parse, xinst, training, lower, articulated, trained, work, torso, class, structure, limb, account, goal]
Cartesian K-Means
Mohammad Norouzi, David J. Fleet
Keywords: quantization, product quantization, nearest neighbor search, approximate nearest neighbor search, euclidean nearest neighbor search, hashing, retrieval, large-scale, codebook, learning, cartesian, bag of words
Mohammad Norouzi, David J. Fleet
Keywords: quantization, product quantization, nearest neighbor search, approximate nearest neighbor search, euclidean nearest neighbor search, hashing, retrieval, large-scale, codebook, learning, cartesian, bag of words

[quantization, learning, data, cluster, encoding, subcenter, distance, itq, ann, hamming, binary, cartesian, asymmetric, quantizer, matrix, product, codebook, vector, aqdck, retrieval, test, optimize, sqdck, nearest, euclidean, database, table, storage, query, method, rdb, reduce, linear, generalization, subcenters, space, denoted, disjoint, minimize, neighbor, large] [orthogonal, rotation, expressed, error, ith, center, squared, initialize, argmin, consider] [number, search, cost, algorithm, objective, random, optimization, sum, term, diagonal, region, approximate, fast, include] [sift, feature, object, approach] [recognition, multiple, symmetric, assignment, perform] [corresponding, input, figure, scaling, natural] [model, set, training]
Weakly-Supervised Dual Clustering for Image Semantic Segmentation
Yang Liu, Jing Liu, Zechao Li, Jinhui Tang, Hanqing Lu
Keywords: Image Semantic Segmentation, Weakly-Supervised
Yang Liu, Jing Liu, Zechao Li, Jinhui Tang, Hanqing Lu
Keywords: Image Semantic Segmentation, Weakly-Supervised

[method, clustering, discriminative, table, msrc, spectral, matrix, datasets, setting, data, learning, supervision, mim, cluster, test, supervised, large, vector, process, orthogonality, element, linear] [constraint, solve, impose] [segmentation, superpixels, label, wsdc, gic, proposed, yij, superpixel, problem, algorithm, term, ilp, dual, optimization, objective, rlsim, iterative, xij, cccp, three, graph, htc, labeling, diagonal] [performance, weak, object, adopt, dataset, best, average, evaluate, comparing, challenging, high, feature, annotation, propose] [multiple, total] [image, function, corresponding, figure, regularization] [semantic, max, set, model, class, labelme, training, accuracy, work, parameter, jointly]
K-Means Hashing: An Affinity-Preserving Quantization Method for Learning Binary Compact Codes
Kaiming He, Fang Wen, Jian Sun
Keywords: hash, binary embedding, nearest neighbor search
Kaiming He, Fang Wen, Jian Sun
Keywords: hash, binary embedding, nearest neighbor search

[distance, hamming, method, hashing, quantization, product, nearest, space, itq, vector, pcah, binary, data, euclidean, denotes, compact, encoding, learning, codewords, equan, update, eaff, codebook, mlh, kmh, lookup, sample, lsh, edist, codeword, minimizing, principal, pca, matrix, hyperplanes, existing, approximates, performs, ann, randomly, outperforms, achieve] [error, orthogonal, approximation, initialize, discussion, computer] [algorithm, approximate, search, number, computation, fast, iterative, problem, partition] [recall, dataset, scale, cell] [quantize, assign] [classical, image, figure, function, notice, ground] [ranking, naive, top, set, training, relation]
Augmenting CRFs with Boltzmann Machine Shape Priors for Image Labeling
Andrew Kae, Kihyuk Sohn, Honglak Lee, Erik Learned-Miller
Keywords: attributes, segmentation, face processing, deep learning
Andrew Kae, Kihyuk Sohn, Honglak Lee, Erik Learned-Miller
Keywords: attributes, segmentation, face processing, deep learning

[face, data, lfw, learn, learning, matrix, labeled, better, good, learned, report, pooling] [shape, projection, virtual, restricted, small] [labeling, crf, superpixel, label, global, segmentation, node, region, edge, inference, superpixels, random, consistency, background, adjacent, number, energy, proposed, maximize, exp, algorithm, truth] [spatial, local, layer, object, color, baseline, deep] [modeling] [hair, image, figure, visible, prior, strong, pixel, note, ground, function, row] [model, gloc, rbm, hidden, set, conditional, training, boltzmann, accuracy, fsl, structure, left, grid, provide, build, generated, crbm, trained, work, rbms, generative, joint, train]
Reconstructing Loopy Curvilinear Structures Using Integer Programming
Engin Tretken, Fethallah Benmansour, Bjoern Andres, Hanspeter Pfister, Pascal Fua
Engin Tretken, Fethallah Benmansour, Bjoern Andres, Hanspeter Pfister, Pascal Fua

[datasets, linear, neural, method, table, sample, effective] [path, solution, vertex, depicted, allow, virtual, appear] [edge, eij, automated, curvilinear, delineation, global, loopy, graph, blood, seed, subgraph, connected, based, tubularity, diadem, measure, optimization, eijk, integer, tracing, branch, cost, incoming, brainbow, objective, vessel, three, xijk, neuronal, formulation, optimal, belong, number, term, connect, programming, cyclic, topology, algorithm, problem, network] [approach, spurious, local, root, earlier, false, color, true, negative] [early, likelihood] [image, reconstruction, result, prior, geodesic, quality, function, minimum, figure] [tree, active, structure, set, aerial, geometric, log, designed, probability]
Reconstructing Gas Flows Using Light-Path Approximation
Yu Ji, Jinwei Ye, Jingyi Yu
Yu Ji, Jinwei Ye, Jingyi Yu

[distance, large, conduct, table] [gas, camera, rif, refractive, path, ray, solution, small, directly, acquire, probe, transparent, system, discretize, real, reconstructed, estimate, shortest, computer, incident, synthetic, lenslet, din, dout, array, schlieren, acquiring, microlens, solve, mpe, acquired, point, position, dense, error, pout, checkerboard, length, reconstructing] [number, based, three, truth] [pattern, approach, color, scale, improve] [volume, optical, dynamic, capture, time, medium] [light, reconstruction, surface, specular, figure, direction, acquisition, green, pixel, recover, reconstruct, ground, image, additional, apply, voxel, viewing, noise, recovering, angular] [set, ape]
Improved Image Set Classification via Joint Sparse Approximated Nearest Subspaces
Shaokang Chen, Conrad Sanderson, Mehrtash T. Harandi, Brian C. Lovell
Keywords: Joint Sparse Representation, Grassmann Manifold, Adaptive Clustering, Multi-model Image Set Matching
Shaokang Chen, Conrad Sanderson, Mehrtash T. Harandi, Brian C. Lovell
Keywords: Joint Sparse Representation, Grassmann Manifold, Adaptive Clustering, Multi-model Image Set Matching

[subspace, nearest, sparse, linear, grassmann, distance, representation, sans, method, manifold, approximated, face, raw, table, sample, dictionary, matrix, mda, gallery, adaptively, query, represented, sak, sapp, data, sanp, construct, comparison, compared, orthonormal, chisd, principal, discriminant, signal, clustering, norm] [point, computer, closest, vision, basis, approximation, error, synthetic] [proposed, based, number, constructed, complexity, three, approximate] [local, performance, pattern, approach, dataset, average, object, ratio, matching] [recognition, analysis, represent, histogram, time, action, total, extract, multiple] [image, illumination, corresponding, reconstruction, reference, hull, single, difference, actual] [set, joint, training, accuracy, top]
Rolling Shutter Camera Calibration
Luc Oth, Paul Furgale, Laurent Kneip, Roland Siegwart
Keywords: rolling shutter camera, calibration, continuous-time estimation
Luc Oth, Paul Furgale, Laurent Kneip, Roland Siegwart
Keywords: rolling shutter camera, calibration, continuous-time estimation

[method, matrix, linear, large, table, datasets, vector, batch] [camera, error, delay, calibration, shutter, rolling, position, covariance, geyer, nominal, estimate, estimation, general, reprojection, perspective, projection, measurement, pnp, vki, requires, solution, distortion, rotation, yik, basis, aik, parametrisation, equation, sfm, computer, knot, conference, constant, small, parallel, intrinsics, chessboard, hardware] [number, proposed, problem, algorithm, term, based, segment, cost, current, continuous] [feature, propose, approach, pattern, high] [motion, time, frame, video, velocity, consecutive, temporal] [image, figure, prior, function, estimated, sensor, direction, interpolation, previous, variance, single, technique] [pose, localisation, model, set, landmark, work, expected, modelling]
Video Object Segmentation through Spatially Accurate and Temporally Dense Extraction of Primary Object Regions
Dong Zhang, Omar Javed, Mubarak Shah
Keywords: Computer Vision, Video Segmentation, Object Segmentation
Dong Zhang, Omar Javed, Mubarak Shah
Keywords: Computer Vision, Video Segmentation, Object Segmentation

[method, similarity, binary, table, source, large, process, outperforms] [shape, path, magnitude, generation] [segmentation, proposal, primary, proposed, based, region, layered, dag, graph, segtrack, node, adjacent, problem, measure, background, expansion, quantitative, objectness, boundary, extraction, optimization, column, weight, print, foreground, number, gatech, order, labeling] [object, dataset, approach, selection, layer, high, average, challenging, framework, built, evaluated, location, overlap, maximum, car] [video, frame, optical, motion, extract, moving, tracking, temporally, forward] [figure, note, row, gradient, function, red, warped, green, pixel, image, prior] [set, appearance, unary, selected, work, model, goal, scoring, generate]
Efficient Maximum Appearance Search for Large-Scale Object Detection
Qiang Chen, Zheng Song, Rogerio Feris, Ankur Datta, Liangliang Cao, Zhongyang Huang, Shuicheng Yan
Qiang Chen, Zheng Song, Rogerio Feris, Ankur Datta, Liangliang Cao, Zhongyang Huang, Shuicheng Yan

[vector, large, fisher, coding, linear, encoding, discriminative, representation, learning, sample, applied, sparse, oxford] [point, template, area, magnitude] [search, number, cost, inference, global, proposed, problem, computation, complexity, order, sum] [object, detection, feature, local, emas, maximum, pointwise, contextual, dpm, pfv, performance, dataset, context, deformable, subwindow, gmms, searching, ilsvrc, scale, propose, size, subarray, approach, spatial, sift, vik, highly, fea, window] [multiple, perform, analysis, total, ensemble, evaluation] [image, result, single, map, function, figure] [model, training, set, appearance, trained, probability, scoring, category, accuracy]
A Joint Model for 2D and 3D Pose Estimation from a Single Image
Edgar Simo-Serra, Ariadna Quattoni, Carme Torras, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
Edgar Simo-Serra, Ariadna Quattoni, Carme Torras, Francesc Moreno-Noguer

[discriminative, space, large, process, sample, table, bayesian, learned, evolutionary, arg, learning, roughly] [estimation, error, jogging, walking, estimate, compression, directly, position, shape, small, monocular, template, allows, rigid] [three, based, truth, initialization, discrete, order, global, inference, number, optimization, problem] [detector, approach, scale, local, detection, dataset, deformable, score] [represent, sequence, tracking, frame] [image, ground, figure, note, corresponding, single, strong, gaussian, function, result, estimated] [pose, model, generative, latent, human, set, body, left, evidence, consists, joint, work, parameter, humaneva, training, distribution, articulated, max, pictorial, trained]
Large Displacement Optical Flow from Nearest Neighbor Fields
Zhuoyuan Chen, Hailin Jin, Zhe Lin, Scott Cohen, Ying Wu
Keywords: Optical Flow, PatchMatch, Randomized Algorithm, Motion Segmentation
Zhuoyuan Chen, Hailin Jin, Zhe Lin, Scott Cohen, Ying Wu
Keywords: Optical Flow, PatchMatch, Randomized Algorithm, Motion Segmentation

[large, nearest, neighbor, similarity, method, fusion, sparse, min, good, standard, traditional, achieve, adaptively] [small, estimation, robust, translation, compute, correspondence, dense, eqn, direct, initial, allow, estimate, error, ransac, directly] [segmentation, algorithm, approximate, middlebury, number, continuous, problem, truth, based, patchmatch, step, choose, fast, proposed, second, third, optimization] [local, framework, matching, pattern, benchmark, high, size, keypoint, well, propose, detection, approach] [motion, optical, dominant, displacement, flow, nnf, reliable, complex] [figure, image, result, input, ground, perturbation, handle, noisy, handling, patch, focus, assumption] [work, set, model, example, top]
Least Soft-Threshold Squares Tracking
Dong Wang, Huchuan Lu, Ming-Hsuan Yang
Keywords: , Object Tracking
Dong Wang, Huchuan Lu, Ming-Hsuan Yang
Keywords: , Object Tracking

[distance, method, vector, min, effective, linear, matrix, ols, sample, good, pca, face, arg, update, sparse, table, equivalent, dictionary, bad, subspace, representation, denotes] [robust, error, laplacian, basis, solution, template, estimate, vision, small] [proposed, based, algorithm, ordinary, iterative, objective, iteration, exp, term, background, denote, problem] [object, tracker, partial, candidate, visual, challenging, ivt, tld, average, occlusion, incremental, mil, scm, propose] [tracking, observation, likelihood, target, tracked, motion, sequence, state, pdf] [noise, figure, gaussian, function, image, change, illumination, note, corresponding, reconstruction] [model, regression, max, generative, joint, set, appearance, log, pose, novel]
Exploring Implicit Image Statistics for Visual Representativeness Modeling
Xiaoshuai Sun, Xin-Jing Wang, Hongxun Yao, Lei Zhang
Xiaoshuai Sun, Xin-Jing Wang, Hongxun Yao, Lei Zhang

[representativeness, prototype, bayesian, ontology, imagenet, customized, test, data, google, similarity, sample, subjective, large, table, unimodality, reasonable, metric, needleseek, compared, query, china, discriminative, element, representation, intermediate] [general, theory, vision, computer, small, paper, directly] [based, proposed, number, measure, search, saliency, statistical, algorithm, problem, three, step] [visual, concept, negative, score, well, dataset, framework, approach, select, positive] [evaluation, dynamic, experimental, relevant, automatically, bow, group, assign] [image, representative, figure, input, including, reference, natural, note, commercial, map] [semantic, model, set, cognitive, log, knowledge, ranking, potential, keywords, discovery, wordnet, human, ontological, item, naive, probability, discover, distribution, mining, build]
Single-Pedestrian Detection Aided by Multi-pedestrian Detection
Wanli Ouyang, Xiaogang Wang
Keywords: Pedestrian Detection, object detection, human detection, part based model, deformable model
Wanli Ouyang, Xiaogang Wang
Keywords: Pedestrian Detection, object detection, human detection, part based model, deformable model

[learned, existing, data, learn, denoted] [unique, paper, computer, small] [number, step, three, proposed, computation, probabilistic, computational] [detection, pedestrian, detector, framework, object, rate, visual, relationship, nearby, eth, score, context, dataset, hog, approach, dpm, window, evaluated, shapelet, root, bounding, size, occluded, positive, multiftr, fpdw, chnftrs, false, contextual, hoglbp, best, average, hiksvm, improvement, location, pls, poseinv, integrating, feature, candidate, aided, performance, aspect, spatial] [multiple, experimental, evaluation] [mixture, image, result, single, figure, map, estimated] [model, training, evidence, left, human]
Robust Real-Time Tracking of Multiple Objects by Volumetric Mass Densities
Horst Possegger, Sabine Sternig, Thomas Mauthner, Peter M. Roth, Horst Bischof
Keywords: Tracking, Multiple Object, Multiple Camera, Occupancy Volume
Horst Possegger, Sabine Sternig, Thomas Mauthner, Peter M. Roth, Horst Bischof
Keywords: Tracking, Multiple Object, Multiple Camera, Occupancy Volume

[table, discriminative, standard, distance, achieve, reported, combination, metric] [common, robust, voronoi, camera, allows, changing] [proposed, foreground, number, based, density, eaf, derived, algorithm, neighborhood, order] [visual, object, local, approach, tracker, color, well, performance, high, evaluated, exploiting, dataset, challenging, false, precision, additionally, computing, correctly] [tracking, occupancy, mass, multiple, people, volume, ksp, particle, apidis, identity, frame, complex, pom, robustly, exploit, individual] [figure, hull, map, assumption, input, corresponding, reconstruction, additional, ground, view, volumetric, handle, single, resolution] [appearance, geometric, scene, set, lower, probability]
Multipath Sparse Coding Using Hierarchical Matching Pursuit
Liefeng Bo, Xiaofeng Ren, Dieter Fox
Keywords: Object Recognition, Sparse Coding, Feature Learning, Deep Learning
Liefeng Bo, Xiaofeng Ren, Dieter Fox
Keywords: Object Recognition, Sparse Coding, Feature Learning, Deep Learning

[sparse, hmp, learning, coding, learned, large, pooling, codebook, test, pursuit, learn, architecture, pooled, multipath, codebooks, raw, mutual, codewords, sparsity, data, incoherence, discriminative, matrix, standard, table, code, ksvd, batch, convolutional, combination, linear, encoding, vector, llc] [orthogonal, small, error, residual, robust] [number, second, proposed, belief, third] [spatial, matching, feature, size, object, layer, deep, local, approach, visual, unsupervised, sampled, collection, dataset, final, best, well, color] [recognition, multiple, capture] [image, patch, varying, reconstruction, figure, note] [hierarchical, training, accuracy, level, scene, max, generate, work]
Computing Diffeomorphic Paths for Large Motion Interpolation
Dohyung Seo, Jeffrey Ho, Baba C. Vemuri
Dohyung Seo, Jeffrey Ho, Baba C. Vemuri

[space, method, metric, vector, bilinear, table, large, original, reported, min, formulated, kernel, domain, comparison, dimensionality, experiment, intermediate] [path, diffeomorphisms, diffeomorphic, computed, deformation, lddmm, sphere, diffeomorphism, quotient, mapping, bending, compute, computer, dancing, registration, seventeenth, hilbert, lifting, lift, numerical, bundle, requires, augmented, consider, interpolating, remark, sobolev, solving, rotation, geometry, jacobian, subgroup, joining, evolution, vision] [problem, denote, proposed, pair, quadratic, truth, optimization, computational, lagrangian] [framework, computing, bounding, computationally] [sequence, motion, key, video, time, woman] [image, geodesic, missing, psnr, map, ground, introduced, smooth, figure, projected, upright, blue, red, fact] [novel, highlighted, unit, geometric]
A Convex Regularize for Reducing Color Artifact in Color Image Recovery
Shunsuke Ono, Isao Yamada
Keywords: Color image recovery, color lines, convex optimization
Shunsuke Ono, Isao Yamada
Keywords: Color image recovery, color lines, convex optimization

[arg] [] [wkh, dqg, froru, iru, lpdjh, duh, zlwk, wkdw, phwkrg, orfdo, lpdjhv, zkhuh, duwlidfw, zklfk, olqh, qrlvh, rshudwru, sursrvhg, lwv, vsolwwlqj, ghqrlvlqj, uhjlrq, qrup, ydoxh, xvlqj, gxdo, fdq, sdjhv, vxfk, vlqjxodu, fdvh, sulpdo, vhw, jlyhq, dssolfdwlrqv, uhvxowv, sureohp, rwkhu, yduldwlrq, hdfk, whvw, erwk, wlrq, vpdoo, uhvwrudwlrq, kdv, sureohpv, qrw, phwkrgv, dojrulwkp, dovr, lqwr, ixqfwlrq, fkdqqho, iku, eorfn, wkhq, ghfrpsrvlwlrq, vrph, wklv, yhfwruldo, derxw, wrwdo, rughu, ydoxhv, frqwdplqdwlrq, whupv, sur, lqsdlqwlqj, wkxv, vkrzq, edvhg, uhgxfwlrq, qxfohdu, yld, xvh, vdow, shsshu, vhfrqgv, iurp, vwdqgdug, uhvxowlqj, hiihfwlyh, uhdo, frpsduhg, remhfwlyh, dssolfdwlrq, kdqg, qdwxudo, rqwr, doo, vsdfh] [] [] [] []
Hallucinated Humans as the Hidden Context for Labeling 3D Scenes
Yun Jiang, Hema Koppula, Ashutosh Saxena
Keywords: scene labeling, hallucinated humans
Yun Jiang, Hema Koppula, Ashutosh Saxena
Keywords: scene labeling, hallucinated humans

[learning, data, learned, learn, space, table, process, method, idea, large, sample] [monitor, point, consider, geometry, close] [labeling, number, algorithm, order, based, three, rgbd] [object, context, sampled, recall, sampling, performance, precision, location, spatial, shared, detection, approach] [modeling, prec, activity] [figure, mixture, micro, prior, single, reasoning, note] [human, top, side, scene, topic, model, affordance, distribution, affordances, pose, attribute, sitting, factored, keyboard, work, goal, macro, hallucinated, zio, chairbase, hidden, iftm, standing, semantic, wall, probability, bed, indoor, set, appearance, dpmm, task, posterior, dirichlet, tab, confuses, height]
MODEC: Multimodal Decomposable Models for Human Pose Estimation
Ben Sapp, Ben Taskar
Ben Sapp, Ben Taskar

[test, linear, multimodal, learning, larger, datasets, learn, arg, distance, data, better] [estimation, equation, consider, curve] [inference, global, number, order, term, step, wij, variable, form, computation, second, increasing] [local, cascade, dataset, correct, object, speed, cascaded, score, allowing, feature, size, performance, selection, detection, best, approach] [modeling, employ, capture, time, explicitly] [figure, image, focus, pixel] [mode, pose, model, human, training, joint, modec, set, structured, body, example, appearance, left, prediction, scoring, pictorial, decomposable, unimodal, submodel, articulated, flic, max, pascal, side, output, structure, jointly, predict, reason, ramanan, accuracy]
Spatiotemporal Deformable Part Models for Action Detection
Yicong Tian, Rahul Sukthankar, Mubarak Shah
Yicong Tian, Rahul Sukthankar, Mubarak Shah

[space, variation, discriminative, large, learning, svm, learned, better, standard, test] [ith, computed, small, template, deformation, determined] [number, background, search, global] [detection, root, deformable, feature, dataset, bounding, localization, dpm, score, object, descriptor, box, positive, overlap, select, achieves, performance, best, detect, approach, cell, dpms, well, evaluate, spatial] [action, sdpm, spatiotemporal, video, volume, recognition, temporal, cycle, ucf, capture, employ, complex, motion, weizmann, time, observed, clip, frame, enable, automatically] [volumetric, pyramid, figure, corresponding, single] [model, training, human, set, level, selected, train, appearance, structure, trained, example]
Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo for Unknown Isotropic Reflectances
Feng Lu, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Imari Sato, Takahiro Okabe, Yoichi Sato
Feng Lu, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Imari Sato, Takahiro Okabe, Yoichi Sato

[method, linear, distance, matrix, similarity, table, euclidean, large, data, binary, svd, original] [computer, vision, unknown, general, error, synthetic, solution, recovery, corresponds, shape, estimating, estimate] [based, proposed, problem, random] [pattern, relationship, average] [recognition, observation, analysis, observed] [surface, intensity, photometric, light, normal, angular, stereo, geodesic, difference, skewness, lighting, ambiguity, isotropic, uncalibrated, figure, lambertian, uniform, pixel, occluding, range, material, specular, gbr, previous, reference, missing, diffuse, varying, determining, recover, direction, limited, integrability, brdf] [scene, set, distribution, accuracy, model, upper, work]
Real-Time Model-Based Rigid Object Pose Estimation and Tracking Combining Dense and Sparse Visual Cues
Karl Pauwels, Leonardo Rubio, Javier Daz, Eduardo Ros
Keywords: real-time, model-based, optical flow, stereo, SIFT, 6DOF pose estimation, tracking, ICP, graphics processing unit, benchmark
Karl Pauwels, Leonardo Rubio, Javier Daz, Eduardo Ros
Keywords: real-time, model-based, optical flow, stereo, SIFT, 6DOF pose estimation, tracking, ICP, graphics processing unit, benchmark

[method, sparse, large, distance, table, data, performs] [dense, estimate, occl, rigid, estimation, error, case, synthetic, point, rotation, shape, real, requires, triangle, vision, computed, module] [proposed, current, measure, number, background, three, edge, iteration, based] [object, performance, dataset, tracker, visual, high, benchmark, keypoint, texture, occluded, highly] [tracking, motion, optical, orig, sequence, frame, particle, evaluation, static, soda, cube, time, gpu, extracted] [stereo, image, noisy, figure, noise, cue, rendering, depth, previous, note, surface, pixel] [pose, model, left, combined, provide, proportion, novel, selected, example, feedback, combining]
Subcategory-Aware Object Classification
Jian Dong, Wei Xia, Qiang Chen, Jianshi Feng, Zhongyang Huang, Shuicheng Yan
Keywords: Subcategory Mining, Classification, Ambiguity Modeling
Jian Dong, Wei Xia, Qiang Chen, Jianshi Feng, Zhongyang Huang, Shuicheng Yan
Keywords: Subcategory Mining, Classification, Ambiguity Modeling

[similarity, data, ambiguous, table, clustering, spectral, better, standard, sample, kernel, fusion, comparison, pooling, effective, method, cluster, learning] [shape, common, dense, integrated] [graph, based, algorithm, proposed, current, form, assisted, number, lead, three, expansion] [object, detection, guided, local, framework, feature, voc, performance, approach, visual, bus, separate, hog, utilize, dpm, improve, detector, window] [detected, represent, individual, recognition] [ambiguity, shift, figure, image, note, result] [subcategory, mining, model, subcategories, category, chair, level, pascal, training, appearance, decision, train, boost, monolithic, set, instance, sofa, correspond, class, hierarchical, awareness, saoc, trained]
A Sentence Is Worth a Thousand Pixels
Sanja Fidler, Abhishek Sharma, Raquel Urtasun
Keywords: Scene understanding, Images and text, Holistic scene models
Sanja Fidler, Abhishek Sharma, Raquel Urtasun
Keywords: Scene understanding, Images and text, Holistic scene models

[table, learn, textual, learning, large, test] [employed, front, compute] [segmentation, number, order, form, random, inference, based, crf, extraction] [object, well, visual, detection, approach, box, performance, candidate, dataset, car, utilize, bounding, extracting, dog, dpm, score, improve, false, boat, voc] [person, extract, extracted, employ, people, missed, recognition, complex, exploit] [image, figure, note, additional, estimated] [text, class, scene, model, cardinality, holistic, train, chair, potential, semantic, accuracy, mentioned, sentence, parsing, describe, parse, preposition, unary, understanding, training, type, man, sheep, cow, generated, jointly, sentential, reason, task, set, lower]
Detecting Changes in 3D Structure of a Scene from Multi-view Images Captured by a Vehicle-Mounted Camera
Ken Sakurada, Takayuki Okatani, Koichiro Deguchi
Ken Sakurada, Takayuki Okatani, Koichiro Deguchi

[method, similarity, large, data, running, compared, binary, standard] [camera, point, perspective, consider, estimate, sfm, dense, estimating, estimation, registration, case] [proposed, density, number, probabilistic, based, algorithm, problem, denote, term, pair, three] [detection, detect, detecting, local, correctly, approach, spatial, separate, well, matched] [time, temporal, vehicle, detected, multiple, experimental, perform, changed, indicates, target, frame, key] [depth, image, change, figure, ground, captured, city, estimated, pixel, stereo, reconstruct, reconstruction, result, input, prior, note, treatment] [scene, probability, model, structure, set, urban, aerial, building, study, appearance]
Discrete MRF Inference of Marginal Densities for Non-uniformly Discretized Variable Space
Masaki Saito, Takayuki Okatani, Koichiro Deguchi
Keywords: Markov Random Fields, mean field approximation, belief propagation, marginal density
Masaki Saito, Takayuki Okatani, Koichiro Deguchi
Keywords: Markov Random Fields, mean field approximation, belief propagation, marginal density

[space, block, updating, method, represented, domain, parametric, divide, data] [discretization, case, discretized, equation, estimate, derive, consider, constraint, general, deal, directly, determined, vision, estimation] [marginal, variable, density, discrete, continuous, rectangular, conventional, number, algorithm, energy, mrf, proposed, fis, based, site, subdivision, pistj, fistj, derived, belief, exp, largest, approximating, formulation, dividing, discretizing, term, exact, inference, dynamically, substituting, computational, iteratively, weight, minimization, graph, neighboring, random, propagation] [divided, matching, densely] [dynamic, indicates, optical] [mixture, image, function, free, note, stereo, figure, gaussian, red, disparity, estimated, result] [class, side, accuracy, lower, distribution]
Composite Statistical Inference for Semantic Segmentation
Fuxin Li, Joao Carreira, Guy Lebanon, Cristian Sminchisescu
Keywords: composite statistical inference, composite likelihood, semantic segmentation, recombination of segments
Fuxin Li, Joao Carreira, Guy Lebanon, Cristian Sminchisescu
Keywords: composite statistical inference, composite likelihood, semantic segmentation, recombination of segments

[test, method] [computed, error, paper, initial, solve, suppose, convex] [segment, segmentation, inference, superpixel, zij, superpixels, number, vij, optimal, based, algorithm, statistical, assigned, truth, mcl, search, problem, second, represents, maximize, order, random, optimization, maximizing, proposed, statistic, graphical, technical, probabilistic, variable] [object, overlap, approach, voc, true, maximum, false, best, lrk, procedure, positive, propose, well] [likelihood, person, multiple, modeled, performed] [image, figure, ground, pixel, function, estimated, gaussian, viewed, note] [composite, predicted, model, category, semantic, bike, max, distribution, set, joint, output, bicycle, training, full, csi, log, prediction, regressors]
Learning without Human Scores for Blind Image Quality Assessment
Wufeng Xue, Lei Zhang, Xuanqin Mou
Keywords: clustering, qualiyt aware, bind image quality assessment
Wufeng Xue, Lei Zhang, Xuanqin Mou
Keywords: clustering, qualiyt aware, bind image quality assessment

[qac, biqa, subjective, method, assessment, clustering, database, csiq, srocc, pooling, table, learn, fsim, ssim, good, scored, learning, better, percentile, test, similarity, cornia, codebook, biqi, weighted, denoted, plsa, pcc, existing, large, vector, cluster] [distorted, live, jpeg, distortion, estimate, linearity, worst] [proposed, three, based, partition, complexity, number, algorithm, computational] [average, score, feature, local, high, ratio, size, visual, evaluate, perception, performance, overlapped] [perceptual, group, developed] [quality, image, blind, patch, gaussian, psnr, reference, figure, map, natural, diivine, support] [human, training, set, level, prediction, regression, correlation, structural]
Graph-Based Discriminative Learning for Location Recognition
Song Cao, Noah Snavely
Keywords: image graph, location recognition, discriminative learning
Song Cao, Noah Snavely
Keywords: image graph, location recognition, discriminative learning

[query, database, learning, distance, method, retrieval, learn, dubrovnik, discriminative, better, learned, large, represented, pba, metric, similarity, data, retrieve, standard, rome, vocabulary, cluster, compared, original, vector, linear, dominating] [compute, point] [graph, neighborhood, step, based, probabilistic, shortlist, problem, number, introduce, simple, algorithm, global, order, reranking] [matching, location, visual, local, improve, match, dataset, negative, feature, approach, correct, positive, performance, object, propose] [recognition, bow, perform, described] [image, figure, representative, map, result] [set, probability, top, exemplar, ranking, ranked, training, structure, diversity, list, work, model, example, geometric, goal]
Capturing Layers in Image Collections with Componential Models: From the Layered Epitome to the Componential Counting Grid
Alessandro Perina, Nebojsa Jojic
Keywords: Bag of Words, Epitome, Scene Understanding, Generative Model, Place Recognition
Alessandro Perina, Nebojsa Jojic
Keywords: Bag of Words, Epitome, Scene Understanding, Generative Model, Place Recognition

[word, large, basic, learning, data, comparison, choice, reported, represented, learn] [camera, small, allows, mapping, spectrum] [layered, number, illustrated, exp] [window, feature, spatial, size, dataset, location, visual, object, considered] [counting, bag, multiple, recognition, cvpr, modeling, wearable, capture, perform, video, event] [image, single, figure, panoramic, input, mixing] [grid, model, componential, tessellation, scene, ccg, layout, latent, lda, epitome, distribution, tessellated, generative, capacity, dirichlet, training, allocation, ukwn, accuracy, classify, sensecam, set, generated, family, cgs, uiuc, topic, ccgs, torralba, log]
Minimum Uncertainty Gap for Robust Visual Tracking
Junseok Kwon, Kyoung Mu Lee
Junseok Kwon, Kyoung Mu Lee

[method, uncertainty, good, learning, table, denotes, large, better] [minimizes, robust, estimation, parallel, approximation] [bound, proposed, problem, number, conventional, markov, second, represents, measure, based, simple, wkh, algorithm, produce, mcmc] [best, average, visual, maximum, tracker, online, score, performance, mil, sampling, object] [tracking, likelihood, state, target, gap, maximizes, chain, time, track, imcmc, monte, observation, interacting, ehwzhhq, carlo, indicates, robustly, frequently, tracked, accepts, skater, kwon, soccer, woman, erxqgv] [minimum, map, estimated, severe, illumination, figure, noisy] [upper, lower, appearance, model, parameter, distribution, probability, set, posterior]
Sparse Quantization for Patch Description
Xavier Boix, Michael Gygli, Gemma Roig, Luc Van_Gool
Keywords: sparse quantization, patch descriptor
Xavier Boix, Michael Gygli, Gemma Roig, Luc Van_Gool
Keywords: sparse quantization, patch descriptor

[binary, encoding, sparse, learning, quantization, pooling, brown, codebook, report, similarity, achieve, vector, arg, learned, better, tqk, coding, distance, reported, discriminative, selects, convolutional, space, increase, dimensional, table, encoded, standard, yosemite] [mapping, observe, compute, allows, case, computed, vision, general] [formulation, number, based, computational, introduce, higher, computation, increasing, algorithm] [sift, feature, performance, keypoint, descriptor, matching, keypoints, daisy, object, best, local, computing, mikolajczyk, evaluate, dataset, depending, sorting, propose, achieves] [impact] [image, patch, equal, introduced, pixel, gaussian, obtains, note, supplementary] [set, description, consists, pascal, output, training, calculating]
Manhattan Junction Catalogue for Spatial Reasoning of Indoor Scenes
Srikumar Ramalingam, Jaishanker K. Pillai, Arpit Jain, Yuichi Taguchi
Keywords: single view 3D reconstruction, line drawing, junction detection, higher order CRF, structured SVM
Srikumar Ramalingam, Jaishanker K. Pillai, Arpit Jain, Yuichi Taguchi
Keywords: single view 3D reconstruction, line drawing, junction detection, higher order CRF, structured SVM

[space, learn] [point, estimation, vanishing, manhattan, incident, error, consider, geometry, computed, corresponds, real, compute, appear, plane, corner] [junction, pairwise, based, problem, inference, three, segment, crf, clique, node, adjacent, cost, order, energy, label, simple] [detect, sampling, spatial, best, detecting, dataset, true, detection, score, approach] [detected, identify] [figure, image, single, function, corresponding, view, recovering, reconstruction, middle, classical] [layout, indoor, triple, specific, unary, scoring, scene, set, model, structured, geometric, hedau, understanding, type, vpi, work, build, accumulator, room, parameter, generate, training, floor, correspond, efficient, generating]
Depth Acquisition from Density Modulated Binary Patterns
Zhe Yang, Zhiwei Xiong, Yueyi Zhang, Jiao Wang, Feng Wu
Keywords: Depth acquisition, binary pattern, density modulation, block matching, phase shifting
Zhe Yang, Zhiwei Xiong, Yueyi Zhang, Jiao Wang, Feng Wu
Keywords: Depth acquisition, binary pattern, density modulation, block matching, phase shifting

[block, binary, original, better, method, data, calculate, basic] [reconstructed, position, curve, generation, camera, shape, small, paper, directly, grayscale, practical, measurement] [proposed, scheme, energy, three, density, number, algorithm, global, random, region] [pattern, matching, object, propose, sliding, high, average, improve] [moving, period, motion, infrared, multiple, static, experimental, represent] [phase, depth, figure, light, captured, image, sinusoidal, reconstruction, shifting, kinect, row, quality, projector, carried, illumination, disparity, emitted, modulated, calculated, single, reference, result, diffraction, coded, pixel, range, zhang, projected, microsoft, defocusing, intensity, greatly, systematic] [scene, structured, generated, set, indoor, structure, consists]
FrameBreak: Dramatic Image Extrapolation by Guided Shift-Maps
Yinda Zhang, Jianxiong Xiao, James Hays, Ping Tan
Keywords: image extrapolation, panorama, guided shift-map
Yinda Zhang, Jianxiong Xiao, James Hays, Ping Tan
Keywords: image extrapolation, panorama, guided shift-map

[method, data, vector, similarity, large, intermediate, learn, good, roughly] [transformation, registration, translation, equation, solve, general, small, extrapolation, computed, directly] [optimization, graph, optimal, term, region, choose, cost, interior, problem, registered, photomontage, number] [texture, baseline, guided, hog, color, approach, matched, feature, matching, visual, best, match] [copy] [image, guide, input, figure, pixel, panorama, synthesize, panoramic, result, representative, shift, extrapolate, view, fov, synthesized, scaling, completion, patch, apply, smoothness, exterior, acm, limited, environment, green, red, transformed, rough, introduced] [scene, set, synthesis, example, output, generate, hierarchical, structure, level, centered, grid]
Learning Compact Binary Codes for Visual Tracking
Xi Li, Chunhua Shen, Anthony Dick, Anton van_den_Hengel
Keywords: Visual Tracking, appearance model, hashing, hypergraph, SVM
Xi Li, Chunhua Shen, Anthony Dick, Anton van_den_Hengel
Keywords: Visual Tracking, appearance model, hashing, hypergraph, SVM

[binary, hashing, sample, learning, code, hash, discriminative, compact, fusion, method, vector, svm, matrix, standard, concatenation, lsh, linear, sph, comparison, test, learned] [error, center, robust] [random, based, propagation, proposed, quantitative, algorithm, foreground, background, normalized] [feature, hypergraph, tracker, location, visual, object, struck, frag, orf, mit, ivt, oab, ratio, randomized, performance, voc, overlap, cle, vor, cyclist, incremental, score, jumper, rfh, positive, ldah, ssh, svmh, walker] [frame, tracking, video, evaluation] [image, function, figure, corresponding] [forest, set, training, appearance, tree, model, animal, scoring, machine]
Classification of Tumor Histology via Morphometric Context
Hang Chang, Alexander Borowsky, Paul Spellman, Bahram Parvin
Hang Chang, Alexander Borowsky, Paul Spellman, Bahram Parvin

[nuclear, morphometric, smlspm, linear, sparse, table, kernel, pooling, kspm, mkspm, dictionary, tumor, large, scspm, kirc, ctspm, coding, histology, srcd, mrgc, construct, learning, representation, slide, standard, nonlinear, learned, outperforms, comparison] [tissue, computer, conference, equation, axis, vision, respect, robust, curvature, deviation] [based, segmentation, number, segmented, biological, technical, three, nucleus, major, proposed, background] [performance, spatial, context, cell, pattern, matching, scale, dataset, gray, evaluated, sift, descriptor, feature, size, indicate, local, approach, color, detailed] [experimental, extracted, analysis] [image, pyramid, intensity, figure, measured, dramatically] [training, spm, gbm, max, category, trained, work, level]
Cumulative Attribute Space for Age and Crowd Density Estimation
Ke Chen, Shaogang Gong, Tao Xiang, Chen Change Loy
Keywords: Cumulative attributes, Age estimation, Crowd density estimation
Ke Chen, Shaogang Gong, Tao Xiang, Chen Change Loy
Keywords: Cumulative attributes, Age estimation, Crowd density estimation

[data, learning, sparse, representation, learned, vector, table, existing, datasets, discriminative, low, learn, element, space, face, compared, method, binary, reported, represented] [estimation, mapping, error, employed, solving, computer] [based, number, problem, proposed, conventional, benchmarking, three, weight, advantage, whilst] [feature, performance, dataset, texture, visual, framework, best] [crowd, counting, people, ucsd, count, capture] [single, image, figure, function, input, ridge, difference, change, mse] [attribute, age, regression, cumulative, model, training, output, scalar, imbalanced, human, mae, level, jointly, morph, facial, designed, mall, mde, semantic, ranking, ohrank, jth, neighbouring, imagery]
Kernel Methods on the Riemannian Manifold of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices
Sadeep Jayasumana, Richard Hartley, Mathieu Salzmann, Hongdong Li, Mehrtash Harandi
Keywords: Riemannian manifolds, RKHS, Hilbert space embedding, Symmetric positive definite matrices, kernel methods, positive definite kernels
Sadeep Jayasumana, Richard Hartley, Mathieu Salzmann, Hongdong Li, Mehrtash Harandi
Keywords: Riemannian manifolds, RKHS, Hilbert space embedding, Symmetric positive definite matrices, kernel methods, positive definite kernels

[kernel, riemannian, manifold, euclidean, space, distance, spd, data, vector, clustering, dimensional, metric, matrix, inner, svm, mkl, learning, pca, representation, table, original, dimensionality, method, test, product, logitboost, proven, provably, rkhs, effective, diffusion, dti, exponential] [theorem, covariance, geometry, computer, directly, vision, computed, hilbert, point] [number, proposed, segmentation, derived] [positive, negative, feature, true, object, texture, approach, descriptor, dataset, high, detection, window, pedestrian] [recognition, tensor, symmetric, developed, motion, multiple] [gaussian, geodesic, tangent, image, function, note, figure, support, pixel] [training, set, family, generated]
Dense Object Reconstruction with Semantic Priors
Sid Yingze Bao, Manmohan Chandraker, Yuanqing Lin, Silvio Savarese
Sid Yingze Bao, Manmohan Chandraker, Yuanqing Lin, Silvio Savarese

[learned, learning, similarity, method, weighted, traditional, test, process, arg, demonstrate] [shape, point, sfm, warping, dense, alignment, initial, error, align, reconstructed, tps, computed, unique, warp, aligned, system, robust, accurate, deformation, determined, computer, lack] [cloud, based, form, algorithm, truth, order, produce, number, weight, density] [object, car, detection, framework, matching, matched, high, location, match, dataset, shared] [multiple, recognition] [anchor, reconstruction, prior, figure, note, image, pik, stereo, multiview, ground, ssfm, warped, quality, reconstruct, estimated, greater, recover, surface, commonality, photoconsistency] [semantic, set, training, model, instance, consists, appearance, pose, combining, output]
Spatio-temporal Depth Cuboid Similarity Feature for Activity Recognition Using Depth Camera
Lu Xia, J.K. Aggarwal
Keywords: Spatio temporal interest point, depth image, activity recognition, Kinect
Lu Xia, J.K. Aggarwal
Keywords: Spatio temporal interest point, depth image, activity recognition, Kinect

[better, denotes, similarity, method, table, test, data, signal, comparison, existing] [point, computer, real, appear, magnitude, position, vision] [cuboid, algorithm, number, based, background, extraction, second] [feature, local, detector, descriptor, size, dataset, spatial, location, response, scale, detection, object, average] [recognition, action, interest, activity, dstip, stips, dcsf, video, nxy, temporal, histogram, extract, volume, stip, dstips, skeleton, posture, skeletal, extracted, occupancy, movement, experimental, adaptable] [depth, rgb, noise, figure, image, function, pixel, correction, voxels] [human, accuracy, joint, work, body, describe, category, training, build]
Tag Taxonomy Aware Dictionary Learning for Region Tagging
Jingjing Zheng, Zhuolin Jiang
Jingjing Zheng, Zhuolin Jiang

[sparse, dictionary, learning, method, coding, datasets, supervised, learn, ssdl, discriminative, face, test, linear, ideal, representation, min] [water, error] [region, road, proposed, three, label, algorithm, objective, segmented, denote, sum, share] [tag, tagging, performance, car, saiapr, approach, feature, relationship, unbalanced, dog, spatial, visual, framework, dataset, improve, select, cat] [group] [image, figure, corresponding, note, lasso, function, reconstruct, gradient, reconstruction] [training, level, grass, taxonomy, building, sky, tree, semantic, accuracy, class, bicycle, hierarchical, associated, help, selected, cow, structure, body, jointly, implicit]
Five Shades of Grey for Fast and Reliable Camera Pose Estimation
Adam Herout, Istvn Szentandrsi, Michal Zachari, Markta Dubsk, Rudolf Kajan
Keywords: Fiduciary Markers, Uniform Marker Field, Checkerboard Detection, Camera Pose Estimation, Augmented Reality, De-Bruijn Tori, Perfect Maps, Visually Appealing Markers
Adam Herout, Istvn Szentandrsi, Michal Zachari, Markta Dubsk, Rudolf Kajan
Keywords: Fiduciary Markers, Uniform Marker Field, Checkerboard Detection, Camera Pose Estimation, Augmented Reality, De-Bruijn Tori, Perfect Maps, Visually Appealing Markers

[table, cluster, comparison, larger, better, good] [marker, camera, alvar, rotation, planar, vanishing, small, greyscale, estimation, translation, umf, edgels, position, perspective, rdm, reliably, ultramobile, augmented, unobtrusive, solution, allows, uchiyama, square] [algorithm, edge, number, order, random, based, three, fast] [detection, localization, design, location, fraction, average, dot, precision, keypoints, detecting] [detected, frame, tracking, reliable, individual, motion, video, interaction, recognized, mobile, sequential, movement] [image, figure, lighting, variance, input, uniform, varying, estimated, projected] [grid, pose, tree, scene, decision, work, accuracy]
Social Role Discovery in Human Events
Vignesh Ramanathan, Bangpeng Yao, Li Fei-Fei
Vignesh Ramanathan, Bangpeng Yao, Li Fei-Fei

[cluster, supervised, method, sample, face, datasets, better, table] [variational, approximation, computer] [crf, based, inference, pairwise, assigned, problem, random, form, graph, marked, normalized, truth, network, number, factor] [feature, dataset, weakly, performance, context, object, spatial] [role, social, people, interaction, event, person, video, wedding, birthday, youtube, award, recognition, assignment, group, trecvid, proxemic, recognizing, capture, secondary, perform, initialized, action, tracking, total, movie, activity] [reference, figure, function, corresponding, physical, prior, ground] [model, human, unary, full, training, set, discovery, help, scene, gender, discover, understanding, proxemics, work, interesting, accuracy, tractable]
Simultaneous Super-Resolution of Depth and Images Using a Single Camera
Hee Seok Lee, Kuoung Mu Lee
Keywords: Dense 3D reconstruction, Image super-resolution, Visual SLAM
Hee Seok Lee, Kuoung Mu Lee
Keywords: Dense 3D reconstruction, Image super-resolution, Visual SLAM

[data, method, critical, formulated, norm, ssim, min, large, space, arg] [camera, estimation, solution, error, initial, registration, convex, real, point, computer, respect, small, accurate, dense, operator, measurement, geometry, variational, simulated, vision] [algorithm, cost, energy, optimization, computation, problem, based, proposed, lpdjh, objective, formulation, solved, current, optimum] [framework, localization, texture, pattern, approach, size, relationship] [sequence, time, sequential, video, optical] [image, depth, map, function, estimated, reconstruction, simultaneous, input, resolution, pixel, regularization, reference, single, figure, superresolution, bicubic, inverse, photometric, psnr, view, huber, super, synthesized, venus, achieved, version, highresolution] [pose, accuracy, scene, set, combined]
Expressive Visual Text-to-Speech Using Active Appearance Models
Robert Anderson, Bjrn Stenger, Vincent Wan, Roberto Cipolla
Robert Anderson, Bjrn Stenger, Vincent Wan, Roberto Cipolla

[face, data, cluster, standard, method, large, sample, linear, original] [shape, system, synthetic, paper, error, small, deformation, computer, case, position, degree, adaptive, invariant] [number, proposed, region, order, based, statistical, higher] [visual, approach, high, propose, local, well, cat, performance, average] [video, audio, head, realistic, tracking, recognition, described, modeled] [user, range, figure, reconstruction, complete, quality] [aam, model, training, speech, appearance, synthesis, pose, aams, expressive, expression, set, neutral, vtts, active, talking, preference, facial, aamregions, emotion, aambase, generated, hmms, example, mode, mouth, upper, unit, aamdecomp, blinking, lower, decision, work, currently]
Rotation, Scaling and Deformation Invariant Scattering for Texture Discrimination
Laurent Sifre, Stphane Mallat
Keywords: scattering, invariant, affine, texture, classification, deep, neural, network, wavelet, roto-translation, rotation, translation, scaling, shearing
Laurent Sifre, Stphane Mallat
Keywords: scattering, invariant, affine, texture, classification, deep, neural, network, wavelet, roto-translation, rotation, translation, scaling, shearing

[linear, separable, representation, vector, space, dimensional, product, transforms, pca, architecture, signal, large, neural, dimension, rotated] [scattering, invariant, wavelet, computed, convolution, averaging, small, rotation, operator, covariant, modulus, computes, translation, implemented, compute, shearing, umd, smaller, contractive, scatt, deformation, paper, lost] [global, second, order, three, random] [texture, spatial, scale, size, high, layer, deep, cascade, invariance, average, local] [action, stable, group, complex, amplitude, described] [image, figure, scaling, patch, transform, calculated, applying, phase] [joint, training, uiuc, class, log, hierarchical, build, set, relative, train, typically]
Dictionary Learning from Ambiguously Labeled Data
Yi-Chen Chen, Vishal M. Patel, Jaishanker K. Pillai, Rama Chellappa, P. Jonathon Phillips
Keywords: Ambiguously labeled learning, dictionary-based learning
Yi-Chen Chen, Vishal M. Patel, Jaishanker K. Pillai, Rama Chellappa, P. Jonathon Phillips
Keywords: Ambiguously labeled learning, dictionary-based learning

[dictionary, learning, labeled, ambiguously, sample, method, dlsd, matrix, dlhd, update, learned, test, data, ambiguous, sparse, ing, vector, learn, belonging, versus, dij, face, weighted, intermediate, clpl, signal, pie, representation, djl, learns, compared, cmu, rithm, resized, updating] [error, initial, vision, computer, argmin, conference, solving, directly] [algorithm, label, labeling, proposed, number, iteration, extra, problem, hard, eij, iteratively] [average, approach, dataset, performance, rate, feature, pattern, soft, maximum, transductive, argmax, baseline, correct, collected, propose] [updated, multiple, recognition, series] [processing, image, figure, projected, corresponding, row] [class, training, decision, set, subject, naive, example, machine, build, alternating]
SLAM++: Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping at the Level of Objects
Renato F. Salas-Moreno, Richard A. Newcombe, Hauke Strasdat, Paul H.J. Kelly, Andrew J. Davison
Keywords: SLAM, objects, object recognition, object-oriented, GPGPU, scene understanding, real-time, augmented reality, ICP, KinectFusion
Renato F. Salas-Moreno, Richard A. Newcombe, Hauke Strasdat, Paul H.J. Kelly, Andrew J. Davison
Keywords: SLAM, objects, object recognition, object-oriented, GPGPU, scene understanding, real-time, augmented reality, ICP, KinectFusion

[data, large, memory, representation, hash, represented, method, process] [camera, slam, live, loop, mapping, dense, icp, parallel, system, point, conference, vertex, international, enables, computer, ppf, relocalisation, optimisation, twi, measurement, geometry, kinectfusion, vision, compute, small, ppfs, twoj, estimation, robust, twl] [graph, current, algorithm, search, form] [object, detection, vote, high, local, approach, incremental, matched, well, cluttered] [tracking, recognition, detected, count, frame, key] [depth, figure, map, estimated, normal, ground, surface, prior, reference, transform, image, quality, view, reconstruction] [pose, scene, model, set, labelling, prediction, localisation, relative, active, currently, level, full, predicted]
Correspondence-Less Non-rigid Registration of Triangular Surface Meshes
Zsolt Snta, Zoltan Kato
Keywords: Registration, Thin Plate Spline, Sufrace Mesh, 3D object
Zsolt Snta, Zoltan Kato
Keywords: Registration, Thin Plate Spline, Sufrace Mesh, 3D object

[nonlinear, method, represented, parametric, applied, large, robustness] [registration, triangular, mesh, tps, system, point, error, transformation, lung, computer, synthetic, control, alignment, triangle, recursive, template, aligning, solution, tetrahedron, approximation, gmmreg, deformation, plate, numerical, shape, diffeomorphic, delta, yielding, jacobian, conference, computed] [proposed, algorithm, based, complexity, order, computational, medical, computation, number, solved, energy] [object, pattern, computing, approach, deformable, evaluated, high, origin, local] [volume, observation, time, extracted] [surface, voxel, corresponding, input, image, thin, figure, transformed, function] [set, generated, model, typically]
Locally Aligned Feature Transforms across Views
Wei Li, Xiaogang Wang
Wei Li, Xiaogang Wang

[learning, metric, transforms, space, distance, test, learned, cca, discriminative, gating, method, viper, locally, published, gallery, table, ldm, mlmnn, large, query, itml, datasets, learn, sample, rank, randomly, dimensionality, larger, wkt, matrix, similarity, existing, vector, canonical] [camera, common, aligned, identification, assume] [pair, number, network, choose, three, proposed, exp] [feature, local, visual, matched, compare, approach, rate, caviar, well, match, matching, localized, select, dataset] [person, multiple, identity, recognition, observed] [image, figure, view, function, projected, prior, transform] [training, top, set, jointly, selected, work]
Detecting and Naming Actors in Movies Using Generative Appearance Models
Vineet Gandhi, Remi Ronfard
Keywords: Human detection and identification
Vineet Gandhi, Remi Ronfard
Keywords: Human detection and identification

[method, cluster, learning, represented, space, face, dimensional, labeled, process, demonstrate] [position, shape, compute, small, exhaustive] [number, search, proposed, based, region, illustrated, normalized, term, assigned, background, problem, algorithm, step] [detection, color, window, sliding, scale, detecting, recall, framework, object, score, partial, size, average, precision, knn, matching, coverage] [actor, blob, fig, detected, head, video, movie, frame, mij, stable, mscr, naming, multiple, maximally, person, recognition, keyframes, perform, people] [image, figure, previous, corresponding, varying] [model, appearance, training, set, work, body, generative, upper, combined, example, build, pose, torso]
City-Scale Change Detection in Cadastral 3D Models Using Images
Aparna Taneja, Luca Ballan, Marc Pollefeys
Keywords: Change Detection, 3D modeling, Large scale computer vision application
Aparna Taneja, Luca Ballan, Marc Pollefeys
Keywords: Change Detection, 3D modeling, Large scale computer vision application

[data, large, method, labeled, sparse, google, min, original, represented, process] [equation, geometry, registration, case, application, alignment, respect, small, estimate, absolute, corresponds, general, robust, square] [proposed, algorithm, represents, based, current, number, labeling, order] [detection, approach, scale, false, performance, high, detect, evaluated, well, roc] [target, detected, involved, multiple, evaluation, scenario, represent, performed] [image, change, city, cadastral, captured, panoramic, inconsistency, figure, map, corresponding, pixel, input, green, ground, visible, driving, voxels, accounting, voxel, estimated, capturing] [building, model, geometric, work, urban, typically, pose, amount, account, set, example, probability]
Fast Patch-Based Denoising Using Approximated Patch Geodesic Paths
Xiaogang Chen, Sing Bing Kang, Jie Yang, Jingyi Yu
Xiaogang Chen, Sing Bing Kang, Jie Yang, Jingyi Yu

[distance, kernel, large, comparable, similarity, denotes, diffusion, effectively, good, approximated] [path, compute, requires, small, shortest, wavelet, magnitude, computed] [fast, search, weight, scheme, segmentation, connecting, computational, algorithm, faster, based, expensive, number, approximate] [spatial, window, size, compare, approach, color, computing, high] [fig, time, video] [image, patch, noise, denoising, geodesic, patchgp, gaussian, nlm, noisy, pixelgp, pixel, bilateral, psnr, foe, natural, mhps, mhp, figure, hop, uniform, quality, patchgps, processing, smoothing, apply, handle, result, range, acceleration, clean, notice, variance, support, minimum, frequency, denoise] [level, centered]
Calibrating Photometric Stereo by Holistic Reflectance Symmetry Analysis
Zhe Wu, Ping Tan
Zhe Wu, Ping Tan

[method, matrix, vector, larger] [calibrated, equation, transformation, special, symmetry, case, error, projective, point, consider, sphere, unknown, distorted, angle, generalized, general, plane, estimate] [algorithm, objective, based, search, simple, proposed, form, global, sum, number, second] [object, evaluated] [observed, indicates] [brdf, gbr, light, surface, photometric, slice, figure, specular, recovered, ambiguity, transformed, row, image, diffuse, estimated, stereo, lighting, normal, intensity, direction, function, map, half, bivariate, resolve, directional, pixel, viewing, isotropic, albedo, ground, uncalibrated, ellipse, restoring, brdfs, shading, lambertian, tan, homogeneous, angular, curved, recover] [structure, top, left, holistic, model, bottom, associated, height]
Semi-supervised Node Splitting for Random Forest Construction
Xiao Liu, Mingli Song, Dacheng Tao, Zicheng Liu, Luming Zhang, Chun Chen, Jiajun Bu
Keywords: semi-supervised learning, node splitting, random forest
Xiao Liu, Mingli Song, Dacheng Tao, Zicheng Liu, Luming Zhang, Chun Chen, Jiajun Bu
Keywords: semi-supervised learning, node splitting, random forest

[data, splitting, labeled, unlabeled, subspace, hyperplane, method, gain, abundant, gini, bayesian, original, space, applied, traditional, bandwidth, categorization, sample, better, construct, randomly, satimage, learning, supervised, pendigits, curse, law, kernel, oobe, binary, popular] [estimation, small, error, estimate, accurate] [proposed, node, algorithm, density, normalized, random, measure, number, partition, construction, based, constructed, segmentation, optimal, second, search, problem, optimization, choose, constructing] [feature, performance, dataset, size, pattern, criterion, framework, object, approach, entropy] [total] [figure, quality, separating, image, function, obvious, corresponding] [training, set, decision, tree, accuracy, distribution, probability, forest, class, split, internal, machine]
Robust Multi-resolution Pedestrian Detection in Traffic Scenes
Junjie Yan, Xucong Zhang, Zhen Lei, Shengcai Liao, Stan Z. Li
Keywords: Pedestrian Detection, Multi-Resolution, Multi-task Learning, DPM
Junjie Yan, Xucong Zhang, Zhen Lei, Shengcai Liao, Stan Z. Li
Keywords: Pedestrian Detection, Multi-Resolution, Multi-task Learning, DPM

[low, dimension, original, method, arg, space, standard, subspace, learned, learn, matrix, outperforms, learning, loss, project, mapped, dimensional, descent] [common, coordinate, geometry, invariant] [based, proposed, problem, denote, number, term, truth] [detection, pedestrian, context, detector, high, dpm, feature, rate, relationship, performance, hog, false, object, wst, caltech, taller, score, benchmark, traffic, defined, spatial, shared, root, compare, commonness, fih, tpi, true, deformable, propose, multiresc, local, fil] [vehicle] [resolution, aware, figure, image, ground, result, single, map, previous] [model, trained, training, human, work, appearance, infer]
GRASP Recurring Patterns from a Single View
Jingchen Liu, Yanxi Liu
Keywords: recurring pattern, unsupervised object discovery
Jingchen Liu, Yanxi Liu
Keywords: recurring pattern, unsupervised object discovery

[word, matrix, method, face, sample, randomly, low, datasets] [adaptive, deformation, common, smallest, point, real, entry, correspondence, corresponds] [optimization, algorithm, greedy, number, pairwise, random, graph, search, problem, proposed, column, global, segmentation, normalized, pair, initialization, form] [recurring, visual, pattern, feature, object, recall, matching, rate, grasp, approach, unsupervised, precision, average, supermarket, randomized, local, candidate, score, propose, detection, rin, dataset, framework, apnc, xmj] [multiple, assignment, detected, recognition, time, association, evaluation, key] [image, figure, input, single, missing, result, corresponding, valid, synthesized] [geometric, discovery, work, joint, set, potential, level, associated]
Background Modeling Based on Bidirectional Analysis
Atsushi Shimada, Hajime Nagahara, Rin-ichiro Taniguchi
Atsushi Shimada, Hajime Nagahara, Rin-ichiro Taniguchi

[method, memory, table, query, compared, process, retrieved, strategy, database, update, retrieval, good] [piecewise, delay, case, computer, symmetry, vision, conference, real, practical, international] [background, proposed, foreground, step, based, label, cost, computational, current, number, energy, three, include] [recall, precision, approach, pattern, framework, object, visual, implementation, high] [analysis, backward, future, subtraction, modeling, forward, period, observed, bidirectional, frame, time, video, surveillance, performed, sequence, dynamic, evaluation, sabs, symmetric, represent, switch, temporal] [pixel, figure, change, result, image, illumination, including, light, gaussian, mixture, estimated] [model, scene, accuracy, typical, parameter, set, example, probability, lower, machine]
Query Adaptive Similarity for Large Scale Object Retrieval
Danfeng Qin, Christian Wengert, Luc Van_Gool
Keywords: Object Retrieval, Query Adaptive Similarity, Feature-Feature Similarity, Negative Examples, Probabilistic Framework
Danfeng Qin, Christian Wengert, Luc Van_Gool
Keywords: Object Retrieval, Query Adaptive Similarity, Feature-Feature Similarity, Negative Examples, Probabilistic Framework

[distance, similarity, query, euclidean, retrieval, method, large, quantization, table, nearest, database, original, comparison, paris, data, product, better, randomly, follow, achieve, codebook, reduce, space, denotes] [adaptive, measurement, simulated, estimation, estimate, derive, equation, small] [random, order, pairwise, number, pair, problem, probabilistic, measure, based, proposed, computational, global, represents] [feature, performance, local, inverted, dataset, object, scale, visual, true, compare, propose, best, evaluated, threshold, approach, matching, select, matched, false, improves, contribution, descriptor] [group] [image, function, figure, corresponding, map, estimated] [set, distribution, accuracy, parameter, probability, model, top, list, independent, work]
A Genetic Algorithm-Based Solver for Very Large Jigsaw Puzzles
Dror Sholomon, Omid David, Nathan S. Netanyahu
Keywords: Genetic Algorithms, Jigsaw Puzzle
Dror Sholomon, Omid David, Nathan S. Netanyahu
Keywords: Genetic Algorithms, Jigsaw Puzzle

[table, good, original, large, larger, reported, representation, better, standard, comparison, applied, effective, chosen, randomly] [piece, puzzle, jigsaw, operator, crossover, solver, solution, pomeranz, computer, solving, generation, absolute, placement, parent, genetic, compatible, issue, direct, vision, agree, smaller, shifted, conference, trait, worst, allow, unknown] [chromosome, problem, population, random, dissimilarity, number, boundary, algorithm, second, adjacent, greedy, measure, solved, pairwise] [correct, best, benchmark, size, average, pattern, performance, well, spatial, procedure, location, framework] [time, future] [image, function, figure, phase, complete, cho, natural, place, note] [accuracy, set, child, compatibility]
Bottom-Up Segmentation for Top-Down Detection
Sanja Fidler, Roozbeh Mottaghi, Alan Yuille, Raquel Urtasun
Keywords: Object detection, object class recognition, object segmentation
Sanja Fidler, Roozbeh Mottaghi, Alan Yuille, Raquel Urtasun
Keywords: Object detection, object class recognition, object segmentation

[table, employing, learning, original, learn, outperforms, effectiveness] [compute, computed, shape, paper, allows, derive] [segmentation, segment, inference, background, number, simple, proposed, horse] [object, box, bounding, detection, approach, val, dpm, precision, recall, voc, well, detector, feature, cpmc, car, boat, candidate, root, cat, deformable, dog, outperform, hypothesis, integral, score, segdpm, hog, select, dalal, compare, ilter, performance, dpms, triggs, aeroplane, tightly, encourage] [inside, detected, employ] [image, note, mixture, figure] [class, model, set, semantic, chair, novel, bird, pascal, train, top, scene, level, amount, help, sheep, bottle]
Statistical Textural Distinctiveness for Salient Region Detection in Natural Images
Christian Scharfenberger, Alexander Wong, Khalil Fergani, John S. Zelek, David A. Clausi
Keywords: Statistical textural distinctiveness, saliency computation, sparse texture model, low level image processing
Christian Scharfenberger, Alexander Wong, Khalil Fergani, John S. Zelek, David A. Clausi
Keywords: Statistical textural distinctiveness, saliency computation, sparse texture model, low level image processing

[sparse, representation, atom, method, compared, principal, better, weighted, fixed, pca, learning, comparison] [computer, vision, adaptive, computed, small] [textural, saliency, salient, statistical, based, distinctiveness, tri, global, segmentation, region, proposed, trj, attention, number, contrast, graphical, computational, grabcut, representing, entire, complexity, background, sorted, suggested, attentive] [texture, approach, recall, detection, precision, visual, pattern, local, threshold, object, performance, color, spatial, feature, concept, challenging, high, achieves] [explicitly, interest, analysis, rest, represent, modeling, define, characterize] [image, representative, natural, pixel, figure, variance, map, textured, corresponding] [model, set, associated, probability, efficient, occurrence, work, scene]
Lp-Norm IDF for Large Scale Image Search
Liang Zheng, Shengjin Wang, Ziqiong Liu, Qi Tian
Liang Zheng, Shengjin Wang, Ziqiong Liu, Qi Tian

[idf, word, large, paris, oxford, method, burstiness, weighting, discriminative, flickr, codebook, table, datasets, pooling, pidf, quantization, database, comparison, repetitive, outperforms, better, vocabulary, query, memory, data, representation, retrieval, seek] [small, length, estimation, case, paper, appear] [search, conventional, proposed, term, number, three, document, cost, problem, optimal, denote, weight, based] [visual, average, normalization, scale, baseline, improvement, size, dataset, feature, collection, performance, maximum, object, spatial, benchmark, high, local, response, descriptor] [time] [image, frequency, map, figure, function, red, note] [max, parameter, work, log, geometric, novel, model, text]
Single Image Calibration of Multi-axial Imaging Systems
Amit Agrawal, Srikumar Ramalingam
Keywords: calibration, catadioptric, spherical mirror, wide-angle, axial
Amit Agrawal, Srikumar Ramalingam
Keywords: calibration, catadioptric, spherical mirror, wide-angle, axial

[matrix, distance, table, linear, method, rank] [sphere, error, camera, checkerboard, calibration, refractive, mirror, rotation, translation, spherical, axis, axial, radius, imaging, estimation, equation, compute, center, system, ray, degree, unknown, catadioptric, point, solving, coplanarity, solution, plane, require, constraint, assume, estimate, coordinate, calibrating, allows, projection, simulation, initial, computer, requires, real, assuming, distortion, calibrate, computed, written, solve, consider, orthogonal] [normalized, truth, algorithm, based, proposed, photo, boundary] [approach, well] [multiple, detected, ball, volume] [figure, single, estimated, noise, image, ground, ambiguity, corresponding, light, notice] [pose, grid, full]
Label-Embedding for Attribute-Based Classification
Zeynep Akata, Florent Perronnin, Zaid Harchaoui, Cordelia Schmid
Zeynep Akata, Florent Perronnin, Zaid Harchaoui, Cordelia Schmid

[embedding, learning, awa, wsabie, data, labeled, learn, space, table, learned, comparison, kernel, large, matrix, performs, rank, report, strategy, optimize, svd, dimensionality, standard, intermediate, outperforms, multiclass, vector, accommodate, binary, classification] [consider, case, directly, computer, respect, assume, vision] [label, dap, objective, proposed, problem, measure, number, include] [embeddings, framework, compare, approach, visual, baseline, object] [evaluation] [image, function, prior, figure, note, focus, input, difference] [attribute, training, class, ale, accuracy, cub, side, output, prediction, model, set, hierarchy, work, ranking, correlation, semantic, consists, parameter, compatibility, ahle, leverage, embed, hle, describe, devoted, jointly, example, wang]
It's Not Polite to Point: Describing People with Uncertain Attributes
Amir Sadovnik, Andrew Gallagher, Tsuhan Chen
Keywords: Referring Expression, Attributes, Image Description
Amir Sadovnik, Andrew Gallagher, Tsuhan Chen
Keywords: Referring Expression, Attributes, Image Description

[face, method, calculate, uncertainty] [computer, consider, generation, compute, percentage] [algorithm, number, greedy, random, three, variable, choose, introduce, sum, computational] [correct, select, selection, correctly, object, best, selecting, true, detection, compare, approach, visual] [person, target, people, group, described, main, calculation, smile, examining, short] [image, figure, single, calculated, visible, actual, natural, fact, hair, row] [attribute, description, probability, guesser, referring, set, guessing, human, guess, task, work, refer, pick, top, generating, gbm, expression, describing, describe, smiling, accuracy, model, full, provide, create, left, compose, teeth, goal, curr, wearing, type]
Part Discovery from Partial Correspondence
Subhransu Maji, Gregory Shakhnarovich
Subhransu Maji, Gregory Shakhnarovich

[learning, learned, discriminative, method, test, better, idea, large] [correspondence, point, estimate] [graph, saliency, number, search, three, pairwise, entire] [window, arch, detection, tower, object, visual, bounding, location, performance, library, church, box, scale, compare, detector, approach, framework, aap, sampling, sampled, overlap, average, rich, dpm, procedure, koch, partial, localized] [described, interest, multiple, recognition, utility] [figure, image, row, corresponding, difference, single] [set, semantic, upper, training, lda, landmark, model, left, discovery, latent, exemplar, trained, work, top, variety, example, appearance, itti, structure, parsing, category, relative, building]
Learning Locally-Adaptive Decision Functions for Person Verification
Zhen Li, Shiyu Chang, Feng Liang, Thomas S. Huang, Liangliang Cao, John R. Smith
Keywords: Person Verification, Face Verification, Pedestrian Re-identification
Zhen Li, Shiyu Chang, Feng Liang, Thomas S. Huang, Liangliang Cao, John R. Smith
Keywords: Person Verification, Face Verification, Pedestrian Re-identification

[learning, metric, face, kernel, distance, method, comparison, svm, learn, traditional, sdalf, existing, lfw, space, yit, viper, matrix, cmc, learned, outperforms, lmnn, original, large, achieve, sample, xti, data, vector, rank, database] [consider, vision, respect, percentage, curve] [problem, algorithm, based, dual, pair, optimal, objective, simple, order] [local, dataset, feature, positive, pedestrian, performance, approach, threshold, achieves, score, well] [person, recognition, people, symmetric, surveillance, identify] [function, figure, image, huge, including, note, journal] [decision, class, training, machine, human, example, model, body, rule, joint, unseen, uiuc, combined, set]
A Fully-Connected Layered Model of Foreground and Background Flow
Deqing Sun, Jonas Wulff, Erik B. Sudderth, Hanspeter Pfister, Michael J. Black
Deqing Sun, Jonas Wulff, Erik B. Sudderth, Hanspeter Pfister, Michael J. Black

[better, method, table, locally, test, update, binary, good] [estimation, robust, estimate, adjustment, small, approximation, parallel, initial, variational] [layered, segmentation, connected, foreground, algorithm, fully, background, inference, flowfusion, term, middlebury, message, graph, energy, proposed, wqp, step, fast, global, optimization, computational, weight, current, random, median, passing, gtp, approximate, converge, produce, qpt] [local, layer, spatial, benchmark, true, average] [motion, optical, temporal, frame, video, time, flow, mpi, modeling, sequence, static] [figure, image, previous, pixel, gaussian, estimated, support, function, version, address, recover] [model, work, scene, distribution, log, training]
Perceptual Organization and Recognition of Indoor Scenes from RGB-D Images
Saurabh Gupta, Pablo Arbelez, Jitendra Malik
Keywords: RGBD Segmentation, RGBD Recognition
Saurabh Gupta, Pablo Arbelez, Jitendra Malik
Keywords: RGBD Segmentation, RGBD Recognition

[table, report, vector, data, better, kernel, svm] [estimate, system, angle, point, shape, consider, aggregate, orthogonal, monocular] [segmentation, contour, superpixels, superpixel, algorithm, based, problem, jaccard, region, boundary, truth, organization, textons, order] [performance, average, color, object, approach, local, detection, generic, oriented, propose, dataset, context, spatial, sift, benchmark, compare] [recognition, perceptual] [depth, image, gravity, orientation, single, normal, completion, direction, ground, gradient, surface, support, figure, geocentric, additive, range] [scene, semantic, amodal, category, class, geometric, task, hierarchy, indoor, set, output, train, hierarchical, accuracy, level, spm, height, decision, structure, study]
3D Pictorial Structures for Multiple View Articulated Pose Estimation
Magnus Burenius, Josephine Sullivan, Stefan Carlsson
Keywords: pictorial structures, part-based models, human pose estimation, motion capture, multiple view 3D reconstruction
Magnus Burenius, Josephine Sullivan, Stefan Carlsson
Keywords: pictorial structures, part-based models, human pose estimation, motion capture, multiple view 3D reconstruction

[table, space, memory, test] [rotation, estimation, translation, pxn, intersection, computer, general, discretization, angle, assume, imposing, practical, pin, consider, implemented, camera, estimate, impose, length, vision, corresponds, conference, football, evenly, synthetic, intersect, international] [algorithm, discrete, global, search, second, complexity, problem, simple, inference, graph, optimum] [local, argmax, object, pattern, score, evaluate, speed] [skeleton, state, time, multiple, represent, dynamic] [view, prior, image, figure, single, estimated, journal] [pose, pictorial, model, joint, set, human, tractable, grid, tree, lower, left, distribution, upper, max, appearance, independent, articulated, evidence, generated, level, body, explore, unit]
Joint 3D Scene Reconstruction and Class Segmentation
Christian Hne, Christopher Zach, Andrea Cohen, Roland Angst, Marc Pollefeys
Christian Hne, Christopher Zach, Andrea Cohen, Roland Angst, Marc Pollefeys

[data, standard, method, domain, choice] [convex, shape, dense, ray, geometry, underlying, assume, camera] [segmentation, label, boundary, proposed, term, labeling, energy, continuous, formulation, order, assigned, discrete, problem, optimization, form] [object, approach, contribution, location, spatial, framework, local, dataset] [observed, modeling, multiple, transition, described] [depth, surface, reconstruction, smoothness, image, volumetric, voxels, wulff, ground, prior, respective, voxel, corresponding, function, stereo, ysij, pixel, free, note, missing, freespace, input, noise, assumption, suitable, figure] [joint, training, class, unary, scene, appearance, model, semantic, unaries, log, geometric, decision, work, category, component]
Determining Motion Directly from Normal Flows Upon the Use of a Spherical Eye Platform
Tak-Wai Hui, Ronald Chung
Tak-Wai Hui, Ronald Chung

[method, vector, linear, data] [camera, spherical, rotation, translation, system, ati, position, constraint, orthogonal, solution, direct, magnitude, awi, estimation, imaging, plane, directly, point, coordinate, ransac, general, projective, rig, recovery, estimate, require, lie, determine, consider, apparent, equation, pure, ith] [proposed, pair, approximate, number, global, computation, form, three] [visual, partial, spatial, local, feature, afs, baseline, object] [motion, optical, multiple, eye, frame, video, observable] [normal, image, direction, figure, depth, ambiguity, separation, view, gradient, angular, limited, recovering, recovered, wide, complete] [full, scene, set, component, work, unit, accuracy, relative]
Texture Enhanced Image Denoising via Gradient Histogram Preservation
Wangmeng Zuo, Lei Zhang, Chunwei Song, David Zhang
Wangmeng Zuo, Lei Zhang, Chunwei Song, David Zhang

[method, update, sparse, coding, sparsity, dictionary, denoted, pca, denotes, learning, considering, original, better, standard, arg, existing] [estimate, estimation, real, magnitude, close, paper, solve, simulated, operator] [based, proposed, algorithm, iterative, minimization, statistical, term, simple] [texture, scale, visual, propose, local, well, performance, approach, matching, detailed] [histogram, observation, modeling, pdf, experimental, enhance, modeled] [image, gradient, denoising, ghp, natural, denoised, noise, prior, nonlocal, noisy, restoration, reference, preservation, regularization, function, fact, patch, enhanced, teid, figure, gaussian, quality, clean, preserve, removing, lssc, awgn, estimated, transform] [model, distribution, parameter, alternating, level, work, novel]
Robust Estimation of Nonrigid Transformation for Point Set Registration
Jiayi Ma, Ji Zhao, Jinwen Tian, Zhuowen Tu, Alan L. Yuille
Keywords: L2E, registration, outlier, nonrigid, regularization
Jiayi Ma, Ji Zhao, Jinwen Tian, Zhuowen Tu, Alan L. Yuille
Keywords: L2E, registration, outlier, nonrigid, regularization

[method, data, sparse, matrix, kernel, good, denotes, large, vector, linear, applied, test, standard, dimensional, learning] [point, registration, transformation, correspondence, robust, nonrigid, estimate, initial, shape, deformation, estimator, inlier, estimation, estimating, error, establish, underlying, degree, inliers, solve, cpd, general, equation, annealing, rotation, degradation] [algorithm, number, problem, neighborhood, based, pair, second, optimal, complexity] [feature, matching, performance, approach, context, spatial, occlusion, local, correct, size, false] [target, main, presented, performed] [image, noise, corresponding, function, input, figure, note, minimum, reproducing, normal] [set, model, parameter, functional, typically, goal, work]
Joint Sparsity-Based Representation and Analysis of Unconstrained Activities
Raghuraman Gopalan
Raghuraman Gopalan

[sparse, representation, clustering, method, sparsity, learning, test, intermediate, table, grassmann, signal, space, datasets, matrix, discriminative, standard] [computer, conference, vision, common, international, unconstrained, point, contained, case, consider, camera] [based, algorithm, proposed, background] [pattern, dataset, feature, performance, approach, local, visual, average] [video, activity, recognition, action, analysis, perform, modeling, motion, event, extrinsic, innovative, temporal, olympic, subsequent, distributed, utility, pursue, ensemble, kth, multiple, atleast, pertaining, realistic, hmdb] [intrinsic, corresponding, figure, focus, content, image] [joint, human, work, accuracy, set, understanding, machine, interesting, class, scene, component, training]
Exemplar-Based Face Parsing
Brandon M. Smith, Li Zhang, Jonathan Brandt, Zhe Lin, Jianchao Yang
Brandon M. Smith, Li Zhang, Jonathan Brandt, Zhe Lin, Jianchao Yang

[face, test, method, table, database, lfw, datasets, sparse, inner, large] [alignment, nonrigid, general, warp, computed, robust, small] [label, algorithm, segmentation, contour, step, truth, lip, runtime, segment, search, background, hard, number] [approach, sift, well, window, compare, keypoints, keypoint, best, matching, dataset, soft, implementation, location, descriptor] [eye, skin, confusion] [image, hair, figure, ground, pixel, map, previous, estimated, recover, input] [exemplar, mouth, set, parsing, top, helen, liu, facial, accuracy, left, trained, probability, zhu, brow, upper, nose, work, scene, landmark, generate, saragih, lower, model, generated, kanade, component, occur]
Gauging Association Patterns of Chromosome Territories via Chromatic Median
Hu Ding, Branislav Stojkovic, Ronald Berezney, Jinhui Xu
Hu Ding, Branislav Stojkovic, Ronald Berezney, Jinhui Xu

[distance, labeled, method, table, metric, comparison, data, datasets, matrix, larger, space, minimize, min] [point, adaptive, solve, vertex, synthetic, compute, solution, cap, coordinate] [median, chromosome, graph, jaccard, chromatic, programming, pili, nucleus, rounding, denote, algorithm, column, quadratic, pairwise, biological, number, pnln, sdp, problem, introduce, diagonal, label, multilevel, pil, optimal, objective, lemma, gmg, called, xij, pair, indi, territory] [cell, pattern, average, sampling, performance, select, dataset, approach, improvement] [association, total, experimental] [figure, input, corresponding, image, noise, row, ground, single, technique, uniform, quality, note, equal] [set, model, level, human, output, geometric, side, generated, expected]
Scene Coordinate Regression Forests for Camera Relocalization in RGB-D Images
Jamie Shotton, Ben Glocker, Christopher Zach, Shahram Izadi, Antonio Criminisi, Andrew Fitzgibbon
Jamie Shotton, Ben Glocker, Christopher Zach, Shahram Izadi, Antonio Criminisi, Andrew Fitzgibbon

[test, sparse, standard, learning, table, sample, good, space, randomly, achieve] [camera, coordinate, ransac, chess, computed, point, robust, accurate, icp, initial, inliers, directly] [algorithm, optimization, energy, number, node, simple, random, truth, three, based, simply] [approach, baseline, feature, score, hypothesis, evaluate, matching, best, location, art, evaluated] [recognition, main, tracking, frame, state] [image, depth, pixel, rgb, single, figure, ground, function, input, note] [pose, forest, scene, set, training, regression, inferred, tree, accuracy, trained, model, mode, evaluates, leaf, work, example, pumpkin, relocalization, kinit, fire]
Multi-attribute Queries: To Merge or Not to Merge?
Mohammad Rastegari, Ali Diba, Devi Parikh, Ali Farhadi
Mohammad Rastegari, Ali Diba, Devi Parikh, Ali Farhadi

[binary, method, combination, space, test, margin, query, discriminative, better, table, gain, retrieval, learn, learning, dealing] [mapping, compute, calibration, case, length, def] [search, satisfy, merge, number, bound, algorithm, merging, higher, problem, sum, order, three, optimization, proposed, faster, entire] [performance, approach, visual, average, best, evaluate, threshold, merged, positive, compare, feature, object, detect] [time, multiple, identify, recognition] [figure, image, red, function, blue, result, corresponding, diameter] [attribute, set, train, component, training, white, furry, apascal, upper, learnability, trained, work, combining, geometric, independent, model, bird, default, semantic, appearance, dbc, upd]
Fast Rigid Motion Segmentation via Incrementally-Complex Local Models
Fernando Flores-Mangas, Allan D. Jepson
Keywords: Motion Segmentation, Motion Model Instantiation, Model Selection, Multi-body Structure from Motion
Fernando Flores-Mangas, Allan D. Jepson
Keywords: Motion Segmentation, Motion Model Instantiation, Model Selection, Multi-body Structure from Motion

[method, data, matrix, large, distance, sparse, clustering, standard, ssc, subspace] [control, magnitude, residual, ransac, epipolar, rfi, computed, planar, determine, rigid, determined, inlier, small, singular, estimate, bfi, covariance, inliers, computer, smallest, underlying, instantiation, degenerate, extrapolation] [segmentation, algorithm, number, three, computational, term, region, second, complexity, segment, computation, random, incorporates, optimal, objective, based, problem] [subset, negative, dataset, object, local, approach, well, pool] [motion, trajectory, frame, state, explained, indicates, video] [noise, image, figure, support, estimated, arbitrary, gaussian, direction, corresponding] [model, accuracy, set, relative, prediction, distribution, account, goal]
Hyperbolic Harmonic Mapping for Constrained Brain Surface Registration
Rui Shi, Wei Zeng, Zhengyu Su, Hanna Damasio, Zhonglin Lu, Yalin Wang, Shing-Tung Yau, Xianfeng Gu
Rui Shi, Wei Zeng, Zhengyu Su, Hanna Damasio, Zhonglin Lu, Yalin Wang, Shing-Tung Yau, Xianfeng Gu

[method, metric, euclidean, space, riemannian, diffusion, representation, process, source] [hyperbolic, harmonic, registration, brain, curvature, compute, mapping, area, ricci, cortical, conformal, vertex, disk, computer, general, shape, axis, diffeomorphic, template, distortion, correspondence, suppose, trans, plane, university, computed, vision, initial, heat, decomposition, coordinate, path, planar, equation, shortest, klein, unique, isometrically, curve, condition, med, international, projection, homotopic] [boundary, algorithm, current, form, pair, based, number, called, proposed, choose, step, computational, registered, computation, discrete, conventional] [local, color, average, pattern, high] [target, analysis, group] [surface, map, figure, difference, geodesic, image, consistent, apply] [landmark, work, model, parameter]
Information Consensus for Distributed Multi-target Tracking
Ahmed T. Kamal, Jay A. Farrell, Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury
Keywords: distributed, sensor network, camera network, consensus, Kalman filter, data association, tracking
Ahmed T. Kamal, Jay A. Farrell, Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury
Keywords: distributed, sensor network, camera network, consensus, Kalman filter, data association, tracking

[data, matrix, weighted, fusion, vector, process, method, chosen, randomly] [estimation, measurement, camera, estimate, covariance, computed, vision, computer, compute, issue, area, initial, assume, solution, robust] [consensus, node, network, algorithm, number, proposed, vij, term, truth, problem, wij, graph, scheme, step, applicable, probabilistic, neighboring, based] [average, performance, high, false] [distributed, state, tracking, association, target, mtic, uji, icf, centralized, communication, kcf, jpdaf, time, total, naivety, multiple, gji, observation, kalman, innovation, dynamic, zni, track] [sensor, prior, ground, limited, single, varying, figure, note] [set, filter, generated, probability, naive, amount, work]
Robust Monocular Epipolar Flow Estimation
Koichiro Yamaguchi, David McAllester, Raquel Urtasun
Keywords: Optical flow, Autonomous driving
Koichiro Yamaguchi, David McAllester, Raquel Urtasun
Keywords: Optical flow, Autonomous driving

[table, large, good, vector, matrix, block, test, parameterization] [epipolar, plane, estimation, estimate, error, camera, robust, vision, encode, ecol, fundamental, variational, accurate, point, convex, constraint, compute] [algorithm, mrf, energy, problem, cost, number, continuous, superpixel, segmentation, discrete, order, random, boundary, based, second, represents, neighboring, competing, step, search, third] [matching, approach, best, performance, well, computing, occlusion, challenging] [time, optical, flow, employ, represent] [image, stereo, pixel, kitti, estimated, motionslic, csp, disparity, slanted, assumption, direction, function, map, input, foe, ground, tan, fact, edisp, sgm] [set, model, scene, oracle]
Maximum Cohesive Grid of Superpixels for Fast Object Localization
Liang Li, Wei Feng, Liang Wan, Jiawan Zhang
Keywords: Maximum grid of superpixels, object localization, dynamic programming
Liang Li, Wei Feng, Liang Wan, Jiawan Zhang
Keywords: Maximum grid of superpixels, object localization, dynamic programming

[coherence, method, strategy, query, better, table, compared, calculate, china, nearest, space] [real, computer, direct, vision, position, path, composed, rotation] [sps, dummy, cohesive, column, node, superpixels, objectness, superlattice, turbopixel, optimal, number, regular, edge, fast, based, region, discrepancy, slic, neighboring, irregular, maximizing, superpixel, current, increasing, definition, produce, initialization, proposed, sum, constructing, pix, step, regional, segmentation, weight, tianjin, subgraph, three] [object, approach, detection, localization, maximum, searching, best, cascade, performance, locality, size, benchmark, average] [correlated, dynamic, multiple, target] [image, figure, note, arbitrary, regularization, maximization, scaling, corresponding] [grid, accuracy, set, efficient, generate, structural, generated]
Tracking Sports Players with Context-Conditioned Motion Models
Jingchen Liu, Peter Carr, Robert T. Collins, Yanxi Liu
Keywords: multi-target tracking, data association, sports analysis, game context feature
Jingchen Liu, Peter Carr, Robert T. Collins, Yanxi Liu
Keywords: multi-target tracking, data association, sports analysis, game context feature

[data, learning, method, cluster] [area, constant, absolute, length, robust, error] [number, current, cost, random, global, based, higher, problem, network, linking, pair] [context, feature, detection, object, pedestrian, average, false, local, nearby, recall] [tracking, motion, player, association, game, team, trajectory, occupancy, multiple, time, likelihood, temporal, hockey, nerr, long, basketball, complex, tracklets, tracklet, track, correlated, individual, velocity, gap, movement, chasing, tgap, pmiss, sequence, indicating, implicitly, indicates, frame, kinematic] [focus, figure, map, noisy, prior, estimated] [set, model, relative, independent, hierarchical, distribution, training, describing, forest, log, appearance, decision, prediction]
Sparse Output Coding for Large-Scale Visual Recognition
Bin Zhao, Eric P. Xing
Bin Zhao, Eric P. Xing

[coding, bit, matrix, spoc, data, binary, learning, ignored, test, sparse, similarity, method, code, large, codeword, proximal, table, distance, multiclass, effectively, ovr, bkl, predictor, vector, better, linear, min, hamming, ensure, categorization, husky, labeled, learned] [decoding, corresponds, error] [problem, partition, optimization, probabilistic, number, label, column, based, algorithm, random, dual, node, objective, propagation, proposed, computational, graph, second] [visual, positive, propose, negative, feature, design, object] [time, recognition, ability] [gradient, image, figure, corresponding, function, prior, regularization] [class, output, training, top, accuracy, probability, scene, set, semantic, sun, hierarchical, prediction, tree]
Histograms of Sparse Codes for Object Detection
Xiaofeng Ren, Deva Ramanan
Keywords: Object Detection, Sparse Coding, Feature Learning, Supervised Training
Xiaofeng Ren, Deva Ramanan
Keywords: Object Detection, Sparse Coding, Feature Learning, Supervised Training

[sparse, dictionary, learning, learned, dimension, large, supervised, larger, svd, representation, code, standard, coding, neural, learn, better, table, sparsity, data, linear] [system, power, general, vision] [reduction, identical, algorithm] [hog, object, hsc, feature, detection, size, average, local, precision, dpm, inria, richer, positive, window, comparing, dataset, negative, unsupervised, outperform, well, matching, computing, deformable, visual, root, compare, challenging, sliding, oriented, approach] [recognition, person, multiple] [patch, image, change, figure, processing, transform, single, mixture] [training, model, work, pascal, trained, latent, set]
Winding Number for Region-Boundary Consistent Salient Contour Extraction
Yansheng Ming, Hongdong Li, Xuming He
Yansheng Ming, Hongdong Li, Xuming He

[method, linear, min, similarity, induced, atom, ensure, denoted, conjugate] [curvature, paper, solution, condition, closure, denominator, computed, point, solve] [region, contour, number, winding, edge, segmentation, salient, term, boundary, objective, consistency, junction, label, based, problem, superpixel, closed, graph, wij, extraction, second, normalized, energy, program, sum, foreground, horse, column, cost, zij, adjacent, denote, ncuts, fast, computation, fractional, third, strength, simple, background] [detection, framework, ratio, local, concept, object] [gap, total, crossing, continuity] [image, function, figure, cue, row, input, transformed] [set, model, active, work, grouping, example, parameter, left]
Detection of Manipulation Action Consequences (MAC)
Yezhou Yang, Cornelia Fermller, Yiannis Aloimonos
Yezhou Yang, Cornelia Fermller, Yiannis Aloimonos

[method, weighted, sample, process] [point, system, condition, vision, computer, area, division, monitor, robust, initial, case, consider, international, fundamental] [segmentation, graph, attention, based, edge, algorithm, cut, term, weight, topological, proposed, problem, denote, order, represents, number, segment] [object, visual, color, detection, dataset, sampling, crucial, detecting, performance, considered] [action, tracking, manipulation, consequence, tracked, recognition, optical, movement, sequence, video, vsg, time, intelligent, target, volume, motion, ability, described, assemble, represent, monitoring] [figure, image, change, mac, stochastic, natural, depth, pixel] [set, active, appearance, human, model, goal, distribution, understanding, semantic, example, work, provide]
What Object Motion Reveals about Shape with Unknown BRDF and Lighting
Manmohan Chandraker, Dikpal Reddy, Yizhou Wang, Ravi Ramamoorthi
Manmohan Chandraker, Dikpal Reddy, Yizhou Wang, Ravi Ramamoorthi

[linear, source, table] [unknown, differential, shape, theory, perspective, recovery, pde, camera, general, hardness, consider, proposition, solution, case, yield, invariant, point, reconstructed, constraint, derive, relates, system, projection, fundamental, directly, required, small, paper, special, imaging, estimation, solve, real] [three, characteristic, problem, form, number] [object, partial] [motion, optical, sequence] [surface, brdf, depth, reconstruction, note, image, orthographic, lighting, lambertian, illumination, figure, colocated, brightness, stereo, quasilinear, isotropic, arbitrary, rewrite, input, prior, directional, recovered, light, gradient, brdfs, recover, normal, constancy, photometric, setup, map, homogeneous, extent, corresponding, distant, shading, function] [relation, level, work, log, scene, set, independent]
A Global Approach for the Detection of Vanishing Points and Mutually Orthogonal Vanishing Directions
Michel Antunes, Joo P. Barreto
Keywords: vanishing point, mutually orthogonal vanishing directions, Facility Location
Michel Antunes, Joo P. Barreto
Keywords: vanishing point, mutually orthogonal vanishing directions, Facility Location

[clustering, method, matrix, min, distance, metric, simultaneously] [orthogonal, vps, ufl, vanishing, hfl, tardif, point, mutually, manhattan, estimation, solving, error, initial, solver, pencil, sphere, triplet, putative, angle, camera, vjl, common, computed, real, stocked] [problem, facility, consistency, edge, algorithm, solved, message, passing, global, cost, objective, number, three, proposed, sum, optimal, labeling, truth, minimization, second, segmentation] [detection, approach, location, layer, detecting, propose, subset, framework] [multiple, detected, extracted, time, automatic] [image, function, figure, noise, gaussian, single, ground, direction] [set, hierarchical, geometric]
Spatial Inference Machines
Roman Shapovalov, Dmitry Vetrov, Pushmeet Kohli
Keywords: computer vision, semantic segmentation, scene understanding, inference machines, 3D point clouds, depth images
Roman Shapovalov, Dmitry Vetrov, Pushmeet Kohli
Keywords: computer vision, semantic segmentation, scene understanding, inference machines, 3D point clouds, depth images

[source, method, learning, learned, distance, table, learn, data, loss, applied, large, vector, involves] [point, solution, vision, error] [factor, inference, iteration, segmentation, random, label, destination, number, graphical, message, pairwise, superpixel, koppula, superpixels, probabilistic, ross, form, variable, algorithm, cloud, belief, order, lead, markov] [spatial, local, color, context] [sequential] [function, previous, corresponding, note, regularization, image, estimated, figure, map] [structural, model, prediction, training, set, semantic, type, scene, typically, vertical, labelling, class, relative, machine, potential, appearance, account]
Can a Fully Unconstrained Imaging Model Be Applied Effectively to Central Cameras?
Filippo Bergamasco, Andrea Albarelli, Emanuele Rodol, Andrea Torsello
Keywords: Camera Calibration, General Camera Model, Raxels
Filippo Bergamasco, Andrea Albarelli, Emanuele Rodol, Andrea Torsello
Keywords: Camera Calibration, General Camera Model, Raxels

[process, distance, method, code, large, linear, standard, effectively, parametric, manifold, test, low] [calibration, pinhole, camera, ray, unconstrained, error, refraction, estimation, imaging, computer, point, calibrated, coordinate, radial, vision, distortion, squared, estimate, system, closest, dense, central, covariance, paper, conference, generalized, general, geometrical, plane, angle, exhibiting, display, respect, planar, transformation] [number, order, problem, formulation, optimization, term, based, algorithm] [approach, precision, generic, plot, high, average, pattern, spatial, localization, object, well, scale] [target, observed, optical, experimental, performed] [figure, pixel, surface, image, interpolation, estimated, direction, normal, fact] [model, pose, set, associated, active, shot]
A Video Representation Using Temporal Superpixels
Jason Chang, Donglai Wei, John W. Fisher_III
Keywords: superpixels, supervoxels, oversegmentation, video segmentation, tracking
Jason Chang, Donglai Wei, John W. Fisher_III
Keywords: superpixels, supervoxels, oversegmentation, video segmentation, tracking

[representation, method, clustering, process, metric, better, comparison, data] [consider, point, expressed, equation, dense] [superpixel, superpixels, tsps, segmentation, number, tsp, boundary, optimal, label, supervoxel, algorithm, inference, truth, proposed, slic, introduce, gbh, three, move, topology, simple, graphical, graph, random, swa, dead, streaming, iterative] [object, local, average, location, recall, size] [temporal, video, likelihood, optical, frame, motion, time, represent, track, existed, indicates, capture, evaluation] [figure, single, image, ground, desired, pixel, gaussian, bilateral, note, previous, prior, additional] [model, log, set, example, split, work, distribution, parameter, joint, generative, geometric, commonly]
Unnatural L0 Sparse Representation for Natural Image Deblurring
Li Xu, Shicheng Zheng, Jiaya Jia
Li Xu, Shicheng Zheng, Jiaya Jia

[kernel, method, loss, sparse, representation, update, space, vector, table, matrix, intermediate, running, sparsity, compared, updating, project] [camera, estimation, rotation, solution, estimate, solve, approximation, expressed, solving, translation, special, computed, error] [edge, fast, optimization, energy, number, proposed, algorithm, weight, scheme, convergence, extra, term, truth, salient, based, iteration, quantitative] [framework, dataset] [motion, lhi, time, total] [image, deblurring, blur, function, regularization, shock, patch, gradient, deconvolution, input, cho, unnatural, result, uniform, lee, figure, krishnan, blind, map, jia, natural, blurred, shan, acm, single, hirsch, atr, ground, remove, toeplitz] [model, latent, family, making, level, set]
Compressible Motion Fields
Giuseppe Ottaviano, Pushmeet Kohli
Keywords: motion fields, video compression, quantization, wavelets
Giuseppe Ottaviano, Pushmeet Kohli
Keywords: motion fields, video compression, quantization, wavelets

[block, encoded, representation, coding, vector, metric, quantization, linear, method, good, encoding, large, quantizer, matrix, test, signal] [wavelet, residual, distortion, dirac, warping, error, constant, compression, surrogate, solution, approximation, encode, basis, decomposition, small, linearized, encoder, compute, squared, subband, vbmc, adaptive, dense] [number, field, objective, problem, algorithm, cost, based, optimization, term, approximate, current] [haar, average, approach, entropy, size, implementation] [motion, video, frame, optical, compensation, quantized] [image, psnr, function, reference, figure, difference, smooth, detail, pixel, warped, quality, transformed] [prediction, model, level, set, work, example]
An Approach to Pose-Based Action Recognition
Chunyu Wang, Yizhou Wang, Alan L. Yuille
Keywords: pose estimation, action recognition, feature learning
Chunyu Wang, Yizhou Wang, Alan L. Yuille
Keywords: pose estimation, action recognition, feature learning

[method, data, representation, dictionary, transaction, discriminative, table, represented, comparison, vector, learn] [estimation, camera, estimate, intersection] [proposed, based, contrast, three] [approach, performance, local, spatial, dataset, color, art, rate, challenging, high, detect, location, compare] [action, recognition, motion, gesture, keck, temporal, video, ucf, represent, sport, state, frame, capture, frequently, quantized, extract, turn, going, described, growth, pursue] [figure, support, image, estimated, apply] [pose, body, joint, human, mining, set, model, accuracy, training, holistic, left, work, appearance, call, mine, compose]
Single-Sample Face Recognition with Image Corruption and Misalignment via Sparse Illumination Transfer
Liansheng Zhuang, Allen Y. Yang, Zihan Zhou, S. Shankar Sastry, Yi Ma
Keywords: Single-sample face recognition, sparse representation, image corruption, face alignment
Liansheng Zhuang, Allen Y. Yang, Zihan Zhou, S. Shankar Sastry, Yi Ma
Keywords: Single-sample face recognition, sparse representation, image corruption, face alignment

[face, sit, sparse, dictionary, query, src, transfer, session, representation, corruption, table, subspace, sample, dsrc, learning, randomly, outperforms, mrr, method, vector, linear, yaleb, extended, original, existing, large, experiment, corrupted, intraclass, better, good] [alignment, robust, error, transformation, misalignment, translation, case, shape, assume, compensate, solution, small, consider] [algorithm, based, random, solved, step, constructed] [performance, compare, framework, propose, stage, variant] [recognition, multiple, eye] [illumination, image, reference, figure, pixel, additional, single, recover, arbitrary, manual, estimated, address, change, including] [training, subject, class, facial, model, pose, appearance, accuracy, provided, set, frontal, typically, active, novel, human, provide]
Fast Image Super-Resolution Based on In-Place Example Regression
Jianchao Yang, Zhe Lin, Scott Cohen
Keywords: super-resolution, self-example, self-similarity, in-place matching, image restoration, image upscaling
Jianchao Yang, Zhe Lin, Scott Cohen
Keywords: super-resolution, self-example, self-similarity, in-place matching, image restoration, image upscaling

[learning, large, transfer, learn, better, sparse, linear, test] [computer, small, approximation, singular, conference, robust, mapping, compression, vision, practical, error, center, real] [algorithm, based, fast, order, produce, factor, approximate, pair, simple, edge, step] [matching, local, scale, visual, spatial, pattern, location, match, origin, size] [multiple] [image, patch, function, figure, natural, scaling, noise, upscaling, prior, sharp, band, frequency, anchor, external, input, bicubic, single, contaminated, freedman, pixel, note, extremely, textured, corresponding, noisy, smooth] [regression, example, model, lower, training, set, structure, typically, upper]
From Local Similarity to Global Coding: An Application to Image Classification
Amirreza Shaban, Hamid R. Rabiee, Mehrdad Farajtabar, Marjan Ghazvininejad
Keywords: Image Classification, Bag of Words, Manifold Learning, Global Coding
Amirreza Shaban, Hamid R. Rabiee, Mehrdad Farajtabar, Marjan Ghazvininejad
Keywords: Image Classification, Bag of Words, Manifold Learning, Global Coding

[coding, manifold, similarity, method, learning, data, llc, matrix, linear, nonlinear, pooling, lsgc, table, vector, dictionary, considering, sparse, svm, learned, reported, codebook, kernel, nearest, labeled, standard, distance, letter, belongs, lsac, compared] [computer, conference, vision, transformation, consider, geometry, computed, basis, ith, error, underlying, smoothly] [global, measure, based, proposed, term, scheme, order, algorithm, wij, number, dependence] [local, feature, descriptor, locality, pattern, performance, nearby, benchmark, object, online, spatial] [bow, varies, volume] [image, function, figure, reconstruction, natural, fact] [structure, parameter, machine, set, probability, accuracy, train, training, account, max]
Universality of the Local Marginal Polytope
Daniel Pra, Tom Werner
Daniel Pra, Tom Werner

[linear, encoding, reduced, binary, large, face, space, represented, min, combination, matrix, construct, project] [theorem, equation, length, constraint, polynomial, solving, case, solve, imposes, convex, assumed, general, assume, projection, computed, vertex, constant] [problem, marginal, polytope, algorithm, lemma, program, optimization, relaxation, pseudomarginals, guv, complexity, polyhedron, pairwise, number, owers, gij, pseudomarginal, equality, ain, elementary, prove, polytopes, discrete, optimal, summing, energy, reduction, graphical, aij, czech, simplex, construction, auxiliary] [local, object, pattern, best] [time, sequence, analysis] [figure, bounded, input, result, function] [unary, set, side, log, machine, description, output, indicated, example]
Patch Match Filter: Efficient Edge-Aware Filtering Meets Randomized Search for Fast Correspondence Field Estimation
Jiangbo Lu, Hongsheng Yang, Dongbo Min, Minh N. Do
Keywords: PatchMatch, nearest-neighbor search, edge-aware image filtering, cost volume filtering, stereo, optical flow
Jiangbo Lu, Hongsheng Yang, Dongbo Min, Minh N. Do
Keywords: PatchMatch, nearest-neighbor search, edge-aware image filtering, cost volume filtering, stereo, optical flow

[method, space, table, achieve, better, large, compact, kernel, linear, data] [correspondence, plane, error, general, estimation, vision] [label, cost, search, patchmatch, pmf, complexity, random, propagation, segment, aggregation, labeling, superpixels, discrete, fast, number, eaf, runtime, algorithm, costfilter, proposed, annf, superpixel, computational, faster, graph, current, middlebury, global, subpixel, based, computation, slic, subimage, energy, iteration, denote, initialization, minimization] [matching, size, framework, local, randomized, computing, speedup, color, spatial, visual, challenging, window] [optical, motion, volume, displacement] [image, stereo, pixel, disparity, spatially, figure, range, slanted, input, support] [set, improved, accuracy, goal, parameter]
Correlation Filters for Object Alignment
Vishnu Naresh Boddeti, Takeo Kanade, B.V.K. Vijaya Kumar
Keywords: Correlation Filters, Object Alignment, Car Alignment, Shape Models
Vishnu Naresh Boddeti, Takeo Kanade, B.V.K. Vijaya Kumar
Keywords: Correlation Filters, Object Alignment, Car Alignment, Shape Models

[vector, matrix, discriminative, comparison, denotes, linear, min, bayesian] [shape, ransac, alignment, computer, robust, vision, error, template, paper] [greedy, random, proposed, based, problem, three, computational, include, diagonal] [occluded, feature, object, pattern, car, localization, average, detection, performance, local, partial, well, design, high, compare, hog, size, approach, evaluate, deformable, comparing, challenging, final] [partially, channel, analysis] [rmse, image, support, view, figure, desired, frequency, fourier] [bpsi, correlation, landmark, model, appearance, vie, inde, landmar, filter, lude, machine, forest, oracle, vcf, output, ial, unoc, par, designed, task, pose, unoccluded, lower, designing, training, fitting, scalar, active, provide]
Blind Deconvolution of Widefield Fluorescence Microscopic Data by Regularization of the Optical Transfer Function (OTF)
Margret Keuper, Thorsten Schmidt, Maja Temerinac-Ott, Jan Padeken, Patrick Heun, Olaf Ronneberger, Thomas Brox
Keywords: blind deconvolution, widefield microscopy, OTF regularization
Margret Keuper, Thorsten Schmidt, Maja Temerinac-Ott, Jan Padeken, Patrick Heun, Olaf Ronneberger, Thomas Brox
Keywords: blind deconvolution, widefield microscopy, OTF regularization

[data, method, kernel, domain, transfer, update, variation, low, large] [reconstructed, residual, estimate, synthetic, disk, emission, central, array, imaging, system, computed, point, numerical, spherical, wavelength, simulated, real] [objective, microscopy, algorithm, based, cut, current, region] [mask, cell, maximum, pattern, spatial, well, dataset, negative, high] [optical, likelihood, amplitude, total] [psf, deconvolution, otf, function, specimen, regularization, rmse, blind, kftv, recorded, image, support, recording, figure, frequency, fourier, kip, noise, light, prior, microscopic, limited, denoising, confocal, microscope, poisson, mlem, voxel, drosophila, transform, spinning, intensity, resolution, maximization, blur, aperture, airy, expectation, multiplicative] [model, parameter, set, example]
Groupwise Registration via Graph Shrinkage on the Image Manifold
Shihui Ying, Guorong Wu, Qian Wang, Dinggang Shen
Keywords: Unbiased groupwise registration, graph shrinking, image manifold, diffeomorphism
Shihui Ying, Guorong Wu, Qian Wang, Dinggang Shen
Keywords: Unbiased groupwise registration, graph shrinking, image manifold, diffeomorphism

[method, data, manifold, large, vector, distance, original, atlas, space, better, low, calculate, simultaneously] [registration, brain, center, deformed, deformation, evolution, synthetic, estimate, anatomical, common, deforms, theorem, consider, deforming, csf] [groupwise, graph, absorb, population, eij, dice, registered, proposed, infant, three, number, longitudinal, topology, shrinkage, entire, bound, pathway, register, algorithm, optimal, iteration, matter, objective, edge, clear, node, conventional, representing, neighboring, construction, shanghai, consistently] [ratio, average, performance, pattern, threshold, achieves, procedure] [velocity, time, individual, dynamic, group, fuzzy, symmetric, represent] [image, geodesic, figure, function, blue, warped, estimated, red, calculated, guide] [distribution, model, set, subject, sitting, upper, selected]
Exploring Weak Stabilization for Motion Feature Extraction
Dennis Park, C. Lawrence Zitnick, Deva Ramanan, Piotr Dollr
Dennis Park, C. Lawrence Zitnick, Deva Ramanan, Piotr Dollr

[large, linear, svm, reported, outperforms] [compute, camera, estimation, computed, small, system, spaced] [simple, background, include, current, optimal, based] [detection, approach, pedestrian, object, feature, hog, boosting, scale, caltech, detecting, false, dataset, rate, weak, normalization, well, computing, descriptor, size, detector, best, improvement, location, spatial, stabilizing, challenging, local] [motion, temporal, frame, static, video, optical, stabilization, skip, perform, evaluation, people, stabilized, multiple, action, mindseye, movement, spacetime, objectcentric, channel] [image, difference, figure, gradient, prior, reference] [pose, body, trained, describe, model, human, articulated, training, work, parameter, upper, explore, provide, accuracy]
A Fast Approximate AIB Algorithm for Distributional Word Clustering
Lei Wang, Jianjia Zhang, Luping Zhou, Wanqing Li
Keywords: Word clustering, Agglomerative Information Bottleneck, Visual Codebook, Image Recognition
Lei Wang, Jianjia Zhang, Luping Zhou, Wanqing Li
Keywords: Word clustering, Agglomerative Information Bottleneck, Visual Codebook, Image Recognition

[word, loss, aib, clustering, mutual, clustered, data, accumulative, large, comparison, distributional, test, logarithm, good, space, incurred, wpq, table, compact, incurs, bottleneck, better, learning, existing, classification] [error, theorem, real, small, synthetic, respect, smaller, approximation, point, case, corollary] [number, computational, algorithm, complexity, pair, merging, optimal, proposed, order, three, fast, cost, based, simply] [average, ratio, rate, visual, performance, candidate, precision, well, object, improve, feature, agglomerative, positive] [time, indicates, stationary, explicitly] [minimum, result, figure, achieved, image, function, map] [class, log, training, set, text, work, list, joint, level, probability]
Image Tag Completion via Image-Specific and Tag-Specific Linear Sparse Reconstructions
Zijia Lin, Guiguang Ding, Mingqing Hu, Jianmin Wang, Xiaojun Ye
Keywords: image tag completion, linear sparse reconstruction
Zijia Lin, Guiguang Ding, Mingqing Hu, Jianmin Wang, Xiaojun Ye
Keywords: image tag completion, linear sparse reconstruction

[sparse, linear, matrix, vector, test, weighting, dictionary, table, formulated, performing, datasets, nearest, effective, effectiveness, optimized] [formula, initial, reconstructed] [proposed, objective, labelled, optimal, column, normalized, merging, optimization, illustrated, problem, scheme, measure, based, factor] [tag, lsr, tagging, performance, feature, merged, visual, recommendation, utilize, unlabelled, tuning, sug, propose, utilized, jec, incomplete, feat, folksonomy, benchmark, dlc, validate, separately, tagprop, dataset] [perform, group, experimental] [image, completion, reconstruction, img, corresponding, function, missing, denoising, completely, note, row, completed, previous] [set, training, parameter, semantic, associated, top]
Beta Process Joint Dictionary Learning for Coupled Feature Spaces with Application to Single Image Super-Resolution
Li He, Hairong Qi, Russell Zaretzki
Keywords: Dictionary Learning, Beta Process, Image Super-Resolution, Coupled Feature Spaces
Li He, Hairong Qi, Russell Zaretzki
Keywords: Dictionary Learning, Beta Process, Image Super-Resolution, Coupled Feature Spaces

[dictionary, learning, sparse, coupled, learned, method, process, beta, space, learn, ssim, bilevel, coding, atom, better, zik, signal, compared, sample, bayesian, representation, matrix, sparsity, comparison, sik, scdl, overcomplete, sisr, customized, zeyde, binary] [mapping, university, initial, reconstructed, recovery] [proposed, problem, algorithm, factor, step, based, indicator, order, produce, number] [feature, size, relationship, overlap, approach, visual] [analysis, volume] [image, single, patch, recover, superresolution, quality, corresponding, previous, row, consistent, reconstruction, figure, prior, gamma, resolution, property, psnr] [drawn, model, training, joint, set, gibbs, yang, level]
Learning for Structured Prediction Using Approximate Subgradient Descent with Working Sets
Aurlien Lucchi, Yunpeng Li, Pascal Fua
Keywords: structured prediction, image segmentation, machine learning, computer vision, electron microscopy, subgradient
Aurlien Lucchi, Yunpeng Li, Pascal Fua
Keywords: structured prediction, image segmentation, machine learning, computer vision, electron microscopy, subgradient

[learning, method, loss, descent, hinge, sgd, msrc, vector, table, cutting, linear, arg, margin, large, better, standard, min, svm, original, replace, optimize, data] [solving, plane, respect, computer, computed, constraint, vision] [working, inference, algorithm, subgradient, approximate, segmentation, crfs, labeling, subgradients, based, crf, loopy, random, violated, samplerank, objective, convergence, graph, number, dual, ssvm, markov, iteratively, slic, belief, superpixels, labelings, propagation, expensive] [sampling, average, feature, score, true, object, dataset, performance, propose, size, best, approach] [described, time] [image, function, stochastic, gradient, ground, input, figure, note] [set, training, structured, example, class, task, output, parameter]
Learning the Change for Automatic Image Cropping
Jianzhou Yan, Stephen Lin, Sing Bing Kang, Xiaoou Tang
Keywords: Image cropping
Jianzhou Yan, Stephen Lin, Sing Bing Kang, Xiaoou Tang
Keywords: Image cropping

[original, method, distance, large, data, assessment, vector, learning] [computed, common, shape, determine, small] [crop, cropping, region, exclusion, cropped, saliency, foreground, compositional, photo, based, composition, attention, cut, three, photographer, boundary, number, energy, aesthetic, distracting, sum, measure, attentionbased, isolation, second] [color, feature, detection, window, average, approach, texture, box, visual, high, highest, candidate, evaluate, additionally] [expert, automatic, identify] [image, figure, quality, user, map, technique, change, acm, result] [set, training, human, subject, model, account, generated, selected, study, trained, work, example]
BRDF Slices: Accurate Adaptive Anisotropic Appearance Acquisition
Jir Filip, Radomr Vvra, Michal Haindl, Pavel id, Mikul Krupika, Vlastimil Havran
Keywords: BRDF, measurement, adaptive, sampling
Jir Filip, Radomr Vvra, Michal Haindl, Pavel id, Mikul Krupika, Vlastimil Havran
Keywords: BRDF, measurement, adaptive, sampling

[data, subspace, sample, sparse, method, signal, linear, representation, distance, reasonable, adaptively, parameterization] [adaptive, measurement, camera, accurate, visualization, dense, axial, sphere, minimal, position, mechanical, point, rxy, allows, axis] [proposed, number, step, algorithm, second, diagonal, based, truth] [sampling, performance, densely, color, high] [capture, count] [brdf, measured, interpolation, uniform, acquisition, illumination, azimuthal, reconstruction, reference, figure, interpolated, difference, view, anisotropic, slice, image, uniformly, material, single, setup, resolution, light, note, ground, row, pxy, quality, angular, viewing, elevation, perpendicular, introduced, function, cie, dxy, symposium] [appearance, work]
3D Visual Proxemics: Recognizing Human Interactions in 3D from a Single Image
Ishani Chakraborty, Hui Cheng, Omar Javed
Keywords: Visual Proxemics, 3D people layout, semantic constraints, RANSAC
Ishani Chakraborty, Hui Cheng, Omar Javed
Keywords: Visual Proxemics, 3D people layout, semantic constraints, RANSAC

[face, table, space, distance, linear, method, vector, classification, better, standard] [camera, outlier, estimate, shape, consider, constraint, estimation, ransac, perspective, plane, robust, position, compute, center, horizon] [based, number, proposed, photo, derived] [visual, spatial, feature, framework, size, detection, performance, detect, approach, average, dataset, visibility, location] [people, group, interaction, social, crowd, described, analysis, detected, capture, indicates] [image, figure, depth, single, ground, estimated] [height, proxemics, model, layout, human, pose, set, semantic, shot, proxemes, proxeme, family, audience, rectification, level, type, typical]
Online Robust Dictionary Learning
Cewu Lu, Jiaping Shi, Jiaya Jia
Keywords: Online Learning, Robust Statistics, Dictionary Learning
Cewu Lu, Jiaping Shi, Jiaya Jia
Keywords: Online Learning, Robust Statistics, Dictionary Learning

[dictionary, data, learning, batch, sparse, update, method, linear, min, digit, ordl, memory, brdl, table, learned, irls, snr, running, matrix, sizeoftrainingdata, updating, robustness, consumption, coding, usps, mnist, compared, calculate, process, mairal, mjt, combination, outperforms, comparable, cjt, existing] [robust, outlier, expressed, computer, solve, ith, solving, system, vision, error, small] [algorithm, wij, background, term, foreground, xij, scheme, column, statistical, random, based, optimization] [online, size, compare, framework, evaluate, dataset, performance, approach] [time, recognition, dynamic, video, evaluation, subtraction] [image, figure, history, previous, reconstruction, noise, function, row, difference, natural, corresponding, input, journal] [training, set, example]
Learning to Detect Partially Overlapping Instances
Carlos Arteta, Victor Lempitsky, J. Alison Noble, Andrew Zisserman
Carlos Arteta, Victor Lempitsky, J. Alison Noble, Andrew Zisserman

[method, learning, table, low, vector, binary, data, loss, large, process] [synthetic, solution, case, real, nested, estimation, estimate, absolute] [region, number, proposed, yij, microscopy, optimization, inference, based, density, background, programming, higher, assigned, second, vij] [detection, object, extremal, cell, baseline, dataset, approach, dji, pool, high, feature, detect, improvement, annotation, performance, candidate, overlapping, penalization, pedestrian, local, evaluated, procedure, overlap] [individual, counting, count, multiple, inside, surveillance, dynamic, crowd, performed, perform, ucsd] [image, input, difference, estimated, maximization] [class, set, model, training, selected, accuracy, work, structured, output, correspond, task, max, tree, latent, amount]
Multi-target Tracking by Rank-1 Tensor Approximation
Xinchu Shi, Haibin Ling, Junling Xing, Weiming Hu
Keywords: Multiple target tracking, Rank-1 tensor approximation
Xinchu Shi, Haibin Ling, Junling Xing, Weiming Hu
Keywords: Multiple target tracking, Rank-1 tensor approximation

[norm, large, product, data, vector, mda, matrix, batch, table, element, sparse, denotes, formulated, performs, better] [approximation, power, solution, percentage, dense, computed, wrong, special] [iteration, algorithm, global, formulation, optimization, proposed, order, problem, convergence, number, based, three, approximate, network, computation, complexity, pairwise, column, denote, formulate] [approach, local, match, object, high, propose, correct, detection, score, challenging] [tensor, association, tracking, trajectory, multiple, assignment, target, motion, presented, frame, ein, epq, time, constitutes, icm, psudata, hungarian, clif, total, ult] [figure, note, row] [unit, max, set, work]
Detecting and Aligning Faces by Image Retrieval
Xiaohui Shen, Zhe Lin, Jonathan Brandt, Ying Wu
Xiaohui Shen, Zhe Lin, Jonathan Brandt, Ying Wu

[face, test, database, retrieval, method, similarity, retrieved, large, sample, discriminative, gating, calculate, retrieve, datasets, learned, larger, better, achieve] [alignment, accurately, center, consider, robust, determine, small] [based, search, proposed, fast, measure, public, simple, step, order] [detection, voting, validation, approach, object, rectangle, location, vote, detect, score, window, well, detector, ratio, positive, performance, threshold, feature, localization, localize, propose, false, local, scale, overlap, localized, high, bounding, framework, sliding, negative, candidate, roc, benchmark, visual, challenging] [performed, detected] [image, figure, achieved, additional, estimated] [exemplar, landmark, facial, log, annotated, training, appearance, naive, bayes, set, work]
Rolling Riemannian Manifolds to Solve the Multi-class Classification Problem
Rui Caseiro, Pedro Martins, Joo F. Henriques, Ftima Silva Leite, Jorge Batista
Keywords: Riemannian Manifolds, Rolling motions, Object Classification
Rui Caseiro, Pedro Martins, Joo F. Henriques, Ftima Silva Leite, Jorge Batista
Keywords: Riemannian Manifolds, Rolling motions, Object Classification

[space, riemannian, manifold, data, classification, grassmann, matrix, euclidean, logm, logi, rmi, son, project, paradigm, symn, kernel, binary, learning, table, subspace, embedded, slip, face, nonholonomic, metric] [rolling, point, curve, real, general, solve, vision, computer, projection, case, allows, special, orthogonal] [algorithm, order, number, problem, proposed, sorted, definition] [defined, performance, local, object, positive, framework, dataset, weak, average] [affine, symmetric, perform, presented, classifier, analysis, motion, define] [tangent, map, smooth, sen, interpolation, illumination, image, valid, fact] [set, work, structure, combined, train, class, geometric]
Vantage Feature Frames for Fine-Grained Categorization
Asma Rejeb Sfar, Nozha Boujemaa, Donald Geman
Asma Rejeb Sfar, Nozha Boujemaa, Donald Geman

[data, svm, base, learning, table, test, method, categorization, process, centroid, sample, representation, achieve] [point, shape, coordinate, computer, determined] [simple, based, order, number, boundary, illustrated, segmentation, node, neighborhood] [feature, object, local, detection, rate, dataset, performance, candidate, swedish, visual, detecting, best, generic, positive, plant, subset, approach, genus, well, scale, negative, considered, score, compare] [recognition, frame, likelihood, detected] [figure, image, estimated, note, orientation, single, corresponding, focus] [vantage, leaf, smithsonian, set, distribution, work, apex, discriminating, idsc, botanical, family, scanned, orchid, training, category, accuracy, appearance, landmark, taxonomic, list]
Watching Unlabeled Video Helps Learn New Human Actions from Very Few Labeled Snapshots
Chao-Yeh Chen, Kristen Grauman
Chao-Yeh Chen, Kristen Grauman

[unlabeled, data, method, labeled, domain, manifold, original, learning, adaptation, neighbor, test, learn, representation, space, source, idea, datasets, svm, lle, nonlinear, nearest, learned] [synthetic, system, real, small] [label, based, number, denote] [approach, object, dataset, feature, annotation, bounding, baseline, generic, well] [video, action, static, recognition, motion, activity, pav, person, augment, hollywood, impact, people, relevant] [figure, image, prior, extrapolate, additional, map, note, function] [training, pose, set, human, body, pascal, accuracy, novel, train, work, class, stanford, appearance, poselet, riding, account, category, expand, explore, example, generate, poselets]
The Variational Structure of Disparity and Regularization of 4D Light Fields
Bastian Goldluecke, Sven Wanner
Keywords: light field analysis, inverse problems, variational methods
Bastian Goldluecke, Sven Wanner
Keywords: light field analysis, inverse problems, variational methods

[space, data, vector, linear, variation, large, standard, descent] [ray, point, plane, epipolar, convex, variational, computer, plenoptic, conference, general, projection, camera, imaging, unknown, international, pinhole, solving, vision, coordinate, assume, allow, differential] [global, labeling, optimization, problem, optimal, order, term, continuous, computational, form, algorithm] [local, spatial, framework, pattern, well] [total, analysis] [light, disparity, view, inpainting, regularization, regularizer, image, inverse, map, denoising, figure, note, input, function, single, psnr, direction, depth, consistent, sense, interpolation, regularizers, enforce, visible, natural, vectorial, stereo, damaged, epi] [scene, structure, model, novel, generated, work, example, set]
Efficient Object Detection and Segmentation for Fine-Grained Recognition
Anelia Angelova, Shenghuo Zhu
Keywords: fine-grained categorization, image segmentation, Laplacian propagation
Anelia Angelova, Shenghuo Zhu
Keywords: fine-grained categorization, image segmentation, Laplacian propagation

[method, oxford, datasets, large, table, tested, better, linear, compared, pooling, svm, data, good, standard] [paper, initial, laplacian, center, general, small, equation, system] [segmentation, algorithm, truth, background, proposed, segmented, region, foreground, propagation, extraction, global, advantage, label] [object, dataset, performance, baseline, improvement, bounding, detection, feature, challenging, approach, localize, scale, pipeline, box, propose, best, nilsback, cat, normalize, hog, providing, ybg, dog] [recognition, automatic, extracted, detected] [image, ground, figure, note, previous, apply, pixel] [top, set, model, work, provide, training, accuracy, trained, combining]
Hierarchical Video Representation with Trajectory Binary Partition Tree
Guillem Palou, Philippe Salembier
Guillem Palou, Philippe Salembier

[representation, distance, binary, similarity, process] [initial, point, estimation, computer, dense, small, relies, june] [segmentation, algorithm, region, merging, partition, proposed, reliability, number, boundary, term, cut, graph, neighboring, adjacency, produce, exp, fij, creation, cost, iteratively, complexity, order] [color, spatial, object, approach, detection, occlusion, art, dataset, propose] [trajectory, motion, video, bpt, temporal, optical, time, sequence, long, histogram, tracking, stable, reliable, tracked, track, state, main, analysis, volume, quantized] [figure, image, processing, voxels, difference, estimated, prior, spatially, produced] [hierarchical, tree, model, accuracy, work, set, structure, semantic, provide, scene]
A New Perspective on Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo
Thoma Papadhimitri, Paolo Favaro
Keywords: Uncalibrated photometric stereo, perspective projection, GBR ambiguity
Thoma Papadhimitri, Paolo Favaro
Keywords: Uncalibrated photometric stereo, perspective projection, GBR ambiguity

[matrix, method, vector, denotes] [perspective, projection, computer, conference, constraint, camera, vision, solution, case, length, focal, center, error, shape, equation, synthetic, international, generalized, point, pot, calibrated, reconstructed, unknown, imposing, written, real, notation] [problem, based, solved, algorithm] [pattern, performance] [analysis, formation, main, recognition] [photometric, stereo, image, map, uncalibrated, normal, orthographic, integrability, depth, ambiguity, reconstruction, angular, notice, surface, albedo, light, pixel, gbr, irradiance, bvt, prior, illumination, coin, ground, lambertian, noise, journal, figure, input, shading, additional, tankus, estimated, gradient, distant, captured] [model, work, scene]
A Max-Margin Riffled Independence Model for Image Tag Ranking
Tian Lan, Greg Mori
Tian Lan, Greg Mori

[rank, method, learning, svm, denotes, query, better, demonstrate, vector, larger, space, linear] [computer, vision, decomposition, consider] [order, graph, inference, problem, algorithm, truth, three, form, based, proposed, second, search, represents, number, optimization] [tag, feature, baseline, score, local, best, object, irrelevant, subset] [group, relevant, capture] [image, ground, function, figure] [ranking, list, independence, model, leaf, sun, ranked, associated, set, relative, full, attribute, independent, relevance, predict, zijst, structured, ordered, labelme, example, training, output, eak, predicting, structure, consists, preferable, potential, hierarchical, ranksvm, interleaved, call, goal, scene]
Multi-agent Event Detection: Localization and Role Assignment
Suha Kwak, Bohyung Han, Joon Hee Han
Keywords: video event detection, activity detection
Suha Kwak, Bohyung Han, Joon Hee Han
Keywords: video event detection, activity detection

[binary, vector, matrix, method, denoted, formulated, linear, table, original, large] [constraint, virtual, estimation, projection] [number, optimization, algorithm, problem, search, solved, based, assigned, illustrated, increasing, complexity] [detection, framework, localization, detect, true, best, approach, earlier, performance, recall] [event, role, target, lineup, time, agent, group, scenario, assignment, recognition, holdobj, described, interval, primitive, video, temporal, interpretation, detected, multiple, getball, getinto, feasible, logic, outsider, delivery, indicates, getaway, member, getoff, comeclose, dynamic, evaluation, ree] [note, estimated, figure, single, technique, stochastic] [joint, starting, max]
Constrained Clustering and Its Application to Face Clustering in Videos
Baoyuan Wu, Yifan Zhang, Bao-Gang Hu, Qiang Ji
Baoyuan Wu, Yifan Zhang, Bao-Gang Hu, Qiang Ji

[clustering, face, data, distance, learned, matrix, learning, metric, denoted, standard, uldml, table, ppc, denotes, manifold, method, space] [constraint, constrained, simulated, system, propagated, conference, equation] [pairwise, algorithm, based, vij, neighborhood, number, computational, random, markov, propagation, three, search, wij, complexity, probabilistic, embeds, satisfy, order, initialization] [local, framework, subset, performance, stage, soft] [track, detected, main, recognition, presented] [smoothness, easily, note, function, guide, prior, including, result, image, figure] [set, model, work, accuracy, latent, probability, facial, log, hidden, correlation, help, potential]
PISA: Pixelwise Image Saliency by Aggregating Complementary Appearance Contrast Measures with Spatial Priors
Keyang Shi, Keze Wang, Jiangbo Lu, Liang Lin
Keywords: saliency detection, pixelwise saliency, object detection, image processing
Keyang Shi, Keze Wang, Jiangbo Lu, Liang Lin
Keywords: saliency detection, pixelwise saliency, object detection, image processing

[cluster, space, aggregating, method, datasets, compact, good, performs, distance, effectiveness] [center, adaptive, computed, initial, vision] [saliency, contrast, pisa, salient, based, region, three, measure, proposed, pixelwise, term, background, computational, asd, foreground, number, fast, public, motivated, scheme, coherent, sod, global, segmentation, share, complexity] [color, spatial, detection, complementary, recall, visual, feature, precision, descriptor, local, object, lbp, framework, evaluate, dataset, propose, average, challenging, high] [histogram, gabor, assignment, rendered] [image, pixel, prior, map, figure, previous, input, spatially, homogeneous, support, fusing, technique, natural] [structure, appearance, accuracy, distribution]
Stochastic Deconvolution
James Gregson, Felix Heide, Matthias B. Hullin, Mushfiqur Rouf, Wolfgang Heidrich
Keywords: Deblurring, Deconvolution, Stochastic, Random Walk, Spatially-Varying PSF
James Gregson, Felix Heide, Matthias B. Hullin, Mushfiqur Rouf, Wolfgang Heidrich
Keywords: Deblurring, Deconvolution, Stochastic, Random Walk, Spatially-Varying PSF

[method, sample, comparison, process, data, standard, descent, effectively, linear] [coordinate, equation, camera, system, point, convex, condition, solution, implemented, paper, solving, imaging] [boundary, algorithm, objective, random, energy, convergence, problem, term, based, simple, optimization, chromatic, form, order, introduce, number, fast] [sampling, framework, local, well, color] [total, motion] [deconvolution, stochastic, image, prior, figure, deblurring, levin, regularizer, psf, regularization, captured, function, gamma, walk, regularizers, change, saturated, blurred, noise, tomography, spatially, including, intrinsic, acm, blur, varying, pixel, mutation, straightforward, handling, raskar, input, arbitrary, reconstruction, history, tomographic] [work, example, typically]
Blocks That Shout: Distinctive Parts for Scene Classification
Mayank Juneja, Andrea Vedaldi, C.V. Jawahar, Andrew Zisserman
Keywords: Scene Classification
Mayank Juneja, Andrea Vedaldi, C.V. Jawahar, Andrew Zisserman
Keywords: Scene Classification

[learning, method, learned, block, discriminative, representation, vector, encoding, supervised, fisher, learn, good, table, test, svm, clustering, rootsift, llc, large, linear] [] [seed, number, problem, step, superpixels, based, expansion, order] [object, distinctive, feature, spatial, hog, average, ifv, performance, mit, procedure, visual, detector, entropy, approach, bop, best, weakly, descriptor, round, validation, well, bounding, propose] [bag, bow, described, detected, recognition, multiple, identify, informative] [image, figure, single, corresponding, note, fact, additional, uniform] [scene, training, model, set, example, class, mining, top, accuracy, selected, exemplar, occur, task, discovery, combined, indoor, occurrence, trained, work, correspond]
Attribute-Based Detection of Unfamiliar Classes with Humans in the Loop
Catherine Wah, Serge Belongie
Keywords: unfamiliar class detection, attribute-based classification, human in the loop, visual recognition, fine-grained visual categories
Catherine Wah, Serge Belongie
Keywords: unfamiliar class detection, attribute-based classification, human in the loop, visual recognition, fine-grained visual categories

[test, learning, belonging, datasets, large, method, demonstrate, binary, query, better, distance, hamming] [assume, vision, computer, observe, system, estimate, differ, determined] [problem, based, number, share, order, random, truth] [detection, visual, object, dataset, detecting, performance, approach, well, color, validation, challenging, considered, detect, true] [recognition, observed, play] [figure, user, noise, image, note, prior, focus, blue, address, ground, addition] [unfamiliar, class, attribute, training, set, probability, unseen, category, human, knowledge, work, family, accuracy, selected, drawn, bird, train, occur, goal, amount, example, empirically, incorporating, task, predicting]
Self-Paced Learning for Long-Term Tracking
James Steven Supani_III, Deva Ramanan
Keywords: tracking, object tracking, self paced learning, learning
James Steven Supani_III, Deva Ramanan
Keywords: tracking, object tracking, self paced learning, learning

[learning, learn, svm, large, good, learned, table, linear, reduce, increase, labeled, descent, effective, better, learns] [initial, requires, system, error, easy, template, coordinate] [algorithm, number, dual, problem, iteration, current, simple, cost, obj, objective, label] [object, online, select, tracker, performance, detection, negative, crucial, location, positive, benchmark, transductive, detector, visual, score, approach, tld, best, bounding, subset, selection, hypothesis, baseline, evaluate, selecting, panda, box, curriculum, correct, local] [tracking, frame, track, displacement, motion, dynamic, multiple, time, diagnostic, analysis, extract] [previous, prior, err, figure, including, single, additional] [model, appearance, training, set, work, selected]
Deformable Spatial Pyramid Matching for Fast Dense Correspondences
Jaechul Kim, Ce Liu, Fei Sha, Kristen Grauman
Jaechul Kim, Ce Liu, Fei Sha, Kristen Grauman

[test, method, data, table, outperforms, distance, compared, existing, transfer] [dense, correspondence, accurate, solution, translation, extension] [node, graph, segmentation, patchmatch, cost, second, number, objective, optimization, term, label, search, lmo, fast, computation, global, neighboring, mrf, three, background, vij] [matching, spatial, scale, sift, match, object, dsp, descriptor, deformable, approach, local, substantial, matched, generic, visual, compare, localization, size, best, nearby] [flow, multiple] [image, pixel, pyramid, figure, smoothness, regularization, single, stereo, prior, function] [model, geometric, scene, accuracy, example, class, appearance, exemplar, grid, hierarchical, semantic, work]
Blessing of Dimensionality: High-Dimensional Feature and Its Efficient Compression for Face Verification
Dong Chen, Xudong Cao, Fang Wen, Jian Sun
Keywords: Face Recognition, High-dimensional LBP, Rotated Sparse Regression
Dong Chen, Xudong Cao, Fang Wen, Jian Sun
Keywords: Face Recognition, High-dimensional LBP, Rotated Sparse Regression

[sparse, face, rotated, method, learning, subspace, linear, sparsity, supervised, dimensionality, lfw, matrix, large, dimension, table, discriminative, highdimensional, bayesian, comparison, better, pca, unrestricted, learn, database, follow, reduce, data, wdref, reduced, original, plda] [projection, computer, vision, rotation, dense, conference, compression, alignment, international] [number, based, second, term, penalty, greedy, objective, higher, cost] [feature, high, lbp, baseline, sampling, performance, pattern, selection, scale, sift, hog, unsupervised, local, adopt, improvement, evaluate, positive, stage] [gabor, recognition] [image, figure, function, patch, additional, freedom, limited] [regression, training, accuracy, set, joint, investigate, landmark, facial, study, machine, structure]
Discriminative Subspace Clustering
Vasileios Zografos, Liam Ellis, Rudolf Mester
Keywords: Subspace clustering, Discriminative clustering, quadratic classifier
Vasileios Zografos, Liam Ellis, Rudolf Mester
Keywords: Subspace clustering, Discriminative clustering, quadratic classifier

[subspace, clustering, data, method, dimensionality, discriminative, cluster, linear, spectral, unlabeled, tested, extended, distance, ssc, low, large, membership, slbf, kernel, matrix, yale, czi, face, learning, basic, dimension, mnist] [point, projection, robust, small, error, synthetic, intersection, solution, solving, computer] [number, random, segmentation, algorithm, quadratic, problem, graph, exp, label, step, complexity, order, merging, second, reduction] [local, dataset, sampling, union, well, locality, lsr, randomized, approach] [ensemble, motion, analysis, combine] [disc, ambient, figure, intrinsic, function, gaussian, noise, result, recover, note] [set, training, level, parameter, model, trained, generative, drawn, train, class, geometric, generating, novel]
Looking Beyond the Image: Unsupervised Learning for Object Saliency and Detection
Parthipan Siva, Chris Russell, Tao Xiang, Lourdes Agapito
Keywords: Object Saliency, Weakly Supervised Learning, Generic Object Detection
Parthipan Siva, Chris Russell, Tao Xiang, Lourdes Agapito
Keywords: Object Saliency, Weakly Supervised Learning, Generic Object Detection

[supervised, method, learning, existing, distance, table, comparison, large, vector, better, report] [consider] [saliency, salient, based, proposed, proposal, number, current, region, global, coherent, bias, segmentation, labelled, simple, contrast, density] [object, weakly, box, annotation, sampling, location, bounding, approach, recall, precision, high, alexe, detection, sampled, dataset, unsupervised, select, unlabelled, voc, visual, propose, rate, average, local, sift, annotating, rahtu, selection, colour, highest, suppression, feature, detecting, performance, detector, score, correctly, weak] [interest, corpus, msr, multiple] [image, patch, map, figure, pixel, note, single] [pascal, set, human, probability, annotated, accuracy, task, work, predict, model]
Integrating Grammar and Segmentation for Human Pose Estimation
Brandon Rothrock, Seyoung Park, Song-Chun Zhu
Brandon Rothrock, Seyoung Park, Song-Chun Zhu

[vector, learning, hinge, distance, proximal, loss, large, space, method] [geometry, estimation, template, computed, compute] [region, background, segmentation, number, distal, foreground, graph, inference, truth, compositional, computation, discrete, conventional, distinct, optimal] [score, feature, scale, performance, well, hog, object, local, shared, baseline, variant, framework, color, evaluated, response, root] [evaluation, multiple, maximal, represent, articulation, state, head] [image, orientation, ground, maximization, figure, pixel, corresponding] [model, appearance, grammar, production, pose, human, parse, articulated, compatibility, relative, torso, symbol, body, full, pictorial, left, max, leeds, limb, training, aog, fmp, defines, structure, work, tree, parsing, hierarchical, provide]
Discriminative Non-blind Deblurring
Uwe Schmidt, Carsten Rother, Sebastian Nowozin, Jeremy Jancsary, Stefan Roth
Uwe Schmidt, Carsten Rother, Sebastian Nowozin, Jeremy Jancsary, Stefan Roth

[kernel, discriminative, test, method, sparse, linear, data, standard, demonstrate, good, testing] [camera, estimation, real, estimate, case] [truth, random, based, crf, iterative, proposed, form, inference, pairwise, computational] [approach, performance, cascade, stage, local, benchmark, average, well, best, evaluate] [realistic, cvpr, bank, likelihood] [image, blur, deblurring, gaussian, rtf, noise, input, blurred, estimated, note, ground, restoration, regularization, blind, psnr, zjc, regress, synthetically, figure, deblurred, arbitrary, noisy, address, result, previous, levin, restored, limited, map, halfquadratic] [model, training, regression, trained, train, tree, output, generated, prediction, generative, potential, provided, distribution, example, set]
Depth Super Resolution by Rigid Body Self-Similarity in 3D
Michael Hornek, Christoph Rhemann, Margrit Gelautz, Carsten Rother
Keywords: depth super resolution, dense matching, optimization
Michael Hornek, Christoph Rhemann, Margrit Gelautz, Carsten Rother
Keywords: depth super resolution, dense matching, optimization

[data, nearest, neighbor, method, database, table] [point, rigid, correspondence, respect, dense, camera, scan, dof, common, error] [algorithm, patchmatch, random, merging, factor, middlebury, cost, introduce, initialization] [matching, object, color, mask, spatial, compare, variant, matched, approach] [target, motion, evaluation, multiple, percent] [depth, patch, image, input, map, mac, pixel, aodha, figure, resolution, corresponding, glasner, overlay, equal, result, upscaling, note, freeman, carry, intensity, super, greater, diebel, stereo, reasoning, thrun, rmse, ancillary, lesser, valid, tsukuba, venus, situated, range, interpolated, perturbation, laser, function] [body, yang, set, liu, work, provide, lower, subject]
Video Enhancement of People Wearing Polarized Glasses: Darkening Reversal and Reflection Reduction
Mao Ye, Cha Zhang, Ruigang Yang
Keywords: Reflection Reduction, 3D Videoconferencing
Mao Ye, Cha Zhang, Ruigang Yang
Keywords: Reflection Reduction, 3D Videoconferencing

[arg, process, data, linear, bayesian, applied, denotes, involves, domain] [camera, imaging, warping, shutter, small, simulated, assumed, mapping] [region, term, pair, based, order, three, second, reduction, denote, global, weight] [layer, color, approach, spatial, scale, visual, relationship] [eye, dynamic, skin, video, observed, multiple, observable, rest, partially, presented, perform, temporal] [image, icr, polarized, polarization, stereo, user, captured, icb, transmission, estimated, view, figure, note, setup, logp, gradient, videoconferencing, single, separation, prior, light, dark, function, difference, darkness, darkening, pixel, gaussian, separating, sarel] [model, max, work, composite, hidden, set, log, subject, scene, independent, study]
Pattern-Driven Colorization of 3D Surfaces
George Leifman, Ayellet Tal
George Leifman, Ayellet Tal

[svm, sample, distance, diffusion, learning, demonstrates, large, data, kij, comparison] [vertex, small, equation, point, curvature, geometry, symmetry, computer, transformation, curve, system, vki] [algorithm, foreground, region, based, number, boundary, background, segmentation, neighboring, problem, three] [pattern, negative, descriptor, color, positive, propose, detection, enriched, feature, subset, object, high, utilize, approach] [automatically, described, histogram, extract, represent] [colorization, figure, surface, user, image, input, single, colorized, separation, acm, quality, colorizes, adding, colorize, suction, result, technique, scribble, enriching, smoothing, function] [set, instance, training, characterizes]
Tensor-Based High-Order Semantic Relation Transfer for Semantic Scene Segmentation
Heesoo Myeong, Kyoung Mu Lee
Heesoo Myeong, Kyoung Mu Lee

[transfer, query, matrix, retrieved, similarity, product, learning, method, test, link, large, denotes, develop, vector, labeled] [respect, triplet, dense, consider, correspondence] [segmentation, label, region, objective, road, number, pairwise, problem, proposed, algorithm, term, based, horse, approximate, sum, three, quadratic, emax, second, global, graph, lmo, conventional] [object, dataset, car, context, contextual, performance, size, matched, approach, matching] [tensor, person, indicates, recognition, total] [image, function, figure, zhang] [semantic, relation, building, sky, tree, scene, set, nonparametric, annotated, potential, predicted, grass, class, jain, ijk, model, training, labelme, liu, yijk, polo, novel, tighe, highorder]
Enriching Texture Analysis with Semantic Data
Tim Matthews, Mark S. Nixon, Mahesan Niranjan
Keywords: texture, semantics
Tim Matthews, Mark S. Nixon, Mahesan Niranjan
Keywords: texture, semantics

[comparison, space, data, retrieval, table, similarity, query, binary, repetitive, linear, rank, vector, sgf] [correspondence, rotation, computer, error, vision, invariant, equation] [graph, higher, random, three, strength, form] [texture, visual, descriptor, rate, precision, positive, well, feature, recall, pattern, eleven, lined, spiralled, object, ubp, disordered, outex, concatenated, perceived, dataset, methodology, webbed, false, speckled, best, average, scale, wrinkled, true, marbled, blemished, dominance] [analysis, relevant, indicates, target, recognition] [image, figure, calculated, natural, uniform, illumination] [semantic, attribute, human, ranking, liu, subject, woven, set, lexicon, modelling, structure, work, describe, selected, provide]
Continuous Inference in Graphical Models with Polynomial Energies
Mathieu Salzmann
Mathieu Salzmann

[method, fusion, original, min, performing, vector, standard, demonstrate] [polynomial, solution, homotopy, decomposition, system, continuation, expressed, vision, slave, mesh, computer, augmented, remain, solving, pcbp, general, shape, employed, computed, estimation, respect, convex, case, small, xui, xuj] [energy, dual, problem, global, convergence, belief, continuous, inference, algorithm, form, optimal, propagation, minimization, graphical, graph, lagrangian, discrete, step, quadratic, subgradient, solved, number, random, primal, variable, neighboring] [approach, size, shared, best, deformable] [optical, multiple] [image, note, function, depth, reconstruction, surface, figure, gaussian, noise, minimum, handle, regularizer] [relative, rule]
Graph Matching with Anchor Nodes: A Learning Approach
Nan Hu, Raif M. Rustamov, Leonidas Guibas
Nan Hu, Raif M. Rustamov, Leonidas Guibas

[matrix, kernel, distance, learning, spectral, method, large, weighted, vector, learned, learn, slack, randomly, min] [heat, small, signature, deformation, laplacian, computer, assume, angle, consider, approximation, tilt, point] [graph, rrwm, node, problem, based, order, dap, number, proximity, algorithm, second, wia, adjacency, term, random, proposed, formulation, edge, density, form, wij, measure, integer, house, hotel, bwia, pairwise, nin, quadratic, iqp, program, nout, introduce, quantum, scheme, pair] [matching, performance, correct, average, pattern, approach, feature, generic] [sequence, pan, time, rest, superior] [anchor, noise, image, figure, red] [compatibility, accuracy, set, training, family, amount, structural, selected, knowledge]
Semi-supervised Learning with Constraints for Person Identification in Multimedia Data
Martin Buml, Makarand Tapaswi, Rainer Stiefelhagen
Martin Buml, Makarand Tapaswi, Rainer Stiefelhagen

[data, face, learning, unlabeled, loss, labeled, rank, table, method, speaker, supervised, large, leonard, denotes, howard, svm, learn, doug] [small] [order, problem, number, label, proposed] [recall, average, feature, performance, entropy, framework, logistic, detection, negative, approach, precision, propose] [person, track, series, naming, bbt, mlr, speaking, automatic, multiple, pan, identify, automatically, perform, recognition, multimedia, main, assignment, identity, analysis, video, explained, evaluation] [function, figure, cast, apply] [training, class, accuracy, buffy, set, model, character, multinomial, train, work, joint, regression, decision, full, account, example, pose, parameter]
Cross-View Image Geolocalization
Tsung-Yi Lin, Serge Belongie, James Hays
Tsung-Yi Lin, Serge Belongie, James Hays

[query, data, discriminative, method, kernel, large, representation, retrieval, existing, denotes, database, eigenvalue, svm, canonical] [heat, translation, direct, paper, averaging, compute] [cover, based, region, truth, random, dqg, introduce, produce] [matching, feature, match, approach, performance, location, visual, baseline, dataset, fail, best, densely, matched, scale] [recognition, represent] [image, ground, figure, map, corresponding, note, view, row, support] [attribute, training, aerial, level, scene, land, overhead, imagery, appearance, nffd, dyj, avg, isolated, geolocation, correlation, top, kcca, geolocalization, geographic, leverage, set, survey, geolocate, human, ymap, satellite]
Graph-Laplacian PCA: Closed-Form Solution and Robustness
Bo Jiang, Chris Ding, Bio Luo, Jin Tang
Keywords: PCA, graph, Laplacian, robustness
Bo Jiang, Chris Ding, Bio Luo, Jin Tang
Keywords: PCA, graph, Laplacian, robustness

[data, glpca, pca, embedding, clustering, original, table, matrix, pur, min, nmi, acc, representation, principal, standard, mnist, usps, eigenvectors, ncut, vector, learning, rglpca, better, spectral, nonlinear, manifold, learn, eigenvalue, performs, linear, cluster, low, eigenvector, lpp, similarity, dimensionality, binalf, space, face, dimensional, datasets, binalpha, labeled, science, mfeat] [laplacian, solution, residual, robust, solve, apparent, reconstructed, observe, proposition, preserving, solving] [graph, optimal, incorporates, random, normalized, three, largest, relaxation] [dataset, average, occluded, select, compare, propose] [analysis, multiple] [figure, generally, input, image, including] [model, component, accuracy, class, set, parameter, regression, type, provide, machine]
Multi-resolution Shape Analysis via Non-Euclidean Wavelets: Applications to Mesh Segmentation and Surface Alignment Problems
Won Hwa Kim, Moo K. Chung, Vikas Singh
Won Hwa Kim, Moo K. Chung, Vikas Singh

[signal, method, representation, data, domain, kernel, applied, manifold, spectral, euclidean, large, construct, distance] [wavelet, shape, mesh, vertex, alignment, computer, brain, template, basis, perceptually, wkd, derive, point, cortical, registration, theory, harmonic, mwkd, application, extremas, deformation, solution, directly, vision, thickness] [segmentation, graph, based, algorithm, random, number, topology, problem, second, global] [localized, evaluate, scale, benchmark, local, descriptor, approach, well, highly] [analysis, interest, key, behavior, obtaining] [surface, function, fourier, transform, frequency, range, figure, resolution, consistent, varying, result, noise] [set, correspond, meaningful, provide]
Structured Face Hallucination
Chih-Yuan Yang, Sifei Liu, Ming-Hsuan Yang
Keywords: structured face hallucination landmarks localizatio
Chih-Yuan Yang, Sifei Liu, Ming-Hsuan Yang
Keywords: structured face hallucination landmarks localizatio

[face, test, similarity, method, ssim, process, subspace, comparison, learned, effective, linear] [magnitude, aligned, suppose, mapping] [proposed, algorithm, based, edge, truth, three, statistical, label] [best, well, dataset, local, matched, mask, approach] [modeled] [image, figure, gradient, input, upsampled, hallucination, smooth, map, patch, ground, pixel, diivine, psnr, viewed, corresponding, qualitative, sharpness, sharp, quality, transferred, note, preserve, restore, upright, bicubic] [generate, set, exemplar, facial, generated, component, training, pose, landmark, frontal, hallucinated, structure, structural, generating]
Supervised Semantic Gradient Extraction Using Linear-Time Optimization
Shulin (Lynn) Yang, Jue Wang, Linda Shapiro
Shulin (Lynn) Yang, Jue Wang, Linda Shapiro

[] [computer, conference, vision] [lmo] [pattern] [recognition] [] []
Story-Driven Summarization for Egocentric Video
Zheng Lu, Kristen Grauman
Keywords: video summarization, egocentric, story
Zheng Lu, Kristen Grauman
Keywords: video summarization, egocentric, story

[method, original, good, data, metric] [camera, path, compute, computed] [based, graph, objective, segmentation, term, queue, three, coherent, connecting, include, number, measure, random, boundary, approximate, form] [visual, object, approach, score, select, sampling, baseline, selection, well, color, pattern, candidate, selecting] [video, subshots, egocentric, chain, subshot, summary, summarization, story, capture, total, multiple, news, adl, long, ute, event, motion, priority, activity, frame, progress, keyframes, daily, temporal, individual, key] [user, figure, input, uniform, quality] [scene, selected, diversity, set, work, novel, model, study, making, activation, example, generate, text]
Sample-Specific Late Fusion for Visual Category Recognition
Dong Liu, Kuan-Ting Lai, Guangnan Ye, Ming-Syan Chen, Shih-Fu Chang
Keywords: late fusion, ranking, infinite push, graph
Dong Liu, Kuan-Ting Lai, Guangnan Ye, Ming-Syan Chen, Shih-Fu Chang
Keywords: late fusion, ranking, infinite push, graph

[fusion, method, late, sample, fwlf, sslf, labeled, vector, lrlf, matrix, alf, learning, unlabeled, test, rank, distance, learn, min, supervision, svm, achieve, data, kernel, categorization, setting, experiment, table, oxford, flower, denotes, follow, calculate, norm] [directly, admm, solve] [weight, proposed, problem, optimization, based, number, higher, algorithm, optimal, propagation, graph, objective, label] [score, positive, negative, dataset, performance, best, average, visual, feature, object, validation, local, precision, procedure, baseline, sift] [video, event, individual, push, recognition, multiple] [function, figure, including, map, viewed, calculated, support] [prediction, set, training, parameter, ranking, work, max, top, pascal, task]
Specular Reflection Separation Using Dark Channel Prior
Hyeongwoo Kim, Hailin Jin, Sunil Hadap, Inso Kweon
Hyeongwoo Kim, Hailin Jin, Sunil Hadap, Inso Kweon

[method, space, effective, spectral, process, combination, linear, outperforms] [estimate, coefficient, imaging, computer, vision, general, consider, synthetic, pure, sato, issue] [based, proposed, algorithm, problem, kaist, motivated, introduce, term, energy, incorporates, neighboring] [color, approach, maximum, detect, propose, correct] [channel, observed, represent, multiple, detected, observation] [specular, reflection, diffuse, image, dark, chromaticity, pseudo, figure, dichromatic, previous, separation, natural, separating, result, input, single, light, pixel, intensity, surface, note, hue, saturation, removal, estimated, illumination, specularfree, tan, adobe, lin, stereo, viewing, uniform, address, prior, reflectance, recovered] [model, component, work, posteriori]
Poselet Conditioned Pictorial Structures
Leonid Pishchulin, Mykhaylo Andriluka, Peter Gehler, Bernt Schiele
Keywords: pictorial structures, articulated pose estimation, part-based models, poselets
Leonid Pishchulin, Mykhaylo Andriluka, Peter Gehler, Bernt Schiele
Keywords: pictorial structures, articulated pose estimation, part-based models, poselets

[method, representation, cluster, test, learn, compared, vector, learning, better, table, comparison] [estimation, rotation, paper, allows, position] [pairwise, based, form, inference, order, exact, contrast] [approach, dataset, feature, performance, correct, detection, improvement, improves, baseline, compare, achieves, local, highly] [multiple, people, capture, total, evaluation] [image, estimated, result, mixture, figure, gaussian] [model, pose, body, poselet, unary, human, torso, pictorial, prediction, training, upper, set, arm, poselets, predict, potential, lsp, articulated, leg, lower, work, relative, trained, improved, appearance, rely, component, train, modelling, andriluka, predicting, localisation, conditioning, parameter]
Decoding Children's Social Behavior
James M. Rehg, Gregory D. Abowd, Agata Rozga, Mario Romero, Mark A. Clements, Stan Sclaroff, Irfan Essa, Opal Y. Ousley, Yin Li, Chanho Kim, Hrishikesh Rao, Jonathan C. Kim, Liliana Lo Presti, Jianming Zhang, Denis Lantsman, Jonathan Bidwell, Zhefan Ye
James M. Rehg, Gregory D. Abowd, Agata Rozga, Mario Romero, Mark A. Clements, Stan Sclaroff, Irfan Essa, Opal Y. Ousley, Yin Li, Chanho Kim, Hrishikesh Rao, Jonathan C. Kim, Liliana Lo Presti, Jianming Zhang, Denis Lantsman, Jonathan Bidwell, Zhefan Ye

[table, face, multimodal, assessment, domain, testing] [error, decoding, estimate, camera, degree] [number, based, introduce, discrete, order, measure, attention] [detection, feature, stage, dataset, approach, tracker, detect, true, detecting, positive, false, performance, object, score, context] [ball, social, examiner, book, behavior, activity, play, analysis, video, interaction, engagement, audio, smile, dyadic, touched, adult, eye, experimental, event, key, recognition, head, tickle, detected, tracking, duration, autism, developmental, georgia, mmdb, clip, extracted, identify, hat] [additional, figure, kinect] [child, set, gaze, accuracy, training, speech, goal, structured, trained, work, parsing, predicting, tool, predicted, predict, prediction, combined]
Whitened Expectation Propagation: Non-Lambertian Shape from Shading and Shadow
Brian Potetz, Mohammadreza Hajiarbabi
Keywords: Shape from shading, Shape from shadow, Approximate inference, Expectation Propagation, Shape from X
Brian Potetz, Mohammadreza Hajiarbabi
Keywords: Shape from shading, Shape from shadow, Approximate inference, Expectation Propagation, Shape from X

[large, linear, matrix, rank, exponential, method, equivalent, chosen, reduce, space] [covariance, computer, shape, vision, requires, require, error, approximation, linearly, point, power, constraint, equation] [whitened, clique, inference, number, propagation, approximating, mrf, computational, probabilistic, belief, diagonal, order, pairwise, form, factor, whitening, global, graph, second] [highly, size, spatial, performance, approach, remains] [time] [sfs, surface, gaussian, image, natural, err, depth, shading, lighting, lambertian, inverse, pixel, expectation, consistent, prior, limited, input, cast, strong, figure, lit, shadow, arbitrary, range, single, svi] [potential, family, distribution, infer, structure, inferred, full, example, scene, posterior]
Underwater Camera Calibration Using Wavelength Triangulation
Timothy Yau, Minglun Gong, Yee-Hong Yang
Timothy Yau, Minglun Gong, Yee-Hong Yang

[method, nonlinear, linear, data, standard, distance, table] [refraction, camera, calibration, point, dispersion, refractive, axis, agrawal, underwater, wavelength, plane, system, error, real, constraint, triangulation, synthetic, checkerboard, ray, device, geometry, tank, thickness, water, front, measurement, computer, solving, translation, sedlazeck, common, initial, consider, solution, angle] [truth, optimization, number, pair, passing] [object, layer, pattern, procedure, scale, feature, correct, improve] [multiple, varies, impact] [light, figure, image, estimated, single, ground, red, blue, corresponding, surface, difference, perpendicular, function, reconstruction, pixel, recovering] [model, accuracy, grid, pose, amount, work, scene, set, interface]
Multi-view Photometric Stereo with Spatially Varying Isotropic Materials
Zhenglong Zhou, Zhe Wu, Ping Tan
Zhenglong Zhou, Zhe Wu, Ping Tan

[method, data, distance, represented, linear, source] [shape, point, angle, error, compute, camera, circle, basis, symmetry, hardware, general, projection, reconstructed, geometry, computed, estimate, plane, check, precise, computer] [propagation, algorithm, number, contour, median] [viewpoint, pattern, approach, color] [capture, observed, identify, series, video] [figure, surface, azimuth, normal, lighting, depth, light, pixel, photometric, intensity, brdf, isotropic, direction, acm, brdfs, reconstruction, setup, handheld, captured, image, red, apply, consistent, fourier, recovered, stereo, reconstruct, mixing, spatially, varying, input, rendering, estimated, led, complete, viewing] [set, model, example, appearance, refer, work]
Learning Cross-Domain Information Transfer for Location Recognition and Clustering
Raghuraman Gopalan
Raghuraman Gopalan

[discriminative, data, matrix, space, subspace, query, clustering, representation, test, domain, nearest, method, transfer, embedded, performing, grassmann, analyzing, better, pca, denotes, exponential, geographically, ftrain, linear, kernel, san, cluster, manifold, analyze] [compute, consider, vision, contained, estimate, case] [problem, number, visually, column, algorithm, whvw, pair, vhw, diagonal, random, three, proposed] [location, visual, feature, dataset, performance, approach, pls] [recognition, analysis, group, utility, modeling, perform, mobile, obtaining, pertaining] [figure, image, geodesic, corresponding, supplementary, uniform] [generative, training, set, model, landmark, correspond, level, grouping, hierarchical, study, infer, created]
Pose from Flow and Flow from Pose
Katerina Fragkiadaki, Han Hu, Jianbo Shi
Keywords: pose estimation, motion segmentation, optical flow, tracking
Katerina Fragkiadaki, Han Hu, Jianbo Shi
Keywords: pose estimation, motion segmentation, optical flow, tracking

[large, standard, method, distance] [estimation, constrained, compute, point, system, reliably, deformed] [region, segmentation, denote, fast, hard, segment, proposed, background, normalized, foreground, field, graph, cut] [detection, matching, descriptor, coarse, detect, improve] [motion, flow, optical, affine, kinematic, tracking, articulation, wud, detected, video, asteer, frame, moving, displacement, sequence, wld, exploit, people, chain, trajectory, extract, missed, steering, multiple] [image, figure, pixel, wide] [pose, body, articulated, lower, human, set, model, arm, joint, shoulder, limb, upper, training, elbow, grouping, torso, call, correspond, fitting]
Sketch Tokens: A Learned Mid-level Representation for Contour and Object Detection
Joseph J. Lim, C. Lawrence Zitnick, Piotr Dollr
Joseph J. Lim, C. Lawrence Zitnick, Piotr Dollr

[learning, learned, table, standard, large, method, binary, learn, supervision, representation, achieve, supervised, labeled, linear] [magnitude, computed, compute] [contour, edge, random, based, scg, number, segmentation, normalized, truth] [detection, object, approach, feature, local, hog, color, dataset, pedestrian, oriented, inria, utilize, propose, detecting, achieves, cell, high, rate, detector, average, detect] [hand, recognition, channel, extracted, complex] [image, figure, gradient, patch, notice, pixel, previous, input, ground] [sketch, token, set, human, drawn, provide, pascal, training, probability, novel, decision, forest, class, grid, level, trained, work, example]
Optical Flow Estimation Using Laplacian Mesh Energy
Wenbin Li, Darren Cosker, Matthew Brown, Rui Tang
Keywords: Optical Flow, Laplacian Mesh
Wenbin Li, Darren Cosker, Matthew Brown, Rui Tang
Keywords: Optical Flow, Laplacian Mesh

[method, comparison, data, applied, denotes, process, robustness, original] [mesh, laplacian, garg, vertex, error, small, lme, estimation, point, propagated, duk, pizarro, endpoint, ixy, pyramidal, enhancement, control, deformation, variational, computer, brox, initial, hybrid] [energy, algorithm, middlebury, order, based, proposed, term, optimization, discrete, weight, number, continuous, initialization, global, adjacent, truth, three] [local, performance, approach, dataset, benchmark, visual, average, framework, compare, propose] [optical, motion, evaluation, displacement, flow, described] [image, function, figure, pixel, pyramid, preserve, surface, detail, uniform, ground, anchor, input, varying, noise] [set, level, novel]
Online Dominant and Anomalous Behavior Detection in Videos
Mehrsan Javan Roshtkhari, Martin D. Levine
Keywords: Surveillance, Video parsing, Hierarchical scene modeling, Behavior learning, Anomaly detection, Bag of video words, Contextual information, Spatio-Temporal compositions
Mehrsan Javan Roshtkhari, Martin D. Levine
Keywords: Surveillance, Video parsing, Hierarchical scene modeling, Behavior learning, Anomaly detection, Bag of video words, Contextual information, Spatio-Temporal compositions

[method, similarity, clustering, codebook, construct, learning, cluster, represented, large, simultaneously, sample, space, data, learnt, employing] [consider, employed, template] [algorithm, background, order, proposed, number, probabilistic, based, constructed] [spatial, detection, local, approach, detecting, online, dataset, oriented, pattern, contextual, rate, detect, descriptor] [video, dominant, temporal, behavior, ensemble, stvs, anomalous, activity, volume, optical, capable, behaviour, pdf, fuzzy, frame, described, anomaly, dynamic, observed, spatiotemporal, utkt, usks, surveillance, analysis, rare, bov, performed] [pixel, figure, gradient, achieved, change] [scene, level, model, abnormal, set, abnormality, hierarchical, understanding, topic]
Image Segmentation by Cascaded Region Agglomeration
Zhile Ren, Gregory Shakhnarovich
Keywords: Image segmentation, superpixels, boundary detection, edge detection, cascade
Zhile Ren, Gregory Shakhnarovich
Keywords: Image segmentation, superpixels, boundary detection, edge detection, cascade

[data, large, method, table, loss, test, caption, larger] [initial, small, shape] [segmentation, iscra, boundary, merging, number, region, ois, algorithm, truth, superpixels, hoiem, slic, superpixel, optimal, segment, regime, itune, oversegmentation, merge, greedy, pair, covering, fewer, asa, labeling, pri, voi, itrain, partition, produce, agglomeration] [scale, recall, average, stage, cascade, cascaded, performance, object, threshold, best, precision, true, feature] [multiple, measuring] [image, ground, figure, difference, pixel, scaled, map, note, nyu] [set, training, trained, model, level, semantic, accuracy, geometric, hierarchical, typical]
Fast Trust Region for Segmentation
Lena Gorelick, Frank R. Schmidt, Yuri Boykov
Keywords: Segmentation, High-order Energies, Optimization, Trust Region
Lena Gorelick, Frank R. Schmidt, Yuri Boykov
Keywords: Segmentation, High-order Energies, Optimization, Trust Region

[descent, distance, standard, linear, empirical, init, nonlinear, method, good, minimizing] [approximation, shape, solution, computer, constraint, vision, general, simulated, small, radius, lagrange, adaptive, allows, paper, length, constrained] [trust, region, energy, segmentation, algorithm, fast, ftr, exact, step, current, reduction, lagrangian, regional, based, term, iteration, taylor, order, divergence, multiplier, optimization, bhattacharyya, quadratic, scheme, dependence, approximate, formulation, global, minimizer, form, graph, truth, number, boykov] [approach, relationship, size, local, framework, well, color, ratio, pattern, matching] [target, volume, ball, channel] [gradient, figure, function, prior, image, property, minimum, ground, quality, note] [appearance, model, set, parameter]
Pedestrian Detection with Unsupervised Multi-stage Feature Learning
Pierre Sermanet, Koray Kavukcuoglu, Soumith Chintala, Yann Lecun
Keywords: deep learning, computer vision, pedestrian, detection, unsupervised, convolutional
Pierre Sermanet, Koray Kavukcuoglu, Soumith Chintala, Yann Lecun
Keywords: deep learning, computer vision, pedestrian, detection, unsupervised, convolutional

[learning, sparse, convolutional, neural, coding, representation, predictor, table, datasets, dictionary, reported, space, linear, supervised, original, large, learn] [system, absolute, conference, equation, area, curve, error, computer, avoid] [algorithm, proposed, contrast, second, global, major, continuous, step] [feature, unsupervised, pedestrian, inria, detection, layer, convnet, auc, false, daimler, local, tudbrussels, eth, bootstrapping, competitive, size, rate, deep, normalization, dataset, caltech, det, hog, crosstalk, object, pattern, generic, speed, veryfast] [multiple, evaluation, recognition, perform, extract, extracted] [input, image, function, figure, single, map, processing] [training, trained, model, output, set, hierarchical]
Understanding Bayesian Rooms Using Composite 3D Object Models
Luca Del_Pero, Joshua Bowdish, Bonnie Kermgard, Emily Hartley, Kobus Barnard
Keywords: Scene understanding, Indoor scenes, Object Recognition, Bayesian modeling and inference
Luca Del_Pero, Joshua Bowdish, Bonnie Kermgard, Emily Hartley, Kobus Barnard
Keywords: Scene understanding, Indoor scenes, Object Recognition, Bayesian modeling and inference

[table, block, representation, distance, sample, better, data, dij] [geometry, camera, consider, position, allow, small, projection, plane] [inference, based, simple, three, number, edge, include, width] [object, color, bounding, box, context, size, propose, best, ratio, evaluate, precision, contextual, improves, contribution, detailed] [modeling, complex, likelihood, detected, recognition, key] [figure, image, single, function, prior, pixel, previous, orientation] [room, model, set, geometric, work, scene, top, height, bottom, chair, indoor, furniture, hedau, grouping, component, provide, internal, layout, vertical, distribution, structure, jump, understanding, example, predicted, designed, help, side, category, wall]
Jointly Aligning and Segmenting Multiple Web Photo Streams for the Inference of Collective Photo Storylines
Gunhee Kim, Eric P. Xing
Keywords: Large-scale image alignment, Image cosegmentation, Photo-based storyline reconstruction
Gunhee Kim, Eric P. Xing
Keywords: Large-scale image alignment, Image cosegmentation, Photo-based storyline reconstruction

[similarity, flickr, method, web, learned, denoted, metric, basic, compared] [alignment, aligned, aligning, common, compute, computer] [photo, cosegmentation, stream, segmentation, foreground, graph, algorithm, number, term, based, belief, region, segmenting, partition, message, pairwise, segment, share, denote, energy, mfc, propagation, segmented, step, problem, objective, recreational, three, optimization, proposed] [best, approach, dataset, unsupervised, matched, round, average, performance, matching, localization, visual] [multiple, assignment, activity, time, temporal, perform, collective, sequence] [image, previous, figure, input, uncalibrated, user, single] [set, jointly, outdoor, work, output, model, task, discover, goal, build, associated]
Kernel Null Space Methods for Novelty Detection
Paul Bodesheim, Alexander Freytag, Erik Rodner, Michael Kemmler, Joachim Denzler
Keywords: novelty detection, null space, multi-class modeling, subspace methods, kernel methods
Paul Bodesheim, Alexander Freytag, Erik Rodner, Michael Kemmler, Joachim Denzler
Keywords: novelty detection, null space, multi-class modeling, subspace methods, kernel methods

[novelty, null, space, kernel, data, svm, matrix, sample, test, learning, method, exphik, hik, mapped, subspace, nfst, distance, binary, knfst, scatter, imagenet, vector, metric, principal, calculate, pooling, process, large, discriminant, svdd, parzen, inner, dealing] [projection, unknown, compute, small, basis, case, point] [based, proposed, number, median, contrast, order, simple, step] [detection, approach, object, score, feature, pattern, auc, dataset, visual, size, computing] [target, multiple, recognition, perform] [single, figure, gaussian, apply, support, note, corresponding, transform, treating, variance] [class, training, set, work, joint, model, currently]
Discriminative Sub-categorization
Minh Hoai, Andrew Zisserman
Minh Hoai, Andrew Zisserman

[cluster, method, clustering, lsvm, svm, svms, purity, learning, data, datasets, linear, vector, learned, wjt, discriminative, margin, degeneration, orj, uci, descent, low, larger, large, imbalance, weighted, performs, mmc, optimized, minimize, equivalent] [point, smaller, residual, degenerate] [number, weight, problem, measure, based, formulation, optimization, cost, objective, label, truth, discrete] [negative, positive, performance, dataset, validation, high, procedure, separate, object, separated, mechanism, unsupervised, best, well, hog] [head, assignment, discovering, performed] [figure, suffer, empty, desired, produced, ground, single, separation] [training, model, latent, accuracy, set, human, upper, parameter]
Cloud Motion as a Calibration Cue
Nathan Jacobs, Mohammad T. Islam, Scott Workman
Keywords: calibration, webcam, vanishing point, motion
Nathan Jacobs, Mohammad T. Islam, Scott Workman
Keywords: calibration, webcam, vanishing point, motion

[method, data, optimize] [vanishing, estimate, point, camera, calibration, horizon, computer, wind, error, distortion, estimation, radial, lost, conference, constrained, focal, estimating, vision, length, directly, streamlines, computed, assume, translational, constraint, compute, aggregate, international, direct, require, unconstrained, solve] [cloud, objective, optimal, based, proposed, problem] [average, approach, propose, pattern, compare, color, workshop, location] [motion, video, static, displacement, optical, individual, multiple, velocity, moving, automatically, represent] [estimated, image, function, single, figure, assumption, cue, gradient, captured, pixel, horizontal, view, previous] [scene, outdoor, work, set, sky, geometric, structure, typically, manually, grid]
Better Exploiting Motion for Better Action Recognition
Mihir Jain, Herv Jgou, Patrick Bouthemy
Keywords: action recognition, motion compensation, affine motion, kinematic features, VLAD
Mihir Jain, Herv Jgou, Patrick Bouthemy
Keywords: action recognition, motion compensation, affine motion, kinematic features, VLAD

[vlad, table, encoding, vector, large, better, combination, method, bof, existing, reported, representation, svm, codebook] [computed, camera, dense, point, consider, compute, encode, paper, residual] [computation, background, introduce, scheme, based, proposed, global] [descriptor, local, performance, hog, dataset, visual, feature, approach, improves, improvement, average, complementary, art, best, pattern] [motion, action, recognition, video, optical, dominant, hof, trajectory, compensated, kinematic, mbh, impact, tracking, compensation, state, curl, shear, moving, volume, olympic, interest, sake, involved] [technique, image, corresponding, figure, note, map, introduced, additional, horizontal] [human, model, set, accuracy, scalar, combining]
Optimized Pedestrian Detection for Multiple and Occluded People
Sitapa Rujikietgumjorn, Robert T. Collins
Sitapa Rujikietgumjorn, Robert T. Collins

[binary, method, large, good, applied, learning, comparison, existing, vector, learned, better] [shape, computer, vision, solution, computed, camera, conference, unconstrained, june, solving, solve] [quadratic, objective, foreground, optimization, three, pairwise, problem, search, covering, based, greedy, proposed, programming, second, approximate, number, penalty] [detection, pedestrian, candidate, detector, approach, score, qubo, pattern, object, overlapping, tabu, framework, overlap, sliding, suppression, bounding, window, size, maximum, false, box, detecting, location, pls, performance] [multiple, people, recognition, analysis, maximizes, represent] [function, figure, image, map, produced, quality] [unary, set, height, human, expected, machine, generate, accuracy, lower]
Improving the Visual Comprehension of Point Sets
Sagi Katz, Ayellet Tal
Sagi Katz, Ayellet Tal

[method, data, reduced, large] [point, operator, curvature, convex, solution, ray, appear, located, paper, directly, case, easy, dense, compression, small, equation, sin] [algorithm, lemma, problem, reduction, belong, number, dual, marked, density, produce, order, based, approximate] [visibility, subset, false, visual, occlusion, viewpoint, object, local, improves, recall, improving, sampled, generic] [target, extract, extracted] [visible, figure, pit, hpr, silhouette, range, surface, psil, occluding, result, ppits, comprehension, hull, input, rendering, tpo, inversion, creates, viewed, function, producing, determining, view, tonej, depth, removal, desired, occlude, gradual, produced] [set, goal, create, level, parameter]
Structure Preserving Object Tracking
Lu Zhang, Laurens van_der_Maaten
Lu Zhang, Laurens van_der_Maaten

[learning, svm, experiment, discriminative, distance, table, simultaneously, outperforms, face] [robust, camera, initial, small, length, center, vision, computer] [based, spanning, global, graph, number, eij, computational, move, connected] [object, tracker, performance, bounding, spot, box, location, spatial, hog, average, online, tld, detection, score, improve, twelve, car, local, best, baseline, evaluate, overlap, oab, challenging, detector] [tracking, multiple, track, video, tracked, frame, presented, target, represent, experimental] [single, figure, minimum, image, star, direction, previous, red] [model, appearance, structural, tree, structured, work, set, train, training, air]
Online Object Tracking: A Benchmark
Yi Wu, Jongwoo Lim, Ming-Hsuan Yang
Yi Wu, Jongwoo Lim, Ming-Hsuan Yang

[sparse, representation, robustness, large, code, better, discriminative, update, effective, learning, test, analyze, binary, source] [robust, initial, template, error, adaptive] [based, initialization, background, proposed, search, region, number] [performance, object, tracker, visual, scale, bounding, online, success, local, precision, box, average, threshold, struck, evaluate, ope, sre, asla, score, evaluated, location, dataset, scm, adopted, context, well, overlap, los, propose, approach, mtt, numerous, tld, occlusion] [tracking, target, evaluation, frame, motion, presented, perform, multiple, sequence, initialized, dynamic, state, analysis, particle] [figure, ground, handle, image, supplementary] [appearance, model, annotated, top, work, account, efficient, holistic, ranking, output]
Recognize Human Activities from Partially Observed Videos
Yu Cao, Daniel Barrett, Andrei Barbu, Siddharth Narayanaswamy, Haonan Yu, Aaron Michaux, Yuewei Lin, Sven Dickinson, Jeffrey Mark Siskind, Song Wang
Yu Cao, Daniel Barrett, Andrei Barbu, Siddharth Narayanaswamy, Haonan Yu, Aaron Michaux, Yuewei Lin, Sven Dickinson, Jeffrey Mark Siskind, Song Wang

[test, sparse, coding, better, achieve, method, datasets, comparison, construct, large, vector, cross] [length, general, special, practical, computer] [proposed, segment, problem, three, fully, constructed, number, include, program, studied] [baseline, feature, performance, ratio, recall, precision, evaluate, dataset, average, stage, evaluated, overlap] [activity, video, darpa, recognition, observed, mssc, likelihood, temporal, partially, observation, gap, gapfilliing, action, mmed, gapfilling, subsequence, spatiotemporal, long, short, frame, dynamic, multiple, complex, early, duration, presented, unobserved, eye, evaluation, recognizing, interest, perform, event, recognized] [natural, figure, mixture, handle] [training, human, prediction, trained, posterior, class, accuracy, set, full]
Learning by Associating Ambiguously Labeled Images
Zinan Zeng, Shijie Xiao, Kui Jia, Tsung-Han Chan, Shenghua Gao, Dong Xu, Yi Ma
Keywords: weakly supervised learning, low rank, partial permutation matrix
Zinan Zeng, Shijie Xiao, Kui Jia, Tsung-Han Chan, Shenghua Gao, Dong Xu, Yi Ma
Keywords: weakly supervised learning, low rank, partial permutation matrix

[learning, labeled, face, ambiguous, matrix, method, ambiguously, standard, rank, caption, null, ppms, loss, ppm, sparse, svm, sample, data, supervised, update, large, vector, simultaneously, learn, table, better, min, subspace, formulated, denotes, arg, existing] [constraint, uniqueness, correspondence, robust, appear] [proposed, number, problem, based, algorithm, optimization, label, background] [dataset, partial, feature, framework, positive] [recognition, news, soccer, multiple, nth, player, permutation, perform, detected] [image, assumption, note, address, apply, function, row] [class, training, set, work, model, task, unseen, associated, prediction, train, instance, human, yti, novel, split]
Separable Dictionary Learning
Simon Hawe, Matthias Seibert, Martin Kleinsteuber
Simon Hawe, Matthias Seibert, Martin Kleinsteuber

[dictionary, learning, separable, sparse, signal, unstructured, learned, mutual, sedil, coherence, space, product, matrix, employing, vector, riemannian, large, method, representation, face, ssim, dimensional, learn, nonmonotone, data, analytic, compared, euclidean, experiment, element, combination, standard, conjugate] [allows, case, equation, point, conference, small, projection, allow, ith, general, unconstrained, notation] [algorithm, optimization, search, problem, computational, proposed, global, normalized, measure, fast, order, based, denote, applicable] [size, performance, approach, high, well] [] [image, tangent, direction, reconstruction, gradient, psnr, inpainting, denoising, geodesic, noise, figure, patch, equal, corresponding, function, regularization] [training, set, structure, geometric, unit, relation, work]
Dynamic Scene Classification: Learning Motion Descriptors with Slow Features Analysis
Christian Thriault, Nicolas Thome, Matthieu Cord
Keywords: Video classification, Motion descriptors, Unsupervised learning, Slow Feature Analysis
Christian Thriault, Nicolas Thome, Matthieu Cord
Keywords: Video classification, Motion descriptors, Unsupervised learning, Slow Feature Analysis

[classification, data, learned, learning, dictionary, signal, representation, vector, method, coding, low, pooling, learn, dimension, compared, pooled, embedding] [paper, illustrates, signature, principle, vision, equation, mapping, computed] [problem, illustrated, global, based, proposed] [feature, local, unsupervised, spatial, visual, size, art, score, challenging, object, context, final, average, approach] [motion, sfa, slow, temporal, video, dynamic, time, stable, yupenn, action, untangling, instantaneous, maryland, analysis, recognition, inside, slowest, optical, complex, flow, main, define] [figure, natural, input, image, single, introduced, smooth, achieved, result, pyramid] [set, scene, output, training, human, semantic, model, generate, class, work]
A Lazy Man's Approach to Benchmarking: Semisupervised Classifier Evaluation and Recalibration
Peter Welinder, Max Welling, Pietro Perona
Peter Welinder, Max Welling, Pietro Perona

[data, datasets, sample, labeled, standard, method, unlabeled, parametric, learning, bayesian, uncertainty, applied, performs] [estimate, curve, estimating, computed, estimation, error, compute, truncated, case, cpd, condition] [based, truth, number, labeling, proposal] [performance, score, dataset, sampling, detector, recall, approach, precision, well, chnftrs, pedestrian, roc, threshold, true, positive, high, featsynth, highest] [likelihood, evaluation, multiple] [figure, mixture, normal, ground, previous, green, gamma, assumption, prior, red, applying] [spe, distribution, model, probability, work, naive, posterior, active, class, semisupervised, urban, set, conditional, oracle, list, training]
Unconstrained Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation by Action Detection and Cross-Modality Regression Forest
Tsz-Ho Yu, Tae-Kyun Kim, Roberto Cipolla
Keywords: Human Pose Estimation, Random Forest, Hough Forest, Regression Forest
Tsz-Ho Yu, Tae-Kyun Kim, Roberto Cipolla
Keywords: Human Pose Estimation, Random Forest, Hough Forest, Regression Forest

[method, testing, learning, vector, data, balance, table, simultaneously, sample] [estimation, wave, estimate, monocular, unconstrained, dance, error, computer] [proposed, node, background, current, truth] [detection, dataset, feature, dpm, approach, box, framework, deformable, evaluated, challenging, high] [action, recognition, detected, frame, time, performed, motion, hand, multiple, spatiotemporal, video] [figure, depth, image, kinect, estimated, ground, input, corresponding] [pose, human, regression, joint, forest, training, class, model, body, localisation, ape, accuracy, hpe, trained, bend, combined, split, articulated, clap, feasibility, pictorial, knowledge, tree, infer, leaf, structure]
Action Recognition by Hierarchical Sequence Summarization
Yale Song, Louis-Philippe Morency, Randall Davis
Keywords: Action Recognition, Hierarchical Model, Conditional Random Fields
Yale Song, Louis-Philippe Morency, Randall Davis
Keywords: Action Recognition, Hierarchical Model, Conditional Random Fields

[learning, representation, discriminative, learn, similarity, data, datasets, testing, learns, neural, original, vector] [length, solution, equation] [algorithm, number, complexity, optimal, optimization, based, three, variable, second, order, belief, label, term] [feature, approach, layer, procedure, dataset, deep, local, wst, performance, average, incremental] [sequence, action, summarization, observation, temporal, summary, gate, recognition, armgesture, multiple, activity, group, natops, experimental, analysis, frame, sublinearly, complex] [function, super, figure, single, difference, result, previous, input] [hierarchical, latent, model, human, set, log, grouping, hierarchy, hidden, training, parameter, conditional, semantic, body, work, accuracy, posterior, joint, abstract]
The Generalized Laplacian Distance and Its Applications for Visual Matching
Elhanan Elboer, Michael Werman, Yacov Hel-Or
Keywords: graph Laplacian, template matching
Elhanan Elboer, Michael Werman, Yacov Hel-Or
Keywords: graph Laplacian, template matching

[distance, spectral, better, weighted, multimodal, large, method, matrix, linear, euclidean, sparse, equivalent] [template, laplacian, gldabs, mtm, csign, small, mapping, ncc, computed, squared, tone, equation, outlier, robust, gld, generalized, decomposition, requires, computer, absolute, monotonic, invariant, general, sought, gldsign, delta, replacing, tolerant, determined, vision] [graph, wij, based, fij, dissimilarity, computation, sum, normalized, order, fast, proposed, increasing, number, weight, random, complexity, pairwise] [matching, performance, window, depending, computing, visual, variant, best, match, rate, size, success, box] [kth, time] [image, figure, function, difference, intensity, noise, supplementary, change, additive, gaussian, illumination] [full, correlation]
Towards Pose Robust Face Recognition
Dong Yi, Zhen Lei, Stan Z. Li
Dong Yi, Zhen Lei, Stan Z. Li

[face, paf, method, feret, pca, table, project, gallery, database, reported, lfw, pie, space, existing, process, good, matrix, comparable, compared, morphable, data, large] [shape, robust, unconstrained, adaptive, computer, conference, symmetry, probe, paper, vision, deal, international, solve, transformation, practical, composed, plane] [proposed, based, problem, algorithm, three, fast, second, normalized, term] [feature, performance, pattern, precision, evaluate, local, well, texture, deformable, rate, propose, best, matching, defined, compare] [recognition, gabor, analysis, automatic, extract] [image, surface, half, transform, figure] [pose, model, facial, filter, training, fitting, frontal, machine, work]
Dense Reconstruction Using 3D Object Shape Priors
Amaury Dame, Victor A. Prisacariu, Carl Y. Ren, Ian Reid
Keywords: SLAM, Dense reconstruction, shape prior
Amaury Dame, Victor A. Prisacariu, Carl Y. Ren, Ian Reid
Keywords: SLAM, Dense reconstruction, shape prior

[process, distance, data, representation, standard, nonlinear, principal, dimensionality, represented] [shape, dense, slam, camera, system, estimation, point, error, estimate, projection, monocular, sdf, mapping, parallel, coordinate, robust, transformation, minimisation, allows, recovery] [segmentation, energy, based, foreground, global, background, second, computation] [object, colour, detection, detector, merged, scale, approach, improve, coarse, visual, high, car, eccv] [tracking, frame, detected, multiple, represent] [depth, reconstruction, image, map, function, surface, volumetric, figure, pixel, view, tsdf, reference, corresponding, prior, single, simultaneous, voxel, limited, estimated, supporting] [pose, set, latent, scene, level, probability, semantic, knowledge, model, joint]
Boundary Cues for 3D Object Shape Recovery
Kevin Karsch, Zicheng Liao, Jason Rock, Jonathan T. Barron, Derek Hoiem
Kevin Karsch, Zicheng Liao, Jason Rock, Jonathan T. Barron, Derek Hoiem

[method, better, existing, good, kernel, vector, performs] [shape, constraint, error, reconstructing, vision, consider, computer, allows, reconstructed, percentage] [contour, boundary, algorithm, optimization, truth, higher, based, consistently] [object, well, dataset, evaluate, voc, mit, occlusion, rate, feature] [recognition, automatic, early] [reconstruction, surface, silhouette, image, fold, shading, barron, silh, view, figure, user, additional, depth, rating, normal, tangent, quality, smooth, rgb, ground, result, qualitative, write, rated, intrinsic, cue, malik, illumination, unmasked, sharp, input, vlfeat] [geometric, set, study, human, height, appearance, task, typical, category, accuracy]
Learning Structured Hough Voting for Joint Object Detection and Occlusion Reasoning
Tao Wang, Xuming He, Nick Barnes
Keywords: structured Hough voting, object detection, occlusion reasoning, depth-encoded object-context model
Tao Wang, Xuming He, Nick Barnes
Keywords: structured Hough voting, object detection, occlusion reasoning, depth-encoded object-context model

[codebook, centroid, method, representation, space, learning, codebooks, datasets, original, learned] [center, shape, entry, illustration] [segmentation, inference, pair, global, based, layered, berkeley, search, weight, labeling, algorithm] [object, hough, voting, detection, mask, context, local, visibility, layer, hypothesis, score, contextual, bounding, occlusion, feature, precision, recall, performance, dataset, box, average, location, utilize, design, localization, approach, alternate, spatial] [multiple, modeling] [image, patch, depth, function, figure, nyu, single, transform, gaussian, focus, reasoning] [model, structured, joint, full, work, geometric, scene, relative, class, indoor, generate, set]
What Makes a Patch Distinct?
Ran Margolin, Ayellet Tal, Lihi Zelnik-Manor
Keywords: saliency, distinctness, salient object
Ran Margolin, Ayellet Tal, Lihi Zelnik-Manor
Keywords: saliency, distinctness, salient object

[distance, method, principal, pca, datasets, outperforms, compared, table] [compute, path, accurate, unique, solution, consider, shape, paper] [distinctness, salient, distinct, saliency, svo, three, cntx, cbs, algorithm, higher, asd, msra, organization, background, illustrated, detects, measure, region, statue, slic, israel, computational, sod, longer, golden, maintaining, weight, integrates] [pattern, color, average, object, detection, approach, well, considered, dataset, benchmark, detect, computing, compare, visual, propose] [represent, video, detected, evaluation] [patch, image, figure, input, map, natural, result, single, homogeneous, red, note] [accuracy, internal, distribution, consists, level]
Joint Detection, Tracking and Mapping by Semantic Bundle Adjustment
Nicola Fioraio, Luigi Di_Stefano
Keywords: Semantic SLAM, Bundle Adjustment, 3D Object Detection, SLAM
Nicola Fioraio, Luigi Di_Stefano
Keywords: Semantic SLAM, Bundle Adjustment, 3D Object Detection, SLAM

[method, database] [slam, camera, vision, error, computer, bundle, vertex, mapping, adjustment, point, loop, residual, integrated, oct, estimation, plain, robotics, dense, small, allows, respect, engine, established, international, frog, wrong, robot] [graph, global, optimization, edge, current, problem, proposed, cost, zij, order, number, proposal, eij] [object, detection, feature, validation, visual, framework, matching, pattern, improve, coming, approach, descriptor, propose] [frame, detected, tracking, recognition, performed] [image, reconstruction, figure, previous, reference, journal, consistent] [semantic, pose, set, novel, landmark, model, scene, joint, cleaning, presence, structure, full, jointly, associated, work, parameter]
Sampling Strategies for Real-Time Action Recognition
Feng Shi, Emil Petriu, Robert Laganire
Feng Shi, Emil Petriu, Robert Laganire

[table, method, randomly, dimension, large, better, standard, kernel, report, datasets, discriminative, codewords, good] [dense, point, computer, intersection, vision] [random, number, based, background, density, computation, three, proposed, computational, factor] [sampling, feature, local, sampled, size, performance, root, integral, visual, average, spatial, descriptor, approach, dataset, high, speed, computationally, select, challenging, best, object] [action, video, recognition, interest, kth, total, histogram, temporal, mbh, observed, eye, hof, realistic, gpu, cpu] [resolution, half, patch, image, uniform] [model, human, accuracy, grid, full, training, structure, set]
Fusing Robust Face Region Descriptors via Multiple Metric Learning for Face Recognition in the Wild
Zhen Cui, Wen Li, Dong Xu, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen
Zhen Cui, Wen Li, Dong Xu, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen

[face, learning, metric, distance, method, zkj, lfw, matrix, sparse, block, sfrd, ytf, dimension, bof, learn, better, large, coding, pmml, learnt, considering, update, vector, pooling, stfrd, pca, mahalanobis, standard, euclidean] [robust, unconstrained, restricted, solution, directly] [region, based, proposed, algorithm, number, pair, current, partition, global, denote, whitened] [feature, spatial, local, visual, descriptor, approach, dataset, compare, lbp, performance, sampling, high, best] [recognition, multiple, video, extract, nonnegative, analysis, extracted, volume, represent, temporal, employ] [image, patch, corresponding, apply, intensity] [set, facial, work, training, parameter, component]
Learning Structured Low-Rank Representations for Image Classification
Yangmuzi Zhang, Zhuolin Jiang, Larry S. Davis
Keywords: dictionary learning, low-rank representation, image classification
Yangmuzi Zhang, Zhuolin Jiang, Larry S. Davis
Keywords: dictionary learning, low-rank representation, image classification

[dictionary, sparse, representation, method, learning, discriminative, data, matrix, face, testing, incoherence, learn, min, learned, rank, src, coding, corrupted, llc, linear, arg, database, unobscured, extended, scarf, randomly, table, supervised, update, original, process, good, construct, sunglass, session, low, ten, comparison, reconstructive, sample] [recovery, robust, decomposition, respect, solve, consider] [algorithm, label, based, problem, number, optimization, variable, optimal, term, three, objective, form, exact] [approach, performance, size, evaluate, achieves, framework] [recognition] [image, figure, noise, function, illumination, regularization, input, uniform] [training, class, structural, component, structured, structure, set, model, semantic, work, example]
Shape from Silhouette Probability Maps: Reconstruction of Thin Objects in the Presence of Silhouette Extraction and Calibration Error
Amy Tabb
Keywords: shape from silhouette, trees, 3D reconstruction
Amy Tabb
Keywords: shape from silhouette, trees, 3D reconstruction

[method, binary, large, tested, traditional] [error, camera, calibration, shape, vision, computer, small, conference, solution, projection] [problem, algorithm, labeling, search, number, label, extraction, background, minimization, occupied, labelings, three, order, energy] [false, local, negative, approach, positive, object, visual, pattern, spot, removed] [represent, volume, developed, occupancy] [silhouette, reconstruction, minimum, function, voxel, voxels, sfspm, hull, image, sfis, pixel, sie, ocal, unbiased, thin, sensor, earch, figure, metal, greatest, reconstruct, representative, viewing, spms, complicated, industrial, viewed, inconsistency] [probability, spm, set, tree, branching, presence, call, machine]
Fast Object Detection with Entropy-Driven Evaluation
Raphael Sznitman, Carlos Becker, Franois Fleuret, Pascal Fua
Keywords: Efficient Classifier Evaluation, Object Detection, Ensemble Classifier, Computer Vision
Raphael Sznitman, Carlos Becker, Franois Fleuret, Pascal Fua
Keywords: Efficient Classifier Evaluation, Object Detection, Ensemble Classifier, Computer Vision

[method, face, sample, test, uncertainty, large, vector, learning, linear, block, chosen, randomly] [required, estimate, depends, path, requires, consider, small, paper, require] [number, sum, form, random, algorithm, label, based, proposed, hard] [stage, stopping, validation, ede, positive, approach, object, threshold, negative, criterion, performance, rejection, detection, entropy, best, evaluate, sprt, cascade, dbp, average, evaluated, boosted, well, speed, ccal, feature, evaluating, framework, rejected] [early, evaluation, ensemble, sequential] [function, figure, user, note] [set, class, probability, training, accuracy, posterior, distribution, conditional, prediction, example, task, selected]
Dense Non-rigid Point-Matching Using Random Projections
Raffay Hamid, Dennis Decoste, Chih-Jen Lin
Keywords: Manifold Learning, Dense Point-Matching, Point-Matching, Non-Rigid Point-Matching, Random Projections
Raffay Hamid, Dennis Decoste, Chih-Jen Lin
Keywords: Manifold Learning, Dense Point-Matching, Point-Matching, Non-Rigid Point-Matching, Random Projections

[subspace, matrix, learning, torki, eigenvectors, similarity, kernel, learn, isp, spectral, method, svd, eigenvector, dimensional, space, norm] [point, equation, generalized, dense, distortion, elgammal, decomposition, compute, computer, nonrigid, intuition, close, expressed, projection, undergoing] [algorithm, random, problem, approximate, graph, greedy, iterative, exact, proposed, step, based, complexity, largest, regular, form, second, cost, iteratively] [spatial, feature, matching, precision, approach, recall, high, average, performance, propose, well, matched, framework, best, shared] [time, analysis, multiple, presented, bipartite] [figure, image, noise, varying, prior, projected, row, strong] [set, work, amount]
Fast Energy Minimization Using Learned State Filters
Matthieu Guillaumin, Luc Van_Gool, Vittorio Ferrari
Matthieu Guillaumin, Luc Van_Gool, Vittorio Ferrari

[original, method, learn, learning, good, test, supervised, space, sparse, large, linear] [small, computed] [pairwise, energy, number, graph, algorithm, node, connected, fully, minimization, spanning, optimal, inference, segmentation, message, problem, passing, superpixels, label, cost, iteration, based, computational, fast, form, discrete, complexity, optimum, approximate, global, second] [object, localization, average, generic, best, candidate, weakly, computing, feature, ratio, sampled, spatial, positive, propose, threshold, progressive] [state, time] [image, figure, arbitrary, function, input, reference] [semantic, training, tree, set, model, class, appearance, probability]
Boundary Detection Benchmarking: Beyond F-Measures
Xiaodi Hou, Alan Yuille, Christof Koch
Keywords: Boundary detection, benchmarking, dataset bias
Xiaodi Hou, Alan Yuille, Christof Koch
Keywords: Boundary detection, benchmarking, dataset bias

[experiment, original, labeled, test, data, better, good, comparison, randomly] [computer, conference, vision, easy, discussion] [boundary, algorithm, bsds, consensus, orphan, strength, scg, hard, gpb, problem, optimal, labelers, segment, benchmarking, contour, current, labeler, bel, xren, label, ucm, nmx, number, mincover, salient, con, proposed, segmentation, ccut, represents] [detection, false, precision, benchmark, performance, dataset, detecting, object, weak, partial, recall, annotation, design, matched, detector, well, evaluate, feature, subset, considered] [perceptual, risk, detected, analysis, recognition, cvpr, evaluation] [image, strong, figure, natural, red, map, green, focus, difference] [human, output, set, type, train, example]
Joint Geodesic Upsampling of Depth Images
Ming-Yu Liu, Oncel Tuzel, Yuichi Taguchi
Keywords: depth, upsampling, geodesic, filtering
Ming-Yu Liu, Oncel Tuzel, Yuichi Taguchi
Keywords: depth, upsampling, geodesic, filtering

[distance, low, nearest, table, kernel, metric, binary, linear, comparison] [approximation, error, rms, compute, shortest, path, computed, camera, front] [algorithm, proposed, seed, boundary, fast, exact, based, cost, second, edge, number, optimization, computation, registered, problem, complexity] [color, high, performance, best, compare, spatial, rate, dataset, computing, propose, visual] [optical, channel, state, time, evaluation] [depth, geodesic, upsampling, resolution, image, pixel, figure, bilateral, note, smooth, transform, thin, discontinuity, surface, map, disc, quad, processing, function, difference, achieved, jbu, srms, suited, sensor, upsampled, stereo, range, sharp] [joint, grid, set, parameter, scene, consists]
Megastereo: Constructing High-Resolution Stereo Panoramas
Christian Richardt, Yael Pritch, Henning Zimmer, Alexander Sorkine-Hornung
Christian Richardt, Yael Pritch, Henning Zimmer, Alexander Sorkine-Hornung

[linear, method, representation, effectively, distance, nearest, achieve, neighbour] [camera, stitching, alignment, net, ray, general, plane, required, circle, cylindrical, mad, rotation, generation, multiperspective, geometry, coordinate, shape, solution, distortion, computer, point] [global, order, lead, rotational, number, optimal] [approach, well] [optical, capture, motion] [figure, panorama, image, input, stereoscopic, previous, parallax, blending, angular, omnistereo, result, stereo, resolution, view, depth, direction, desired, viewing, visible, captured, correction, aliasing, centre, pushbroom, caused, cylinder, capturing, mosaicing, circular, horizontal, pixel, upsampling, remove, achieved] [vertical, output, scene, describe, left, example]
Ensemble Video Object Cut in Highly Dynamic Scenes
Xiaobo Ren, Tony X. Han, Zhihai He
Xiaobo Ren, Tony X. Han, Zhihai He

[method, construct, comparison, effectively, similarity, existing, combination, outperforms, large, process] [shape, computer, conference, consider, angle, robust, accurate, residual, camera] [background, foreground, segmentation, graph, cut, energy, based, proposed, neighboring, minimization, iterative, current, illustrated, second, neighborhood, represents] [object, salience, detection, spatial, approach, dataset, texture, performance, challenging, lbp, highly, pattern, cluttered, propose, workshop, local, precision] [video, dynamic, temporal, ensemble, modeling, motion, analysis, moving, subtraction, capture, challenge, experimental, complex, wildlife, histogram, represent, bow, characterize, developed] [image, patch, change, pixel, figure, map, saturation] [set, model, work, probability, avg, machine]
Recognizing Activities via Bag of Words for Attribute Dynamics
Weixin Li, Qian Yu, Harpreet Sawhney, Nuno Vasconcelos
Keywords: bag-of-words, attribute, dynamics, activity recognition
Weixin Li, Qian Yu, Harpreet Sawhney, Nuno Vasconcelos
Keywords: bag-of-words, attribute, dynamics, activity recognition

[representation, learning, binary, space, dictionary, vector, clustering, learned, denoted, table, cluster, linear, kernel, represented, bof, outperforms, vocabulary, large] [respect, extension] [algorithm, proposed, problem, based, number, segment, measure, step] [performance, feature, propose, score, collection, average, visual, sliding] [video, activity, dynamic, sequence, bowad, recognition, temporal, complex, state, trajectory, bmc, action, event, modeling, extracted, atomic, histogram, bag, wad, observation, analysis, quantizing, consecutive, olympic] [figure, image, fact, representative, support, single] [attribute, model, set, training, structure, latent, human, holistic, semantic, parameter]
Efficient 3D Endfiring TRUS Prostate Segmentation with Globally Optimized Rotational Symmetry
Jing Yuan, Wu Qiu, Eranga Ukwatta, Martin Rajchl, Xue-Cheng Tai, Aaron Fenster
Keywords: Image Segmentation, Convex Optimization, Continuous Max-Flow, 3D TRUS
Jing Yuan, Wu Qiu, Eranga Ukwatta, Martin Rajchl, Xue-Cheng Tai, Aaron Fenster
Keywords: Image Segmentation, Convex Optimization, Continuous Max-Flow, 3D TRUS

[coupled, method, demonstrate, matrix] [convex, shape, symmetry, directly, computed, initial, poor, direct, canada, imaging] [segmentation, continuous, proposed, trus, optimization, rotational, problem, global, resliced, based, mgo, globally, algorithm, relaxation, adjacent, segmenting, biopsy, contour, region, psi, introduce, optimum, boundary, dsc, solved, slicewise, combinatorial, exactly, ultrasound, cit, formulation, computation, div, prove, transverse, three, dual, segmented, streaming, labeling, illustrated, cost] [propose, challenging, approach, spatial, guided] [time, total, pti] [prostate, slice, image, mac, function, prior, pixel, view, manual, introduced, spatially, result, input, figure, surface, difference] [model, accuracy, novel, level, max, jointly]
Kernel Learning for Extrinsic Classification of Manifold Features
Raviteja Vemulapalli, Jaishanker K. Pillai, Rama Chellappa
Keywords: Kernel Learning, Riemannian Manifolds, Extrinsic Classification, Grassmann Kernels
Raviteja Vemulapalli, Jaishanker K. Pillai, Rama Chellappa
Keywords: Kernel Learning, Riemannian Manifolds, Extrinsic Classification, Grassmann Kernels

[kernel, manifold, learning, space, linear, grassmann, riemannian, matrix, face, svm, good, ntr, mapped, data, distance, combination, ixmas, base, euclidean, kij, vector, discriminant, choice, popularly, standard, min, rbf, test, klog, learned, chosen, subspace, method, represented, discriminative] [covariance, lie, convex, mapping, computer, solving, projection, directly, vision, underlying, computed, theorem] [proposed, problem, optimization, based, solved, cost, density] [approach, object, dataset, inria, positive, framework, performance, feature, pls] [recognition, activity, analysis, youtube, dynamical, action, extrinsic, multiple, symmetric, represent] [image, figure, tangent] [set, training, human, parameter, structure, model, generated]
Hypergraphs for Joint Multi-view Reconstruction and Multi-object Tracking
Martin Hofmann, Daniel Wolf, Gerhard Rigoll
Keywords: multi-view, multi-object, tracking, hypergraphs, surveillance
Martin Hofmann, Daniel Wolf, Gerhard Rigoll
Keywords: multi-view, multi-object, tracking, hypergraphs, surveillance

[data, method, arg, table, linear, binary, low] [camera, error, assumed, equation, calibration, exit, constraint, sensitivity, depends, corresponds, position] [graph, global, problem, three, density, number, formulation, optimization, coupling, term, solved, edge, cost, truth, sum, sink] [false, object, rate, detection, positive, negative, detector, high, well, maximum, hypothesis] [tracking, multiple, prec, frame, temporal, association, likelihood, trajectory, mota, medium, plink, pen, pex, presented, tracked] [reconstruction, figure, single, ground, map, function, prior, quality, additional, corresponding, image] [probability, set, log, joint, work, model, jointly, max]
Poselet Key-Framing: A Model for Human Activity Recognition
Michalis Raptis, Leonid Sigal
Keywords: Activity Recognition, Discriminative Keyframes, Video Analysis
Michalis Raptis, Leonid Sigal
Keywords: Activity Recognition, Discriminative Keyframes, Video Analysis

[representation, discriminative, learning, method, test, table] [allows] [based, pairwise, number, proposed, entire, streaming, algorithm, second] [performance, detection, hog, localization, bounding, positive, local, framework, average, score, spatial, partial, approach, rate, box, descriptor, feature, propose, selection, localize] [action, temporal, keyframes, video, bow, keyframe, recognition, activity, sequence, approachperson, frame, key, motion, legsextended, dynamic, detected, modeling, capture, temporally, indicates, static, recognizing, ability] [function, image, focus, spatially, figure] [model, poselets, poselet, unary, human, latent, set, pose, training, accuracy, scoring, structure, selected, activation, rely, semantic, holistic]
Event Recognition in Videos by Learning from Heterogeneous Web Sources
Lin Chen, Lixin Duan, Dong Xu
Keywords: Domain Adaptation, Event Recognition
Lin Chen, Lixin Duan, Dong Xu
Keywords: Domain Adaptation, Event Recognition

[domain, source, data, adaptation, web, consumer, heterogeneous, labeled, method, kernel, svm, learn, learning, existing, unlabeled, ccv, vector, setting, represented, dso, learnt, kodak, large, datasets, mkl, sample, min, report, matrix, simultaneously, effectively, bing, effectiveness] [solving, assume, solve, convex] [problem, based, optimization, proposed, optimal, algorithm, number, objective, three, weight, label] [feature, dataset, visual, propose, well, sift, performance] [target, event, multiple, recognition, video, youtube, relevant, action] [view, image, note, regularizer, single, cope, function] [training, set, work, max, type, task, model, trained, infer, human, leveraging]
Bringing Semantics into Focus Using Visual Abstraction
C. Lawrence Zitnick, Devi Parikh
Keywords: semantic understanding, abstract scenes
C. Lawrence Zitnick, Devi Parikh
Keywords: semantic understanding, abstract scenes

[mutual, nearest, learning, original, retrieval, datasets, similarity] [real, written, absolute, position, computed, compute, explored] [measure, number, simple, based, sum] [visual, object, art, spatial, feature, location, detection, collection] [clip, person, exist, automatic, measuring, multiple, ability, total] [figure, image, depth, additional, natural, corresponding, including] [semantic, semantically, relative, scene, abstract, set, boy, study, girl, cmi, occurrence, create, provide, understanding, generating, created, facial, knowledge, conditioned, generated, describe, depicting, generate, expression, asked, sentence, relating, occur, description, interesting, human, provided, variety, pose, explore, amount, hypothesize]
Fine-Grained Crowdsourcing for Fine-Grained Recognition
Jia Deng, Jonathan Krause, Li Fei-Fei
Jia Deng, Jonathan Krause, Li Fei-Fei

[discriminative, large, method, learning, data, compared, test, pooling, table, categorization] [area, center, power, small, vision, computer, observe] [random, algorithm, number, form, pair, second] [bubble, approach, object, bubblebank, detector, visual, color, grained, high, revealed, dataset, confusing, successful, annotation, response, performance, reveal, cfaf, crowdsourcing, feature, average, correctly, maximum, birdlet, bounding, round, highly, select] [game, player, recognition, multiple, key, total] [image, figure, quality, previous, note, additional, range, difference, strong, prior] [human, training, top, bird, work, class, selected, category, discover, full, task, goal, semantic]
Robust Object Co-detection
Xin Guo, Dong Liu, Brendan Jou, Mojun Zhu, Anni Cai, Shih-Fu Chang
Xin Guo, Dong Liu, Brendan Jou, Mojun Zhu, Anni Cai, Shih-Fu Chang

[matrix, method, test, linear, residue, table, rank, min, mutual, sparse, datasets, vector, representation, similarity, outperforms, space] [robust, initial, lagrange, generation] [global, based, proposed, problem, number, pair, optimization, random, algorithm, term, pairwise] [bounding, object, box, detection, feature, candidate, pool, voc, car, shared, average, dpm, ford, positive, recall, mlrr, validation, performance, pedestrian, dataset, esvms, visual, best, removed, select, precision, mfm, generic] [multiple, target, msr] [image, reconstruction, stereo, figure, note, noise, removing] [training, set, structure, parameter, pascal, category, appearance, train, dependency, work, top]
Tracking Human Pose by Tracking Symmetric Parts
Varun Ramakrishna, Takeo Kanade, Yaser Sheikh
Keywords: human pose estimation, multi-target tracking, symmetric parts, mutual exclusion constraints, occlusion reasoning
Varun Ramakrishna, Takeo Kanade, Yaser Sheikh
Keywords: human pose estimation, multi-target tracking, symmetric parts, mutual exclusion constraints, occlusion reasoning

[method, mutual, performing, table, better] [parent, estimation, constant, require, computed, path, error] [problem, optimal, exclusion, node, proposal, formulation, programming, pair, xijk, denote, foreground, number, crf, iteration, reduction] [occlusion, double, location, score, detection, dataset, baseline, keypoint, spatial, localization] [tracking, symmetric, frame, counting, track, motion, temporal, head, xfp, likelihood, xfijk, nbest, tracked, multiple, action, xfj, people, video, tracklet, continuity, perform, recognition, ldet] [image, figure, enforce, qualitative, reasoning, function, strong] [pose, human, model, set, articulated, body, pcp, outdoor, scoring, appearance, left, work, max, generate, conditioned]
Deep Convolutional Network Cascade for Facial Point Detection
Yi Sun, Xiaogang Wang, Xiaoou Tang
Keywords: Convolutional Network, Facial Point Detection
Yi Sun, Xiaogang Wang, Xiaoou Tang
Keywords: Convolutional Network, Facial Point Detection

[convolutional, face, test, large, learning, locally, denoted, pooling, method, ambiguous, effective, table, reduced, comparison] [point, shape, small, absolute, initial, error, estimation, robust, position, accurate] [network, second, third, region, three, share, random, based, proposed] [detection, local, layer, deep, bounding, compare, cascade, keypoints, performance, average, cascaded, shared, box, feature, keypoint, context, high, size, rate] [multiple, eye] [input, figure, image, previous] [facial, level, training, sharing, accuracy, lfpw, component, predicted, prediction, predict, mouth, set, nose, failure, pose, trained, relative, appearance, regression, tanh]
Robust Feature Matching with Alternate Hough and Inverted Hough Transforms
Hsin-Yi Chen, Yen-Yu Lin, Bing-Yu Chen
Keywords: point matching, correspondence enrichment, Hough transform
Hsin-Yi Chen, Yen-Yu Lin, Bing-Yu Chen
Keywords: point matching, correspondence enrichment, Hough transform

[space, similarity, method, corrupted, locally] [correspondence, initial, transformation, common, homography, dense, mutually, estimation, shape, small, wrong, point, propagated] [graph, density, proposed, number, three, algorithm] [hough, feature, matching, correct, approach, inverted, voting, vip, recall, local, object, precision, performance, bplrs, high, homographies, concerted, hviv, descriptor, bplr, mii, hii, liop, procedure, grouped, subset, adopted, progressive, detect, nearby, alternate, viq, comparing, vkq, variant, mjj, exploring, considered, pattern, despite] [relevant, volume, detected, plausible, recognition, complex, multiple] [image, transform, figure, illumination, caused, cho, cast, property] [set, geometric, work, relative, potential, typically, dependent]
Constraints as Features
Shmuel Asafi, Daniel Cohen-Or
Keywords: clustering, semi-supervised, machine learning, image segmentation
Shmuel Asafi, Daniel Cohen-Or
Keywords: clustering, semi-supervised, machine learning, image segmentation

[clustering, distance, method, spectral, matrix, data, space, original, learning, diffusion, dimension, metric, datasets, uci, compared, kamvar, standard, davidson, euclidean, demonstrate, wagstaff, augments] [constrained, constraint, unconstrained, augmented, conference, application, computer, international, directly, vision, close, system, point, respect, coordinate, constant] [pair, algorithm, segmentation, number, derived, random, problem, interactive, weight, rand, adjusted, propagation, introduce, hard, groundtruth, graph] [feature, evaluated, implementation, approach, performance, local, average, dataset] [total, rest] [image, figure, result, additional, map, user, input, minimum, closer, adding, actual, technique] [machine, set, active, top]
Radial Distortion Self-Calibration
Jos Henrique Brito, Roland Angst, Kevin Kser, Marc Pollefeys
Keywords: Radial Distortion, Self-calibration, Center of Distortion, Epipolar Curve
Jos Henrique Brito, Roland Angst, Kevin Kser, Marc Pollefeys
Keywords: Radial Distortion, Self-calibration, Center of Distortion, Epipolar Curve

[matrix, space, method, distance, linear, setting, data, good, idea] [distortion, radial, center, epipolar, camera, straight, cod, fundamental, distorted, computer, point, calibration, undistorted, case, vision, division, fitzgibbon, undistortion, rational, estimate, unknown, claus, geometry, epipole, lens, curve, hartley, radius, compute, general, lifting, lie, intersect, conference, brito, consider, solution, perspective, visualized, international, synthetic, epipoles, homography, equation, lifted, position, catadioptric, principle, photogrammetric, barreto] [three, pair, order, proposed, column, based] [pattern, local, approach, eth] [video, extract] [image, function, noise, estimated, figure, view, row, easily] [model, work, set, machine, family]
Adding Unlabeled Samples to Categories by Learned Attributes
Jonghyun Choi, Mohammad Rastegari, Ali Farhadi, Larry S. Davis
Jonghyun Choi, Mohammad Rastegari, Ali Farhadi, Larry S. Davis

[unlabeled, labeled, method, learning, large, data, sample, learned, discriminative, space, learn, svm, rank, purity, original, classification, construct, transfer, similarity, selects] [initial, small] [based, number, optimization, label, proposed, entire, second, column, share, ssl, exact] [precision, visual, feature, average, size, improve, propose, framework, select, dataset, object, selecting, pool, refers, negative, compare, baseline, selection] [recognition, classifier, find, identify] [image, figure, function, wide, adding, change, map, including, addition, green] [category, set, training, attribute, selected, exemplar, wca, categorical, active, accuracy, specific, work, example, discovery, human, wcv, borrowing, orange, top, expand, consists, discover, goal, max]
Human Pose Estimation Using Body Parts Dependent Joint Regressors
Matthias Dantone, Juergen Gall, Christian Leistner, Luc Van_Gool
Keywords: human pose estimation, random forest, joint regressor
Matthias Dantone, Juergen Gall, Christian Leistner, Luc Van_Gool
Keywords: human pose estimation, random forest, joint regressor

[better, method, discriminative, linear, representation, data, learning, binary, svms, space, table, comparison, outperforms, variation] [estimation, error, template] [random, proposed, higher, second, normalized, based, inference] [dataset, approach, detection, layer, localization, object, location, spatial, hog, feature, performance, color, sampled, propose, framework, average, well] [head, individual] [image, patch, depth, single, figure, estimated, address] [joint, body, pose, pictorial, structure, human, model, tree, independent, regressors, dependent, training, accuracy, unary, left, set, regression, limb, appearance, split, trained, forest, hip, fashionpose, work, fpf, class, pcp, articulated, predicting, leeds]
Learning Video Saliency from Human Gaze Using Candidate Selection
Dmitry Rudoy, Dan B. Goldman, Eli Shechtman, Lihi Zelnik-Manor
Dmitry Rudoy, Dan B. Goldman, Eli Shechtman, Lihi Zelnik-Manor

[method, source, learning, calculate, large, outperforms, face, distance, better, follow] [center, small, covariance, compute, experimentally] [saliency, proposed, destination, attention, salient, three, gbvs, neighborhood, contrast, truth, measure, based, add, median] [candidate, visual, detection, size, approach, location, local, feature, well, compare, propose, dataset, auc, bounding, negative] [video, frame, motion, static, dynamic, transition, people, optical, hou, watching, represent, eye, diem] [image, map, figure, gaussian, ground, previous, single, focus, shift, viewing, corresponding] [gaze, human, set, semantic, model, probability, work, body, create, lower, scene, prediction, created, trained, training, train]
Dense 3D Reconstruction from Severely Blurred Images Using a Single Moving Camera
Hee Seok Lee, Kuoung Mu Lee
Keywords: Dense 3D reconstruction, Image deblurring, Visual SLAM
Hee Seok Lee, Kuoung Mu Lee
Keywords: Dense 3D reconstruction, Image deblurring, Visual SLAM

[kernel, method, represented, variation, update, data, vector, denotes, min, arg, considering] [camera, estimation, warping, initial, dense, real, respect, small, correspondence, variational, corresponds, path, geometry, point, approximation, convolution, estimating, jacobian, vision, computer, conference, accurate, convex] [proposed, objective, problem, optimization, number, algorithm, conventional, lpdjh, term, based] [utilize, well] [motion, time, multiple, optical, moving, presented, video, described] [depth, blur, image, reconstruction, pixel, deblurring, estimated, input, blurred, function, exposure, single, map, inverse, figure, handling, additional, jvn, unblurred, reference, hin, result, limited, address, vhtxhqfh, easily, warped, stereo, handle, ajin, arbitrary, blurry] [scene, combined, appearance, pose]
On a Link Between Kernel Mean Maps and Fraunhofer Diffraction, with an Application to Super-Resolution Beyond the Diffraction Limit
Stefan Harmeling, Michael Hirsch, Bernhard Schlkopf
Stefan Harmeling, Michael Hirsch, Bernhard Schlkopf

[kernel, space, learning, link, linear, signal, method, rkhs, sample, compact] [imaging, point, consider, proposition, system, equation, case, wave, lens, squared, theoretical, theorem, hilbert, practical, allows, mapping, square, written] [characteristic, problem, measure, increasing, number] [object, double, positive, response, rayleigh, spatial, size, mit] [optical, time] [diffraction, fourier, image, function, aperture, limit, bounded, support, map, transform, light, fraunhofer, resolution, incoherent, strictly, noise, assumption, recovered, note, result, corresponding, journal, star, implies, magnetic, sinc, single, impulse, reproducing, electric, imaged, row, panel, including, society, resolving, recovering, integrally, gerchberg, processing] [probability, machine, class]
HON4D: Histogram of Oriented 4D Normals for Activity Recognition from Depth Sequences
Omar Oreifej, Zicheng Liu
Keywords: Activity Recognition, Kinect, Action Recognition, Histogram of Gradients, HOG, Histogram of Normals, HON, 4D Normals, Polychoron, MSR Action 3D, MSR Action Pairs, MSR Daily Activity, Depth, Shape, 4D, 3D
Omar Oreifej, Zicheng Liu
Keywords: Activity Recognition, Kinect, Action Recognition, Histogram of Gradients, HOG, Histogram of Normals, HON, 4D Normals, Polychoron, MSR Action 3D, MSR Action Pairs, MSR Daily Activity, Depth, Shape, 4D, 3D

[discriminative, space, method, quantization, experiment, table, svm, compared, better, outperforms] [shape, compute, computed, consider] [order, density, based, proposed, number, random, higher, regular, global] [descriptor, dataset, box, local, object, color, spatial, feature, performance, oriented, compare, hog] [action, motion, recognition, histogram, activity, sequence, skeleton, temporal, msr, spatiotemporal, capture, poster, backpack, hat, lop, interest, hand, video, jiang, occupancy, gesture, described, quantize, dollar] [depth, surface, normal, orientation, gradient, corresponding, note, previous, figure, pyramid, place] [set, distribution, accuracy, example, human, chair, joint, selected, holistic, unit, training]
Efficient Large-Scale Structured Learning
Steve Branson, Oscar Beijbom, Serge Belongie
Keywords: structured learning, deformable part models, cost-sensitive SVM, object detection, optimization, sub-gradient
Steve Branson, Oscar Beijbom, Serge Belongie
Keywords: structured learning, deformable part models, cost-sensitive SVM, object detection, optimization, sub-gradient

[method, svms, update, loss, svm, svmstruct, learning, multiclass, linear, sample, arg, vector, vtj, test, large, space, popular, choosing, applied, classification, roughly, routine, larger, binary, solves, cutting, converges] [solver, error, solving, respect, convex, plane, magnitude] [algorithm, dual, faster, optimization, based, fast, label, problem, objective, number, factor, choose, hard, step, primal, cost] [bounding, online, deformable, object, size, box, feature, sampling, detection, high, window, sliding] [time, includes, sequential] [stochastic, note, supplementary, image, apply, gradient] [training, structured, set, example, parameter, max, model, train, class, output, associated, hierarchical]
Diffusion Processes for Retrieval Revisited
Michael Donoser, Horst Bischof
Keywords: Retrieval, Diffusion Processes, Random Walk, MPEG7
Michael Donoser, Horst Bischof
Keywords: Retrieval, Diffusion Processes, Random Walk, MPEG7

[diffusion, matrix, retrieval, process, data, bullseye, query, pagerank, vector, update, method, table, clustering, similarity, yale, pknn, denoted, personalized, promising, idea, standard, pnc, learning, manifold, analyzing, asc, obtainable, locally, orl, applied, lcdp, element, evolutionary, reasonable, tgd, sso] [shape, underlying, allows, paper, derive, shortest, directly, power, path, constrained] [graph, random, based, pairwise, initialization, step, global, neighborhood, iterative, number, scope, three, propagation, edge, form, node, normalized, optimal, iteration] [score, framework, best, approach, generic, performance, improve, matching, considered, local] [transition, start, main, dominant] [walk, corresponding, image] [set, provided, work, ranking, novel]
Learning Binary Codes for High-Dimensional Data Using Bilinear Projections
Yunchao Gong, Sanjiv Kumar, Henry A. Rowley, Svetlana Lazebnik
Keywords: recognition, image feature, binary codes, hashing
Yunchao Gong, Sanjiv Kumar, Henry A. Rowley, Svetlana Lazebnik
Keywords: recognition, image feature, binary codes, hashing

[bpbc, binary, bilinear, retrieval, vlad, code, method, original, dimensionality, query, distance, table, learning, learned, matrix, retrieved, asymmetric, sign, data, llc, xit, quantization, hashing, compact, memory, product, storage, svm, better, linear, coding, randomly, hamming, update, fisher, large, vector, codewords, sample, nearest, itq] [rotation, projection, compute] [random, number, computation, asd, search, produce, based, optimization, objective] [feature, recall, performance, descriptor, visual, dataset, precision, sift, approach, size, evaluate] [time, perform] [image, figure] [accuracy, full, training, top, structure, work, goal]
Explicit Occlusion Modeling for 3D Object Class Representations
M. Zeeshan Zia, Michael Stark, Konrad Schindler
Keywords: Occlusion, Occluder, 3D representation, recognition, single image 3D reconstruction, scene understanding, occlusion invariance
M. Zeeshan Zia, Michael Stark, Konrad Schindler
Keywords: Occlusion, Occluder, 3D representation, recognition, single image 3D reconstruction, scene understanding, occlusion invariance

[representation, data, method, larger, large, space] [shape, small, estimate, estimation, geometry, monocular] [second, form, objective, discrete, current, fully, number, based] [object, occlusion, detection, layer, conf, baseline, well, igurations, bounding, explicit, occluded, detailed, car, box, correctly, occluder, visibility, localization, iccv, mask, occluders, detector, local, deformable, partial, visual, collection, performance, approach, location, scale, dataset, wireframe, voc, size, dpm] [modeling, detected, cvpr, recognition, individual] [image, reasoning, visible, strong, figure, estimated, additional, street, fact] [model, set, pose, full, geometric, class, evidence, trained, training, active, relative, pascal, scene, appearance, prediction, predict]
Harvesting Mid-level Visual Concepts from Large-Scale Internet Images
Quannan Li, Jiajun Wu, Zhuowen Tu
Quannan Li, Jiajun Wu, Zhuowen Tu

[learning, learned, large, word, linear, supervised, learn, cluster, vector, kernel, codebook, svm, method, table, randomly, clustered, llc, sample] [computer] [saliency, number, salient, three, scheme, assigned, problem, label, formulation, second, search] [visual, object, internet, detection, concept, positive, feature, sampled, weakly, unsupervised, mit, pattern, voc, high, multicluster, spatial, scale, classeme] [multiple, bag, automatically, capture, recognition] [image, natural, patch, row, pyramid, generally, apply] [scene, instance, novel, top, improved, indoor, level, created, set, pascal, create, diversity, model, amount]
Representing Videos Using Mid-level Discriminative Patches
Arpit Jain, Abhinav Gupta, Mikel Rodriguez, Larry S. Davis
Keywords: Action Recognition, Video Understanding
Arpit Jain, Abhinav Gupta, Mikel Rodriguez, Larry S. Davis
Keywords: Action Recognition, Video Understanding

[discriminative, test, representation, learning, transfer, data, distance, vocabulary, svm, learn, demonstrate, table, cluster, clustering, vector, euclidean, query, nearest] [correspondence, establish, align, alignment] [based, label, number, term, simple, algorithm, global, cost, representing, partition, background] [approach, select, object, detection, feature, performance, dataset, selection, establishing, score, candidate, evaluate, propose, localization] [action, video, recognition, motion, olympics, represent, recognizing, spatiotemporal, temporal, event, evaluation, perform, ipfp, constituent, throw] [figure, patch, strong, representative, consistent, function] [training, class, human, semantic, set, selected, work, top, pose, trained, appearance]
Fast Multiple-Part Based Object Detection Using KD-Ferns
Dan Levi, Shai Silberstein, Aharon Bar-Hillel
Keywords: Part-based recognition, Object Detection, Person detection, Pedestrian detection
Dan Levi, Shai Silberstein, Aharon Bar-Hillel
Keywords: Part-based recognition, Object Detection, Person detection, Pedestrian detection

[method, test, nearest, running, similarity, splitting, binary, dimension, neighbor, original, query, database, large, ann, distance, table, compared] [fragment, compute, small, computed, position] [algorithm, search, number, based, computation, second, runtime, approximate, node, faster, construction] [detection, object, afs, pedestrian, feature, caltech, dataset, size, local, spatial, score, location, rate, computing, bin, accfeatsynth, false, performance, coarse, stride, accelerated, descriptor, high, cascade, speed, candidate, scale, stage, deformable, fpdw] [time, evaluation, maximal] [image, orientation, gradient, single, figure, limited] [set, level, tree, full, model, synthesis, trained, training, appearance, grid]
Heterogeneous Visual Features Fusion via Sparse Multimodal Machine
Hua Wang, Feiping Nie, Heng Huang, Chris Ding
Keywords: Visual Features Fusion, Data Integration, Structured Sparsity
Hua Wang, Feiping Nie, Heng Huang, Chris Ding
Keywords: Visual Features Fusion, Data Integration, Structured Sparsity

[method, data, mkl, svm, learning, sparse, modality, kernel, lssvm, heterogeneous, compared, better, sparsity, wti, categorization, multimodal, table, discriminative, learn, matrix, min, loss, broadly, large, vector, applied, published, calculate] [computer, vision, solve, integration, convex, consider] [proposed, algorithm, three, objective, integrate, problem, global, weight, optimization, diagonal] [feature, visual, object, approach, precision, average, color, performance, selection, evaluate, benchmark, propose, correctly] [multiple, individual, group, experimental, implement, trecvid, recognition] [image, function, regularizer, single, address, natural, including, regularizers] [type, set, structured, scene, parameter, class, joint]
Probabilistic Graphlet Cut: Exploiting Spatial Structure Cue for Weakly Supervised Image Segmentation
Luming Zhang, Mingli Song, Zicheng Liu, Xiao Liu, Jiajun Bu, Chun Chen
Keywords: graphlet, weakly segmentation, high-order
Luming Zhang, Mingli Song, Zicheng Liu, Xiao Liu, Jiajun Bu, Chun Chen
Keywords: graphlet, weakly segmentation, high-order

[embedding, manifold, supervised, table, arg, learning, matrix, learned, effectively, learn, kernel, gmm, grassmann, compared, vector, effectiveness, similarity, labeled] [] [segmentation, graphlet, graphlets, superpixels, proposed, superpixel, homogeneity, label, based, cut, term, normalized, global, region, assigned, probabilistic, algorithm, second, measure, number, segmented, pairwise, conventional, dgw, third, integrate, three, itest, proc, denote, graph] [spatial, approach, context, weakly, feature, size, voc, maximum, propose, performance, unsupervised] [multiple, experimental, time, extracted, capture, measuring] [image, figure, spatially, function, note, rough, remove, transform, consistent] [geometric, structure, semantic, model, set, distribution, appearance, training, structured, yellow, component, example]
3D-Based Reasoning with Blocks, Support, and Stability
Zhaoyin Jia, Andrew Gallagher, Ashutosh Saxena, Tsuhan Chen
Zhaoyin Jia, Andrew Gallagher, Ashutosh Saxena, Tsuhan Chen

[distance, block, representation, table, space, better, large, data, project, learning, labeled] [center, axis, compute, plane, area, point, intersection, convex, intersect, parallel, initial] [segmentation, based, proposed, algorithm, pairwise, segment, neighboring, inference, energy, merging, three, global, mcmc] [box, object, bounding, dataset, feature, performance, improves, color, propose, well, partial, approach, average] [volume, interpretation, perform, partially] [supporting, stability, support, reasoning, surface, minimum, orientation, figure, ground, volumetric, single, depth, supported, visible, separating, gravity, image, function, dashed, red, hull, perpendicular, physical] [scene, model, indoor, relation, work, set, understanding, side, top, accuracy, human]
Is There a Procedural Logic to Architecture?
Julien Weissenberg, Hayko Riemenschneider, Mukta Prasad, Luc Van_Gool
Julien Weissenberg, Hayko Riemenschneider, Mukta Prasad, Luc Van_Gool

[distance, retrieval, binary, comparison, method, vector, splitting] [shape, virtual, compression, generation, respect, visualization, common, operation, core] [number, inference, edge, labelled, algorithm, computational, proposal, term, energy, order, optimization, second] [comparing, compare, van, propose, size, approach] [total, automatically, time, automatic] [single, inverse, input, horizontal, function, direction, figure, pixel, city, ground, manual] [set, procedural, rule, split, grammar, tree, modelling, asset, inferred, architectural, work, parse, model, production, grammatical, building, semantic, parameter, style, parsing, starting, generate, vertical, describe, haussmannian, create, goal, correspond, structural, urban, synthesis, build, layout, infer, refer, labelling, structure, level]
Plane-Based Content Preserving Warps for Video Stabilization
Zihan Zhou, Hailin Jin, Yi Ma
Zihan Zhou, Hailin Jin, Yi Ma

[large, method, data, distance, similarity, existing, minimizing] [planar, camera, cpw, piecewise, point, plane, robust, warping, transformation, mesh, small, estimation, warp, reconstructed, paper, computer, dense, vertex, homography, synthesizing, vision] [segmentation, algorithm, number, random, based, proposed, term, markov, produce, fast, entire, energy, label] [feature, challenging, well, detect, cell, threshold, detection, propose, spatial, viewpoint, pattern, approach, improve] [video, stabilization, frame, motion, multiple, stabilized] [figure, input, image, function, textureless, smoothness, ground, note, corresponding, single, technique, uniform, reconstruction, including, smoothing, stereo] [scene, set, structure, output, grid, novel, work, goal, indoor]
All About VLAD
Relja Arandjelovi, Andrew Zisserman
Relja Arandjelovi, Andrew Zisserman

[vlad, vocabulary, cluster, retrieval, oxford, similarity, method, original, large, adaptation, compared, query, paris, vlads, standard, clustering, ssr, datasets, fisher, compact, vector, outperforms, dimensional, product, multivlad, ideal, adapted, table, pca, dimensionality, memory, adapt, linear] [center, small, computed, square] [measure, three, assigned, problem, region, greedy, entire, scheme] [performance, dataset, scale, best, local, normalization, visual, descriptor, object, average, size, improvement, overlap, sift, localization, coarse, improves, propose, improve, contribution, benchmark, score, improving] [roi, multiple, bow, performed] [image, map, figure, single, result, consistent, note] [full, scalar, trained, set]
Dense Variational Reconstruction of Non-rigid Surfaces from Monocular Video
Ravi Garg, Anastasios Roussos, Lourdes Agapito
Keywords: non-rigid structure from motion, structure from motion, 3D reconstruction
Ravi Garg, Anastasios Roussos, Lourdes Agapito
Keywords: non-rigid structure from motion, structure from motion, 3D reconstruction

[matrix, rank, norm, method, face, subspace, low, large, data] [shape, dense, camera, nrsfm, trace, rigid, estimation, variational, basis, synthetic, small, factorization, real, convex, iref, deforming, monocular, estimate, ereg, point, robust, solve, edata, constraint, nonrigid, orthonormality, etrace, minimisation] [algorithm, problem, term, energy, based, proposed, number, optimization, dual, minimization, normalized] [approach, deformable, spatial, high, adopt, location] [motion, sequence, frame, video, trajectory, heart] [image, reconstruction, smooth, prior, regularization, figure, reference, input, pixel, reconstruct, corresponding, additional, gradient, result, previous, row, spatially] [structure, provide, component]
Studying Relationships between Human Gaze, Description, and Computer Vision
Kiwon Yun, Yifan Peng, Dimitris Samaras, Gregory J. Zelinsky, Tamara L. Berg
Kiwon Yun, Yifan Peng, Dimitris Samaras, Gregory J. Zelinsky, Tamara L. Berg

[table, better] [vision, computer, percentage, compute, consider] [density, simple, horse, search, produce, truth, measure] [object, detection, visual, bounding, dataset, box, relationship, baseline, performance, average, annotation, positive, true, false, cat, feature, rate, improve, plant, inform, detector, dog, context, overlap] [people, eye, person, detected, recognition, described, experimental, analysis] [image, content, figure, viewing, ground, journal, map, fall, view] [gaze, pascal, human, selected, scene, category, describe, tend, train, provide, description, sheep, potential, cow, explore, sofa, chair, understanding, work, mbike, bicycle, study, making, help, top, set]
Learning SURF Cascade for Fast and Accurate Object Detection
Jianguo Li, Yimin Zhang
Jianguo Li, Yimin Zhang

[face, learning, data, existing, large, linear, representation, table] [paper, requires, parallel, allow] [proposed, number, based, fast, three, convergence, faster, algorithm, weight, extraction, derived, optimization] [cascade, surf, detection, detector, weak, object, local, feature, descriptor, boosting, stage, negative, framework, auc, haar, roc, dataset, approach, speed, rate, positive, fpr, logistic, car, computing, window, procedure, integral, criterion, threshold, opencv, picked, size, reach, score, evaluate, collected, hog, adopt, adaboost, selection, aspect, trick] [ensemble] [patch, image, figure, gradient, single, view] [training, set, model, frontal, trained, regression, train, learner, accuracy]
Category Modeling from Just a Single Labeling: Use Depth Information to Guide the Learning of 2D Models
Quanshi Zhang, Xuan Song, Xiaowei Shao, Ryosuke Shibasaki, Huijing Zhao
Keywords: Object detection, Graph matching, RGBD images
Quanshi Zhang, Xuan Song, Xiaowei Shao, Ryosuke Shibasaki, Huijing Zhao
Keywords: Object detection, Graph matching, RGBD images

[learning, supervised, method, labeled, large, codebook, learned, learn, denotes, denoted, follow] [length, angle] [rgbd, graph, node, pairwise, edge, proposed, ordinary, graphical, labeling, number, based, penalty, bias, conventional, yii, segmentation, centerline, segment, neighboring, leordeanu, construction, global] [object, matching, detection, local, texture, casually, spatial, collection, rate, detect, performance, collected, matched, design, indicate, unsupervised] [target, assignment, multiple, represent, detected, extracted, reliable, recognition] [image, patch, captured, rgb, figure, guide, single, orientation, minimum, calculated, depth, img] [model, category, compatibility, training, structure, structural, set, discovery, knowledge, train, scene]
Monocular Template-Based 3D Reconstruction of Extensible Surfaces with Local Linear Elasticity
Abed Malti, Richard Hartley, Adrien Bartoli, Jae-Hak Kim
Abed Malti, Richard Hartley, Adrien Bartoli, Jae-Hak Kim

[data, method, linear, matrix, applied] [error, stretching, real, deformation, deformed, isometric, monocular, conformal, extensibility, point, elastic, shape, template, experimentally, solution, reconstructed, deform, mechanical, respect, bladder, consider, synthetic, camera, singular, balloon, convex, grd, cap, force, length, stretched, minimal, constraint, rubber, assume, case, condition, rigid, equation, stress, simulated] [boundary, energy, problem, formulation, order, truth, based, iterative, minimization, prove, statistical] [local, ratio, approach, pattern, scale, average, feature, propose] [total] [surface, reconstruction, material, image, figure, physical, measured, poisson, direction, single] [set, work, amount, model, parameter]
Saliency Detection via Graph-Based Manifold Ranking
Chuan Yang, Lihe Zhang, Huchuan Lu, Xiang Ruan, Ming-Hsuan Yang
Chuan Yang, Lihe Zhang, Huchuan Lu, Xiang Ruan, Ming-Hsuan Yang

[matrix, method, manifold, binary, vector, large, distance, performs, learning, data] [compute, computed, constraint, adaptive, degree, laplacian, integration] [saliency, salient, proposed, background, graph, based, foreground, boundary, algorithm, node, second, labelled, superpixels, contrast, gof, region, svo, normalized, segmentation, problem, entire, indicator, msra, attention, weight, optimal, number] [detection, object, recall, precision, visual, stage, dataset, local, approach, bounding, performance, evaluate, propose, considered, detect, score, well] [] [figure, image, map, note, input, function, geodesic, ground] [ranking, model, relevance, set, selected, labelling, generated, generate, ranked, left]
Motionlets: Mid-level 3D Parts for Human Motion Recognition
LiMin Wang, Yu Qiao, Xiaoou Tang
LiMin Wang, Yu Qiao, Xiaoou Tang

[representation, discriminative, method, cluster, large, table, vector, learning, similarity, data, effective, achieve, conduct, low] [dense, template, equation, power] [based, energy, three, number, algorithm, saliency, global, random, greedy, proposed] [local, high, matching, scale, select, propose, selection, candidate, object, spatial, visual, compare, feature, pattern] [motionlet, motion, action, video, motionlets, recognition, spatiotemporal, extract, hoe, bank, histogram, group, interchange, realistic, kth, volume] [figure, orientation, representative, result, input, image] [human, accuracy, set, training, appearance, activation, class, level, body, sji, provide, ranking, combined, model]
Hierarchical Saliency Detection
Qiong Yan, Li Xu, Jianping Shi, Jiaya Jia
Keywords: saliency detection
Qiong Yan, Li Xu, Jianping Shi, Jiaya Jia
Keywords: saliency detection

[method, process, comparison, large, larger, data, representation] [initial, common, center, consider, uniqueness, averaging, square] [saliency, region, salient, global, three, attention, background, based, inference, contrast, problem, foreground, number, segment, illustrated, computation, term, energy, measure] [layer, scale, color, visual, detection, local, object, recall, precision, average, dataset, high, threshold, location, spatial, feature, propose, pattern, approach, box, framework] [complex, challenge] [image, map, natural, figure, cue, corresponding, input, difference, produced, pixel, ground, prior] [hierarchical, human, set, model, scene, top, work, example, commonly, making, tree]
First-Person Activity Recognition: What Are They Doing to Me?
Michael S. Ryoo, Larry Matthies
Keywords: human activity recognition, first-person computer vision
Michael S. Ryoo, Larry Matthies
Keywords: human activity recognition, first-person computer vision

[kernel, learning, distance, better, representation, matrix, idea, learned, arg] [system, camera, paper, alignment, wave, robot, computed, point] [global, optimal, number, continuous, advantage, order, constructed, based] [local, approach, match, detection, feature, dataset, visual, baseline, average, best, matching, positive, descriptor, performance, evaluate] [activity, motion, video, recognition, histogram, optical, hug, multiple, pet, time, observer, person, detected, superior, temporal, target, represent, punch, gram, observed, humanoid, throw, evaluation, punching, recognizing, subsection, ability, considers, recognize] [figure, function, previous, shake, version, measured, result, pyramid] [structure, human, training, hierarchical, example]
Seeking the Strongest Rigid Detector
Rodrigo Benenson, Markus Mathias, Tinne Tuytelaars, Luc Van_Gool
Keywords: objects detection, pedestrian detection
Rodrigo Benenson, Markus Mathias, Tinne Tuytelaars, Luc Van_Gool
Keywords: objects detection, pedestrian detection

[low, better, linear, large, learning, original, learned, method, test, choice, table, data, space] [rigid, paper] [random, global, factor, algorithm, simple] [detector, feature, normalization, inria, hog, weak, baseline, scale, squareschnftrs, false, detection, eth, design, veryfast, rate, pedestrian, best, chnftrs, integral, pool, oriented, object, average, pattern, improve, colour, candidate, approach, dataset, roerei, conclusion, window, boosting, size, adaboost, improves, greyworld, eblearn, deformable, deep] [channel, multiple, evaluation, time, described, analysis] [quality, image, single, strong, figure, supplementary, gradient, setup, sophisticated] [training, set, model, work, top, level, provide, build, decision]
The SVM-Minus Similarity Score for Video Face Recognition
Lior Wolf, Noga Levy
Keywords: face recognition, video, youtube faces, similarity score, pose estimation
Lior Wolf, Noga Levy
Keywords: face recognition, video, youtube faces, similarity score, pose estimation

[svm, similarity, face, mbgs, method, privileged, learned, learning, labeled, linear, data, applied, vector, fplbp, distance, large, matrix, standard, discriminative, effective, cslbp, table, nearest, sample] [computed, unconstrained, projection] [background, based, optimization, problem, pair, second, label, three, called, include] [score, positive, lbp, negative, subset, matching, feature, size, pattern, auc, performance, local, irrelevant] [video, recognition, head, multiple, relevant, described, identity, person, presented, analysis] [image, additional, function, note, figure, orientation, single] [set, training, model, trained, correlation, pose, side, selected, machine, example, subject, ranking, combined, work, provide]
Bayesian Grammar Learning for Inverse Procedural Modeling
Andelo Martinovic, Luc Van_Gool
Keywords: inverse procedural modeling, shape grammars, grammar induction, SCFG, 2DSCFG, Bayesian model merging, Earley parser, urban modeling
Andelo Martinovic, Luc Van_Gool
Keywords: inverse procedural modeling, shape grammars, grammar induction, SCFG, 2DSCFG, Bayesian model merging, Earley parser, urban modeling

[learning, bayesian, method, data, labeled, learned, induced, space, calculate, sample] [shape, initial, general] [search, number, random, merging, order, energy, node, move, term, form, current] [approach, procedure, size, candidate, best, sampled, van, design] [chain, modeling, likelihood, presented] [image, input, prior, pixel, single, stochastic, reconstruction, limited, horizontal, corresponding, inverse, figure] [grammar, parsing, set, procedural, model, rule, production, derivation, facade, terminal, building, tree, parameter, probability, parse, split, starting, jump, selected, attribute, structure, work, create, lattice, posterior, urban, relative, novel, log, parser, style, manually, viterbi, symbol, earley]
Blur Processing Using Double Discrete Wavelet Transform
Yi Zhang, Keigo Hirakawa
Yi Zhang, Keigo Hirakawa

[kernel, sparse, method, data, transforms, distance, existing] [camera, wavelet, computer, vision, conference, real, estimation, radius, angle, international, yield, common, consider] [proposed, discrete, global, edge, denote, scheme, extraction, computational, illustrated] [object, double, detection, pattern, framework, local, location, speed, feature, average, detect, well] [motion, recognition, analysis, multiple, optical, observed, velocity, moving, complex] [blur, image, ddwt, figure, deblurring, dwt, defocus, transform, input, processing, sharp, shake, pixel, varying, single, spatially, sensor, result, blurry, function, autocorrelation, row, reconstruction, chan, caused, blind, blurred, corresponding, minimum, horizontal, handle, direction, applying] [latent, example, work, scene, task, bottom]
Ensemble Learning for Confidence Measures in Stereo Vision
Ralf Haeusler, Rahul Nair, Daniel Kondermann
Keywords: stereo, benchmarking, confidence measure, random forest
Ralf Haeusler, Rahul Nair, Daniel Kondermann
Keywords: stereo, benchmarking, confidence measure, random forest

[learning, data, method, bad, good, large, gini, semi, performing, vector, binary, low] [error, computer, vision, area, curve, small, computed, estimation, case] [measure, random, based, truth, cost, global, energy, proposed, algorithm, sparsification, variable, problem, number, consistently] [matching, feature, ratio, best, framework, false, pattern, challenging, entropy, well, high] [peak, frame, evaluation, optical] [stereo, disparity, kitti, image, ground, variance, rdf, single, perturbation, difference, figure, gradient, result, sgm, contributing, depth, ambiguity, introduced, estimated, strong, pixel] [set, accuracy, decision, forest, class, machine, tree, training, left, prediction, work]
Block and Group Regularized Sparse Modeling for Dictionary Learning
Yu-Tseh Chi, Mohsen Ali, Ajit Rajwade, Jeffrey Ho
Keywords: block group, sparse coding, dictionary learning
Yu-Tseh Chi, Mohsen Ali, Ajit Rajwade, Jeffrey Ho
Keywords: block group, sparse coding, dictionary learning

[dictionary, sparse, data, learning, block, coherence, table, bgsc, coding, orthogonality, equivalent, digit, usps, strict, norm, orthonormal, experiment, matrix, min, suppressing, regularized, mutual, test, vector, learned, method, simultaneously] [error, solution, minimizes, respect, compute, encode, written, equation, allow, convex, conference, constraint, reconstructed] [proposed, algorithm, program, number, objective, optimization, term, column, three, problem, share] [framework, rate, size, shared] [group, recognition, assign, indicates] [function, result, single, supplementary, minimum, note, corresponding, support, depend, blue] [training, structure, class, trained, novel, train, generate, provide]
POOF: Part-Based One-vs.-One Features for Fine-Grained Categorization, Face Verification, and Attribute Estimation
Thomas Berg, Peter N. Belhumeur
Keywords: fine-grained visual categorization, part-based recognition, face verification, attributes
Thomas Berg, Peter N. Belhumeur
Keywords: fine-grained visual categorization, part-based recognition, face verification, attributes

[face, base, discriminative, labeled, method, categorization, test, learning, learn, linear, large, learned, report, domain, demonstrate, svm, existing, vector, standard, similarity] [aligned, vision, computer, directly, projection] [based, truth, region, pair, include] [feature, dataset, gradhist, hog, poof, visual, best, color, subset, bounding, positive, rate, average, local, approach, distinguish, localized, kumar, variant] [recognition, extract, automatic, detected, eye] [image, reference, figure, gradient, ground, direction, support, apply, result, previous] [set, training, accuracy, attribute, work, grid, train, bird, trained, class, breed, task, left, component, birdlets]
Facial Feature Tracking Under Varying Facial Expressions and Face Poses Based on Restricted Boltzmann Machines
Yue Wu, Zuoguan Wang, Qiang Ji
Keywords: Facial feature tracking, Restricted Boltzmann Machines
Yue Wu, Zuoguan Wang, Qiang Ji
Keywords: Facial feature tracking, Restricted Boltzmann Machines

[face, method, database, table, data, large, sample, labeled] [shape, computer, restricted, vision, error, conference, point, synthetic, estimate] [proposed, based, phwkrg, belief, number, sursrvhg] [feature, pattern, deep, baseline, propose, local, detection, sampling, well, relationship, performance] [tracking, capture, sequence, experimental, track, combine, recognition, represent, switch, frame, described, mmi] [prior, varying, gaussian, figure, image, corresponding] [facial, model, expression, frontal, pose, boltzmann, rbm, dbns, isl, hidden, probability, manually, poserbm, training, left, happy, generate, appearance, human, frontalrbm, active, trained, wjf, wif, train, work, machine, aam, build, eyebrow]
Multi-scale Curve Detection on Surfaces
Michael Kolomenkin, Ilan Shimshoni, Ayellet Tal
Keywords: Multiscale, Curves, 3D
Michael Kolomenkin, Ilan Shimshoni, Ayellet Tal
Keywords: Multiscale, Curves, 3D

[space, applied, method, large, chosen, standard, original, principal, locally] [curve, curvature, equation, point, compute, small, shape, respect, general, computed, assume, case, smaller, paper, exists, depends, laplacian] [optimal, strength, edge, normalized, algorithm, second, step, choose, order, represents, region, simple, three] [scale, approach, detection, maximum, normalization, propose, best, detect, coarse, select, positive, feature, framework, detecting] [detected, automatic] [surface, function, single, derivative, relief, obtains, figure, smoothed, smoothing, apply, user, proportional, ridge, depend, equal, image, gaussian, assumption, nicely, smooth] [type, goal, geometric, expression, create, scalar, accuracy]
PDM-ENLOR: Learning Ensemble of Local PDM-Based Regressions
Yen H. Le, Uday Kurkure, Ioannis A. Kakadiaris
Keywords: PDM, ASM, ensemble
Yen H. Le, Uday Kurkure, Ioannis A. Kakadiaris
Keywords: PDM, ASM, ensemble

[method, data, similarity, extended, outperforms, large, learning, comparison, matrix] [shape, point, brain, conference, international, computed, anatomical, computer, position, degree, robust, determined, vision] [gene, mouse, based, boundary, statistical, asm, salient, global, number, neighborhood, medical, fji, step, segmentation, weight, proposed, pdm, explanatory, rji, iteration, subdivision, individually] [local, detection, locality, location, best, detect, feature, size, built, approach, sampled, propose, score] [ensemble, detected, multiple, analysis, explicitly] [reference, image, prior, figure, equal] [model, regression, training, set, expression, selected, appearance, active, geometric, provide, work, level, distribution, component, combining]
Scalable Sparse Subspace Clustering
Xi Peng, Lei Zhang, Zhang Yi
Keywords: Large scale dataset, Sparse similarity graph, subspace clustering, spectral clustering
Xi Peng, Lei Zhang, Zhang Yi
Keywords: Large scale dataset, Sparse similarity graph, subspace clustering, spectral clustering

[data, clustering, spectral, sssc, lsc, sparse, subspace, ssc, large, similarity, representation, cluster, matrix, scalable, nmi, kasp, linear, table, method, akk, scalability, performing, kernel, orth, original, construct, comparison, popular, membership, denotes, coding, neural, effectiveness, face, eigenvectors, sparsity, elhamifar, dimensionality] [computer, conference, laplacian, preserving, solution, error, issue, point, solve, small] [number, based, algorithm, complexity, graph, pairwise, random, three, proposed, computational, approximate, fast, cost, optimizer, second] [scale, pattern, sampling, performance, size, best, comparing, approach] [analysis, time, perform, represent, feasible, recognition, interval] [achieved, chen, image, quality] [accuracy, set, machine, parameter, grouping]
A Higher-Order CRF Model for Road Network Extraction
Jan D. Wegner, Javier A. Montoya-Zegarra, Konrad Schindler
Keywords: graphical models, high-order potentials, road network extraction, CRF
Jan D. Wegner, Javier A. Montoya-Zegarra, Konrad Schindler
Keywords: graphical models, high-order potentials, road network extraction, CRF

[standard, data, linear, method, labeled, sample] [straight, consider, lie, computer, point] [road, network, extraction, superpixels, clique, crf, background, segmentation, inference, potts, random, label, proposed, vaihingen, energy, graph, raz, based, topological, include, elongated, number, pairwise, three, junction, form, problem, weight, crfs, order, correctness, scheme, second, connected, remote, superpixel] [false, high, sampling, detection, feature, performance, object, baseline, sampled] [long, short, likelihood, main, extract, automatic, modeling, complex, individual] [image, prior, hop, thin, note, ground, estimated, map, introduced, additional] [model, aerial, potential, work, unaries, upper, urban, set, knowledge, evidence, semantic]
Measures and Meta-Measures for the Supervised Evaluation of Image Segmentation
Jordi Pont-Tuset, Ferran Marques
Jordi Pont-Tuset, Ferran Marques

[clustering, better, comparison, method, assessment, discrimination, distance, table, code, good] [compute, paper, percentage, respect, case, newly] [segmentation, measure, partition, soa, region, number, fop, algorithm, fragmentation, quantitative, boundary, global, pair, metameasure, proposed, egb, truth, three, quadtree, nwmc, based, contour, osij, interpret, normalized, assessed, judged] [object, compare, detection, correctly, precision, correct, performance, candidate, recall, high, hypothesis, well, providing, dataset, comparing, coming, propose, threshold] [evaluation, summary, presented, analysis] [image, figure, result, ground, fact, technique] [set, human, provide, work, created]
Graph Transduction Learning with Connectivity Constraints with Application to Multiple Foreground Cosegmentation
Tianyang Ma, Longin Jan Latecki
Tianyang Ma, Longin Jan Latecki

[method, learning, linear, labeled, supervised, unlabeled, standard, data, similarity, follow, setting, matrix, arg, binarization, applied, belonging, discriminative] [solve, constraint, solving, small, convex, solution, essential] [graph, connectivity, ssl, label, transduction, segmentation, problem, foreground, proposed, cosegmentation, global, gtc, violated, number, inequality, yil, connected, based, rlgc, node, gtcp, algorithm, second, segment, pair, subgraph, formulation, random, solved, cost, iterative, representing, form, propagation, consistency, mfc, step, ftkl, postprocessing, wij, adjacency] [framework, object, approach, unsupervised, dataset, baby, challenging] [multiple, represent] [image, function, introduced, enforce, figure, green] [set, accuracy, call, class, training, goal, model]
Salient Object Detection: A Discriminative Regional Feature Integration Approach
Huaizu Jiang, Jingdong Wang, Zejian Yuan, Yang Wu, Nanning Zheng, Shipeng Li
Huaizu Jiang, Jingdong Wang, Zejian Yuan, Yang Wu, Nanning Zheng, Shipeng Li

[data, learning, discriminative, existing, vector, table, learn, rank, comparison, spectral] [compute, computed, directly, integration] [saliency, salient, regional, region, contrast, svo, segmentation, number, based, background, random, backgroundness, normalized, computation, attention, neighboring, proposed, global, introduce, quantitative, objectness, three] [object, feature, approach, detection, visual, lrk, cbsal, drfi, positive, color, descriptor, rate, performance, auc, recall, false, precision, true, eccv, best, evaluate, roc, window, heuristically, texture, lot, dim] [histogram, multiple, modeling, analysis, combine, represent] [image, figure, map, property, including, introduced] [set, regressor, training, forest, model, distribution]
Photometric Ambient Occlusion
Daniel Hauagge, Scott Wehrwein, Kavita Bala, Noah Snavely
Keywords: ambient occlusion, albedo, intrinsic images, image stacks
Daniel Hauagge, Scott Wehrwein, Kavita Bala, Noah Snavely
Keywords: ambient occlusion, albedo, intrinsic images, image stacks

[method, source, face] [point, estimate, angle, error, constant, compute, computer, geometry, direct, estimating, require, shape, assume, camera, radiance, unknown, vision, depends, decomposition, general, consider] [measure, algorithm, number, statistic, simple, include, term, truth] [visibility, occlusion, local, color, approach, mit, well, object, benchmark, dataset] [formation, observed, explicitly] [ambient, light, image, albedo, pixel, illumination, intrinsic, intensity, photometric, figure, directional, physical, surface, varying, lighting, stereo, stack, lit, input, ground, estimated, subsurface, cone, printed, shading, single, material, smoothness, entacle, crevice, note, hole, diffuse, captured, illuminated, hemisphere] [model, scene, set, work, distribution, account, full]
Simultaneous Active Learning of Classifiers & Attributes via Relative Feedback
Arijit Biswas, Devi Parikh
Keywords: Active Learning, Attributes, Relative Feedback, Classification, Large vocabulary, Face images
Arijit Biswas, Devi Parikh
Keywords: Active Learning, Attributes, Relative Feedback, Classification, Large vocabulary, Face images

[learning, query, labeled, unlabeled, weighting, learn, large, classification, vocabulary, data, chosen, better, face, traditional] [system, require] [proposed, label, number, scheme, strength, random, simply, form, iteration, three, second, belief] [approach, entropy, negative, baseline, dataset, correct, selection, performance, pool, visual, providing, average, collect, criterion, object] [open, described, time, updated, recognition] [image, figure, corresponding, introduced, difference, note, natural] [attribute, supervisor, feedback, active, learner, relative, set, training, class, ranking, accuracy, predicted, parkash, trained, list, parikh, describe, forest, passive, probability, example, provide, access, provided, train, category, explanation, actively, novel]
Axially Symmetric 3D Pots Configuration System Using Axis of Symmetry and Break Curve
Kilho Son, Eduardo B. Almeida, David B. Cooper
Keywords: 3D puzzle solving, 3D artifact reconstruction, 3D pot assembly, 3D axially symmetric shapes, 3D signal processing, geometric fragment matching, computational geometry, sherd configuration, 3D geometry learning, dataset alignment, anthropology, archaeology
Kilho Son, Eduardo B. Almeida, David B. Cooper
Keywords: 3D puzzle solving, 3D artifact reconstruction, 3D pot assembly, 3D axially symmetric shapes, 3D signal processing, geometric fragment matching, computational geometry, sherd configuration, 3D geometry learning, dataset alignment, anthropology, archaeology

[data, method, large, distance, arg, space] [axis, break, curve, system, symmetry, fragment, estimation, pot, outer, broken, circle, estimating, horoscope, axially, point, robust, archaeological, apc, puzzle, jigsaw, reassembly, curvature, paper, position, alignment, small, plane, common, equation, angle, reassembling, shape, constant, real, constraint, sherd, ceramic, smaller] [based, cost, number, problem, pair, algorithm, global, search, proposed, optimal, pairwise] [matching, local, distinctive, approach, candidate, true, match, high, layer, feature] [symmetric, multiple, total] [surface, figure, estimated, function, noise, noisy, normal, property, previous, direction, reconstruction, perpendicular] [relative, geometric]
Cross-View Action Recognition via a Continuous Virtual Path
Zhong Zhang, Chunheng Wang, Baihua Xiao, Wen Zhou, Shuang Liu, Cunzhao Shi
Zhong Zhang, Chunheng Wang, Baihua Xiao, Wen Zhou, Shuang Liu, Cunzhao Shi

[labeled, unlabeled, source, table, kernel, method, vvkc, similarity, better, domain, ixmas, representation, matrix, construct, discrimination, vvk, inner, discriminative, linear, theoretic, learning, vector, learned, sample, approximated, kau] [virtual, path, constraint, correspondence, transformation, computed, robust, compute, rotation, equation] [algorithm, three, continuous, proposed, problem, maximize, maximizing, working, objective, based] [feature, approach, average, propose, dataset, performance, local, sampling, achieves, pattern] [action, target, recognition, partially, multiple, interest, observed, video, temporal, extract, recognizing, kat, key] [view, corresponding, gaussian, change] [accuracy, set, class, human, training, mode, work, parameter, max]
Efficient Detector Adaptation for Object Detection in a Video
Pramod Sharma, Ram Nevatia
Pramod Sharma, Ram Nevatia

[method, adaptation, sample, test, binary, learning, divide, categorization, low, svm] [adaptive] [based, random, proposed, number, computation, simple, algorithm, applicable, order] [online, detection, baseline, detector, performance, unsupervised, positive, fern, object, precision, approach, collected, negative, collect, caviar, computationally, high, size, false, improves, recall, response, boosting, manner, dataset, incremental, sharma, correct, art, pedestrian, improvement, compare, divided, collection] [eye, target, tracking, time, video, described, total, performed, frame, state, track, missed] [figure, apply, applying] [training, pose, trained, train, poselet, human, set, distribution, category, work, appearance, output, independent]
Hash Bit Selection: A Unified Solution for Selection Problems in Hashing
Xianglong Liu, Junfeng He, Bo Lang, Shih-Fu Chang
Keywords: locality sensitive hashing, nearest neighbor search, hash bit selection, normalized dominant set
Xianglong Liu, Junfeng He, Bo Lang, Shih-Fu Chang
Keywords: locality sensitive hashing, nearest neighbor search, hash bit selection, normalized dominant set

[] [conference, computer, vision] [] [pattern] [recognition] [] []
3D R Transform on Spatio-temporal Interest Points for Action Recognition
Chunfeng Yuan, Xi Li, Weiming Hu, Haibin Ling, Stephen Maybank
Chunfeng Yuan, Xi Li, Weiming Hu, Haibin Ling, Stephen Maybank

[fusion, kernel, similarity, pca, method, representation, matrix, table, svm, test, vector, codebook, denotes, effectiveness, achieve, discriminative, science, nearest] [sin, geometrical, point, computed, compute, invariant, computer, robust, position] [based, proposed, global, discrete, number, higher, form, pairwise, second, cuboid, normalized] [feature, context, approach, local, propose, average, visual, object, contextual, dataset, achieves, performance] [interest, action, video, recognition, bovw, kth, ucf, calculation, evaluation, detected, spatiotemporal, employ, extracted, combine, perform, represent, referred] [transform, radon, figure, apply, aware, function, supported] [distribution, human, accuracy, parameter, set, model, describe, work]
Beyond Point Clouds: Scene Understanding by Reasoning Geometry and Physics
Bo Zheng, Yibiao Zhao, Joey C. Yu, Katsushi Ikeuchi, Song-Chun Zhu
Bo Zheng, Yibiao Zhao, Joey C. Yu, Katsushi Ikeuchi, Song-Chun Zhu

[method, space, data, table, better, labeled, representation, comparison, splitting] [point, case, manhattan, plane] [energy, graph, cloud, segmentation, connected, algorithm, three, current, edge, label, region, segment, inference, based, simple, penalty] [object, adopt, local, maximum, sampling] [state, stable, primitive, release, represent, cup] [physical, volumetric, reasoning, voxels, stability, figure, contact, result, invisible, depth, equilibrium, surface, image, iam, unstable, support, single, disconnectivity, gravity, ground, disturbance, blue, minimum, change, voxel, map, direction, kinect, landscape, supported, fall, supporting, octree] [scene, work, geometric, set, human, understanding, chair, potential, grouping, implicit, growing, accuracy, infer, pose, intuitive, example]
GeoF: Geodesic Forests for Learning Coupled Predictors
Peter Kontschieder, Pushmeet Kohli, Jamie Shotton, Antonio Criminisi
Keywords: Decision forests, random forests, Markov random fields, conditional random fields, context
Peter Kontschieder, Pushmeet Kohli, Jamie Shotton, Antonio Criminisi
Keywords: Decision forests, random forests, Markov random fields, conditional random fields, context

[better, distance, raw, intermediate, learning] [computed, point, generalized, path, assume, paper, shortest, vision] [segmentation, random, connectivity, energy, objective, based, conventional, pairwise, background, label, inference, node, labelled, term, crf, second, number, quantitative, probabilistic, region, connecting] [spatial, feature, object, context, soft, dataset, local, score, approach, baseline] [evaluation, recognition] [geodesic, image, pixel, depth, figure, reference, version, input, function] [forest, class, training, entangled, semantic, decision, tree, model, eit, accuracy, output, sji, entanglement, left, erf, geof, structured, set, associated, work, unary, log, fkd, split, task]
Top-Down Segmentation of Non-rigid Visual Objects Using Derivative-Based Search on Sparse Manifolds
Jacinto C. Nascimento, Gustavo Carneiro
Keywords: Non-rigid top-down segmentation, deep belief network, manifold learning
Jacinto C. Nascimento, Gustavo Carneiro
Keywords: Non-rigid top-down segmentation, deep belief network, manifold learning

[space, learning, manifold, test, running, dimensionality, sparse, matrix, represented, process, data, method, representation, reduce, vector, denotes, comparison, original, large, learned, intermediate, carneiro, dimensional] [rigid, robust, initial, computer, solution, issue, conference] [segmentation, search, lip, complexity, problem, number, contour, represents, proposed, reduction, variable, based, ultrasound, ventricle, optimization, order, current, inference] [approach, detection, negative, positive, visual, window, object, procedure, performance, selection, pattern, explicit, size, local] [time, member, main, multiple, sequence, introduction] [patch, image, function, tangent, figure, additional, estimated, gaussian, note, achieved] [training, set, left, parameter, machine, landmark, model, annotated]
Shading-Based Shape Refinement of RGB-D Images
Lap-Fai Yu, Sai-Kit Yeung, Yu-Wing Tai, Stephen Lin
Lap-Fai Yu, Sai-Kit Yeung, Yu-Wing Tai, Stephen Lin

[data, method, cluster, raw] [shape, estimation, estimate, common, computed, suppose, error, solution, squared, geometry] [cost, optimization, number, problem, iteration, propagation, algorithm, truth, energy, boundary] [approach, object, local] [total] [depth, normal, rgb, figure, map, image, hole, prior, albedo, kinect, environment, input, light, surface, sfs, estimated, illumination, lighting, shading, gradient, range, pixel, smoothness, repairing, noisy, resolve, result, patch, direction, corresponding, noise, poisson, ztotal, natural, quality, ambiguity, single, resolution, intensity, stereo, ground] [relative, set, scene, work, structure, alternating, example, structural, refer, help, indoor]
MKPLS: Manifold Kernel Partial Least Squares for Lipreading and Speaker Identification
Amr Bakry, Ahmed Elgammal
Keywords: MKPLS, KPLS, PLS, Lipreading, Visual speech recognition, Speaker identification, OuluVs, AVLetters, Manifold Parameterization, Low-dimensional embedding, LBP
Amr Bakry, Ahmed Elgammal
Keywords: MKPLS, KPLS, PLS, Lipreading, Visual speech recognition, Speaker identification, OuluVs, AVLetters, Manifold Parameterization, Low-dimensional embedding, LBP

[manifold, speaker, parameterization, space, kernel, kpls, table, avletters, learn, database, embedded, ssd, data, matrix, ouluvs, representation, achieve, svm, similarity, lipreading, nonlinear, rfc, embedding, represented, vsr, vector, spoken, supervised, test, nipals, pca, letter, learning] [projection, point, mapping, conference, computer, international, solving, solution, case] [based, algorithm, number, form, three, labeling, iterative, representing, label, closed] [visual, approach, partial, feature, pattern, pls, propose, framework, descriptor, outperform] [recognition, presented, analysis, audio, sequence, challenge] [figure, input, function, single, corresponding, version, limited] [speech, latent, regression, instance, set, work, training, class, model, independent, mouth, geometric, subject]
Modeling Mutual Visibility Relationship in Pedestrian Detection
Wanli Ouyang, Xingyu Zeng, Xiaogang Wang
Keywords: Pedestrian Detection, object detection, human detection, part based model, deep model, deep learning, deep belief net, deep
Wanli Ouyang, Xingyu Zeng, Xiaogang Wang
Keywords: Pedestrian Detection, object detection, human detection, part based model, deep model, deep learning, deep belief net, deep

[mutual, learning, denoted, compared, discriminative, denotes, learned] [compatible, estimate, paper, computed, estimation, ith] [inference, region, denote, segmentation, step, order] [pedestrian, visibility, detection, deep, dataset, relationship, rate, approach, layer, eth, fpdw, hog, crosstalk, window, false, overlapping, incompatible, object, occlusion, overlap, score, improvement, considered, positive, hli, detecting, unsupervised, occluded, alice, edl, stage, detector, average, evaluated, sli, overlapped, lowest, bob, cli] [experimental, multiple, modeling, recognition, articulation] [image, figure] [model, training, isolated, left, human, hierarchical, top, jointly, trained, example, probability]
Hollywood 3D: Recognizing Actions in 3D Natural Scenes
Simon Hadfield, Richard Bowden
Keywords: action recognition, 3d, actions, hollywood, depth, stereo, 3.5d, 4d, interest points
Simon Hadfield, Richard Bowden
Keywords: action recognition, 3d, actions, hollywood, depth, stereo, 3.5d, 4d, interest points

[data, standard, extended, large, separable, table, sparse, datasets, test, better, combination] [point, equation, dense, paper, camera] [saliency, based, number, salient, measure, stream, order, background, prove] [descriptor, feature, detection, approach, average, threshold, visual, dataset, local, performance, spatial, sampling, precision, well, integral, correct] [interest, action, recognition, rmd, harris, bag, hessian, motion, video, performed, hollywood, histogram, detected, extracted, temporal, state, laptev] [depth, aware, including, natural, intensity, image, additional, greater, content, calculated, range, gaussian] [appearance, work, provided, example, relative, human, provide, structural, training]
Saliency Aggregation: A Data-Driven Approach
Long Mai, Yuzhen Niu, Feng Liu
Long Mai, Yuzhen Niu, Feng Liu

[method, standard, better, test, combination, nearest, binary, gist, idea, performs, customized] [vision, computer, consider, international, complement, equation] [saliency, aggregation, crf, random, salient, gbvs, neighboring, three, consistently, produce, region, column, second, exp, based, attention, aggregated, public, appropriately, problem, label, field, global] [performance, visual, dataset, feature, approach, benchmark, detection, best, pattern, object, relationship, contribution, subset] [individual, analysis, varies, interaction, considers, video, modeling, perform, combine] [image, figure, map, pixel, input, function, result, including, lin, acm] [model, set, training, conditional, train, log, machine, account, work]
Generalized Domain-Adaptive Dictionaries
Sumit Shekhar, Vishal M. Patel, Hien V. Nguyen, Rama Chellappa
Sumit Shekhar, Vishal M. Patel, Hien V. Nguyen, Rama Chellappa

[dictionary, data, learning, method, domain, source, sparse, learned, discriminative, learn, min, arg, adaptation, update, sddl, representation, kernel, original, webcam, face, amazon, adapting, dslr, sample, fddl, sparsity, dimensionality, linear, table, comparison, labeled, increase, zte, dimension, test] [common, vision, conference, computer, projection, robust, alignment, june, solution, error, consider] [proposed, algorithm, optimization, number, optimal, problem, cost, reduction, step] [performance, pattern, dataset, shared, feature, framework, object, approach, best, caltech, visual, unsupervised] [recognition, target, multiple, represent, described] [image, figure, reconstruction, projected, technique, result, handle, corresponding, introduced] [class, pose, joint, work, latent, set]
Articulated Pose Estimation Using Discriminative Armlet Classifiers
Georgia Gkioxari, Pablo Arbelez, Lubomir Bourdev, Jitendra Malik
Georgia Gkioxari, Pablo Arbelez, Lubomir Bourdev, Jitendra Malik

[test, space, table, discriminative, standard, distance, svm, linear] [estimation, center, augmented] [number, gpb, based] [dataset, keypoint, location, hog, performance, feature, positive, approach, voc, detection, well, highest, color, keypoints, local, localization, average, score, scale, oriented] [skin, person, people, described, capture] [pixel, image, figure, corresponding, strong, gradient, blue, red] [arm, armlet, pose, training, activation, upper, lower, model, human, pascal, pcp, joint, trained, accuracy, set, poselets, body, ramanan, train, instance, yang, appearance, scoring, consists, prediction, pictorial, type, lowerarm, lsp, upperarm, relative, lscg, articulated, call, stick, example, probability]
Discriminative Segment Annotation in Weakly Labeled Video
Kevin Tang, Rahul Sukthankar, Jay Yagnik, Li Fei-Fei
Kevin Tang, Rahul Sukthankar, Jay Yagnik, Li Fei-Fei

[supervised, labeled, learning, test, data, large, distance, method, discriminative, learn, min, matrix, standard, rank, block, performs, linear, outperforms, disjoint, kernel] [direct, robust, directly, vision] [segment, label, background, segmentation, problem, algorithm, proposed, second, order, number] [negative, weakly, concept, positive, crane, annotation, object, transductive, tagged, inductive, dataset, tsa, isa, internet, mil, well, approach, evaluate, visual, unsupervised, fcut, refers, feature, score] [video, spatiotemporal, multiple, employ, recognition, total, motion] [figure, noise, image] [training, instance, set, ranked, correspond, generate, task, class, human, semantic, trained, model, probability, top, mining, ranking]
Augmenting Bag-of-Words: Data-Driven Discovery of Temporal and Structural Information for Activity Recognition
Vinay Bettadapura, Grant Schindler, Thomas Ploetz, Irfan Essa
Keywords: Activity Recognition, Anomaly Detection, Bag of Words, Skill Assessment, Surveillance, Video
Vinay Bettadapura, Grant Schindler, Thomas Ploetz, Irfan Essa
Keywords: Activity Recognition, Anomaly Detection, Bag of Words, Skill Assessment, Surveillance, Video

[encoding, data, standard, randomly, learning, table, assessment, space, representation, method, datasets, vector, cluster] [augmented, underlying] [regular, based, second, three, global, statistical, order, random] [local, approach, baseline, unsupervised, dataset, outperform] [bow, temporal, activity, recognition, time, event, observable, sequence, elapsed, video, sequential, skill, duration, quantized, soccer, interspersed, surveillance, surgical, evaluation, ordering, recognizing, automatic, consecutive, modeling, action, analysis, ocean, histogram, waas, total, vehicle, main, augment, player, capture, behavior, complex, represent] [figure, pyramid] [human, set, structural, model, structure, training, generated, example, cumulative, semantic]
Towards Fast and Accurate Segmentation
Camillo Jose Taylor
Keywords: Segmentation
Camillo Jose Taylor
Keywords: Segmentation

[reduced, method, matrix, eigenvectors, data, table, original, spectral, signal, vector, construct, test, better, sparse] [system, paper, smallest, generalized, computer, consider, equation, compute] [edge, normalized, segmentation, scheme, proposed, order, based, bsds, strength, extraction, ois, computational, problem, produce, optimal, weight, gpb, algorithm, contour, step, mpb, eigensystem, second, cholesky, wij, watershed, boundary] [detection, procedure, performance, approach, response, pattern, computing, precision, recall, scale, propose, average, implementation, oriented] [analysis, time, described, evaluation] [image, note, figure, pixel, produced, shift, phase, row, corresponding, input] [set, associated, structure, machine, work]
Real-Time No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Filter Learning
Peng Ye, Jayant Kumar, Le Kang, David Doermann
Keywords: image quality assessment
Peng Ye, Jayant Kumar, Le Kang, David Doermann
Keywords: image quality assessment

[method, learning, supervised, table, ocr, iqa, process, linear, test, learned, cornia, lcc, assessment, srocc, newspaper, compact, loss, soc, vector, discriminative, dictionary, codeword, svr, brisque, large, ssim] [live, distorted, computer] [document, based, proposed, number, extraction, optimization, global, median, problem, objective, optimal, normalized] [local, feature, dataset, performance, unsupervised, validation, approach, stopping, pattern] [evaluation, maximal, time, early] [image, quality, natural, blur, gaussian, gradient, corresponding, previous, function, psnr, reference, digital] [set, training, prediction, scene, model, accuracy, regression, work, trained, level, correlation]
Weakly Supervised Learning for Attribute Localization in Outdoor Scenes
Shuo Wang, Jungseock Joo, Yizhou Wang, Song-Chun Zhu
Keywords: Hierarchical Space Tiling (HST), scene configuration, attribute localization
Shuo Wang, Jungseock Joo, Yizhou Wang, Song-Chun Zhu
Keywords: Hierarchical Space Tiling (HST), scene configuration, attribute localization

[learning, method, space, learn, denotes, learned, representation, dictionary, arg, supervised, datasets, binary, matrix, svm] [] [based, node, term, number, segmentation, region, label, proposed, inference, optimal, truth, pair] [localization, spatial, average, dataset, precision, object, evaluate, bounding, window, sliding, weakly, box, compare, feature] [association, recognition, dynamic, multiple] [image, figure, natural, ground] [scene, attribute, terminal, parse, noun, set, appearance, tree, hst, joint, hierarchical, training, text, model, probability, level, work, inferred, outdoor, log, semantic, adjective, sun, train, geometric, infer, tiling, jointly, max, correspond, grammar, annotated, anm]
Procrustean Normal Distribution for Non-rigid Structure from Motion
Minsik Lee, Jungchan Cho, Chong-Ho Choi, Songhwai Oh
Keywords: Non-Rigid Structure from Motion, Procrustean Normal Distribution
Minsik Lee, Jungchan Cho, Chong-Ho Choi, Songhwai Oh
Keywords: Non-Rigid Structure from Motion, Procrustean Normal Distribution

[data, matrix, update, method, rank, linear, vector, face, space, calculate, good, product] [shape, pnd, constraint, vec, rigid, nrsfm, aligned, computer, reconstructed, gpa, solution, rti, dance, orthogonal, shark, ith, rotation, pickup, factorization, vision, nonrigid, solving, walking, covariance, case, drink, rnd, june, yoga, proposition, condition, expressed, equation, translation, lie, procrustean, solve, frgc, procrustes, wijk] [based, problem, number, algorithm, proposed, random, second, dependence, cost] [performance, pattern, scale, best, propose, procedure] [motion, temporal, observed, experimental, analysis] [missing, function, reconstruction, normal, noise, note, closely, version] [distribution, set, structure, parameter, spm, component]
Object-Centric Anomaly Detection by Attribute-Based Reasoning
Babak Saleh, Ali Farhadi, Ahmed Elgammal
Babak Saleh, Ali Farhadi, Ahmed Elgammal

[svm, table, categorization, learn, learning, method, report, test] [computer, paper, vision, conference, directly, system] [measure, based, graphical, truth, reliability, form, divergence, number, salient] [object, detection, dataset, visual, car, score, response, detecting, average, pattern, performance, contextual] [recognition, recognize, evaluation, experimental, likelihood, multiple] [normal, image, figure, ground, row, journal, focus, reasoning, observing, rating] [abnormal, abnormality, attribute, model, category, class, human, distribution, prediction, surprise, reason, atypical, typical, set, normality, typicality, pascal, subject, train, work, training, mturk, antonio, trained, top, task, studying, instance, accuracy, surprising]
Physically Plausible 3D Scene Tracking: The Single Actor Hypothesis
Nikolaos Kyriazis, Antonis Argyros
Keywords: 3d, hand, tracking, physics, physically, plausible, multi, single, actor, hypothesis
Nikolaos Kyriazis, Antonis Argyros
Keywords: 3d, hand, tracking, physics, physically, plausible, multi, single, actor, hypothesis

[data, method, experiment] [simulation, solution, computer, vision, point, position, estimation, case, simulated, shape, consider] [optimization, order, proposed, problem, rgbd, inference, based, energy, objective, step, column] [hypothesis, object, framework, approach, challenging, considered, despite, best] [hand, tracking, motion, state, collision, interaction, actor, plausible, physically, cup, time, performed, track, rendered, forward, multiple, ball, observation, ilr, idr, complex, observed, interacting, friction, pso, parameterized, evaluation, velocity, inertia, ido, inside] [physical, single, function, depth, image, ground, expectation, previous, rendering, figure, qualitative] [scene, model, pose, human, work, modelling, appearance, body, provided, active, set]
Part-Based Visual Tracking with Online Latent Structural Learning
Rui Yao, Qinfeng Shi, Chunhua Shen, Yanning Zhang, Anton van_den_Hengel
Keywords: visual tracking, part-based, online structural learning
Rui Yao, Qinfeng Shi, Chunhua Shen, Yanning Zhang, Anton van_den_Hengel
Keywords: visual tracking, part-based, online structural learning

[learning, svm, method, linear, table, sample, update, vector, discriminative, good, binary, representation, compared] [robust, radius, consider, small, estimate, error, shape, requires] [algorithm, number, proposed, problem, three, primal, weight, based, simple] [object, box, bounding, tracker, visual, online, pattern, struck, score, partial, detection, offset, pegasos, feature, propose, performance, deformable, average, approach, initialisation, thirteen, well, location, zjt, best, voc, success, david, mil, argmax, candidate, occlusion, overlap, stage, highest] [tracking, frame, target, sequence, represent, track] [image, result, figure, red, note] [latent, structured, model, training, appearance, output, max, set, parameter, structural, predicted]
Detecting Pulse from Head Motions in Video
Guha Balakrishnan, Fredo Durand, John Guttag
Keywords: humans, motion estimation, medical imaging, pulse measurement, principal component analysis, optical flow
Guha Balakrishnan, Fredo Durand, John Guttag
Keywords: humans, motion estimation, medical imaging, pulse measurement, principal component analysis, optical flow

[method, signal, pca, source, face, eigenvectors, large, principal, standard] [position, power, point, small, camera, measurement, length, system, vision] [blood, region, measure, energy, number, based] [rate, feature, detection, color, average, approach, selection] [pulse, head, motion, heart, ecg, movement, video, analysis, cardiac, beat, extract, peak, skin, capture, amplitude, subtle, activity, involuntary, maximal, time, total, main, monitoring, perform, affect, temporal, carotid, hrv, frame, risk, respiration, ballistocardiogram, decompose] [frequency, caused, figure, noise, direction, ground, produced] [component, subject, variability, set, distribution, vertical, facial, provide]
Learning Multiple Non-linear Sub-spaces Using K-RBMs
Siddhartha Chandra, Shailesh Kumar, C.V. Jawahar
Keywords: Feature Learning, Clustering, Non-Linear Subspace
Siddhartha Chandra, Shailesh Kumar, C.V. Jawahar
Keywords: Feature Learning, Clustering, Non-Linear Subspace

[data, clustering, learning, cluster, learnt, subspace, table, sample, better, datasets, nonlinear, learn, representation, space, traditional, ssc, learns, raw, binary, sparse, dimensionality, convolutional, cdbn] [error, point, computed, projection, restricted] [random, number, based, complexity, belief, second, algorithm, hard] [sift, feature, deep, caltech, voc, framework, approach, dataset, size, local, visual, propose] [bow, multiple, total, association, complex] [image, reconstruction, visible, input, single, figure, note] [rbm, hidden, training, pascal, rbms, model, component, level, scene, boltzmann, associated, trained, work, hierarchical, semantically, meaningful]
Context-Aware Modeling and Recognition of Activities in Video
Yingying Zhu, Nandita M. Nayak, Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury
Yingying Zhu, Nandita M. Nayak, Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury

[method, vector, distance, learning, learned, representation, matrix, space] [computer] [region, segmentation, inference, algorithm, label, continuous, number, greedy, problem, search, optimum, proposed, graph, normalized, based, weight] [context, feature, baseline, defined, object, spatial, dataset, recall, precision, framework, approach, size] [activity, motion, action, person, temporal, release, recognition, virat, frame, nth, modeling, detected, classifier, moving, video, vehicle, interest, time, agent, recognized, tcij, scij, developed, group, complex, recognizing, duration, incorrectly, event] [figure, function, image] [model, structural, work, example, potential, set, jointly, compatibility, human, training, scene]
FasT-Match: Fast Affine Template Matching
Simon Korman, Daniel Reichman, Gilad Tsur, Shai Avidan
Simon Korman, Daniel Reichman, Gilad Tsur, Shai Avidan

[good, experiment, mapped, dimension, distance, variation, method, test, large, table, testing] [template, transformation, error, net, sad, small, jpeg, degradation, consider, smaller, approximation, mapping, robust, theorem, grayscale, sublinear, rotation, square, estimate, vision, computer, close, invariant, point, area, initial, direct] [algorithm, based, number, random, bound, approximate, optimal, fast, global, sum] [matching, overlap, performance, feature, size, success, location, best, pattern, precision, dataset, well, matched, high] [total, target, evaluation, presented] [image, figure, blur, asift, change, difference, blue, additive, pixel, note, noise, quality, single] [parameter, set, work, level]
Bilinear Programming for Human Activity Recognition with Unknown MRF Graphs
Zhenhua Wang, Qinfeng Shi, Chunhua Shen, Anton van_den_Hengel
Zhenhua Wang, Qinfeng Shi, Chunhua Shen, Anton van_den_Hengel

[method, bilinear, min, learning, datasets, vector, discriminative, data, outperforms, table, svm] [unknown, solve, solution, consider, error, solving, coordinate, optimisation, synthetic, degree, estimate, vision, computer] [graph, blp, problem, inference, mrf, program, relaxation, label, based, branch, bound, node, mcsvm, qinit, mrfs, edge, har, ssvm, global, random, ascent, tennis, second, belief, energy] [local, dataset, pattern, feature, descriptor] [activity, recognition, video, person, badminton, group, confusion, action, isolate, observation] [map, figure, function, image, green, apply] [human, model, body, relative, joint, set, prediction, predict, structural, training, predicting, latent, work, max, style]
Robust Canonical Time Warping for the Alignment of Grossly Corrupted Sequences
Yannis Panagakis, Mihalis A. Nicolaou, Stefanos Zafeiriou, Maja Pantic
Keywords: Temporal Alignment, Rank Minimization, Nuclear Norm, l1 norm
Yannis Panagakis, Mihalis A. Nicolaou, Stefanos Zafeiriou, Maja Pantic
Keywords: Temporal Alignment, Rank Minimization, Nuclear Norm, l1 norm

[data, corrupted, cca, method, matrix, subspace, canonical, update, norm, employing, denoted, rank, large, space, nuclear, manifold, sparse, original, dimensionality, thresholding, minimizing, principal, applied, database, reduced] [alignment, rctw, warping, ctw, gross, error, common, gtw, dtw, argmin, solving, robust, synthetic, real, singular, walking, grossly, computer, convex, aligns, solution, respect, lagrange, path, projection, percentage, vision] [proposed, algorithm, random, optimization, convergence, problem, solved, order, iteration] [performance, spatial, pattern] [temporal, time, dynamic, action, sequence, analysis, presented, video] [noise, figure, noisy, applying, handle] [latent, human, presence, alternating, facial, set, component, example]
Efficient 2D-to-3D Correspondence Filtering for Scalable 3D Object Recognition
Qiang Hao, Rui Cai, Zhiwei Li, Lei Zhang, Yanwei Pang, Feng Wu, Yong Rui
Qiang Hao, Rui Cai, Zhiwei Li, Lei Zhang, Yanwei Pang, Feng Wu, Yong Rui

[query, database, scalable, promising, reduce, test, large, method] [correspondence, ransac, camera, estimation, inlier, point, solution, estimate, focal, appearing, kgd, compatible, length, verify, filtering, coordinate, putative, oise] [number, global, proposed, pairwise, step, increasing, consistency, fast, based, computational, cost, search, complexity] [object, local, feature, spurious, hypothesis, true, size, ratio, recall, false, matched, visual, location, matching, scale, dataset, cluttered, odel, performance, viewpoint, speed] [recognition, time, target, scenario] [image, support, figure, noisy, remove, estimated, reconstruction] [pose, set, geometric, model, work, top, compatibility, proportion]
An Iterated L1 Algorithm for Non-smooth Non-convex Optimization in Computer Vision
Peter Ochs, Alexey Dosovitskiy, Thomas Brox, Thomas Pock
Keywords: optimization, non-smooth non-convex optimization
Peter Ochs, Alexey Dosovitskiy, Thomas Brox, Thomas Pock
Keywords: optimization, non-smooth non-convex optimization

[min, applied, linear, inner, learned, space, original, norm, vector, dimension, fusion, variation] [convex, computer, ker, vision, tgv, condition, accumulation, proposition, constrained, point, reweighted, monotonically, linearly, nonconvex, operator, existence, variational, corollary, solving, geman, wik, lipschitz, statement, generalized, international, suppose, general, consider, acting] [algorithm, optimization, problem, minimization, lemma, iteratively, energy, proposed, quadratic, convergence, order, number, based, solved, sum] [pattern] [sequence, optical, analysis, total, stationary] [image, function, figure, regularization, depth, map, concave, prior, journal, bounded, difference, sharp, natural, deconvolution, property, smooth] [class, generated, set, model]
Bayesian Depth-from-Defocus with Shading Constraints
Chen Li, Shuochen Su, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Kun Zhou, Stephen Lin
Chen Li, Shuochen Su, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Kun Zhou, Stephen Lin

[method, standard, diffusion, bayesian, data, comparison, basic] [shape, estimation, decomposition, camera, synthetic, point, real, sphere, recovery, computer, focal, case, estimate, general, solve] [iterative, term, random, markov, truth, pair, algorithm, energy, based] [local, texture, object, well, coarse, utilize, framework, exhibit, performance, approach] [likelihood] [depth, dfd, shading, image, intrinsic, prior, surface, defocus, blur, sirfs, normal, focus, albedo, estimated, illumination, ground, figure, natural, smoothness, sfs, detail, light, pixel, range, function, technique, textureless, captured, environment, map, lighting, brightness, utilizes, intensity, textured, defocused] [set, work, scene, accuracy, model, provide]
Mesh Based Semantic Modelling for Indoor and Outdoor Scenes
Julien P.C. Valentin, Sunando Sengupta, Jonathan Warrell, Ali Shahrokni, Philip H.S. Torr
Keywords: 3d scene understanding
Julien P.C. Valentin, Sunando Sengupta, Jonathan Warrell, Ali Shahrokni, Philip H.S. Torr
Keywords: 3d scene understanding

[method, learning, table, representation, face, distance, domain, learn] [mesh, reconstructed, camera, dense, mapping, point, estimate, augmented, jointboost] [inference, truth, segmentation, based, label, algorithm, random, pairwise, road, labelled, energy, crf, problem, higher, form, graph, current] [object, dataset, feature, contextual, stage, approach, visual, framework, average, cascaded, contribution] [sequence, perform, evaluation, performed, multiple] [image, depth, reconstruction, ground, stereo, corresponding, kitti, nyu, surface, estimated, strong, figure, pixel, captured] [scene, indoor, geometric, set, outdoor, semantic, labelling, model, class, level, generate, training, unary, potential, appearance, associated, work, meshed, combining, living, comprises, annotated, urban, semantically, structure]
Intrinsic Characterization of Dynamic Surfaces
Tony Tung, Takashi Matsuyama
Keywords: Dynamic surface, dynamical system, 3D video, intrinsic description, bag-of-feature
Tony Tung, Takashi Matsuyama
Keywords: Dynamic surface, dynamical system, 3D video, intrinsic description, bag-of-feature

[clustering, distance, linear, datasets, represented, data, codebook, matrix, good, applied] [timing, rigid, shape, curvature, hybrid, mesh, reconstructed, geometry, computed, system, vision, computer, point, martin, mapping, alignment] [continuous, introduce, represents, representing, based] [local, propose, feature, performance, texture, color, exhibit, approach, matching, object, best, well] [dynamic, lds, dynamical, capture, video, samba, state, bos, modeling, temporal, bouncing, tracking, sequence, recognition, motion, spatiotemporal, modeled, characterization, clothing, multiple, time, complex, characterize, duration] [surface, intrinsic, reconstruction, free, figure, patch, prior] [model, set, human, structure, work, scene]
Incorporating User Interaction and Topological Constraints within Contour Completion via Discrete Calculus
Jia Xu, Maxwell D. Collins, Vikas Singh
Keywords: interactive segmentation, contour completion, discrete calculus, topology
Jia Xu, Maxwell D. Collins, Vikas Singh
Keywords: interactive segmentation, contour completion, discrete calculus, topology

[large, face, method, matrix, linear, basic, vector] [incident, vertex, planar, solution, condition, curvature, shape, curve, small, degree] [contour, boundary, edge, foreground, segmentation, number, euler, objective, closed, algorithm, rrc, eulerseg, graph, based, region, discrete, problem, topological, connected, background, form, superpixels, calculus, edgelets, spiral, superpixel, indicator, characteristic, node, random, salient, seed, topology, global, wsd, optimal, iseg, interactive, optimization, incidence, globally, marked] [cell, ratio, detection, object, best, well, partial, detector, local] [multiple, interaction, represent] [image, user, completion, figure, function, corresponding, viewed, strong] [set, model, selected, knowledge, grouping, describe, amount]
A Comparative Study of Modern Inference Techniques for Discrete Energy Minimization Problems
Jrg H. Kappes, Bjoern Andres, Fred A. Hamprecht, Christoph Schnrr, Sebastian Nowozin, Dhruv Batra, Sungwoong Kim, Bernhard X. Kausler, Jan Lellmann, Nikos Komodakis, Carsten Rother
Keywords: graphical models, discrete optimization, Markov random fields, benchmark
Jrg H. Kappes, Bjoern Andres, Fred A. Hamprecht, Christoph Schnrr, Sebastian Nowozin, Dhruv Batra, Sungwoong Kim, Bernhard X. Kausler, Jan Lellmann, Nikos Komodakis, Carsten Rother
Keywords: graphical models, discrete optimization, Markov random fields, benchmark

[table, method, sparse, large, comparison, linear, binary, fusion] [solution, computer, small, vision, general, consider, solve] [order, inference, energy, potts, algorithm, number, higher, discrete, bound, factor, minimization, message, polyhedral, optimization, graph, pairwise, problem, variable, superpixel, optimal, superpixels, partition, opt, segmentation, relaxation, based, passing, integer, include, trws, random, label, polytope, graphical, approximate, exact, markov, specialized, fastpd, labeling, lazy, ilp, primal, global] [best, local, explicit, well, implementation, matching, benchmark] [time, includes] [image] [study, model, class, provide, set, unary, structure, example]
Lost! Leveraging the Crowd for Probabilistic Visual Self-Localization
Marcus A. Brubaker, Andreas Geiger, Raquel Urtasun
Keywords: visual odometry, localization, mixture model
Marcus A. Brubaker, Andreas Geiger, Raquel Urtasun
Keywords: visual odometry, localization, mixture model

[data, distance, representation, linear, update, large, larger] [position, error, monocular, mapping, compute, constant, initial, computed, point, consider, supplemental, variational] [segment, algorithm, computation, number, probabilistic, region, global, order, road, problem, graph, current, inference, complexity, divergence] [visual, localization, approach, localize, threshold, well, localized, size, average, propose, integral, speed, benchmark, performance] [vehicle, time, sequence, transition, state, monte, carlo, impact, osm, frame] [map, odometry, street, mixture, gps, stereo, heading, gaussian, figure, driving, drivable, single, freely, openstreetmap, noise, place, autonomous, function, kitti, note, ground, affordable] [model, posterior, probability, relative, set, distribution, accuracy, component]
A Linear Approach to Matching Cuboids in RGBD Images
Hao Jiang, Jianxiong Xiao
Keywords: cuboid detection, RGBD image understanding, linear optimization
Hao Jiang, Jianxiong Xiao
Keywords: cuboid detection, RGBD image understanding, linear optimization

[method, linear, large, distance, space, construct, low, data] [intersection, area, small, point, projection, plane, error] [cuboid, proposed, rgbd, superpixel, region, number, term, superpixels, bound, optimization, truth, objective, global, greedy, thispaper, variable, segmentation, optimal, hard, solidness, branch, search, mcmc, neighboring, three, second, cost] [matching, ratio, object, detection, rate, color, local, occlusion, threshold, match, coverage, average, propose, overlap, cluttered, candidate, soft, bounding, comparing] [reliable, extract, multiple, volume] [image, surface, figure, projected, normal, ground, depth, row, complete, reasoning, nyu, corresponding] [top, scene, set, lower, upper, indoor, selected, unary, pose]
Evaluation of Color STIPs for Human Action Recognition
Ivo Everts, Jan C. van_Gemert, Theo Gevers
Keywords: action recognition, color, evaluation
Ivo Everts, Jan C. van_Gemert, Theo Gevers
Keywords: action recognition, color, evaluation

[representation, discriminative, table, codebook, combination, considering, reported, signal, dimensionality, vector, represented] [consider, invariant, differential, integration, power] [based, chromatic, energy, higher, number] [descriptor, color, performance, local, detector, repeatability, dataset, detection, best, object, invariance, spatial, response, outperform, scale, opponent, feature, average] [stip, recognition, stips, action, gabor, harris, video, temporal, evaluation, extracted, recognizing, ucf, channel, frame, motion, tensor, opposing, bank] [photometric, gradient, intensity, image, function, achieved, single, result, focus, quality, note] [human, associated, level, accuracy, typically, full, set, scene]
BFO Meets HOG: Feature Extraction Based on Histograms of Oriented p.d.f. Gradients for Image Classification
Takumi Kobayashi
Keywords: image feature, bag of features, probability density function, kernel density estimation, oriented gradient
Takumi Kobayashi
Keywords: image feature, bag of features, probability density function, kernel density estimation, oriented gradient

[method, coding, vector, kernel, table, fisher, bof, word, comparison, pca, code, discriminative, weighting, bandwidth, compared, effectively, applied, large, standard, datasets, aggregating, effective, report, linear, favorable, randomly] [case, small] [proposed, aggregation, density, based, aggregated, normalized, number, simply, three] [local, object, performance, visual, spatial, feature, dataset, sift, oriented, challenging, descriptor, hog, densely, matching] [recognition, extracted, extract, experimental, indicates, characterize, described, analysis, histogram] [image, orientation, gradient, super, function, difference, apply, coded, note, applying, figure, respective, pixel, shift] [probability, scene, training, distribution, category, parameter]
Wide-Baseline Hair Capture Using Strand-Based Refinement
Linjie Luo, Cha Zhang, Zhengyou Zhang, Szymon Rusinkiewicz
Keywords: multi-view stereo, hair reconstruction, wide-baseline, visual hull refinement
Linjie Luo, Cha Zhang, Zhengyou Zhang, Szymon Rusinkiewicz
Keywords: multi-view stereo, hair reconstruction, wide-baseline, visual hull refinement

[method, achieve, sample, better, applied] [camera, geometry, vertex, point, compute, reconstructed, real, shape, dense, initial, synthetic, robust, error, computer, general] [energy, weight, global, proposed, algorithm, neighborhood, based, initialization, consistency, three, optimizing, segmented, computation] [visual, local, approach, challenging, matching, visibility, color, evaluate, bounding] [capture, dynamic, extract, modeling, moving] [hair, orientation, reconstruction, strand, smoothness, hull, surface, stereo, view, map, wisp, figure, reference, input, acm, silhouette, reconstruct, projected, setup, note, image, complete, depth, visible, light, quality, wide, multiview, zhang] [set, novel, facial, account, accuracy]
Accurate and Robust Registration of Nonrigid Surface Using Hierarchical Statistical Shape Model
Hidekata Hontani, Yuto Tsunekawa, Yoshihide Sawada
Hidekata Hontani, Yuto Tsunekawa, Yoshihide Sawada

[generalization, method, represented, denoted, sparsity, matrix, sparse, data, empirical, denotes, linear, table] [registration, shape, robust, point, respect, estimate, smaller, determined, error, covariance, located, computer, paper, nonrigid, estimating] [ssm, graphical, proposed, number, based, segment, statistical, constructed, marginal, represents, boundary, medical, representing, neighboring, registering, denote, algorithm, ssms, liver, cost, sij, asm, pairwise] [local, performance, evaluated, precision, true, relationship, false] [target, likelihood, ability, detected, represent, indicates] [surface, image, figure, gaussian, estimated, corresponding, regularization, change, row] [model, set, distribution, training, appearance, posterior, hierarchical, structure, improved, conditional, generated, probability, referring, making]
Class Generative Models Based on Feature Regression for Pose Estimation of Object Categories
Michele Fenzi, Laura Leal-Taix, Bodo Rosenhahn, Jrn Ostermann
Keywords: Continuous pose estimation, feature learning, categorization, generative models
Michele Fenzi, Laura Leal-Taix, Bodo Rosenhahn, Jrn Ostermann
Keywords: Continuous pose estimation, feature learning, categorization, generative models

[method, query, cluster, matrix, similarity, better, face, learnt, table, nearest, representation, arg, clustering, combination, test, spectral, data, space, testing, learning, returned] [estimation, estimate, pitch, unknown, respect, case, error] [order, based, continuous, discrete, cost, form, global] [feature, object, local, descriptor, dataset, performance, car, viewpoint, matching, maximum, detection, approach, epfl, propose, sift, explicit, implementation, contribution, score] [track, performed, individual, extracted, dynamic, experimental] [estimated, figure, function, image, patch, single, map, previous] [pose, class, training, regression, generative, split, model, set, full, provide, appearance, mae, instance, leave, posteriori, max, exemplar, naive, combining, accuracy, trained]
The Episolar Constraint: Monocular Shape from Shadow Correspondence
Austin Abrams, Kylia Miskell, Robert Pless
Austin Abrams, Kylia Miskell, Robert Pless

[space, linear, large, nonlinear, method, process, sparse] [camera, correspondence, constraint, computer, conference, shape, vision, calibration, geometry, plane, unknown, point, international, solution, equation, derive, generation, directly, small, calibrate, require, position, convex, assume] [optimization, truth, network, algorithm, search, three, problem, denote] [approach, object, pattern, compare, portion] [sequence] [shadow, depth, episolar, figure, pixel, ground, image, lighting, cast, surface, recovered, recover, solar, direction, photometric, notice, consistent, aperture, map, red, place, lit, stereo, remove, blue, light, assumption, geometrically, property, journal, single] [work, scene, outdoor, set, example, geometric, structure, sun, relative, create, variety, sky]
Illumination Estimation Based on Bilayer Sparse Coding
Bing Li, Weihua Xiong, Weiming Hu, Houwen Peng
Keywords: color constancy, illumination estimation, sparse coding
Bing Li, Weihua Xiong, Weiming Hu, Houwen Peng
Keywords: color constancy, illumination estimation, sparse coding

[sparse, test, coding, method, vector, linear, min, supervised, similarity, representation, ssc, data, existing, table, space, better, norm, combination, matrix, represented] [estimation, mapping, grey, error, imaging, vision, computer] [algorithm, based, proposed, optimization, segmented, truth, computational, solved, second, order, number] [color, high, feature, performance, visual, object, unsupervised, layer, sift, improving, procedure] [analysis, indicates, histogram, experimental] [illumination, image, bsc, content, constancy, reconstruction, chromaticity, bilayer, gamut, combinational, angular, light, reconstruct, corresponding, ground, hvi, maxrgb, regularization, including] [scene, training, model, set, level, distribution, category, joint, associated, work, max, correlation, semantic, lower, provided]
Dense Segmentation-Aware Descriptors
Eduard Trulls, Iasonas Kokkinos, Alberto Sanfeliu, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
Keywords: appearance descriptors, segmentation, matching, stereo
Eduard Trulls, Iasonas Kokkinos, Alberto Sanfeliu, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
Keywords: appearance descriptors, segmentation, matching, stereo

[large, better, applied, pca, construct, data, increase, experiment, project] [dense, point, compute, invariant, robust, smaller, estimate, estimation] [segmentation, background, truth, computational, second, three, region, belong, algorithm, applicable, iterative, cost] [descriptor, sift, soft, embeddings, sid, daisy, performance, size, approach, bin, overlap, ssid, scale, local, occlusion, dataset, variant, sdsift, eigen, dsift, best, evaluate, matching, softmask, object, feature, moseg, densely, sampling, well] [frame, motion, extract] [image, stereo, figure, difference, depth, pixel, ground, note, transform, single, technique, fourier, demonstrated, publicly, visible] [work, set, appearance, left, accuracy, parameter]
A Bayesian Approach to Multimodal Visual Dictionary Learning
Go Irie, Dong Liu, Zhenguo Li, Shih-Fu Chang
Keywords: co-clustering, multimodal, visual dictionary
Go Irie, Dong Liu, Zhenguo Li, Shih-Fu Chang
Keywords: co-clustering, multimodal, visual dictionary

[dictionary, textual, learning, bayesian, relational, matrix, word, multimodal, coding, cluster, representation, sparse, categorization, itcc, nmtf, bcc, scc, method, retrieved, discriminative, process, space, randomly, supervised, existing, llc, vector, data, flickr, table, analyze, zvx, moun] [assume, initial, consider] [based, number, continuous, step, draw, proposed, inference, pair, problem] [visual, descriptor, approach, performance, dataset, relationship, well, precision, size, sampling] [extracted, modeling, perform] [image, figure, note, mixture, single] [training, topic, model, distribution, class, set, associated, text, labelme, generated, generative, semantic, jointly, latent, correlation, category, accuracy, joint, posterior, work]
Nonlinearly Constrained MRFs: Exploring the Intrinsic Dimensions of Higher-Order Cliques
Yun Zeng, Chaohui Wang, Stefano Soatto, Shing-Tung Yau
Keywords: Higher-order Markov Random Fields, MAP Inference, Segmentation, 3D Shape Tracking
Yun Zeng, Chaohui Wang, Stefano Soatto, Shing-Tung Yau
Keywords: Higher-order Markov Random Fields, MAP Inference, Segmentation, 3D Shape Tracking

[method, pca, represented, denotes, arg, data, space, learnt, update, large, representation, min] [solution, deformation, shape, error, subproblem, constrained, solving, template, mapping, consider, small] [dual, problem, based, mrf, primal, inference, optimization, proposed, segmentation, clique, solv, relaxation, number, node, algorithm, energy, current, optimal, foreground, continuous, objective, representing, introducing, order, pairwise, simply, integer, ascent, global, graph, uei, nonlinearly, lagrangian, iteration] [framework, approach, design, challenging, texture, size] [tracking, frame, sequence, represent, updated, bidirectional] [function, map, patch, intrinsic, image, figure, note] [set, facial, expression, model, potential, component, example, leading]
Video Editing with Temporal, Spatial and Appearance Consistency
Xiaojie Guo, Xiaochun Cao, Xiaowu Chen, Yi Ma
Keywords: Video Editing, Temporal Alignment, Spatial Rectification
Xiaojie Guo, Xiaochun Cao, Xiaowu Chen, Yi Ma
Keywords: Video Editing, Temporal Alignment, Spatial Rectification

[matrix, method, original, sparse, large, simultaneously, rank, china, minimizing, batch, denotes, linear, construct, min] [alignment, area, robust, skew, error, rotation, initial, small, real, aligned, solution, angle, align, edited, residual, deformed, recovery, tilt, respect, basis, solve, transformation, deformation, misaligned] [algorithm, foreground, region, problem, three, proposed, background, number, based, optimal, median, optimization] [occlusion, texture, framework, visual, alpha, spatial, matting, performance, successful, feature, rate, trimap, well, matching, propose] [frame, video, interest, automatically, temporal, sequence] [image, figure, result, recovered, rasl, editing, pixel, natural, occluding, function, clean, middle, range, row, support] [facade, task, example]
Learning a Manifold as an Atlas
Nikolaos Pitelis, Chris Russell, Lourdes Agapito
Keywords: manifold learning, dimensionality reduction, 3D reconstruction, face recognition
Nikolaos Pitelis, Chris Russell, Lourdes Agapito
Keywords: manifold learning, dimensionality reduction, 3D reconstruction, face recognition

[manifold, atlas, pca, chart, learning, space, original, method, lle, dimensionality, smce, nearest, data, standard, embedding, ltsa, existing, neighbourhood, running, unwrapping, subspace, table, choice, learn, linear, face, dimensional, neighbour, yale, semeion, report, testing, clustering, regularisation, cmu, reported, wltsa, clust] [error, point, walking, computer, directly, vision, camera, closest, case, allows, mapping, lie, conference, laplacian] [graph, based, closed, interior, assigned, pairwise, form, random, consistently] [local, best, dataset, overlapping, pattern, approach, performance, average] [assignment, motion, recognition, perform, hessian] [reconstruction, noise, image, gaussian, figure, additional, processing, view] [set, training, machine, associated]
Learning Separable Filters
Roberto Rigamonti, Amos Sironi, Vincent Lepetit, Pascal Fua
Roberto Rigamonti, Amos Sironi, Vincent Lepetit, Pascal Fua

[separable, linear, learned, learning, sparse, convolutional, method, large, original, mji, nuclear, norm, wkj, compared, learn, better, rank, vector, involves, oof, combination, standard, separability, drive] [case, singular, vision, computer, compute, decomposition, solving, computed, relies, smaller, directly] [computational, objective, approximate, extraction, optimization, complexity, term, second, approximating, faster, fast, retinal, algorithm, random, fewer, cost, introduce] [approach, feature, dataset, performance, compare, best, well, considered, ratio] [bank, time, represent, steerable, tensor] [image, denoising, function, pixel, figure, biomedical, gradient, purpose, supplementary, additional, apply] [set, machine, training, accuracy, structure]
Relative Hidden Markov Models for Evaluating Motion Skill
Qiang Zhang, Baoxin Li
Keywords: relative, HMM, surgical simulation, motion skill
Qiang Zhang, Baoxin Li
Keywords: relative, HMM, surgical simulation, motion skill

[data, method, learned, learning, logarithm, existing, testing, discriminative, experiment, nonlinear, better, distance, vector, learn, reasonable] [synthetic, path, assume, solution, written, real, practical, compute] [proposed, problem, algorithm, markov, based, number, optimal, objective, pair, computational, formulation, labeling] [baseline, performance, score, ratio, evaluate, approach, compare, propose] [hmm, skill, likelihood, motion, surgical, sequence, evaluation, video, temporal, time, state, analysis, transition, observation, capture, sequential, maximal] [result, figure, corresponding, image, function] [model, training, relative, improved, log, set, hidden, ranking, hmms, max, probability, attribute, work, subject, task, human, understanding, trained]
Adherent Raindrop Detection and Removal in Video
Shaodi You, Robby T. Tan, Rei Kawakami, Katsushi Ikeuchi
Shaodi You, Robby T. Tan, Rei Kawakami, Katsushi Ikeuchi

[method, experiment, calculate, existing, large, data, idea] [camera, plane, area, point, vision, shape, smaller, path, error, consider, circle, mapping] [proposed, algorithm, based, quantitative, number, continuous] [detection, feature, high, threshold, spatial, detect, propose, detecting, size, ratio] [video, temporal, motion, frame, detected, described, analysis, partially, inside] [raindrop, image, removal, intensity, light, adherent, figure, completion, blurred, wexler, change, derivative, environment, pixel, occluding, frequency, remove, glare, completely, occludes, rain, input, single, contraction, roundness, calculated, result, blending, restore, accumulated, roser, included, caused, difference, held] [model, level, set, appearance, outdoor, work]
Selective Transfer Machine for Personalized Facial Action Unit Detection
Wen-Sheng Chu, Fernando De La Torre, Jeffery F. Cohn
Keywords: Facial action unit detection, domain adaptation, SVM
Wen-Sheng Chu, Fernando De La Torre, Jeffery F. Cohn
Keywords: Facial action unit detection, domain adaptation, SVM

[stm, test, svm, kmm, data, ntr, learning, penalized, better, face, kernel, transfer, method, selective, ideal, domain, adaptation, loss, large, vector, weighted, linear, covariate, personalized, table, discriminative, comparison, tested, dasvm, standard, national, biconvex, compared] [case, computer, close] [problem, optimization, denote, objective, label, three, proposed, convergence] [generic, detection, approach, dataset, auc, positive, transductive, selection, ratio, well, negative] [action, recognition, automatic, individual, target, relevant, represent, dynamic] [shift, function, support] [training, facial, trained, expression, machine, unit, selected, subject, model, refer, distribution, appearance]
Understanding Indoor Scenes Using 3D Geometric Phrases
Wongun Choi, Yu-Wei Chao, Caroline Pantofaru, Silvio Savarese
Wongun Choi, Yu-Wei Chao, Caroline Pantofaru, Silvio Savarese

[table, space, learning, learned, method, representation] [estimation, encode, estimate] [graph, node, proposed, energy, cuboid, number, scheme, inference, three, second, search] [object, detection, spatial, baseline, feature, dpm, hypothesis, precision, dataset, contextual, bounding, recall, improve, box, best, context, overlap, visual, score] [observation, interaction, performed, represent, constituent, individual] [image, single, figure, ground, function, corresponding, reasoning, consistent] [scene, model, layout, set, geometric, parse, indoor, semantic, type, room, training, accuracy, dining, associated, understanding, latent, sofa, trained, livingroom, novel, diningroom, bedroom, jump, pose, making, phrase, compatibility, parameter, bed, chair, amount]
Sparse Subspace Denoising for Image Manifolds
Bo Wang, Zhuowen Tu
Bo Wang, Zhuowen Tu

[data, subspace, matrix, manifold, sparse, ssd, learning, linear, clustering, similarity, method, mbms, gik, gbms, face, coherence, lld, test, vector, idea, diffusion, principal, existing, dimensionality, yale, pca, good, metric, cluster, minimize, comparison, spectral, chosen, reduce, neural] [error, laplacian, computer, solution] [algorithm, number, graph, neighborhood, three, global, indicator, proposed, partition, normalized, iterative, objective] [local, improvement, feature, baseline, dataset, performance, pattern, round, high] [perform, analysis, recognition] [denoising, denoised, noise, image, reconstruction, figure, smooth, technique, blurring, assumption, note, panel, noisy, scaled, intrinsic] [training, accuracy, class, set, consists, inferred, component, output, work, machine]
Topical Video Object Discovery from Key Frames by Modeling Word Co-occurrence Prior
Gangqiang Zhao, Junsong Yuan, Gang Hua
Gangqiang Zhao, Junsong Yuan, Gang Hua

[word, method, considering, neighbor, original, sample, data, representation, vector] [variational, respect, consider, solving, estimate] [proposed, number, document, segmented, second, based, random, bound, graph, segmentation, segment, algorithm, normalized, truth] [object, visual, approach, pattern, spatial, propose, challenging, bounding, local, performance, partial, compare] [video, multiple, discovered, key, frame, corpus, frequently, discovering] [prior, figure, single, image, ground, strong, yuan, limited, spatially, smoothness] [topical, model, topic, lda, discovery, discover, mining, set, latent, parameter, dirichlet, frequent, selected, log, distribution, lower, wdn, allocation, zdn, instance, avg, generative]
Recovering Line-Networks in Images by Junction-Point Processes
Dengfeng Chai, Wolfgang Frstner, Florent Lafarge
Dengfeng Chai, Wolfgang Frstner, Florent Lafarge

[process, kernel, data, representation, space, existing] [point, shape, proposition, expressed, translation, planar] [extraction, graph, road, network, density, number, proposed, algorithm, blood, problem, complexity, order, contrary, based, conventional, death, edge, width, illustrated, markov, segmentation, marked, normalized, adjacent, represents, consistency, sampler, called] [sampling, ratio, object, local] [extract, automatic, complex, monte, chain, carlo, time] [image, figure, natural, note, result, orientation, input, poisson, pixel, stochastic] [model, probability, parameter, set, geometric, aerial, structure, active, variety, dirichlet, structural, birth, distribution, associated]
Motion Estimation for Self-Driving Cars with a Generalized Camera
Gim Hee Lee, Friedrich Faundorfer, Marc Pollefeys
Keywords: Generalized Camera, Motion Estimation, Ackermann Motion Model, Self-Driving Car
Gim Hee Lee, Friedrich Faundorfer, Marc Pollefeys
Keywords: Generalized Camera, Motion Estimation, Ackermann Motion Model, Self-Driving Car

[metric, matrix, method, linear, large] [camera, generalized, point, case, equation, estimation, sin, solution, yaw, correspondence, ransac, essential, minimal, ackermann, gec, straight, system, computer, robust, special, angle, constraint, general, computed, polynomial, june, bundle, mounted, vision, determined, solve, practical, uniquely, exhaustive, needed, degenerated, inliers, adjustment, extrinsics, putting, projection, epipolar] [algorithm, number, proposed] [scale, car, dataset, visual, pattern, collected] [motion, frame, kalman, trajectory, consecutive, moving, volume] [figure, ground, estimated, single, view, additional, reference, gps, setup] [relative, full, model, example]
Probabilistic Elastic Matching for Pose Variant Face Verification
Haoxiang Li, Gang Hua, Zhe Lin, Jonathan Brandt, Jianchao Yang
Haoxiang Li, Gang Hua, Zhe Lin, Jonathan Brandt, Jianchao Yang

[face, bayesian, gmm, pem, apem, adaptation, method, vector, protocol, representation, lfw, adapted, svm, ubm, labeled, better, wild, balance, spatialappearance, comparison] [restricted, spherical, elastic, alignment, robust, invariant, aligned, adaptive, unconstrained] [pair, algorithm, probabilistic, based, scheme, proposed, form, problem, simple, background] [feature, matching, local, lbp, spatial, visual, performance, approach, dataset, matched, location, variant, baseline] [recognition, track, video, youtube, extracted, multiple, bag] [gaussian, image, difference, figure, mixture, variance, additional, corresponding, view, patch, prior] [training, joint, build, appearance, pose, set, model, component, trained, accuracy, distribution, parameter, building, work, call]
Templateless Quasi-rigid Shape Modeling with Implicit Loop-Closure
Ming Zeng, Jiaxiang Zheng, Xuan Cheng, Xinguo Liu
Keywords: 3d modeling, depth camera, human modeling, nonrigid deformation
Ming Zeng, Jiaxiang Zheng, Xuan Cheng, Xinguo Liu
Keywords: 3d modeling, depth camera, human modeling, nonrigid deformation

[method, update, nearest, large, sample, data, distance, effectiveness, reduced] [deformation, registration, rigid, shape, scan, integration, relaxed, point, transformation, bijective, integrated, error, correspondence, alignment, wrong, position, nonrigid, ereg, chang, require, closest, slight, small, template, camera, paper, geometry, kinectfusion, warping] [graph, global, problem, proposed, term, scheme, integrate, optimization, registered, node, based, topological, topology] [sampling, deformable, object, local, match] [modeling, capture, motion, represent, dynamic, time, multiple, frame, moving] [depth, regularization, figure, acm, normal, completion, captured, ground, reconstruction, poisson, range, adjust, red, handle, reconstruct, previous] [model, human, body, articulated, set, unable]
Manhattan Scene Understanding via XSlit Imaging
Jinwei Ye, Yu Ji, Jingyi Yu
Keywords: 3D Reconstruction, Multi-perspective Imaging, Scene Understanding
Jinwei Ye, Yu Ji, Jingyi Yu
Keywords: 3D Reconstruction, Multi-perspective Imaging, Scene Understanding

[linear, prototype, principal, construct, distance, large, process] [xslit, camera, parallel, plane, ccp, xvps, geometry, point, ray, vanishing, coplanar, common, perspective, ccps, pinhole, solution, manhattan, intersect, theorem, slit, directly, xvp, lying, compute, conic, lie, curve, appear, imaging, unique, real, intersection, synthetic, cylindrical, xsrc, triangle, corresponds, lens, orthogonal, projection, theory, computer, reconstructing, composed, aligned, paper] [three, algorithm, second, edge] [approach, detect] [complex, detected, multiple, exist, combine, group] [image, single, apply, reconstruction, recovered, figure, light, notice, direction, recover, recovering, normal, generally, map] [scene, building, model, call, correspond]
Fast, Accurate Detection of 100,000 Object Classes on a Single Machine
Thomas Dean, Mark A. Ruzon, Mark Segal, Jonathon Shlens, Sudheendra Vijayanarasimhan, Jay Yagnik
Keywords: object detection, deformable part models, locality-sensitive hashing
Thomas Dean, Mark A. Ruzon, Mark Segal, Jonathon Shlens, Sudheendra Vijayanarasimhan, Jay Yagnik
Keywords: object detection, deformable part models, locality-sensitive hashing

[hash, hashing, large, linear, method, table, similarity, memory, data, sparse, vector, product, min, space, achieve, binary] [computer, conference, compute, vision, basis, international, convolution, system, computed, reducing] [number, algorithm, three, computational, search, order, weight, based, increasing, complexity, measure] [object, detection, hog, approach, window, wta, bounding, voc, pattern, baseline, dataset, average, dot, ordinal, box, precision, visual, descriptor, root, feature, detector, dpm, validation, score, size, performance, best, deformable] [time, target] [image, figure, map, single, corresponding, pyramid, band, processing, previous] [set, training, pascal, accuracy, model, prediction, level, combined, associated]
Exploiting the Power of Stereo Confidences
David Pfeiffer, Stefan Gehrig, Nicolai Schneider
Keywords: Stereo, Stereo-vision, Stixel World, Stereo Confidences, Image Processing, Machine Vision, Segmentation, MAP Estimation, Ground Truth, Evaluation
David Pfeiffer, Stefan Gehrig, Nicolai Schneider
Keywords: Stereo, Stereo-vision, Stixel World, Stereo Confidences, Image Processing, Machine Vision, Segmentation, MAP Estimation, Ground Truth, Evaluation

[data, metric, base, large, method, representation, space, original, min, table, labeled, idea] [outlier, vision, mapping, measurement, allows, estimation, case, inlier, pout, june, dense, compute, paper, computed, computer, underlying] [term, truth, computation, number, scheme, second, segmentation, factor, probabilistic, global, based, three, cost] [false, rate, approach, object, detection, positive, considered, local, performance, best, matching, maximum, challenging] [evaluation, occupancy, optical, video, performed] [stereo, disparity, stixel, figure, sensor, ground, map, pkrn, mlm, processing, image, depth, free, result, stixels, row, cmin, pfeiffer, driver, pixel] [work, set, model, probability, parameter, scene, confidence]
Semi-supervised Learning of Feature Hierarchies for Object Detection in a Video
Yang Yang, Guang Shu, Mubarak Shah
Keywords: Object detection, feature learning, deep learning, video analysis
Yang Yang, Guang Shu, Mubarak Shah
Keywords: Object detection, feature learning, deep learning, video analysis

[discriminative, learning, learned, learn, method, good, representation, loss, neural, pooled, pooling, labeled, table, large, compact, data, better, supervised, original, convolutional] [directly, equation] [proposed, hard, second, based, label, algorithm, number, third, horse, three, network, global, order, extensive, share] [feature, detection, object, detector, local, unsupervised, generic, performance, average, deep, hog, propose, precision, color, improve, online, collected, generatively, discriminatively, visual, high, dataset, size] [video, tracking, experimental, redundant] [input, image, function, figure, row, blue, viewed, reconstruction, map, red] [level, generative, set, human, trained, training, model, work, hidden]
From N to N+1: Multiclass Transfer Incremental Learning
Ilja Kuzborskij, Francesco Orabona, Barbara Caputo
Keywords: transfer learning, domain adaptation, multiclass, visual object categorization, LSSVM, leave-one-out
Ilja Kuzborskij, Francesco Orabona, Barbara Caputo
Keywords: transfer learning, domain adaptation, multiclass, visual object categorization, LSSVM, leave-one-out

[transfer, source, learning, multiclass, method, linear, better, setting, binary, vector, data, lssvm, kernel, loss, batch, learn, domain, unrelated, chosen, mixed, existing, learned, matrix, awa, loo, compared, tommasi, hyperplanes, rbf, yiyi, belonging, sample, multikt, yin, randomly] [case, extension, implemented, close, respect, convex, consider, small, preserving, system] [algorithm, problem, proposed, number, objective, column, optimization, three, term, based] [performance, object, feature, visual, approach, detection, negative, dog] [target, multiple, time] [figure, previous, support, address, note, equal] [training, class, model, set, accuracy, work, knowledge, category, trained, describe, leveraging]
In Defense of Sparsity Based Face Recognition
Weihong Deng, Jiani Hu, Jun Guo
Keywords: Face Recognition, Sparse Representation
Weihong Deng, Jiani Hu, Jun Guo
Keywords: Face Recognition, Sparse Representation

[src, face, ssrc, dictionary, sparse, sparsity, variation, test, matrix, representation, uncontrolled, sample, prototype, feret, session, comparative, method, randomly, corruption, linear, dimensional, database, robustness, norm, esrc, corrupted, combination, performs, table, dimension, wright, scarf, coding, data, min, arg, controlled, centroid, reduced, superposed, pca, experiment] [solution, probe, paper, robust, frgc] [based, problem, number, algorithm, proposed, three, term, simple] [performance, rate, feature, generic, variant, size, approach, occlusion] [recognition, gabor, experimental] [regularization, image, address, single, zhang, figure] [training, class, set, model, accuracy, parameter, selected, neutral, facial]
Multi-image Blind Deblurring Using a Coupled Adaptive Sparse Prior
Haichao Zhang, David Wipf, Yanning Zhang
Keywords: blind image deblurring, multi-image blind deconvolution, sparse recovery, adaptive coupled sparsity
Haichao Zhang, David Wipf, Yanning Zhang
Keywords: blind image deblurring, multi-image blind deconvolution, sparse recovery, adaptive coupled sparsity

[kernel, method, sparse, sparsity, test, coupled, standard, min, update, norm, data, better, good, matrix] [estimation, solution, estimate, convolution, robust, underlying, synthetic, error, theoretical] [penalty, algorithm, pair, proposed, dual, number, cost, degraded, higher, optimal, produce, term] [approach, well, compare, explicit, highly, high] [motion, multiple, observed, observation, experimental, meaning, likelihood] [image, deblurring, blur, blind, function, blurry, sroubek, figure, noise, quality, deconvolution, single, sharp, prior, noisy, lurry, restoration, estimated, produced, recovered, cho, desirable, cai, software, result, whyte, yuan, exposure, roubek, including] [latent, zhu, set, work, associated, level, relative, model, typical]
Finding Group Interactions in Social Clutter
Ruonan Li, Parker Porfilio, Todd Zickler
Ruonan Li, Parker Porfilio, Todd Zickler

[metric, matrix, learning, similarity, large, table, labeled, larger, representation, report, database] [system, compute, consider, small] [pairwise, three, number, optimal, search, problem, measure, neighborhood, based, simply, proposed] [matching, approach, detection, descriptor, false, localizing, localization, positive, best, bounding, collection, detecting, performance, distinctive, matched, localized, framework, voting, evaluate, dataset, lowest, average] [temporal, interaction, time, group, video, individual, social, agent, interval, detected, action, tracking, recognition, instantaneous, long, ensemble, wnm, described, represent] [input, figure, single] [exemplar, unit, occur, relative, accuracy, category, annotated, set, selected]
Layer Depth Denoising and Completion for Structured-Light RGB-D Cameras
Ju Shen, Sen-Ching S. Cheung
Keywords: Depth image denoising, depth completion, RGB-D sensor, Kinect
Ju Shen, Sen-Ching S. Cheung
Keywords: Depth image denoising, depth completion, RGB-D sensor, Kinect

[data, similarity, process, method, uncertainty, better] [measurement, camera, conference, vision, computer, estimation, error, small, estimate, system, virtual, outlier] [background, foreground, based, labeling, number, neighboring, random, global, term, scheme, proposed, probabilistic, second, represents, algorithm, propagation, edge, problem, markov, prevent, neighborhood, simple] [color, layer, approach, object, spatial, well, high] [multiple, static, modeled, updated] [depth, missing, figure, image, pixel, rgb, completion, noise, bilateral, fst, map, erroneous, result, function, complete, resolution, estimated, denoising, light, gaussian, surface, kinect, input, projector, caused, camplani, processing, dnew] [model, distribution, joint, training, set, example, scene, parameter]
Three-Dimensional Bilateral Symmetry Plane Estimation in the Phase Domain
Ramakrishna Kakarala, Prabhu Kaliamoorthi, Vittal Premachandran
Keywords: symmetry, spherical harmonics, phase, sampling
Ramakrishna Kakarala, Prabhu Kaliamoorthi, Vittal Premachandran
Keywords: symmetry, spherical harmonics, phase, sampling

[linear, vector, method, data, matrix, equivalent, domain, setting, choice] [symmetry, spherical, harmonic, plane, rotation, shape, vertex, mapping, real, egi, computer, wigner, case, error, point, estimating, mesh, compute, covariance, psb, estimation, vision, trace, superimposed, decomposition, orthogonal] [three, euler, search, number, optimization, expansion, optimizing, cost, optimum, seg, column, algorithm, global, illustrated, advantage, objective, problem, form] [candidate, well, detection, true] [symmetric, analysis, main] [phase, function, figure, fourier, bilateral, surface, orientation, transform, note, corresponding, journal, uniform, result, property, acm, inverse] [grid, model, provide, set, work, distribution]
Large-Scale Video Summarization Using Web-Image Priors
Aditya Khosla, Raffay Hamid, Chih-Jen Lin, Neel Sundaresan
Aditya Khosla, Raffay Hamid, Chih-Jen Lin, Neel Sundaresan

[canonical, method, test, learned, learn, large, distance, web, table, cluster, spectral, retrieved, rank, randomly, unlabeled] [compute, equation, intuition] [algorithm, order, based, number, optimization, random, objective, field, proposed, assigned] [average, framework, viewpoint, precision, select, evaluate, object, visual, baseline, well, matching, recall, performance, propose, annotation, score, dataset] [video, summarization, evaluation, automatic, summary, frame, multiple, amt, find, informative, capture, expert, main, summarize, identify, people, siftflow, maximally, subclass, automatically, bipartite, assign, discovered, summarizing] [figure, image, prior, uniform, reference, view, previous, user] [human, work, set, training, class, ranked]
Adaptive Compressed Tomography Sensing
Oren Barkan, Jonathan Weill, Amir Averbuch, Shai Dekel
Keywords: Computed Tomography, Adaptive Compressed Sensing, Low-dose CT, Ridgelets
Oren Barkan, Jonathan Weill, Amir Averbuch, Shai Dekel
Keywords: Computed Tomography, Adaptive Compressed Sensing, Low-dose CT, Ridgelets

[matrix, comparison, vector, method, low, data, reduce] [ridgelet, adaptive, ata, approximation, dose, computed, simulated, initial, wavelet, reconstructed, newly, theory, solving, system, angle, spaced, compute, acquired, application, determined, incident, solve, projection, modified, dosage, ridgelets, acquire, plan] [number, algorithm, step, problem, discrete, order, iterative, minimization, current, fast, scheme, cancer, higher] [sampling, sampled, high, size, haar, considered, select, pattern, well] [analysis, total, photon, experimental, time, future, radiation, sensing] [image, acquisition, figure, reconstruction, quality, limited, psnr, transform, noise, uniform, mathematical, function, radon, tomography, fourier] [model, associated, goal, work, set]
Unsupervised Salience Learning for Person Re-identification
Rui Zhao, Wanli Ouyang, Xiaogang Wang
Keywords: Salience matching, person re-identification, recognition
Rui Zhao, Wanli Ouyang, Xiaogang Wang
Keywords: Salience matching, person re-identification, recognition

[learning, discriminative, distance, vector, rank, viper, svm, large, similarity, sdc, sdalf, test, existing, nearest, weighting, better, metric, supervised, neighbor, learned, data, comparison, learn, gallery, variation] [camera, dense, correspondence, probe, constrained, constraint] [salient, search, adjacency, based, distinct, order, three, proposed] [salience, matching, feature, unsupervised, knn, approach, dataset, local, matched, viewpoint, esdc, color, rate, pedestrian, score, pls, detection, spatial, cam, scoreknn, sift, partial, descriptor, ebicov, size, performance, cumulated, well] [person, reliable, extracted, recognition] [patch, image, figure, reference, handle, view, function, change, red, captured, handling] [human, set, pose, training, body, appearance, ethz]
Segment-Tree Based Cost Aggregation for Stereo Matching
Xing Mei, Xun Sun, Weiming Dong, Haitao Wang, Xiaopeng Zhang
Xing Mei, Xun Sun, Weiming Dong, Haitao Wang, Xiaopeng Zhang

[data, method, better, standard, outperforms, running, process, test, china, denotes, linear, rank] [computed, error, accurate, small, determined, correspondence, electronic] [aggregation, mst, cost, segmentation, edge, algorithm, middlebury, segment, step, construction, proposed, graph, aggregated, number, weight, subtrees, quantitative, constructed, neighboring, based, subtree, second, sum, complexity, linking] [matching, local, color, average, benchmark, performance, guided, stage, root, best, evaluate, rate, built] [evaluation, time, presented, updated] [disparity, image, stereo, pixel, figure, reference, depth, support, consistent, erroneous, disc, minimum, viewed] [tree, set, structure, accuracy, parameter, joint, work, scene, grouping, selected]
Separating Signal from Noise Using Patch Recurrence across Scales
Maria Zontak, Inbar Mosseri, Michal Irani
Keywords: multi-scale prior for noisy images, image denoising, patch recurrence
Maria Zontak, Inbar Mosseri, Michal Irani
Keywords: multi-scale prior for noisy images, image denoising, patch recurrence

[signal, good, space, original, better, larger, large, sparse, extended] [small, error, solving, estimate, unknown, exists, averaging] [algorithm, edge, search, simple, lead, diagonal, number] [scale, coarse, local, high, drop, size, average, despite, well] [majority] [image, patch, noisy, noise, clean, denoising, pyramid, directional, coarser, natural, prior, representative, strong, figure, recurrence, isotropic, prefer, note, psc, severe, version, variance, dramatically, estimated, property, psnr, corresponding, descendant, nsc, gaussian, needle, cleaner, strengthened, single, limited, subsampling, additive, contaminated, blurring, external, subsample] [relative, tend, level, oracle, internal, set, incorporating, presence]
What's in a Name? First Names as Facial Attributes
Huizhong Chen, Andrew C. Gallagher, Bernd Girod
Huizhong Chen, Andrew C. Gallagher, Bernd Girod

[face, test, svm, vector, table, llc, method, large, better, labeled, achieve, data, representation, testing, flickr] [system, computer, error, common, require] [pairwise, random, number, pair, advantage, produce, based] [performance, feature, approach, dataset, visual, achieves, score, distinguish] [social, people, recognition, person, total, modeling] [image, figure, pyramid, additional, estimated, map] [age, gender, facial, training, accuracy, birth, year, appearance, prediction, male, probability, attribute, associated, work, category, ranked, zoe, task, human, mfsvm, stephanie, trained, predicted, guess, guessing, set, model, female, mike, sue, steve, manually, noah, gary, selected, nancy, top, popularity]
Tracking People and Their Objects
Tobias Baumgartner, Dennis Mitzel, Bastian Leibe
Tobias Baumgartner, Dennis Mitzel, Bastian Leibe

[test, learned, data, distance] [point, center, position, shape, generation, system, robust, plane, unknown, ray, intersection, lost, consider] [order, based, proposed, inference, number, segmented, pairwise, graphical, cloud, belong, current, segmentation] [object, approach, performance, detection, pedestrian, hypothesis, propose, evaluate, recall, framework, detector] [tracking, interaction, pull, gct, action, person, group, tracked, stroller, track, frame, trajectory, volume, kalman, individual, observed, gcts, push, moving, histogram, mobile, modeling, roi, dynamic, detected, people, classifier, time] [figure, ground, stereo] [model, scene, height, side, training, relative, infer, left, distribution, prediction, annotated, class, generate, set, appearance]
Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation with Instance Constraints
Jeff Donahue, Judy Hoffman, Erik Rodner, Kate Saenko, Trevor Darrell
Keywords: domain adaptation, visual recognition
Jeff Donahue, Judy Hoffman, Erik Rodner, Kate Saenko, Trevor Darrell
Keywords: domain adaptation, visual recognition

[domain, adaptation, source, labeled, data, unlabeled, similarity, learning, method, table, svm, hyperplane, setting, learn, matrix, loss, test, vector, visint, adapting, transfer, large, experiment, standard, svms, learned, idea] [laplacian, transformation, general, respect, small, university, adaptive] [optimization, algorithm, term, number, include, proposed, hard] [object, detection, bounding, approach, detector, dataset, positive, performance, improve, feature, framework, unsupervised, dpm, baseline, evaluate, box, recall, subset] [target, video, multiple, track, recognition] [regularization, regularizer, function, figure, perturbation, adding] [training, model, instance, trained, latent, pascal, set, category, example]
Non-parametric Filtering for Geometric Detail Extraction and Material Representation
Zicheng Liao, Jason Rock, Yang Wang, David Forsyth
Keywords: Geometric detail, material representation, intrinsic image decomposition
Zicheng Liao, Jason Rock, Yang Wang, David Forsyth
Keywords: Geometric detail, material representation, intrinsic image decomposition

[method, dictionary, large, discriminative, original, learned, table, learn, source, representation, transfer, demonstrate] [computer, decomposition, small, estimation, conference, shape, real, compute, laboratory, geometry, vision, error] [edge, represents, fast, based] [color, object, dataset, local, pattern, mit, texture, scale, spatial, size, separate] [decompose, recognition, volume, complex] [shading, image, detail, albedo, material, intrinsic, figure, illumination, editing, patch, barron, surface, malik, irradiance, mse, notice, retinex, varma, strong, pixel, recovering, remove, apply, caused, removal, reconstruction, map, directional, siggraph, result, zisserman, synthesized] [geometric, set, exemplar, accuracy, work, model, liu]
Weakly Supervised Learning of Mid-Level Features with Beta-Bernoulli Process Restricted Boltzmann Machines
Roni Mittelman, Honglak Lee, Benjamin Kuipers, Silvio Savarese
Keywords: Restricted Boltzmann Machine, attributes, semantics, Beta-Bernoulli process, mid-level features
Roni Mittelman, Honglak Lee, Benjamin Kuipers, Silvio Savarese
Keywords: Restricted Boltzmann Machine, attributes, semantics, Beta-Bernoulli process, mid-level features

[learning, binary, learned, classification, word, labeled, base, denotes, test, process, method, standard, sparse, sample, sparsity, vector, convolutional, learn, table, representation, generalization, bayesian] [equation, undirected, area, restricted, computer, case] [factor, second, number, form, inference, graph, belief] [layer, feature, approach, object, dataset, bounding, deep, visual, propose, roc, performance, sampling] [performed, recognition, capture] [figure, corresponding, note, image, content] [training, semantic, rbm, attribute, model, pascal, hidden, set, probability, yahoo, bbp, machine, accuracy, class, distribution, topic, posterior, trained, contrastive, predict, provide, parameter, boltzmann, dbn, latent, joint, improved]
Multi-target Tracking by Lagrangian Relaxation to Min-cost Network Flow
Asad A. Butt, Robert T. Collins
Keywords: Multi-target Tracking, Network Flow, Lagrangian Relaxation
Asad A. Butt, Robert T. Collins
Keywords: Multi-target Tracking, Network Flow, Lagrangian Relaxation

[method, data, binary, linear, link, original, table] [solution, vision, computer, constant, conference, june, constraint, path, error, relaxed, respect] [algorithm, network, graph, problem, node, cost, lagrangian, edge, number, relaxation, three, solved, xij, objective, based, outgoing, formulation, incoming, order, greedy, form, represents, ethms, pairwise, pair, higher, approximate, longer, connected, poore, entire, programming, adjacent, optimal, iterative, representing] [match, pattern, candidate, propose, approach, tud, compare] [frame, tracking, observation, sequence, recognition, assignment, motion, total, association, velocity, track, time] [figure, smoothness, function, additional, ground] [set, work]
Exploring Compositional High Order Pattern Potentials for Structured Output Learning
Yujia Li, Daniel Tarlow, Richard Zemel
Yujia Li, Daniel Tarlow, Richard Zemel

[learning, data, standard, loss, convolutional, learned, learn, test, setting, cluster] [real, restricted, shape, case, constraint, synthetic, mapping] [order, pairwise, inference, segmentation, exp, higher, labeling, energy, measure, crf, variable, algorithm, number, boundary, compositional, sum, truth] [high, pattern, performance, approach, feature, bounding, highly, challenging, iou] [modeling, person, future, represent] [image, function, ground, input, supplementary, focus, pixel] [model, hidden, variability, rbm, structured, work, set, unary, distribution, training, probability, expected, output, boltzmann, latent, joint, log, explore, class, conditional, chopps, trained, rbms, internal, jointly, bird, pij, potential, structure, making, chopp]
Robust Region Grouping via Internal Patch Statistics
Xiaobai Liu, Liang Lin, Alan L. Yuille
Xiaobai Liu, Liang Lin, Alan L. Yuille

[method, representation, unlabeled, matrix, min, achieve, msrc, table, discriminative, data, linear, update, vector, combination, denotes, bsd, large, corrupted] [robust, constraint, compute] [superpixel, segmentation, replication, superpixels, density, algorithm, region, consistency, proposed, number, based, denote, graph, extra, optimization, formulation, solved, subregion, mslrr, term, segment, xsi, inference, normalized, optimal] [feature, scale, unsupervised, well, utilize, approach] [indicates, multiple, extracted, partially] [image, prior, patch, natural, input, apply, single, desired, quality, external, previous, estimated] [set, semantic, internal, call, semantically, knowledge, appearance, work]
A Divide-and-Conquer Method for Scalable Low-Rank Latent Matrix Pursuit
Yan Pan, Hanjiang Lai, Cong Liu, Shuicheng Yan
Keywords: divide-and-conquer method, low-rank matrices, prediction fushion
Yan Pan, Hanjiang Lai, Cong Liu, Shuicheng Yan
Keywords: divide-and-conquer method, low-rank matrices, prediction fushion

[matrix, method, base, late, llmp, fusion, comparison, kernel, test, running, svd, min, comparable, large, rank, scalable, learning, original, sparse, compared, update, data, performs, rlf, nystrom, repeated, calculate, simplemkl] [robust, subproblems, recovery, solution, vision, theoretical, small, directly, real, solve, theorem, decomposition] [algorithm, proposed, problem, optimization, three, number, solved, based, faster] [score, average, object, performance, dataset, detection, shared] [time, multiple, video, event, analysis, early, main] [map, corresponding, figure, recover, input] [set, latent, output, list, full, work]
Revisiting Depth Layers from Occlusions
Adarsh Kowdle, Andrew Gallagher, Tsuhan Chen
Keywords: Image-based modeling, segmentation, scene understanding
Adarsh Kowdle, Andrew Gallagher, Tsuhan Chen
Keywords: Image-based modeling, segmentation, scene understanding

[matrix, representation, better, sparse, combination, learning] [monocular, camera, case, consider] [background, pairwise, term, region, proposed, algorithm, segmentation, superpixel, graph, node, superpixels, problem, adjacent, energy, label, labeling, eij, kendall, penalty, add, fragmentation, discrete, quantitative, segment, based, interacts] [object, occlusion, performance, spatial, approach, revealed, layer, dataset, black, occluded, evaluate, framework] [moving, motion, multiple, frame, temporal, static, video, ordering, sequence] [depth, figure, image, single, occludes, prior, corresponding, red, smooth, enforce, tau, captured, reasoning, strong, map, blue, recovering, qualitative] [scene, work, model, goal, accuracy, unary]
Multi-source Multi-scale Counting in Extremely Dense Crowd Images
Haroon Idrees, Imran Saleemi, Cody Seibert, Mubarak Shah
Keywords: Dense Crowds, Counting, Markov Random Field, Multi-scale Analysis
Haroon Idrees, Imran Saleemi, Cody Seibert, Mubarak Shah
Keywords: Dense Crowds, Counting, Markov Random Field, Multi-scale Analysis

[low, existing, learning, intermediate, process, data, method, tested, better] [estimate, absolute, error, dense, reconstructed, estimation, application, solution] [density, proposed, number, three, truth, based, higher, mrf, normalized, problem, global, consistency, entire] [detection, local, approach, dataset, texture, high, feature, spatial, well, scale, sift, propose, framework, average, layer, localized, correct] [crowd, counting, count, analysis, people, head, nad, individual, multiple, lempitsky, crowded, rodriguez, motion] [image, patch, ground, fourier, figure, actual, difference, row, range, middle, frequency, extremely, single, including, smoothness, corresponding, estimated] [lower, regression, level, bottom, associated, reason]
Mirror Surface Reconstruction from a Single Image
Miaomiao Liu, Richard Hartley, Mathieu Salzmann
Keywords: Reconstruction, Mirror Surface, Reflection, Single Image, IVP, PDE
Miaomiao Liu, Richard Hartley, Mathieu Salzmann
Keywords: Reconstruction, Mirror Surface, Reflection, Single Image, IVP, PDE

[sparse, method, data, vector, standard, distance] [mirror, solution, shape, point, plane, uniqueness, error, camera, solving, ivp, dense, control, differential, solve, unique, proof, pdes, polynomial, theorem, ucbs, ray, real, theoretical, equation, initial, synthetic, reconstructing, case, integration, condition, reconstructed, lipschitz, recovery, unknown, gravy, derive, geometry, exists, percentage, assume, consider, approximation, theory, degree, depicted, minimizes] [problem, optimization, number, order, formulation, continuous, objective, denote] [approach, ellipsoid, well, partial] [interval, analysis, spoon] [surface, reconstruction, reference, image, function, single, depth, specular, normal, figure, bounded, note, previous, smooth, valid, implies] [pose, starting, full]
Detection Evolution with Multi-order Contextual Co-occurrence
Guang Chen, Yuanyuan Ding, Jing Xiao, Tony X. Han
Keywords: Detection, Context
Guang Chen, Yuanyuan Ding, Jing Xiao, Tony X. Han
Keywords: Detection, Context

[binary, comparison, method, representation, process, effectively, compared, test, original, better, construct] [evolution, compute, general, initial, scan, robust] [order, proposed, algorithm, based, iteration, neighborhood, number] [context, detection, object, contextual, detector, response, moco, high, feature, descriptor, baseline, framework, rate, pedestrian, performance, best, dataset, compare, size, randomized, local, evolved, window, deformable, spatial, approach, scale, caltech, strain, root, selection, improve, voc, propose] [extract, target, multiple, inside, varies, extracted] [image, map, pixel, figure, achieved, single, prior] [pascal, accuracy, structure, boost, set, training, model, combined, level, type]
Compressed Hashing
Yue Lin, Rong Jin, Deng Cai, Shuicheng Yan, Xuelong Li
Keywords: Hashing, Nearest Neighbor Search, Random Projection, Compressed Sensing
Yue Lin, Rong Jin, Deng Cai, Shuicheng Yan, Xuelong Li
Keywords: Hashing, Nearest Neighbor Search, Random Projection, Compressed Sensing

[hashing, sparse, data, compressed, representation, dimensional, nearest, code, coding, kernel, neighbor, large, lsh, learning, agh, binary, low, vector, space, pcah, sph, usplh, method, sikh, rip, compact, spectral, hash, klsh, distance, test, query, linear, effective, matrix] [projection, theorem, length, small, compute, computer, point, isometry, constant, restricted, theory, operator] [random, based, number, proposed, search, approximate, algorithm, pairwise, problem, order, inequality, computational] [high, size, approach, integral, exploring, average, precision, well, locality] [time, analysis, key, sensing] [preserve, anchor, property, gaussian, address, figure] [generate, training, set, work, probability, independent, generated]
Deep Learning Shape Priors for Object Segmentation
Fei Chen, Huimin Yu, Roland Hu, Xunxun Zeng
Keywords: Deep learning, Boltzmann machine, shape priors, segmentation, variational methods
Fei Chen, Huimin Yu, Roland Hu, Xunxun Zeng
Keywords: Deep learning, Boltzmann machine, shape priors, segmentation, variational methods

[learning, representation, method, binary, sparse, learned, data, kernel, effectively, linear, architecture, large, china, test, comparison, demonstrate, applied, process] [shape, variational, walking, constraint, transformation, estimate, computer, convex, square, accurately, consider] [segmentation, global, probabilistic, term, proposed, based, approximate, second, inference, energy, density, algorithm, order, statistical, definition, number, optimization] [object, local, deep, dataset, framework, approach, layer] [represent, capture, target, total, person, define, time, posture] [prior, image, corresponding, visible, arbitrary, row] [model, training, set, hidden, boltzmann, level, dbm, hierarchical, machine, split, bregman, generate, probability, generative, efficient, active, structure, consists, account]
Learning Class-to-Image Distance with Object Matchings
Guang-Tong Zhou, Tian Lan, Weilong Yang, Greg Mori
Guang-Tong Zhou, Tian Lan, Weilong Yang, Greg Mori

[distance, test, learning, table, method, discriminative, large, representation, learn, svm, vector, learned] [consider, corresponds, compute, small] [global, road, based, pairwise, problem, inference, optimal, texton, variable, pair] [object, spatial, matching, feature, local, candidate, negative, visual, airplane, performance, matched, dataset, bounding, positive, van, lbp] [bank, recognition, extract, perform] [image, function, note, map, calculated, figure] [model, class, scene, unary, training, latent, sun, pascal, full, category, matchings, set, airport, tree, sky, wall, bedroom, floor, work, wang, highway, relation, kitchen, bed, appearance, hivi, annotated, jointly, scalar, train]
A Non-parametric Framework for Document Bleed-through Removal
Risn Rowley-Brooke, Franois Piti, Anil Kokaram
Keywords: document image processing, bleed-through removal
Risn Rowley-Brooke, Franois Piti, Anil Kokaram
Keywords: document image processing, bleed-through removal

[method, table, original, linear, binary, database, better, applied] [outer, error, numerical, wavelet, point, paper] [proposed, background, document, foreground, recto, verso, label, based, connected, degraded, blfg, bgbg, fgbl, segmentation, three, fgfg, truth, energy, pairwise, bgerror, labelled, preprocessing, pair, replaced, fgerror, moghaddam, cost, assisted, whilst] [spatial, framework, pattern, approach, well, visual, texture, local, stage, size, overlap, subset] [histogram, performed, analysis, likelihood] [image, intensity, removal, corresponding, smoothness, restoration, restored, ground, figure, pixel, user, row, clean, remove, blind] [component, labelling, text, joint, example, set, model, character, probability, proportion]
Binary Code Ranking with Weighted Hamming Distance
Lei Zhang, Yongdong Zhang, Jinhu Tang, Ke Lu, Qi Tian
Keywords: binary hashing, weighted Hamming distance, data-adaptive and query-sensitive weighting
Lei Zhang, Yongdong Zhang, Jinhu Tang, Ke Lu, Qi Tian
Keywords: binary hashing, weighted Hamming distance, data-adaptive and query-sensitive weighting

[binary, hash, distance, hashing, hamming, query, bit, code, data, whrank, neighbor, weighted, qsrank, returned, nearest, method, mapped, sph, similarity, itq, pcah, discriminative, learning, original, existing, larger, learn, space, applied, better, good, china, effective, database, demonstrate, agh, compact, spectral, pdfk, weighting, lsh, retrieve, rank, unbinarized, quantization] [error, smaller, point, computer] [search, algorithm, weight, based, number, higher, simple] [baseline, dataset, performance, propose] [developed, experimental] [function, image, figure, assumption, note] [ranking, distribution, set, probability, combined, ranked, work, training, sharing, discriminating, accuracy, top, dependent]
Voxel Cloud Connectivity Segmentation - Supervoxels for Point Clouds
Jeremie Papon, Alexey Abramov, Markus Schoeler, Florentin Wrgtter
Keywords: segmentation, pointclouds, superpixels, kinect, PCL
Jeremie Papon, Alexey Abramov, Markus Schoeler, Florentin Wrgtter
Keywords: segmentation, pointclouds, superpixels, kinect, PCL

[method, existing, distance, space, clustering, cluster, better, nearest] [point, conference, computer, consider, international, center, vision, error, small] [superpixels, segmentation, cloud, supervoxels, search, number, boundary, vccs, superpixel, supervoxel, adjacency, algorithm, graph, truth, connectivity, rvoxel, increasing, slic, seed, seeding, advantage, rseed, voxelized, iterative, adjacent, produce, order, occupied, regular, conform, three, cost, measure, segment] [object, spatial, recall, feature, local, pattern, color, performance, considered] [volume, time, crossing] [figure, voxel, image, depth, voxels, ground, projected, resolution, gradient, pixel, quality] [geometric, semantic, level, work, created, class]
Deformable Graph Matching
Feng Zhou, Fernando De_la_Torre
Feng Zhou, Fernando De_la_Torre

[matrix, similarity, linear, large, better, space, denotes, kij, equivalent, comparison] [dgm, correspondence, factorization, transformation, icp, point, computed, undirected, rotation, general, jgm, synthetic, angle, computer, motorbike, ith, illustrate, shape, compute, illustrates, allows, composed, solving, vision, case, consider] [graph, algorithm, edge, node, optimization, directed, problem, optimal, pairwise, proposed, global, pair, optimizing, objective, second, order, number, column, rrwm, iterative, three, factorized] [matching, performance, pattern, local, dataset, car, feature, incorporate, ratio] [assignment, permutation] [function, image, figure] [geometric, example, accuracy, work, set, structure, ale]
Accurate Localization of 3D Objects from RGB-D Data Using Segmentation Hypotheses
Byung-soo Kim, Shili Xu, Silvio Savarese
Keywords: RGB-D, Object recognition, Object detection, 3D localization
Byung-soo Kim, Shili Xu, Silvio Savarese
Keywords: RGB-D, Object recognition, Object detection, 3D localization

[method, space, distance, loss, strategy, svm, compared, existing, calculate, process, data] [point, accurate, allows] [foreground, segmentation, proposed, truth, number, optimal, based, introduce, labeling, computational, problem] [object, localization, bounding, detection, location, average, framework, matching, root, mask, box, propose, size, precision, well, hypothetical, best, hfm, baseline, performance, feature, hfms, dataset, achieves, ellipsoid, computationally, approach, annotation, wrgbd, deformable] [extracted, indicates, recognition] [ground, image, depth, function, corresponding, figure, map, estimated, note, calculated, material, supplementary, transform] [training, model, associated, structural, latent, set, accuracy, work, typical, novel, chair]
Boosting Binary Keypoint Descriptors
Tomasz Trzcinski, Mario Christoudias, Pascal Fua, Vincent Lepetit
Keywords: Binary Local Feature Descriptors, Binary Embedding, Boosting
Tomasz Trzcinski, Mario Christoudias, Pascal Fua, Vincent Lepetit
Keywords: Binary Local Feature Descriptors, Binary Embedding, Boosting

[binary, binboost, learning, notre, compact, pooling, hamming, dame, hash, outperforms, yosemite, learn, similarity, dimensionality, discriminative, linear, btd, applied, large, learned, weighting, representation, quantization, weighted, distance, optimize, ldahash, hashing, original, liberty, brisk, performs, optimized, strategy, bit, bgm, binarization, brown, sign] [error, point, computed, accurate, shape] [number, optimal, optimization, increasing, problem, based, simple, algorithm] [descriptor, weak, sift, performance, rate, boosted, feature, matching, boosting, local, highly, positive, approach, best, framework] [sequential, time] [image, orientation, function, figure, intensity, patch, gradient, input] [training, rely, max, set, accuracy, lower]
Detection- and Trajectory-Level Exclusion in Multiple Object Tracking
Anton Milan, Konrad Schindler, Stefan Roth
Keywords: Multi-object tracking, tracking-by-detection, visual surveillance
Anton Milan, Konrad Schindler, Stefan Roth
Keywords: Multi-object tracking, tracking-by-detection, visual surveillance

[data, mutual, method, space, linear, empirical, better, comparison] [estimation, camera, derive] [exclusion, label, energy, pairwise, crf, cost, continuous, optimization, global, discrete, graph, penalty, random, term, expansion, number, scheme, based, proposed, variable, truth, factor, assigned, auxiliary, dit, prevent, second, statistical, clear, inference, lead, step] [object, detection, detector, approach, tracker, baseline, occlusion, framework, false, well] [trajectory, tracking, target, multiple, association, cvpr, track, time, frame, people, pti, video, velocity, physically, analysis, plausible] [ground, note, corresponding, physical, figure, map, angular] [model, level, work, unary, set]
Area Preserving Brain Mapping
Zhengyu Su, Wei Zeng, Rui Shi, Yalin Wang, Jian Sun, Xianfeng Gu
Zhengyu Su, Wei Zeng, Rui Shi, Yalin Wang, Jian Sun, Xianfeng Gu

[method, existing, vector, parameterization, mri, linear, domain, matrix, applied, parametric, norm, data] [area, mapping, preserving, brain, power, conformal, cortical, transport, diagram, convex, compute, brenier, shape, caudate, unique, healthy, circle, disease, control, point, atrophy, ricci, visualization, ctl, distortion, computed, computer, voronoi, beltrami, registration, signature, close, theorem, delaunay, packing, anatomical, minimizes] [optimal, based, measure, nucleus, algorithm, discrete, cost, energy, proposed, medical, dual, current, statistical] [approach, cell, average, rate, comparing] [mass, analysis, recognition, target, hessian, volume, total] [surface, figure, map, function, image, result, gradient] [work, set, left, unit, functional, provide, study, structural, upper, human]
Decoding, Calibration and Rectification for Lenselet-Based Plenoptic Cameras
Donald G. Dansereau, Oscar Pizarro, Stefan B. Williams
Keywords: light field, plenoptic, camera calibration, image rectification
Donald G. Dansereau, Oscar Pizarro, Stefan B. Williams
Keywords: light field, plenoptic, camera calibration, image rectification

[matrix, process, table, distance, raw, datasets, method, sample] [camera, plenoptic, lenselet, calibration, distortion, ray, lens, error, decoding, depicted, array, initial, plane, reprojection, computer, conference, intrinsics, imaging, vision, practical, demosaicing, radial, estimate, decoded, virtual, appear, projective, derive, reversing, hexagonal, projection] [based, proposed, conventional, optimization, crop, scheme, objective, three] [feature, pattern, dataset, approach] [optical, main, observed, future, described, volume, recognition, presented] [light, image, intrinsic, pixel, physical, estimated, figure, horizontal, note, function, prior, scaling, projected, corresponding, range, applying, generally, desired] [model, grid, work, white, relative, typical, set, vertical, pose, expected]
Principal Observation Ray Calibration for Tiled-Lens-Array Integral Imaging Display
Weiming Li, Haitao Wang, Mingcai Zhou, Shandong Wang, Shaohui Jiao, Xing Mei, Tao Hong, Hoyoung Lee, Jiyeun Kim
Keywords: Integral imaging, 3D display, calibration, computer vision, structured light
Weiming Li, Haitao Wang, Mingcai Zhou, Shandong Wang, Shaohui Jiao, Xing Mei, Tao Hong, Hoyoung Lee, Jiyeun Kim
Keywords: Integral imaging, 3D display, calibration, computer vision, structured light

[method, distance, large, test, standard] [lens, camera, calibration, lcd, array, virtual, vla, ray, center, plane, por, display, iid, geometry, calibrated, imaging, vlas, estimation, coordinate, tiled, focal, principle, deviation, pitch, correspondence, estimate, translation, screen, respect, pors, aligned, parallel, system, computer, technology, equation, homography, displayed] [based, number, proposed, region] [integral, precision, correct, local, well, challenging] [optical, performed, extracted, observation] [image, light, pixel, figure, viewing, captured, consistent, map, horizontal, view, result, additional, estimated] [model, structured, set, work, pose, scene, vertical, create, structure, created, consists]
Leveraging Structure from Motion to Learn Discriminative Codebooks for Scalable Landmark Classification
Alessandro Bergamo, Sudipta N. Sinha, Lorenzo Torresani
Keywords: discriminative codebook, dictionary, structure from motion, landmark classification
Alessandro Bergamo, Sudipta N. Sinha, Lorenzo Torresani
Keywords: discriminative codebook, dictionary, structure from motion, landmark classification

[codebook, codebooks, discriminative, encoding, learning, rft, method, andmark, learn, data, vlad, large, retrieval, dimensionality, outperforms, existing, better, categorization, randomly, scalable, binary, compact, vector, learned, nearest, hyperplane, increase, database, neighbor] [sfm, erc, estimator, camera, point] [random, number, proposed, based, aggregation, global, label, assigned, step] [feature, descriptor, approach, visual, local, best, matching, dataset, unsupervised, propose, randomized, sampled, keypoints, high] [recognition, track, bow, perform, multiple, bag, exploit, described] [image, difference, note] [landmark, training, set, tree, accuracy, forest, trained, train, structure, scene, improved, class, text, distribution]
Transfer Sparse Coding for Robust Image Representation
Mingsheng Long, Guiguang Ding, Jianmin Wang, Jiaguang Sun, Yuchen Guo, Philip S. Yu
Keywords: sparse coding, transfer learning, image representation
Mingsheng Long, Guiguang Ding, Jianmin Wang, Jiaguang Sun, Yuchen Guo, Philip S. Yu
Keywords: sparse coding, transfer learning, image representation

[sparse, data, coding, tsc, labeled, unlabeled, matrix, transfer, dictionary, learning, test, mmd, usps, graphsc, msrc, tscmmd, representation, mnist, table, face, pca, construct, min, achieve, sparsity, method, better, standard, neural, signal, reduced, regularized, supervised, dimensionality, vector] [robust, computer, conference, vision, laplacian, case, condition, basis, equation, solve] [graph, problem, objective, optimal, optimization, proposed, weight, divergence, algorithm, search, optimality, step, form] [sampled, feature, performance, pattern, baseline, dataset, approach, voc, matching] [analysis] [image, regularization, figure, input, processing, function, difference] [parameter, distribution, set, training, accuracy, geometric, probability, active, work, knowledge]
Subspace Interpolation via Dictionary Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Jie Ni, Qiang Qiu, Rama Chellappa
Jie Ni, Qiang Qiu, Rama Chellappa

[domain, source, data, intermediate, dictionary, face, residue, method, learning, sparse, learned, adaptation, cross, labeled, webcam, amazon, similarity, learn, gfk, adapt, table, dslr, sgf, qds, representation, subspace, decomposed, jtk, report, signal, experiment] [path, robust, correspondence, invariant, computer] [algorithm, number, based, optimal, measure, form, second, higher, quantitative, problem] [unsupervised, dataset, feature, approach, object, caltech, performance, pattern, visual, average, collected, stopping, shared, compare, framework] [target, recognition, transition, capture, gradually, multiple] [reconstruction, blur, shift, illumination, figure, image, transformed, row, smooth, apply, view] [pose, frontal, work, training, provide, category, set]
Discriminative Color Descriptors
Rahat Khan, Joost van_de_Weijer, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Damien Muselet, Christophe Ducottet, Cecile Barat
Keywords: Color, Information Theory, Mutual Information, Color Names, Feature Learning
Rahat Khan, Joost van_de_Weijer, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Damien Muselet, Christophe Ducottet, Cecile Barat
Keywords: Color, Information Theory, Mutual Information, Color Names, Feature Learning

[discriminative, data, cluster, learn, universal, clustering, representation, method, mutual, table, word, space, adapt, standard, learning, basic, minimize, comparison, compact, large] [shape, power, computer, paper, invariant, vision, computed, consider, principle, respect] [algorithm, connected, based, cost, objective, proposed, constructed, assigned, three, number, graph] [color, descriptor, drop, approach, invariance, universality, dataset, object, van, ditc, compare, feature, visual, performance, best, challenging, eleven, dilation, local, meanap, plot, colorsift, propose] [experimental, represent, automatically] [photometric, image, figure, equal, note, caused, setup, result, function, smoothness] [set, pascal, description, training, scene, component, example]
Scene Text Recognition Using Part-Based Tree-Structured Character Detection
Cunzhao Shi, Chunheng Wang, Baihua Xiao, Yang Zhang, Song Gao, Zhong Zhang
Cunzhao Shi, Chunheng Wang, Baihua Xiao, Yang Zhang, Song Gao, Zhong Zhang

[word, method, strategy, test, binarization, outperforms, distance, datasets, learn, minimizing, dij] [computer, conference, vision, international, robust, unique] [proposed, cost, based, crf, node, pairwise, global, random, number, label, choose, represents, document, conventional, segmentation] [detection, detect, spatial, score, window, sliding, local, pattern, candidate, performance, evaluate, object, location, detecting, false, dataset] [recognition, recognize, experimental, complex, analysis, represent] [figure, result, image, function] [character, model, text, structure, scene, set, icdar, language, potential, lexicon, appearance, type, unary, svt, build, training, knowledge, linguistic, wang, relative, spotting, human]
Globally Consistent Multi-label Assignment on the Ray Space of 4D Light Fields
Sven Wanner, Christoph Straehle, Bastian Goldluecke
Keywords: light field analysis, multi-label problems, variational methods
Sven Wanner, Christoph Straehle, Bastian Goldluecke
Keywords: light field analysis, multi-label problems, variational methods

[data, space, acc, binary] [ray, plane, epipolar, computer, variational, point, conference, convex, plenoptic, vision, international, papillon, projection, geometry, center, pinhole, paper] [label, optimization, segmentation, labeling, optimal, truth, random, based, problem, global, number, node, search, indicator, proposed, algorithm, three] [local, feature, framework, spatial, pattern, well, compare] [assignment, total] [light, view, single, image, disparity, depth, ground, regularizer, function, consistent, figure, imp, regularization, img, stilllife, estimated, result, user, regularizers, additional, complete, enforce, note] [set, scene, structure, work, training, split, class, prediction, example, forest, relative, accuracy]
Fully-Connected CRFs with Non-Parametric Pairwise Potential
Neill D.F. Campbell, Kartic Subr, Jan Kautz
Keywords: machine learning, CRF, non-parametric
Neill D.F. Campbell, Kartic Subr, Jan Kautz
Keywords: machine learning, CRF, non-parametric

[space, test, data, distance, embedding, method, euclidean, database, kernel, large, sample, binary, cross, embedded, dimensionality] [computer, estimate, small, allows, expressed, vision, estimation, required] [pairwise, dissimilarity, inference, label, number, random, crf, density, node, kaist, approximate, graph, measure, based, field, term, energy, message, mrf, indicator, region, whilst, foreground, passing, computational, generalize, neighborhood] [feature, window, performance, local, approach, size, pattern, occluded, color, occlusion] [perform] [gaussian, image, figure, input, bilateral, patch, range, technique] [training, model, conditional, work, accuracy, set, task, tree, potential, landmark, distribution, probability, expressive, provide, conditioned, regression, unary]
Learning Collections of Part Models for Object Recognition
Ian Endres, Kevin J. Shih, Johnston Jiaa, Derek Hoiem
Ian Endres, Kevin J. Shih, Johnston Jiaa, Derek Hoiem

[method, learning, discriminative, large, learn, selects, better] [compute, error, initial, template] [based, region, consistency, number, truth, diverse, background, three] [object, positive, spatial, detection, box, bounding, collection, localization, dpm, keypoint, performance, weak, candidate, boosted, compare, location, subset, boosting, average, score, highest, evaluate, deformable, sigmoid, negative, cat, hog, keypoints, detector, offset, precision, select, false, boat, procedure, well, competitive, overlap, xkp, dog, validation, car, response] [] [ground, consistent, map, single, figure] [training, set, appearance, model, example, trained, train, category, exemplar, scoring, predict, predicted, learner, pascal, latent, correspond, probability]
Image Understanding from Experts' Eyes by Modeling Perceptual Skill of Diagnostic Reasoning Processes
Rui Li, Pengcheng Shi, Anne R. Haake
Rui Li, Pengcheng Shi, Anne R. Haake

[learning, process, experiment, categorization, space, beta] [signature, computer] [based, medical, primary, three, random, represents, measure, markov, number, attention, denote, statistical, representing] [pattern, shared, visual, performance, subset, distinctive, eleven, spatial] [eye, movement, perceptual, multiple, switching, group, concentrating, exhibited, dynamic, categorized, characterized, sequence, recognized, dermatological, lesion, diagnostic, transition, clutter, expertise, saccade, skill, includes, examining, summarize, solitary, series, solely] [image, figure, viewing, corresponding, processing, estimated] [active, understanding, model, human, set, subject, scene, hierarchical, cognitive, knowledge, abnormality, pij, describe, layout, indicated, actively, training, probability]
Discriminative Re-ranking of Diverse Segmentations
Payman Yadollahpour, Dhruv Batra, Gregory Shakhnarovich
Keywords: M-best, MAP, diverse, diversity, re-ranker, re-ranking, ranking, ranker, segmentation, PASCAL, discriminative, SVM, o2pt
Payman Yadollahpour, Dhruv Batra, Gregory Shakhnarovich
Keywords: M-best, MAP, diverse, diversity, re-ranker, re-ranking, ranking, ranker, segmentation, PASCAL, discriminative, SVM, o2pt

[discriminative, loss, good, original, binary, rank, choice] [solution, compute, small, accurate, paper, vision, computed] [segmentation, divmb, est, diverse, ank, probabilistic, number, inference, crf, simply, algorithm, label, produce, global, proposed, second, yigt, assigned, probable] [stage, best, approach, voc, score, object, average, performance, val, feature, achieves] [multiple, automatic, analysis, recognition] [map, image, figure, input, function, focus, ground] [set, oracle, accuracy, category, model, semantic, pascal, diversity, work, ale, task, typically, scoring, training, structured, relative, picking, human, describe, trained, machine, language, top, speech, unary, labelling, pick, goal]
Finding Things: Image Parsing with Regions and Per-Exemplar Detectors
Joseph Tighe, Svetlana Lazebnik
Keywords: semantic segmentation, image parsing, parsing, computer vision, recognition
Joseph Tighe, Svetlana Lazebnik
Keywords: semantic segmentation, image parsing, parsing, computer vision, recognition

[svm, data, test, rbf, table, linear, retrieval, better, kernel, embedding, comparison, method, combination, increase, running, transfer, svms, dimensionality, query] [system, shape] [mrf, term, region, segmentation, number, based, approximate, road, largest, exact, label, labeling] [detector, object, sift, dataset, car, performance, rate, feature, detection, window, final, average, bounding, bus, box, correctly, improve, mask, score] [flow, recognition, individual] [image, figure, pixel, note, result] [training, parsing, class, combined, set, tree, sky, camvid, building, train, parser, trained, sidewalk, nonparametric, wall, scene, combining, accuracy, indoor, tighe, semantic, fence]
A New Model and Simple Algorithms for Multi-label Mumford-Shah Problems
Byung-Woo Hong, Zhaojin Lu, Ganesh Sundaramoorthi
Keywords: Mumford-Shah, level sets, PDE methods, segmentation, joint estimation problems
Byung-Woo Hong, Zhaojin Lu, Ganesh Sundaramoorthi
Keywords: Mumford-Shah, level sets, PDE methods, segmentation, joint estimation problems

[method, update, original, domain, better, min, arg, test, large, chosen, standard, converges, traditional, experiment] [case, underlying, estimate, estimation, accurate, constant, length, respect, piecewise] [algorithm, global, segmentation, proposed, region, random, fully, energy, number, mpms, tradeoff, problem, scheme, optimization, initialization, multiphase, bias, simple, statistical, regularity, increasing, optimizing, optimal, derived, undesirable, quant, graph, choose, based, label, boundary, faster] [local, approach, considered, performance] [quantized, motion, switch, optical] [image, figure, function, reconstruction, previous, denoising, desired, ground, pixel, equally, implies] [model, level, functional, joint, accuracy, conditional]
Multi-class Video Co-segmentation with a Generative Multi-video Model
Wei-Chen Chiu, Mario Fritz
Keywords: Video Cosegmentation, Nonparametric Bayesian
Wei-Chen Chiu, Mario Fritz
Keywords: Video Cosegmentation, Nonparametric Bayesian

[method, table, distance, data, process, representation, comparison, idea, binary, learning, sit] [real] [segmentation, global, number, order, proposed, based, superpixels, cosegmentation, superpixel, probabilistic, measure, linking, second, assigned, column, draw] [object, approach, dataset, performance, well, feature, online, spatial, propose, baseline, shared] [video, motion, multiple, restaurant, customer, ddcrp, chinese, decay, evaluation, tiger, assignment, analysis, movics, linked, moving] [image, prior, figure, single, function, row, consistent] [appearance, set, class, model, distribution, generative, task, dirichlet, parameter, correspond, posterior, provide, probability, dependent, hierarchical, latent]
A Machine Learning Approach for Non-blind Image Deconvolution
Christian J. Schuler, Harold Christopher Burger, Stefan Harmeling, Bernhard Schlkopf
Keywords: deconvolution, deblurring, neural networks, learning
Christian J. Schuler, Harold Christopher Burger, Stefan Harmeling, Bernhard Schlkopf
Keywords: deconvolution, deblurring, neural networks, learning

[neural, method, learning, large, corrupted, achieve, regularized, good, learned, learn, better, standard, equivalent, comparison, test] [direct, square, case] [step, second, number, based, problem, sorted] [feature, size, approach, true, well, dataset, compare, pattern, improvement] [motion, analysis] [image, mlp, noise, blur, denoising, deconvolution, input, figure, awg, blurry, krishnan, psf, levin, achieved, gaussian, mlps, remove, fourier, colored, inversion, epll, natural, clean, corresponding, maximization, fact, patch, function, removal, poisson, regularization, blurred, transform, inverse, engineered, pillbox] [trained, training, hidden, activation, output, model, set]
Consensus of k-NNs for Robust Neighborhood Selection on Graph-Based Manifolds
Vittal Premachandran, Ramakrishna Kakarala
Keywords: graph sparsification, manifold learning
Vittal Premachandran, Ramakrishna Kakarala
Keywords: graph sparsification, manifold learning

[matrix, diffusion, manifold, data, bullseye, similarity, better, method, process, good, distance, learning, learn, retrieval, locally, sparse, dimensionality, kernel, learnt, belonging, choice, space] [shape, small, robust, arc, generation] [neighborhood, consensus, graph, affinity, sparsification, edge, node, pair, simple, pairwise, connected, order, probabilistic, include, cost, tendency] [local, selection, size, score, true, select, performance, pattern, selecting, propose] [dominant, multiple, stable, symmetric, capture, performed] [noisy, figure, geodesic, greater] [set, probability, generated, machine, class, parameter, structure, explain, yang]
A Theory of Refractive Photo-Light-Path Triangulation
Visesh Chari, Peter Sturm
Keywords: Light path triangulation, Photometry, Radiometry, Reconstruction, Minimal Solution
Visesh Chari, Peter Sturm
Keywords: Light path triangulation, Photometry, Radiometry, Reconstruction, Minimal Solution

[experiment, large, source, method] [transparent, refractive, camera, case, monitor, radiometric, radiance, ray, direct, refraction, correspondence, shape, compute, angle, point, practical, refracted, minimal, theory, unique, triangulation, consider, solution, unpolarized, illuminant, crt, computed, computer, incident, lack, water, estimate, robust, acquired, calibrated, position] [global, order, number, second, based, incoming, measure, simple, proposed] [object, approach, ratio, challenging] [multiple, individual, capture] [light, reconstruction, surface, depth, figure, reconstruct, normal, note, image, single, specular, pixel, polarization, result, captured, direction, acquisition, remove, map] [geometric, work, scene, bottle, model]
Face Recognition in Movie Trailers via Mean Sequence Sparse Representation-Based Classification
Enrique G. Ortiz, Alan Wright, Mubarak Shah
Keywords: video face recognition, sparse representation-based classification, l1-minimization
Enrique G. Ortiz, Alan Wright, Mubarak Shah
Keywords: video face recognition, sparse representation-based classification, l1-minimization

[face, method, test, src, sparse, existing, large, vector, min, outperforms, table, performs, dictionary, svm, better, arg, metric, reject, standard, learning, performing, datasets, larger, data, retrieval] [unknown, unconstrained, paper, error, application, system] [based, optimization, three, algorithm, number, problem, current, probabilistic] [dataset, precision, average, recall, detection, best, approach, feature, propose, performance, voting, well, local] [video, recognition, track, movie, mssrc, youtube, tracking, trailer, perform, mota, motp, frame, histogram, extracted, individual, sequence, temporal, rejecting] [image, single, figure] [training, work, class, buffy, accuracy, leveraging, novel, consists, annotated]
Capturing Complex Spatio-temporal Relations among Facial Muscles for Facial Expression Recognition
Ziheng Wang, Shangfei Wang, Qiang Ji
Keywords: ITBN, Facial Expression Recognition
Ziheng Wang, Shangfei Wang, Qiang Ji
Keywords: ITBN, Facial Expression Recognition

[table, bayesian, method, learning, existing, experiment, distance, face] [point, equation, paper] [based, node, number, represents, network, pair, graphical, introduce, probabilistic] [feature, spatial, performance, dataset, local, evaluate, propose, pattern, approach] [temporal, itbn, primitive, complex, event, recognition, interval, time, mmi, capture, movement, activity, dynamic, hmm, represent, entity, modeling, state, tracking, muscle, duration, recognize, peak, sequential, moving, sequence, action, total, static, txe, tye] [figure, image, corresponding, reference, direction] [facial, expression, relation, model, probability, set, selected, conditional, structure, study, training, appearance, neutral, variety, consists, dependency]
A Thousand Frames in Just a Few Words: Lingual Description of Videos through Latent Topics and Sparse Object Stitching
Pradipto Das, Chenliang Xu, Richard F. Doell, Jason J. Corso
Keywords: video to text, video understanding, multimodal topic model, natural language
Pradipto Das, Chenliang Xu, Richard F. Doell, Jason J. Corso
Keywords: video to text, video understanding, multimodal topic model, natural language

[low, test, data, table, large, method, word] [system, template, vision, small, computer] [number, based, graph, three] [concept, visual, object, dataset, high, color, recall, detection, town, feature, average, precision, annotation, approach] [video, person, woman, event, group, evaluation, relevant, trecvid, action, pan, short, corpus] [middle, natural, image, metal, figure] [topic, level, language, lingual, set, human, model, description, training, man, semantic, top, cooking, keywords, sentence, output, latent, text, tripartite, mmlda, rock, generating, lower, predicted, rouge, bacon, work, hall, ranked]
Multi-level Discriminative Dictionary Learning towards Hierarchical Visual Categorization
Li Shen, Shuhui Wang, Gang Sun, Shuqiang Jiang, Qingming Huang
Keywords: Dictionary learning, Hierarchical structure, Categorization
Li Shen, Shuhui Wang, Gang Sun, Shuqiang Jiang, Qingming Huang
Keywords: Dictionary learning, Hierarchical structure, Categorization

[dictionary, learning, learnt, discriminative, classification, method, learn, denotes, loss, large, coding, inherited, compared, sparse, pooling, sample, supervised, representation, testing, table, similarity, larger, internode, test, imagenet, better, svm, discrimination, strategy] [encode, error, computed, flat] [based, node, number, higher, ancestor, algorithm, cost, three, denote] [visual, local, object, unsupervised, spatial, response, performance, feature, approach, propose, layer, evaluate] [time, multiple, classifier] [image, function, corresponding, result] [hierarchical, model, set, specific, lower, structure, training, tree, level, child, category, hierarchy, class, semantic, consists, leaf, top, sharing, work, accuracy, scene]
HDR Deghosting: How to Deal with Saturation?
Jun Hu, Orazio Gallo, Kari Pulli, Xiaobai Sun
Jun Hu, Orazio Gallo, Kari Pulli, Xiaobai Sun

[method, source, original, large, process, better, domain, comparison, existing, larger, linear, fusion] [mapping, registration, camera, case, solution, imaging, computer, dense, appear, require, initialize, generalized] [algorithm, region, patchmatch, weight, second, attempt, consistency, three] [high, local, match, color, response, propose, size] [dynamic, motion, moving, time, initialized, reliable] [image, exposure, reference, figure, saturated, range, pixel, stack, function, patch, intensity, sen, hdr, note, middle, result, consistent, change, completely, synthesize, quality, captured, dark, zimmer, kang, gradient, content, clipped, input, address, brightness, bright, pir, shorter, rgb, exposed] [latent, scene, sun, sky, level, set, novel]
Scene Parsing by Integrating Function, Geometry and Appearance Models
Yibiao Zhao, Song-Chun Zhu
Keywords: scene parsing, image parsing, function, functionality, affordance, stochastic scene grammar
Yibiao Zhao, Song-Chun Zhu
Keywords: scene parsing, image parsing, function, functionality, affordance, stochastic scene grammar

[space, large, table, sit, better, learned, method] [geometry, camera, computer, position, vanishing, point, planar, cubic, center] [algorithm, based, step, segmentation, proposal, foreground, background, current, proposed, graph, inference, three, order] [object, dataset, detection, size, cluttered, design] [detected, primitive, group, chain, action] [image, missing, figure, function, map, view, stochastic, prior, pixel, gaussian] [functional, model, geometric, indoor, scene, bed, appearance, parse, distribution, human, del, probability, tree, ucb, layout, pero, grammar, parsing, uiuc, fga, sun, room, affordance, designed, production, nightstand, bottom, structure, chair, typical, hierarchy, characterizes]
Alternating Decision Forests
Samuel Schulter, Paul Wohlhart, Christian Leistner, Amir Saffari, Peter M. Roth, Horst Bischof
Keywords: Random Forests, Boosting, Global Loss
Samuel Schulter, Paul Wohlhart, Christian Leistner, Amir Saffari, Peter M. Roth, Horst Bischof
Keywords: Random Forests, Boosting, Global Loss

[loss, data, standard, learning, splitting, method, sample, better, minimizing, hinge, exponential, compact, comparison, table, differentiable] [computer, common, error, parallel, vision] [random, global, weight, number, iteration, node, current, order, label, entire, proposed, minimization] [boosting, maximum, hough, weak, boosted, performance, object, best, compare, logit, evaluate, stage, entropy, adopt, incorporate, local, offset] [evaluation, main, recognition] [depth, function, single, tangent, gradient, image] [training, tree, decision, adfs, set, alternating, dmax, machine, bts, class, savage, trained, forest, train, growing, probability, split, distribution, parameter, grown, bayes, novel, adhf]
Towards Efficient and Exact MAP-Inference for Large Scale Discrete Computer Vision Problems via Combinatorial Optimization
Jrg Hendrik Kappes, Markus Speth, Gerhard Reinelt, Christoph Schnrr
Keywords: Graphical models, discrete optimization, Markov random fields
Jrg Hendrik Kappes, Markus Speth, Gerhard Reinelt, Christoph Schnrr
Keywords: Graphical models, discrete optimization, Markov random fields

[method, binary, large, reduce, original, linear, min, code, standard, larger, reduced] [computer, vision, solve, general, brain, polynomial, solution, solving] [optimality, problem, energy, optimal, runtime, order, trws, factor, connected, reduction, cut, discrete, runtimes, optimization, graph, inference, solved, combinatorial, bridge, exact, potts, ilp, fastpd, number, graphical, integer, algorithm, pairwise, minimization, applicable, programming, mcbc, approximative, mca, proposed, bound, elimination, second, search, preprocessing, tentacle, random, based, three] [partial, size, scale, well, dataset, approach] [time, chinese] [figure] [provide, grid, structural, character, max, instance, unary]
Incorporating Structural Alternatives and Sharing into Hierarchy for Multiclass Object Recognition and Detection
Xiaolong Wang, Liang Lin, Lichao Huang, Shuicheng Yan
Keywords: object recognition, and-or graph, structure learning, model sharing
Xiaolong Wang, Liang Lin, Lichao Huang, Shuicheng Yan
Keywords: object recognition, and-or graph, structure learning, model sharing

[multiclass, learning, vector, method, cluster, large, testing, achieve, calculate] [parent, computer, position] [graph, optimization, represents, number, form, objective, horse, proposed, algorithm, share, motivated] [object, detection, feature, shared, local, voc, hog, response, visual, score, propose, integrating] [represent, people, group, dynamical, recognition, perform, detected] [image, figure] [model, structural, collaborative, training, structure, train, pascal, set, trained, sheep, latent, sharing, uiuc, parameter, ril, rjs, hierarchical, leafnodes, human, associated, work, category, bottom, generated, activated, novel, ryak, accuracy, example, activate, aps]
Keypoints from Symmetries by Wave Propagation
Samuele Salti, Alessandro Lanza, Luigi Di_Stefano
Keywords: Detector, keypoints, symmetry, wave equation
Samuele Salti, Alessandro Lanza, Luigi Di_Stefano
Keywords: Detector, keypoints, symmetry, wave equation

[linear, oxford, space, inner, large, process, diffusion, report] [wave, untextured, symmetry, equation, numerical, solution, circle, radius, heat, repeatable, initial, vision, robust, center, pdes, aug, robot, yext, computer, invariant, point, discretized, theoretical, theory, absorbing, evolution, planar] [boundary, propagation, neighborhood, number, proposed, based, salient, scheme, algorithm] [scale, keypoints, dataset, local, repeatability, detection, explicit, detector, extremum, performance, spatial, highly, feature, correct, dog, well, overlap, partial, maximum, best, pattern, boat] [time, detected, analysis, temporal, state] [image, figure, textured, difference, cue, sharp, gaussian, sharpness] [set, provide, text, family, scene, work, regression]
Auxiliary Cuts for General Classes of Higher Order Functionals
Ismail Ben Ayed, Lena Gorelick, Yuri Boykov
Ismail Ben Ayed, Lena Gorelick, Yuri Boykov

[method, linear, standard, large, nonlinear, table, product] [general, convex, proposition, vision, case, initial, yield, constraint, monotonically, solution, proof, derive, condition] [bound, auxiliary, segment, functionals, graph, optimization, optimizer, form, segmentation, number, convergence, bhattacharyya, global, medical, term, order, yielded, proposed, inequality, higher, algorithm, optimizers, cut, aiz, grabcut, decreasing, step, giz, include, regional, optimizing, amenable, rother] [color, well, competitive, decrease, feature] [histogram, nonnegative] [image, function, result, notice, limited, ground, user, figure] [functional, distribution, model, example, scalar, upper, type, machine, probability, family, derivation]
Graph-Based Optimization with Tubularity Markov Tree for 3D Vessel Segmentation
Ning Zhu, Albert C.S. Chung
Keywords: 3D Vessel Segmentation, Graph-Based
Ning Zhu, Albert C.S. Chung
Keywords: 3D Vessel Segmentation, Graph-Based

[method, good, data, compared, weighted, table, low] [synthetic, point, power, real, computer, equation, require] [segmentation, vessel, graph, proposed, tubularity, tmt, markov, objective, medical, seed, based, background, construction, energy, node, algorithm, spanning, distal, watershed, region, optimization, coronary, shrinking, optimal, artery, unifying, extraction, edge, global, computation, represents, centerline, foreground, clinical, curn, graphcut] [score, response, framework, pattern, high, performance, object, computing, propose, providing] [skeleton, time, analysis, group] [image, figure, function, intensity, surface, noisy, classical, depend, suffer, voxel] [tree, set, model, structure, max, accuracy, machine, joint, growing, help]
Recovering Stereo Pairs from Anaglyphs
Armand Joulin, Sing Bing Kang
Keywords: image reconstruction, 3D, anaglyph
Armand Joulin, Sing Bing Kang
Keywords: image reconstruction, 3D, anaglyph

[good, method, original, matrix, similarity, comparison, transfer, process, space, linear, diffusion, code, reduce, distance] [dense, alignment, small, camera, mapping, assume, reconstructed, correspondence, compute, unknown] [based, algorithm, pair, cost, three, problem, number, form, iteratively, truth] [color, matching, match, sift, approach, well, texture, local, incompatible, occluded, threshold] [channel, optical, frame, temporal, video, target] [image, figure, stereo, pixel, colorization, anaglyph, red, technique, blue, green, input, view, intensity, note, rough, ground, handle, acm, separation, assumption, levin, anchor, range, function, recolorize, reconstruct] [left, work, set, associated, generated]
Adaptive Active Learning for Image Classification
Xin Li, Yuhong Guo
Keywords: active learning, image classification
Xin Li, Yuhong Guo
Keywords: active learning, image classification

[learning, unlabeled, uncertainty, labeled, combination, data, classification, fixed, method, large, randomly, query, matrix, mutual, generalization, strategy, conduct, good, comparison, process, denotes, kernel, vector, aim] [adaptive, computer, compute, error, vision, remaining] [proposed, measure, number, density, random, optimal, label, based, three, algorithm, current, probabilistic, labeling, cost, term] [approach, sampling, candidate, object, select, selection, selecting, subset, dataset, voc, propose, framework, entropy, performance] [recognition, informative] [figure, image, gaussian, natural, input] [active, instance, set, accuracy, distribution, training, selected, scene, model, work, parameter, class, pascal, uncertain, conditional, trained, machine, expected, prediction]
Geometric Context from Videos
S. Hussain Raza, Matthias Grundmann, Irfan Essa
Keywords: Geometric Context, Scene Understanding, Semantic Segmentation
S. Hussain Raza, Matthias Grundmann, Irfan Essa
Keywords: Geometric Context, Scene Understanding, Semantic Segmentation

[table, labeled, data, learning, achieve, unlabeled, datasets, method] [compute, system, requires, achieving, area] [segmentation, segment, label, based, truth, region, homogeneity, labeling, algorithm, number, consistency, assigned] [object, context, dataset, feature, approach, high, improves, size, window, detection, improve, evaluate] [video, temporal, main, motion, frame, solid, multiple, individual, optical, overview] [ground, figure, image, single, input, change, limited, pixel, wide, qualitative] [geometric, hierarchy, accuracy, scene, vertical, appearance, annotated, class, level, training, porous, hierarchical, understanding, train, sky, probability, mix, redundancy, provide, bootstrap, predicted, leveraging, structure, predict, description, combining]
Optimizing 1-Nearest Prototype Classifiers
Paul Wohlhart, Martin Kstinger, Michael Donoser, Peter M. Roth, Horst Bischof
Keywords: Nearest Neighbor Classification, Discriminative Prototype Learning, Classification, Optimization, Machine Learning
Paul Wohlhart, Martin Kstinger, Michael Donoser, Peter M. Roth, Horst Bischof
Keywords: Nearest Neighbor Classification, Discriminative Prototype Learning, Classification, Optimization, Machine Learning

[loss, neighbor, nearest, prototype, method, linear, learned, data, hinge, distance, learning, discriminative, test, exponential, init, sample, eva, vector, toy, gam, euclidean, kernel, metric, comparison, low, lmnn, usps, better, letter, locally, descent, large, margin, euc, table, database, mnist, optimize, mahalanobis, reasonable] [computer, vision, close, initial] [based, optimal, optimization, proposed, formulation, simple, sum, number, exp, consistently, iteration, probabilistic, represents, weight] [performance, feature, discriminatively, local, approach, highly] [assignment, recognition, total] [gradient, single, figure, input, support] [training, class, set, decision, work, train, parameter]
Complex Event Detection via Multi-source Video Attributes
Zhigang Ma, Yi Yang, Zhongwen Xu, Shuicheng Yan, Nicu Sebe, Alexander G. Hauptmann
Zhigang Ma, Yi Yang, Zhongwen Xu, Shuicheng Yan, Nicu Sebe, Alexander G. Hauptmann

[svm, learning, method, better, intermediate, min, discriminative, learn, representation, kernel, ing, optimize, data, setting, vector, process] [computer, med] [proposed, number, global, extra, objective, working, algorithm] [detection, feature, object, visual, propose, performance, approach, sift, detector, framework, best, high] [event, complex, video, minndc, mcr, multiple, pti, multimedia, rdi, stip, trecvid, vehicle, indicates, characterize, describable, dynamic, relevant, ypti, recognition, presented, evaluation] [image, external, figure, derivative, function, map] [attribute, semantic, level, type, joint, set, leveraging, correlation, training, leverage, human, wang, making, rock, top]
Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis for Pedestrian Re-identification
Sateesh Pedagadi, James Orwell, Sergio Velastin, Boghos Boghossian
Keywords: Pedestrain Re-identification, Metric Learning, Object recognition
Sateesh Pedagadi, James Orwell, Sergio Velastin, Boghos Boghossian
Keywords: Pedestrain Re-identification, Metric Learning, Object recognition

[space, data, rank, dimensionality, matrix, method, pca, lfda, learning, test, metric, compared, discriminant, yuv, distance, dimensional, supervised, fisher, principal, uncertainty, embedding, cmc, reported, viper, eigenvectors, datasets, table, representation, kissme, tlfda, parametric, comparison] [computer, vision, transformation, estimate, percentage, conference, nature] [proposed, reduction, number, based, second, random, three, problem] [color, performance, local, feature, colour, dataset, stage, descriptor, pattern, unsupervised, pedestrian, match, int, high, approach, improve, caviar] [person, recognition, analysis, multiple, surveillance, hsv, extracted, observation, video, evaluation, individual] [image, estimated, figure, regularization] [training, set, appearance, class, generated]
Optimized Product Quantization for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
Tiezheng Ge, Kaiming He, Qifa Ke, Jian Sun
Keywords: nearest neighbor search, product quantization
Tiezheng Ge, Kaiming He, Qifa Ke, Jian Sun
Keywords: nearest neighbor search, product quantization

[quantization, data, product, method, nearest, space, pqrr, codeword, pqro, distance, opqp, itq, opqnp, vector, matrix, parametric, codebook, ann, neighbor, hashing, cartesian, optimize, compact, large, better, eigenvalue, min, optimized, minimizing, principal, subspace, equivalent, codewords, hozy, randomly, sdc, query, orthonormal, table, lookup] [distortion, solution, decomposition, orthogonal, theoretical, synthetic, covariance] [objective, number, algorithm, search, bound, problem, optimal, simple, step, approximate, order, iterative, form, denote] [performance, propose, average, approach] [] [gaussian, function, prior, figure, note, notice, minimum, map, transformed, image] [knowledge, set, distribution, subject, allocation, lower, consists, independent]
Non-uniform Motion Deblurring for Bilayer Scenes
Chandramouli Paramanand, Ambasamudram N. Rajagopalan
Chandramouli Paramanand, Ambasamudram N. Rajagopalan

[kernel, original, method, denotes, applied, sparse, variation, follow] [camera, point, estimate, transformation, determine, consider, estimation, translation, real, case, convolution] [cost, based, proposed, denote, foreground, third, scheme, segmentation, number, segment, discrete] [well, approach, layer, true, propose] [motion, modeled, total, observation] [blur, image, depth, tsf, blurred, deblurring, map, estimated, blurring, corresponding, reference, parallax, tsfs, bilayer, blind, single, fourth, result, function, pixel, patch, deconvolution, psf, exposure, technique, shift, undergone, deblurred, captured, supplementary, restored, row, shake] [scene, latent, model, set, relative]
SCaLE: Supervised and Cascaded Laplacian Eigenmaps for Visual Object Recognition Based on Nearest Neighbors
Ruobing Wu, Yizhou Yu, Wenping Wang
Keywords: deep leanring, object recognition, image classification, feature combination
Ruobing Wu, Yizhou Yu, Wenping Wang
Keywords: deep leanring, object recognition, image classification, feature combination

[learning, method, intermediate, space, nearest, dimensionality, nonlinear, representation, rbf, epull, vector, minimizing, supervised, large, learned, kernel, datasets, discriminative, yji, phog, data, architecture, neural, comparison, einner, norb, linear, table, raw] [mapping, laplacian, initial, shape, computer, curve, solution] [energy, discrete, number, continuous, three, optimization, label, layered, term, second, based, random, saliency, problem] [feature, object, layer, visual, deep, caltech, eigenmap, epush, well, benchmark, size, dataset, sift, challenging, framework] [recognition, multiple, recognizing] [input, image, figure, note, result, including] [training, category, output, set, model, accuracy, regression, pascal, appearance]
Probabilistic Label Trees for Efficient Large Scale Image Classification
Baoyuan Liu, Fereshteh Sadeghi, Marshall Tappen, Ohad Shamir, Ce Liu
Keywords: label tree, large-scale recognition, image classification, maximum likelihood estimation
Baoyuan Liu, Fereshteh Sadeghi, Marshall Tappen, Ohad Shamir, Ce Liu
Keywords: label tree, large-scale recognition, image classification, maximum likelihood estimation

[learning, test, large, method, learn, process, table, linear, vector, denotes] [equation, conference, system, computer, vision, curve, needed] [label, node, number, probabilistic, algorithm, assigned, branch, hard, expansion, based, optimization, partition, second, complexity, optimizing, produce, bean] [approach, root, dot, maximum, pattern, average, scale, feature, logistic, criterion, propose, performance, computing] [likelihood, recognition, time] [image, stochastic, ambiguity, row, figure, result, previous, gradient] [tree, child, leaf, distribution, training, accuracy, probability, categorical, model, trained, set, log, example, balanced, class, level, ste, conditional, multinomial, regression, work, expanding, machine, improved, associated, structure]
Non-rigid Structure from Motion with Diffusion Maps Prior
Lili Tao, Bogdan J. Matuszewski
Keywords: 3D reconstruction, manifold learning, diffusion maps
Lili Tao, Bogdan J. Matuszewski
Keywords: 3D reconstruction, manifold learning, diffusion maps

[manifold, method, data, linear, diffusion, large, matrix, reduced, learning, represented, space, dimensionality, dimensional, embedding, comparison, low, combination, table, applied, learned, representation, rank, existing] [shape, basis, error, camera, point, small, measurement, nrsfm, reconstructed, dance, ksfm, deformation, initial, mapping, solution, paper, btl, optimisation, pta, nonrigid] [proposed, number, based, problem, algorithm, cost, wij, representing] [deformable, approach, object, feature] [motion, trajectory, complex, frame, group, capture, analysis, presented, video] [reconstruction, prior, noise, image, corresponding, calculated, estimated, input, figure, function, single] [model, structure, training, articulated, set, level, provide, accuracy]
Inductive Hashing on Manifolds
Fumin Shen, Chunhua Shen, Qinfeng Shi, Anton van_den_Hengel, Zhenmin Tang
Keywords: hashing, manifold learning
Fumin Shen, Chunhua Shen, Qinfeng Shi, Anton van_den_Hengel, Zhenmin Tang
Keywords: hashing, manifold learning

[hashing, data, learning, hash, embedding, manifold, agh, code, base, binary, pcah, imh, linear, large, method, itq, sth, mnist, hamming, better, bre, similarity, dimensionality, original, spectral, sph, dimensional, matrix, learned, euclidean, comparison, low, nonlinear, effective, cluster, neural, cifar, learn, nearest, space, distance, prototype] [length, extension, small, point, radius, basis, laplacian] [based, proposed, random, algorithm, number, problem, search, neighborhood, cost, order, simple] [high, dataset, recall, inductive, local, scale, size, precision, embeddings, framework, performance, pattern] [time, perform] [figure, map, function, image, smoothness] [set, training, structure, generate]
Fast Convolutional Sparse Coding
Hilton Bristow, Anders Eriksson, Simon Lucey
Keywords: ADMM, sparse coding, fourier, convolution, deep learning
Hilton Bristow, Anders Eriksson, Simon Lucey
Keywords: ADMM, sparse coding, fourier, convolution, deep learning

[sparse, method, coding, convolutional, zeiler, learning, linear, min, arg, signal, applied, matrix, strategy, original, vector, learned, fft, conjugate, reordering, product, domain, olshausen, traditional] [convolution, subproblem, solution, equation, lagrange, solving, basis, augmented, subproblems, solve, paper, unconstrained, invariant, estimate, vision] [objective, number, convergence, boundary, algorithm, proposed, optimal, penalty, variable, fast, problem, discrete, equality, multiplier, optimization, quadratic, auxiliary, cost, order, region, trust] [spatial, approach, well, visual, feature, local] [complex, perform, presented, introduction, explicitly] [fourier, figure, input, natural, image, gradient, support, transform, single, isotropic] [set, subject, training, independent, alternating, full, component]
Long-Term Occupancy Analysis Using Graph-Based Optimisation in Thermal Imagery
Rikke Gade, Anders Jrgensen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Rikke Gade, Anders Jrgensen, Thomas B. Moeslund

[method, low, test, data, tested, calculate, weighting, weighted, compared, better] [system, error, computer, conference, camera, international, vision, robust, shape, imaging, point, optimisation, calibration, june] [number, based, graph, energy, order, algorithm, probabilistic, simple, three, step, weight] [detection, pedestrian, well, ratio, approach, rectangle, true, false, detector] [people, thermal, infrared, analysis, tracking, occupancy, detected, radiation, border, stable, intelligent, temperature, described, person, video, period, total, transition, frame, activity, court, absorbed, histogram, counting, automatic, blob] [image, change, figure, pixel, visible, sensor, captured] [height, work, split, probability, white, full, type, example, scene, human, standing]
Discriminatively Trained And-Or Tree Models for Object Detection
Xi Song, Tianfu Wu, Yunde Jia, Song-Chun Zhu
Keywords: And-Or Graph, Part-based Representation, Object Detection, Latent Structural SVM
Xi Song, Tianfu Wu, Yunde Jia, Song-Chun Zhu
Keywords: And-Or Graph, Part-based Representation, Object Detection, Latent Structural SVM

[learning, method, better, similarity, space, clustering, table, svm, learn, data, learned, linear] [error, deformation, illustration, initial] [number, optimal, globally, denote, directed, algorithm, search, based, proposed, three, node, propagation] [object, detection, performance, positive, deformable, bounding, aspect, size, dpm, discriminatively, hog, weakly, box, root, overlap, benchmark, integrating, feature, unsupervised] [] [image, figure, corresponding] [latent, aog, appearance, pascal, model, set, aot, parse, tree, structural, trained, child, grid, work, training, type, consists, poselet, acyclic, example, annotated, account, terminal, explore, subcategory, train, yti, create]
Improving Image Matting Using Comprehensive Sampling Sets
Ehsan Shahrian, Deepu Rajan, Brian Price, Scott Cohen
Keywords: Comprehensive sampling, Image matting
Ehsan Shahrian, Deepu Rajan, Brian Price, Scott Cohen
Keywords: Comprehensive sampling, Image matting

[method, sample, weighted, original, distance, large, process, considering, comparison] [unknown, robust, estimate, computer, conference, vision, close, respect] [foreground, background, region, proposed, based, problem, global, boundary, pair, objective, three, form, second, current, truth, cost, term, number, closed, hard] [color, matting, sampling, true, alpha, shared, texture, candidate, best, comprehensive, pattern, spatial, matte, performance, benchmark, trimap, doll, dataset, overlapping, collected, overlapped, overlap, highly, selection, black, trimaps, approach, well, compositing, visual] [recognition, observed, represent, evaluation, inside] [pixel, image, estimated, function, missing, zoomed, row, ground, range, figure] [set, generated, distribution, selected, correlation]
A Principled Deep Random Field Model for Image Segmentation
Pushmeet Kohli, Anton Osokin, Stefanie Jegelka
Pushmeet Kohli, Anton Osokin, Stefanie Jegelka

[binary, standard, min, minimizing, linear, hamming, distance, equivalent] [solution, case, approximation, polynomial, transformation, power] [energy, pairwise, cut, algorithm, cooperative, graph, segmentation, number, exact, edge, order, random, proposed, label, form, coupling, inference, auxiliary, global, approximate, penalty, higher, problem, labeling, submodular, truth, envelope, interactive, minimization, variable, markov, mrf, boundary, field, bias, illustrated, zij, optimal, complexity, weight, fptas, quantitative] [deep, approach, well] [multiple, dynamic, time] [image, function, map, figure, minimum, ground, pixel, concave, apply, additional] [model, potential, set, lower, class, efficient, hierarchical, type, structure]
Joint Spectral Correspondence for Disparate Image Matching
Mayank Bansal, Kostas Daniilidis
Keywords: Eigen, Spectral, image graph, features, matching
Mayank Bansal, Kostas Daniilidis
Keywords: Eigen, Spectral, image graph, features, matching

[spectral, matrix, comparison, better, large, method] [computed, compute, correspondence, directly, consider, paper, spectrum, laplacian, homography] [graph, pair, region, second, based, contour, global, segmentation, term, number, column, algorithm] [sift, matching, local, approach, persistent, feature, descriptor, mser, jspec, repeatability, match, detector, dataset, spatial, disparate, propose, well, criterion, performance, detect, challenging, keypoint, overlap] [detected, stable, individual, represent, extracted, analysis] [image, corresponding, figure, ellipse, row, illumination, support, focus, intensity, difference, pixel, gradient] [joint, set, appearance, top, associated, scene, level, correspond]
Measuring Crowd Collectiveness
Bolei Zhou, Xiaoou Tang, Xiaogang Wang
Keywords: Collective Motion, Crowd Behavior, Video Analysis
Bolei Zhou, Xiaoou Tang, Xiaogang Wang
Keywords: Collective Motion, Crowd Behavior, Video Analysis

[similarity, low, randomly, matrix, large, better, universal, manifold, robustness, existing] [path, system, measurement, accurately, computed, compute] [proposed, consistency, sdp, number, neighborhood, three, algorithm, random, based, merging, bound, measure, topological, graph] [high, descriptor, average, pedestrian, detection, well, perception, indicate, evaluate, detecting, best, detect, roc, spatial] [collective, collectiveness, crowd, motion, individual, frame, bacteria, behavior, bacterial, constituent, velocity, colony, video, detected, crowded, moving, analysis, measuring, transition, tracking, medium, histogram, dynamic] [property, figure, representative, regularization, phase, function] [human, correlation, upper, animal, generating]
Analytic Bilinear Appearance Subspace Construction for Modeling Image Irradiance under Natural Illumination and Non-Lambertian Reflectance
Shireen Y. Elhabian, Aly A. Farag
Keywords: image irradiance equation, analytic subspaces, (hemi)spherical harmonics, illumination modeling
Shireen Y. Elhabian, Aly A. Farag
Keywords: image irradiance equation, analytic subspaces, (hemi)spherical harmonics, illumination modeling

[subspace, bilinear, linear, analytic, representation, pca, compared, dimensionality, matrix, space, vector, process, principal, variation, testing, sample, snr, represented, denotes, low, robustness, large, weighting] [basis, projection, case, error, computer, harmonic, vision, spherical, geometry, numerical, real, solution, percentage, helmholtz, maintained, conference, nillius, minimal, deterministic, decomposition, counterpart, render] [construction, based, order, proposed, number, problem, advantage] [average, framework, approach, ratio, eigen, establishing] [analysis, capture, ensemble, bidirectional] [image, illumination, irradiance, surface, reconstruction, function, hemispherical, brdf, natural, prior, visible, figure, map, lighting, material, content, isotropic] [appearance, set, relation, full, model, pose, machine]
Learning to Estimate and Remove Non-uniform Image Blur
Florent Couzini-Devy, Jian Sun, Karteek Alahari, Jean Ponce
Keywords: Non-uniform deblurring, Segmentation, Motion blur, Defocus blur
Florent Couzini-Devy, Jian Sun, Karteek Alahari, Jean Ponce
Keywords: Non-uniform deblurring, Segmentation, Motion blur, Defocus blur

[kernel, learned, method, binary, table, linear, better, learning, vector, sample, good, dictionary, sparse, data, minimizing, comparable] [synthetic, estimation, estimate, camera, real, equation, robust, estimating] [global, problem, energy, segmentation, term, proposed, algorithm, based, quantitative, integer, minimization, horse, three] [local, approach, framework, compare, dataset, feature, object, score] [motion, multiple, evaluation] [blur, image, deblurring, sharp, blurry, figure, corresponding, horizontal, uniform, blind, natural, defocus, function, gaussian, deconvolution, estimated, regularization, pixel, smoothness, psnr, deblurred, blurred, acm, minimum, gradient, note, handle, result] [set, unary, prediction, model, probability]
Crossing the Line: Crowd Counting by Integer Programming with Local Features
Zheng Ma, Antoni B. Chan
Keywords: crowd counting, integer programming, local feature, regression
Zheng Ma, Antoni B. Chan
Keywords: crowd counting, integer programming, local feature, regression

[large, method, applied, better, table, bayesian] [perspective, error, area, length, camera, estimate, accurate] [number, edge, integer, segment, global, programming, proposed, based, segmentation, algorithm, width, current, weight, passing] [local, hog, feature, normalization, texture, descriptor, pedestrian, approach, dataset, window, propose, framework, sliding, average, challenging, sampling] [temporal, counting, people, crowd, instantaneous, count, video, roi, loi, frxqw, iudph, wuxwk, qxpehu, jurxqg, shghvwuldq, suhglfwlrq, lhi, ucsd, extracted, moving, crossing, person, blob, time, velocity, frame, motion, experimental, interest, mosaicking] [slice, image, figure, recovered, estimated, recover, corresponding] [cumulative, regression, set, example, predicted, model]
Image Matting with Local and Nonlocal Smooth Priors
Xiaowu Chen, Dongqing Zou, Steven Zhiying Zhou, Qinping Zhao, Ping Tan
Keywords: Image matting, local and nonlocal smooth priors
Xiaowu Chen, Dongqing Zou, Steven Zhiying Zhou, Qinping Zhao, Ping Tan
Keywords: Image matting, local and nonlocal smooth priors

[method, data, manifold, large, nearest, good, linear, combination, rank, lle, svr, space, applied, spectral] [laplacian, preserving, unknown, small, constraint, robust, solution, error, virtual, equation, computer, estimation, accurate, required] [foreground, term, global, propagation, background, graph, random, based, algorithm, connected, simple, three, fast, solved, second, connectivity, include, consistently, wij, derived] [matting, alpha, color, sampling, local, window, matte, shared, benchmark, feature, size, wim, high, rgbxy, performance, trimap, well, spatial, compare] [represent, evaluation, automatic, capture, combine] [smooth, nonlocal, image, pixel, figure, prior, editing, generates, user, gradient, walk, row, natural] [model, set, work, improved, combined, example]
Representing and Discovering Adversarial Team Behaviors Using Player Roles
Patrick Lucey, Alina Bialkowski, Peter Carr, Stuart Morgan, Iain Matthews, Yaser Sheikh
Keywords: Video Analysis
Patrick Lucey, Alina Bialkowski, Peter Carr, Stuart Morgan, Iain Matthews, Yaser Sheikh
Keywords: Video Analysis

[data, representation, matrix, bilinear, table, test, method, learn, raw, vector, linear, signal, compact, norm, codebook, combination, distance, learning] [basis, shape, estimate, vision, error, computer, mapping, initial, showing] [number, based, labelled, assigned, second] [spatial, well, precision, detector, detection, recall, high, approach, location, rate, false, best] [player, team, role, formation, identity, analysis, spatiotemporal, temporal, assignment, trajectory, time, group, game, adversarial, motion, play, activity, represent, dynamic, behavior, ordering, compressibility, video, event, hungarian, exploit, assigning] [figure, noisy, denoised, reconstruction, clean, acm] [model, structure, manually, work, training, set, left, understanding]
Intrinsic Scene Properties from a Single RGB-D Image
Jonathan T. Barron, Jitendra Malik
Jonathan T. Barron, Jitendra Malik

[raw, embedding, data, eigenvectors, better, construct, eigenvector, matrix, performs] [shape, error, laplacian, initialize, synthetic, plane, computer, visualized, vision] [normalized, produce, contour, problem, segmentation, random, segmented, global, term, optimization] [dataset, well, true, performance] [] [depth, image, mixture, illumination, map, kinect, shading, sirfs, input, intrinsic, single, figure, surface, produced, prior, rgb, corresponding, nyu, pixel, natural, normal, noisy, sensor, recovering, noise, light, supplementary, retinex, inpainted, err, address, complete, smooth, rendering, additional, varying, ablation, barron, occluding, recovered, inferring, addition, parametrized] [model, scene, output, set, component, expected, training]
A Practical Rank-Constrained Eight-Point Algorithm for Fundamental Matrix Estimation
Yinqiang Zheng, Shigeki Sugimoto, Masatoshi Okutomi
Yinqiang Zheng, Shigeki Sugimoto, Masatoshi Okutomi

[matrix, eigenvalue, method, min, experiment, data, rank, linear, minimize] [fundamental, polynomial, hyperren, constraint, avoid, error, solve, estimation, system, solution, epipolar, solving, numerical, generalized, real, camera, estimate, constrained, factorization, respect, sampson, subproblem, algebraic, condition, possibility, epipole, basis, convex, minimal, rescale, solver, subproblems, monomials, geometry, directly, reprojection, smallest, point, numerically] [algorithm, problem, number, proposed, pair, optimization, based, optimal, relaxation, three, optimality, order, iterative, column, globally, normalized, objective, global, minimization, computational, denote] [maximum, evaluate] [] [image, rmse, noise, corresponding, technique, correction, note] [clm, accuracy, work, posterior]
Discovering the Structure of a Planar Mirror System from Multiple Observations of a Single Point
Ilya Reshetouski, Alkhazur Manakov, Ayush Bandhari, Ramesh Raskar, Hans-Peter Seidel, Ivo Ihrke
Keywords: mirrors, time-of-flight, geometry reconstruction, analysis
Ilya Reshetouski, Alkhazur Manakov, Ayush Bandhari, Ramesh Raskar, Hans-Peter Seidel, Ivo Ihrke
Keywords: mirrors, time-of-flight, geometry reconstruction, analysis

[base, distance, method, data] [mirror, point, geometry, receiver, doublet, configuration, case, position, system, triplet, virtual, consider, chamber, convex, respect, common, maa, solution, unknown, ray, general, condition, direct, exhaustive, recovery, sufficient, real, reconstructed, measurement, operation, computer, simulation, equivalence, camera, imaging, joining, planar, shape, apparent, derive, determine, vision, mirroring, reconstructable] [number, algorithm, search, graph, problem, connected, based, order, current] [candidate, object, randomized, false, well] [observed, sequence, observation, inside, multiple] [reflection, single, specular, reconstruction, figure, limited, ground, result] [room, potential, scene, compatibility, work, structure, consists, component, conjunction]
Robust Discriminative Response Map Fitting with Constrained Local Models
Akshay Asthana, Stefanos Zafeiriou, Shiyang Cheng, Maja Pantic
Keywords: Constrained Local Models, Generic Face Alignment, Non-Rigid Registration
Akshay Asthana, Stefanos Zafeiriou, Shiyang Cheng, Maja Pantic
Keywords: Constrained Local Models, Generic Face Alignment, Non-Rigid Registration

[method, face, discriminative, update, database, test, experiment, represented, sample, wild, matlab, outperforms, dictionary, learning, uncontrolled, vector, conduct, learn, arg] [shape, projection, small, perturbed, constrained, point, case] [based, proposed, second, problem, current, iteration, optimization, number, simple] [response, performance, procedure, feature, generic, texture, hog, local, framework, sampled, challenging, weak] [performed, main, perform] [image, patch, map, figure, illumination, function, handle, natural] [model, set, training, drmf, holistic, facial, parameter, lfpw, regression, generate, clm, landmark, rlms, trained, fitting, converged, unseen, clms, joint, task, probability, trep, aam, pose, goal, max]
Efficient Computation of Shortest Path-Concavity for 3D Meshes
Henrik Zimmer, Marcel Campen, Leif Kobbelt
Henrik Zimmer, Marcel Campen, Leif Kobbelt

[retrieval, distance, canonical, table, space, method, data, weighted, face, comparison, compared, original] [convex, shape, shortest, mesh, spcd, cdt, spc, convexity, outer, concavity, mcgill, marching, computed, compute, approximation, point, path, constrained, straight, constraining, lian, small, tetrahedralization, accurate, delaunay, needed, ocm, decomposition, vertex, lien] [measure, fast, algorithm, simple, proper, approximate, global, computation, based, proposed, number, order] [descriptor, computing, local, approach, benchmark, compare, performance, well, object, propose, context, coarse, offset, box, ratio] [time, confusion, volume] [hull, figure, input, free, surface] [set, articulated, accuracy, tessellation, distribution]
Towards Contactless, Low-Cost and Accurate 3D Fingerprint Identification
Ajay Kumar, Cyril Kwong
Keywords: 3D Fingerprint Identification, Biometrics, Photometric Stereo, 3D Fingerprint Reconstruction, Contactless Fingerprint Recognition
Ajay Kumar, Cyril Kwong
Keywords: 3D Fingerprint Identification, Biometrics, Photometric Stereo, 3D Fingerprint Reconstruction, Contactless Fingerprint Recognition

[representation, vector, database, data, code, simultaneously, distance, combination, matrix, comparative, space] [fingerprint, finger, reconstructed, acquired, curvature, identification, contactless, template, employed, shape, paper, vertex, principle, camera, imaging, system, illustrate, computed, position, accurate, illustrates, equation, aligned, explored, angle, attributed, point] [algorithm, include, contrast, based, conventional] [matching, performance, score, approach, feature, matched, match, high, considered] [experimental, observed, presented, multiple, developed, recognition, kong] [surface, figure, quality, normal, reference, recovered, image, ridge, shading, gradient, acquisition, reconstruction, direction, transformed, valley, single, poisson, light] [unit, relative, height, generated, generate, generating]
In Defense of 3D-Label Stereo
Carl Olsson, Johannes Uln, Yuri Boykov
Carl Olsson, Johannes Uln, Yuri Boykov

[data, fusion, table, min, cross, space, running, locally] [plane, computer, computed, general, planar, ray, vision, point, camera, paper, constant, piecewise, compute, consider, small, parallel, ncc] [order, term, submodular, pairwise, neighboring, second, optimization, higher, proposal, energy, label, cost, middlebury, move, regular, penalty, add] [pattern, approach, unlabelled, local] [interaction, assign, epq] [vpq, disparity, tangent, depth, function, smoothness, stereo, surface, regularization, derivative, globalstereo, map, viewing, figure, pixel, image, smooth, woodford, segpln, disc, estimated, version, occ, note, result, penalize, corresponding] [generate, unary, triple, scalar, set]
Relative Volume Constraints for Single View 3D Reconstruction
Eno Tppe, Claudia Nieuwenhuis, Daniel Cremers
Keywords: single view, 3D reconstruction, shading, depth profile, volume
Eno Tppe, Claudia Nieuwenhuis, Daniel Cremers
Keywords: single view, 3D reconstruction, shading, depth profile, volume

[cross, original, linear] [shape, constraint, computer, estimate, path, plane, impose, minimal, computed, allow, shortest, convex, compute, estimating, variational, vision, point] [based, energy, problem, graph, second, proposed, introduce, region, optimization, step, node, algorithm, increasing, derived, formulate, indicator, closed] [object, ratio, approach, color, propose, texture, indicate, pattern, improve] [volume, automatically, start, sequence, modeling] [reconstruction, depth, figure, image, user, single, shading, normal, input, view, function, estimated, surface, watering, imposed, result, handle, additional, pixel, corresponding, reference, pink, silhouette, dome, direction, toeppe, easily, adding, textured] [relative, drawn, consists, example, set, indicated]
Fusing Depth from Defocus and Stereo with Coded Apertures
Yuichi Takeda, Shinsaku Hiura, Kosuke Sato
Yuichi Takeda, Shinsaku Hiura, Kosuke Sato

[distance, method, original, effective, code, experiment, linear, compared] [camera, lens, imaging, plane, circle, point, determined, estimation, measurement, length, shape, parallel, epipolar, paper, error, axis, checkerboard, reconstructed, correspondence, assumed, system, focal, simulation, zhou] [proposed, based, pair, represents] [object, baseline, size, relationship, box, pattern, ratio, performance, texture, spatial] [confusion, optical, focused, described] [depth, disparity, image, aperture, figure, stereo, coded, technique, focus, input, diameter, dfd, binocular, blurring, defocus, blurred, psf, estimated, fourier, horizontal, light, reconstruction, map, red, single, result, extent, corresponding, dappled, blue, wiener, pdi, previous, actual, limited] [left, scene, accuracy]
Supervised Descent Method and Its Applications to Face Alignment
Xuehan Xiong, Fernando De_la_Torre
Keywords: face alignment, supervised descent method, facial feature tracking, non-linear least squares
Xuehan Xiong, Fernando De_la_Torre
Keywords: face alignment, supervised descent method, facial feature tracking, non-linear least squares

[sdm, method, face, linear, newton, descent, learned, discriminative, update, learn, data, supervised, labeled, vector, nonlinear, nls, minimizing, analytic, learns, pca, large, matrix, standard, learning, converges, comparison, test] [error, shape, alignment, computer, estimate, jacobian, vision, case, rms, numerical, robust, initial, illustrates, constrained, observe] [optimization, normalized, step, order, proposed, second, problem] [feature, dataset, detection, average, local, performance, generic, sift, approach, context, computing] [tracking, hessian, motion, sequence, main] [image, function, gradient, figure, previous] [training, regression, facial, model, set, appearance, landmark, lfpw, work, parameter, trained, pose, saragih, example, accuracy]
Tensor-Based Human Body Modeling
Yinpeng Chen, Zicheng Liu, Zhengyou Zhang
Keywords: Human Body Modeling, Tensor Decomposition
Yinpeng Chen, Zicheng Liu, Zhengyou Zhang
Keywords: Human Body Modeling, Tensor Decomposition

[vector, matrix, principal, data, compared, outperforms, distance, cross, dimension, linear] [shape, deformation, tenbo, scape, mesh, error, computer, point, estimation, estimate, triangle, lth, angle, vertex, basis, closest, decomposition, compute, multilinear, reconstructed, estimating, correspondence, rotation, geometry] [global, number, segment, algorithm, based, denote, entire, optimization, cost, cloud, three, problem, solved] [local, sampling, validation, rate] [tensor, multiple, includes, modeling, capture, group, people] [figure, function, microsoft, reference, reconstruction, difference, kinect, image, estimated, change, ground, acm, apply, note] [model, body, pose, human, joint, training, subject, prediction, neutral, train, set, jointly, generate]
Submodular Salient Region Detection
Zhuolin Jiang, Larry S. Davis
Zhuolin Jiang, Larry S. Davis

[matrix, gain, labeled, data, database, low, learning, similarity, better] [harmonic, computed, center, solution, compute, small, adaptive] [saliency, region, salient, facility, cij, superpixels, based, background, problem, contrast, algorithm, graph, submodular, number, node, superpixel, marginal, objective, extraction, optimization, simple, assigned, truth, weight, label, computation, wuu, greedy, construction, marked, slic, wuq, wul, term, submodularity, foreground] [high, detection, location, approach, color, average, recall, visual, spatial, object, feature] [assignment, represent, open, modeled] [figure, prior, map, image, function, input, ground] [set, potential, selected, level, generate]
Improving an Object Detector and Extracting Regions Using Superpixels
Guang Shu, Afshin Dehghan, Mubarak Shah
Guang Shu, Afshin Dehghan, Mubarak Shah

[original, method, learning, labeled, table, cluster, datasets, svm, calculate, large, represented] [initial, camera, computer, vision, center] [superpixels, hard, number, superpixel, segmentation, region, proposed, based, crf, extraction, background, second, label, algorithm] [detection, detector, object, approach, precision, performance, positive, generic, lot, parking, dpm, dataset, bounding, improve, color, recall, average, negative, hog, variant, challenging, false, online, pnnl, visual, town, detecting, threshold, coarse, tracker] [video, tracking, extract, moving, static, motion, individual] [figure, row, map, image, consistent, red] [appearance, model, set, output, training, work, example, class, amount, scene, knowledge, lower, conditional]
Beyond Physical Connections: Tree Models in Human Pose Estimation
Fang Wang, Yi Li
Keywords: human pose estimation, graphical model, object recognition
Fang Wang, Yi Li
Keywords: human pose estimation, graphical model, object recognition

[method, learning, experiment, large, learn, space, learned, effectively, cross, testing, outperforms, distance, arg, table, setting] [estimation, computer, vision, conference, directly] [term, simple, graphical, inference, proposed, approximate, exact, based, pairwise, three, higher] [dataset, visual, detection, hog, performance, deformable, voc, dog, pattern, well, subset, art] [state, total, suggests, evaluation, sport, modeling, observed, head] [single, image, figure, physical] [tree, combined, latent, pose, model, human, lsp, training, body, appearance, joint, left, category, lower, articulated, yang, set, upper, structure, ramanan, build, accuracy, clgrouping, distribution, animal, johnson, parse, leeds, pascal, tian, arm, grouping]
Spectral Modeling and Relighting of Reflective-Fluorescent Scenes
Antony Lam, Imari Sato
Keywords: relighting, fluorescence, hyperspectral imaging
Antony Lam, Imari Sato
Keywords: relighting, fluorescence, hyperspectral imaging

[spectral, sparse, method, chart, linear, matrix, considering, source, process, combination, table, vector] [emission, wavelength, relighting, excitation, imaging, basis, spectrum, illuminant, condition, case, accurate, wideband, observe, camera, accurately, kex, point, narrowband, fluorescence, consider, estimating, force, expressed, boswell, compute, recovery, relighted, kem, sparsely, emit, bispectral, josa, real, worst, established, stokes] [number, truth, based, three, proposed, entire] [color, well, despite, procedure, dataset] [capture, observed, modeling, described, overcome] [light, illumination, illuminated, ground, surface, blue, figure, rgb, captured, image, red, brute, capturing, scaled, varying] [scene, full, model, component, appearance]
Expanded Parts Model for Human Attribute and Action Recognition in Still Images
Gaurav Sharma, Frdric Jurie, Cordelia Schmid
Keywords: human analysis, part-based, discriminative, margin maximization, expanded parts, attributes, human
Gaurav Sharma, Frdric Jurie, Cordelia Schmid
Keywords: human analysis, part-based, discriminative, margin maximization, expanded parts, attributes, human

[discriminative, method, learning, learnt, database, large, bof, learn, representation, loss, norm, data, better, good, linear, test, vector] [estimation, template] [based, number, proposed, three, algorithm, current, optimization] [object, baseline, performance, context, spatial, feature, propose, score, high, positive, collection, approach, detection, best, sampling, well, sift, dataset, validation, bounding] [action, recognition, recognizing, partially] [image, function, map, corresponding, figure, patch, row, qualitative, stochastic] [human, model, training, scoring, pose, class, full, work, spm, appearance, train, willow, stanford, set, expanded, attribute, explain, associated, component, trained, distribution, latent, example]
Computationally Efficient Regression on a Dependency Graph for Human Pose Estimation
Kota Hara, Rama Chellappa
Keywords: Regression, Human Pose Estimation
Kota Hara, Rama Chellappa
Keywords: Regression, Human Pose Estimation

[weighted, testing, table, method, existing, learning, datasets, kernel, setting, vector, sample, applied] [estimation, computed, squared, error, estimate, center] [graph, algorithm, node, second, number, computation, proposed, representing, based] [detection, dataset, boosted, transductive, root, performance, window, boosting, local, size] [time, total, target, head, updated, complex] [image, function, single, estimated, patch, input, gradient, note, reference] [pose, training, regression, human, pcp, body, buffy, set, pascal, output, dependency, regressor, pictorial, multidimensional, stickmen, structure, tree, model, tool, upper, trained, rodg, lower, task, torso, efficient, eichner, parameter, designed, child]
Label Propagation from ImageNet to 3D Point Clouds
Yan Wang, Rongrong Ji, Shih-Fu Chang
Yan Wang, Rongrong Ji, Shih-Fu Chang

[data, svm, imagenet, nearest, existing, large, labeled, transfer, table, datasets, svms, linear, distance, arg, method, effective] [point, robust, equation, computer, easy, lack, solution] [labeling, superpixel, label, cloud, based, superpixels, search, propagation, graphical, esvm, hard, cornell, problem, reranking, truth, segmentation, term, algorithm] [object, approach, feature, contextual, pool, negative, knn, visual, detection, performance, context, dataset, false, average, collect, spatial, design] [massive, target] [reference, figure, image, function, ground, address, note, external] [training, exemplar, semantic, scene, naive, potential, work, accuracy, set, geometric, prediction, trained, model, log, structured, train, understanding]
A Fast Semidefinite Approach to Solving Binary Quadratic Problems
Peng Wang, Chunhua Shen, Anton van_den_Hengel
Peng Wang, Chunhua Shen, Anton van_den_Hengel

[spectral, method, matrix, min, binary, source, data, vector, rank, better, ncut, linear, standard, clustering, table, formulated, matlab, discriminative, denotes, applied, eigenvectors] [solution, solving, constraint, computer, smaller, general, point, application, small, vision, solve, convex, registration] [sdp, sdcut, problem, dual, formulation, objective, sedumi, faster, graph, bound, lowrank, based, quadratic, number, segmentation, conventional, relaxation, optimization, optimal, primal, complexity, random, edge, inequality, bncut, bqps, variable, solved, equality, superpixels, ratiocut, normalized, obj, convergence] [pattern, partial, achieves, approach, compare, size, score] [target, multiple, time] [image, quality, function, figure, calculated] [set, lower]
Nonparametric Scene Parsing with Adaptive Feature Relevance and Semantic Context
Gautam Singh, Jana Kosecka
Keywords: scene understanding, semantic segmentation, feature relevance
Gautam Singh, Jana Kosecka
Keywords: scene understanding, semantic segmentation, feature relevance

[retrieval, query, distance, method, neighbourhood, weighted, test, nearest, learning, large, table, metric, locally, datasets, choice, dij] [compute, computed, adaptive, small] [label, superpixels, superpixel, global, segmentation, computation, number, weight, based, inference, three, approximate, labelled, order, proposed, background, problem, graph, include, entire] [feature, descriptor, approach, context, performance, spatial, dataset, color, object, local, nik, location, sift, contextual, eccv, improvement, computing, hog] [individual, likelihood, siftflow] [image, street, view, pyramid, ground] [semantic, set, labelling, training, nonparametric, class, accuracy, appearance, relevance, parsing, scene, grid, work, level, split, hierarchical, building]
Optimal Geometric Fitting under the Truncated L2-Norm
Erik Ask, Olof Enqvist, Fredrik Kahl
Keywords: Optimization, Registration, Stitching, Truncated Norms
Erik Ask, Olof Enqvist, Fredrik Kahl
Keywords: Optimization, Registration, Stitching, Truncated Norms

[loss, standard, method, compared, running, large, matlab] [truncated, registration, ransac, inlier, solution, residual, computer, inliers, point, polynomial, outlier, consider, rotation, stitching, compute, case, exists, robust, theorem, assume, solving, tissue, solve, constraint, condition, estimate, vision, estimation, error, minimal, practical, equation] [problem, number, optimal, algorithm, bound, fast, complexity, three, produce, minimizer, order, inequality, based, quadratic, global, cost] [size, approach, rejection, improvement, pattern, threshold, local] [multiple, time, total] [figure, image, function, note, result, noise, prostate, difference] [set, model, active, example, work, instance, unit, max]
Visual Place Recognition with Repetitive Structures
Akihiko Torii, Josef Sivic, Tom Pajdla, Masatoshi Okutomi
Keywords: repetitive pattern detection, place recognition, image retrieval
Akihiko Torii, Josef Sivic, Tom Pajdla, Masatoshi Okutomi
Keywords: repetitive pattern detection, place recognition, image retrieval

[repeated, query, word, database, repetitive, retrieval, method, representation, standard, wid, weighting, scalable, nearest, burstiness, vocabulary, large, pittsburgh, quantization, jegou, vector, indexing, san, francisco, kmax, compared, product, element, better] [adaptive, invariant, perspective, equation] [number, proposed, weight, connected, based, simple, graph] [visual, matching, feature, local, spatial, descriptor, detecting, recall, performance, object, correctly, built, best, detect, contribution, baseline, sift, localized, inria] [recognition, detected, multiple, automatic, represent] [image, place, note, figure, natural, frequency, gps, street] [top, building, geometric, model, describe, work, text, provide]
Pixel-Level Hand Detection in Ego-centric Videos
Cheng Li, Kris M. Kitani
Keywords: First-person Vision, hand detection
Cheng Li, Kris M. Kitani
Keywords: First-person Vision, hand detection

[sparse, large, increase, space, labeled, better, discriminative, table, dimensional, experiment, learned] [camera, small, robust, visualization, encode] [global, background, proposed, number, based, contrast, three, random, foreground, region] [feature, color, local, performance, approach, detection, dataset, selection, texture, evaluate, descriptor, lab, baseline, detecting, detect, sift] [hand, modeling, video, skin, motion, tracking, analysis, hsv, stabilization, gabor, gtea, egocentric, expect, histogram, observed, recognition] [illumination, image, pixel, figure, single, gradient, patch, range, wide, previous, address, change] [appearance, model, work, scene, training, distribution, selected, understanding, task, set, regressor]
Handling Noise in Single Image Deblurring Using Directional Filters
Lin Zhong, Sunghyun Cho, Dimitris Metaxas, Sylvain Paris, Jue Wang
Lin Zhong, Sunghyun Cho, Dimitris Metaxas, Sylvain Paris, Jue Wang

[kernel, method, existing, process, data, reduce, better, linear, standard, applied, comparison, test, original] [estimate, estimation, synthetic, accurate, projection, orthogonal, camera, robust, reduces, real] [step, algorithm, based, energy, reduction, proposed, problem] [approach, negative, sensitive] [series, impact] [image, noise, blur, input, denoising, tai, directional, radon, deconvolution, estimated, cho, noisy, lin, blurry, transform, apply, deblurring, direction, applying, previous, blind, single, figure, levin, lee, sharp, gaussian, inverse, nonblind, goldstein, psnr, additional, ground, corresponding, psf, fattal, bilateral, applies, ringing] [latent, level, work, set, generate, provided, generated]
SCALPEL: Segmentation Cascades with Localized Priors and Efficient Learning
David Weiss, Ben Taskar
David Weiss, Ben Taskar

[learning, method, large, learn, roughly, test, svm, vector, process, cluster] [shape, computed, small, accurate, compute] [segmentation, superpixels, region, inference, greedy, superpixel, weight, based, segment, order, covering, algorithm, number, seed, boundary, proposal, choose] [object, cascade, mask, bounding, selection, scalpel, scale, localized, soft, box, cascaded, recall, feature, average, color, approach, cpmc, overlap, candidate, size, score, procedure, greedily, stage, pool, best, incorporate, texture, detection, stopping, well] [total, early] [prior, image, figure, single, note, input, exterior, change] [set, class, model, training, selected, generate, pascal, sharing]
Multi-task Sparse Learning with Beta Process Prior for Action Recognition
Chunfeng Yuan, Weiming Hu, Guodong Tian, Shuang Yang, Haoran Wang
Chunfeng Yuan, Weiming Hu, Guodong Tian, Shuang Yang, Haoran Wang

[sparse, dictionary, learning, representation, method, sparsity, sample, combination, beta, process, test, table, vector, svm, learned, data, bayesian, comparison, compared, follow, matrix, norm, discriminative, listed] [error, residual, common, initial, expressed] [proposed, based, number, formulation, density, inference] [feature, local, sampling, visual, performance, approach, sift, shared, descriptor, average, improve, propose] [action, recognition, video, ucf, kth, histogram, mtsl, multiple, individual, represent, symbolized, performed, interest, employ, swinging, total] [single, prior, image, function, reconstruction, figure, gamma] [task, model, human, training, posterior, associated, class, level, joint, geometric, distribution, set, jth, combined, gibbs, jointly]
Active Contours with Group Similarity
Xiaowei Zhou, Xiaojie Huang, James S. Duncan, Weichuan Yu
Keywords: active contours, low-rank, segmentation
Xiaowei Zhou, Xiaojie Huang, James S. Duncan, Weichuan Yu
Keywords: active contours, low-rank, segmentation

[similarity, method, rank, matrix, data, nuclear, norm, distance, vector, min, table, applied, large, space, standard, proximal, existing, better, principal] [shape, constraint, computer, vision, curve, singular, conference, solve, misleading, mad, point, international, acquired, robust] [contour, segmentation, proposed, algorithm, ultrasound, based, dice, number, problem, energy, ventricle, region, medical, statistical, measure] [pattern, object, local, deformable, propose, rate, performance, improve] [frame, sequence, group, analysis, represent, cardiac, motion, modeling] [image, prior, figure, gradient, journal, missing, row, regularization, result, property, previous] [active, model, set, level, left, machine, selected, top, accuracy, output]
Harry Potter's Marauder's Map: Localizing and Tracking Multiple Persons-of-Interest by Nonnegative Discretization
Shoou-I Yu, Yi Yang, Alexander Hauptmann
Keywords: Multi-Camera Tracking, Multi-Object Tracking, Semi-Supervised Learning
Shoou-I Yu, Yi Yang, Alexander Hauptmann
Keywords: Multi-Camera Tracking, Multi-Object Tracking, Semi-Supervised Learning

[data, face, manifold, learning, method, mutual, vector, matrix, space, min, sparse, large, labeled, nearest, effective, increase, performs] [equation, point, camera, discretization, robust, orthogonal] [algorithm, label, exclusion, optimization, truth, number, objective, problem] [detection, color, object, local, localization, performance, propose, approach, location, framework, tracker, positive, false] [tracking, person, recognition, perform, nonnegative, multiple, complex, surveillance, particle, main, trajectory, people, caremedia, target, histogram, nursing, cpf, reliable, mota, start, video, detected, identity, evaluation] [ground, figure, map, assumption, function] [set, indoor, work, class, prediction, appearance, incorporating]
As-Projective-As-Possible Image Stitching with Moving DLT
Julio Zaragoza, Tat-Jun Chin, Michael S. Brown, David Suter
Keywords: Image Stitching, DLT, Moving Least Squares
Julio Zaragoza, Tat-Jun Chin, Michael S. Brown, David Suter
Keywords: Image Stitching, DLT, Moving Least Squares

[method, data, matrix, source, original, aim, good, reduce, testing] [warp, projective, stitching, differ, dlt, point, apap, homography, sva, ghosting, estimation, camera, alignment, cpw, dhw, rigidity, singular, wsvd, reduces, ransac, extrapolation, rotation, purely, warping, registration, argmin, required, photosynth, deghosting, aligned, preserving, fitted, translation, computer, railtracks, align, autostitch, smoothly, temple, observe] [global, proposed, number, based, fully, simply, problem] [local, keypoint, average, highly, size, baseline] [moving, video] [image, pixel, rmse, note, estimated, figure, varying, acm, interpolate, qualitative] [model, set, account, work, training, scene, novel, grid, refer]
Supervised Kernel Descriptors for Visual Recognition
Peng Wang, Jingdong Wang, Gang Zeng, Weiwei Xu, Hongbin Zha, Shipeng Li
Peng Wang, Jingdong Wang, Gang Zeng, Weiwei Xu, Hongbin Zha, Shipeng Li

[kernel, supervised, learning, kdes, skdes, pooling, large, dictionary, matrix, low, compact, method, discriminative, learn, sparse, dij, coding, ksj, linear, learned, dimensionality, represented, representation, rank, convolutional, codebook, margin, similarity, table, raw, distance, dimensional, neighbor, rda, classification, testing, dimension, loss, regularized, comparison] [convex, shape, constraint, basis] [number, label, objective, region, based, optimization] [feature, local, spatial, performance, object, descriptor, size, average, color, deep, visual, best, sift, design, adopt, eccv, selection, pattern, sampled, match] [recognition, target, multiple, sport, confusion] [image, patch, gradient, regularization, pyramid, figure, orientation, pixel] [accuracy, scene, set, level, training, uiuc, semantic, work]
Light Field Distortion Feature for Transparent Object Recognition
Kazuki Maeno, Hajime Nagahara, Atsushi Shimada, Rin-Ichiro Taniguchi
Keywords: Transparent object, Object recognition, Image feature, Light field
Kazuki Maeno, Hajime Nagahara, Atsushi Shimada, Rin-Ichiro Taniguchi
Keywords: Transparent object, Object recognition, Image feature, Light field

[method, learning, space, standard, vector, setting, source] [lfd, transparent, camera, distortion, position, computer, refraction, point, real, refractive, laboratory, lfds, shape, vision, correspondence, array, schlieren, center, front, ray, photography, conference, practical, requires] [background, proposed, field, based, three] [object, feature, ratio, visual, local, approach, pattern, evaluated, sift, color, decreased] [recognition, performed, extracted, tracking, changed, target, group, optical, multiple, describes, analysis] [light, figure, image, corresponding, caused, lighting, phase, reference, surface, input, direction, single, illumination, captured, apply, difference] [scene, accuracy, appearance, model, pose, training, set]
A Statistical Model for Recreational Trails in Aerial Images
Andrew Predoehl, Scott Morris, Kobus Barnard
Keywords: statistical model, superpixels, GIS, shortest path
Andrew Predoehl, Scott Morris, Kobus Barnard
Keywords: statistical model, superpixels, GIS, shortest path

[data, learned, method, distance, learn, product, good, reduce] [path, shortest, axial, error, common, vertex] [trail, superpixel, inference, graph, superpixels, statistical, route, groundtruth, texton, fam, problem, label, segmentation, random, von, edge, proposer, based, algorithm, hausdorff, polygonal, search, textons, morris, factor, proposal, barnard, represents, number, three, extraction, road, denote, queue, order, energy] [rate, success, approach, relationship, ratio, feature, pattern, texture, sampling, size] [likelihood, short, priority, indicates] [image, pixel, prior, direction, figure, stochastic, directional] [model, distribution, probability, posterior, work, generate, tree, set, conditioned, independent, aerial, example, independence, tend, training]
Sensing and Recognizing Surface Textures Using a GelSight Sensor
Rui Li, Edward H. Adelson
Keywords: tactile sensing, texture recognition, local binary pattern
Rui Li, Edward H. Adelson
Keywords: tactile sensing, texture recognition, local binary pattern

[classification, binary, testing, original, table, distance, database, compared, test, similarity, large, larger, nearest, vector, euclidean, reduced] [invariant, rotation, operator, vision, computer, radius, center, piece, small, displayed, system, circle, illuminant] [number, based, algorithm, statistical, neighborhood, simple] [texture, gelsight, lbp, mlbp, gray, local, pattern, rate, tactile, feature, microstructures, hellinger, macrostructures, high, outex, size, performance, ojala, spatial, correct, gel, consideration, sandpaper, best, membrane] [histogram, recognition, find, sensing, capture, analysis] [surface, image, sensor, pyramid, map, figure, pixel, circular, brightness] [height, training, level, class, human]
Visual Tracking via Locality Sensitive Histograms
Shengfeng He, Qingxiong Yang, Rynson W.H. Lau, Jiang Wang, Ming-Hsuan Yang
Keywords: Visual tracking, Locality sensitive histograms, illumination invariant features
Shengfeng He, Qingxiong Yang, Rynson W.H. Lau, Jiang Wang, Ming-Hsuan Yang
Keywords: Visual tracking, Locality sensitive histograms, illumination invariant features

[method, large, distance, linear, table] [computed, robust, template, invariant, center, respect] [proposed, number, algorithm, region, based, computational, denote, current, search, complexity, second, background, conventional] [object, sensitive, locality, tracker, visual, local, location, integral, feature, average, tld, well, matching, best, success, occlusion, challenging, considered, occluded, struck, normalization, bin, baby, numerous, window, performance, contribution, candidate, scale] [tracking, target, histogram, time, multiple, sequence, represent, presented, perform, drift, indicates, updated] [illumination, pixel, image, intensity, figure, corresponding, change, including, blue, address] [appearance, account, pose, novel]
SWIGS: A Swift Guided Sampling Method
Victor Fragoso, Matthew Turk
Victor Fragoso, Matthew Turk

[query, method, experiment, similarity, process, data, calculate, good, better] [correspondence, estimation, computer, robust, imaging, estimate, closest, putative, compute, consider, estimating, computed, homography, vision, requires, percentage, computes] [number, correctness, global, search, random, second] [correct, matching, rate, ratio, feature, score, sampling, incorrect, guided, surf, sift, best, pattern, false, tail, dataset, true, performance, threshold, beem, match, descriptor, selection, lowest, high, matcher, ccdf] [] [image, reference, single, produced, figure, prior, minimum] [model, distribution, prediction, predict, predicting, generated, parameter]